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Good Deals: Cheap ammo cans and carabiners


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Surplus European 30 cal ammo cans: 5 pack for $15, anodized aluminum carabiners (keychain quality) 2 for 99 cents. I ordered 1 set of 5 ammo cans and 4 sets of 2 carabiners and shipping was UPS for $7.86 from So. Cal. to No. Cal. We'll see how good their service is as I just ordered this stuff tonight.


This is where I got this stuff.


If anyone else has deals to share, I'd love to see 'em.


I have no affiliation with MajorSuplusNSurvival except as a customer.

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Thanks for the pointer. I read the garage sale description "Upgrading your GPS unit and want to sell it to folks who are just getting started? Post your unit here.", and as I wasn't selling anything myself, I thought the General description of stuff "that doesn't quite fit anywhere else" was best.



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Some of their prices are quite high. $12 for a .50 cal ammo box!!! I can get 3 at cheaperthandirt.com for that money. Cheaperthandirt also sells a 6 pack of the .30 cal for $19.


The deal you point to is decent though, but it also says the European .30 cal cans are more narrow than the US version. I wonder how much more narrow. Anybody out there ever see one?

They don't provide the dimensions.


"You can't make a man by standing a sheep on his hind legs. But by standing a flock of sheep in that position, you can make a crowd of men" - Max Beerbohm

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Originally posted by Lapaglia:

Thanks for the tip.

Next time you might want to post things like this in the GPS Garage Sale forum where they normally go.


Lapaglia icon_cool.gif

Muga Muchu (forget yourself, focus)



Boy, aren't we bossy today. Since gtinseth isn't selling anything and just offering a tip to the masses, I think posting in general forum is reasonable. Unlike the other poster this morning trying to sell his eTrex ventures in every category.



Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.



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