Rocknroll Posted April 30, 2002 Posted April 30, 2002 I know that it takes space and hardware and manpower to run a fun game such as Geocaching. I think it is great and I know it will be around for a long time. I am surprised we don't have to pay a fee now for the space and time, but I thank you for that. My concern is with the members area. I may become a member sometime but I think its kind of a high price right now. I hope it doesn't turn into a hiding place for things that have been put in the public caches like bugs and any of the other items. Quote
BassoonPilot Posted April 30, 2002 Posted April 30, 2002 Well, I suppose one can't miss what one doesn't know about. Quote
BassoonPilot Posted April 30, 2002 Posted April 30, 2002 Well, I suppose one can't miss what one doesn't know about. Quote
+sbell111 Posted April 30, 2002 Posted April 30, 2002 Your concern is valid. I know a number of people have stated this in the past. My feelings are that I am going to play the game as it is now. If it ever changes to a game that isn't fun for me, I'll stop playing. The cost was also a concern to me. I don't mean that it is a huge amount, I just had to rationalize it. Once I did, I had no problems. My advise to you (and anyone) is to play the game for free. If you at a later time want to try the 'member's only' features, pay by the month. If you go monthly, you only have to 'risk' three dollars. If you don't like it, you can go back to playing free. If you do like it, you will be able to rationalize the $30. Have fun! Quote
+Lazyboy & Mitey Mite Posted April 30, 2002 Posted April 30, 2002 We have some members only caches in my area but after a few weeks they are converted to normal caches. I joined only because I felt I needed to support this website. I haven't placed any members only caches but I plan too soon. I also will convert them to open caches. Jeremy has stated over and over that this will always be a play for free game. You can support the game if you like, or continue to enjoy it as it is. No one thinks less of a player that isn't a charter member either. Never Squat With Yer Spurs On Quote
+Lazyboy & Mitey Mite Posted April 30, 2002 Posted April 30, 2002 We have some members only caches in my area but after a few weeks they are converted to normal caches. I joined only because I felt I needed to support this website. I haven't placed any members only caches but I plan too soon. I also will convert them to open caches. Jeremy has stated over and over that this will always be a play for free game. You can support the game if you like, or continue to enjoy it as it is. No one thinks less of a player that isn't a charter member either. Never Squat With Yer Spurs On Quote
+RAD Dad Posted April 30, 2002 Posted April 30, 2002 "My concern is with the members area. I may become a member sometime but I think its kind of a high price right now." Thirty Dollars a YEAR is a HIGH PRICE? That is less than NINE CENTS A DAY! For a service like this? I call it a bargain. Plus you don't even HAVE to pay to play, and frankly, that is the very reason many of us members DO pay, to keep it free to newcomers, as well as free of anoying pop-up ads. Look at how many people visit this site, it's huge! That's a lot of bandwidth, and all these caches, with descriptions, pictures, and so on take up lots of hard drive space, and yet the site has very few ad's, all directly related to the game. So far as things being "hidden" in members only areas...since the site IS open to the public, there is increased sentiment that perhaps that would be a good idea, as so many travel bugs go missing, caches get plundered, and so on by thoughtless pseudo-cachers. But thus far, that really isn't happening, and there are relatively few members only caches. Most members, including myself, like to have thier caches available to everyone. I go to a great lenghts to make my caches fun, putting nice items in them, I spend time, money, and thought on them and I want them to be enjoyed by everyone. But I must admit, when on my second cache it was clearly visited by a psuedo-cacher or two or three...hard to tell, as they don't log in, you can only tell they were there by the fact that things disappear, with nothing put in, and no log made, yet the whole cache is left in tact, and not everything is taken, and it is rehidden. When that happens, it makes one think about doing only members only caches...but then I rethink it, and commit not to let poor sports spoil it for everyone. Put a buck or two aside for each cache you visit, and in no time, you will have the money to become a member. If you enjoy this site, like it being free of anoying pop-up ads, and want to help it stay this great, join up. Do your part. ummmm....not sure what to say ummm, well errrr, uhhhh, well I guess that's it. Quote
+sbell111 Posted April 30, 2002 Posted April 30, 2002 I think it is unfair for any of us to attempt to make a financial decision for anyone else. To me, right now, the member fee is not much. But there have been times in my life that it would have seemed very high (even the $3 monthly fee). I assume that the rates were set at a point that would allow payment of the associated costs without the majority of cachers joining. Join or not join, its your decision. If you can afford the membership fee, and you think the members' only features are worth it (or you just wish to lend your financial support to the sight), you should join. Otherwise play for free for now and re-evaluate at a later date. Quote
BassoonPilot Posted April 30, 2002 Posted April 30, 2002 quote:Originally posted by sbell111: ... Join or not join, its your decision. If you can afford the membership fee, and you think the members' only features are worth it (or you just wish to lend your financial support to the sight), you should join. Otherwise play for free for now and re-evaluate at a later date. I really couldn't care less about the special members' only features; as far as I recall, I've never taken advantage of any of them yet. But I definitely feel the site has warranted my financial support. It's very inexpensive. I spend twice the yearly subscription price just taking the family to one movie . . . don't even ask what a single major league baseball game costs! Quote
+GrnMtn Posted April 30, 2002 Posted April 30, 2002 I think it is unfair for any of us to attempt to make a financial decision for anyone else. To me, right now, the member fee is not much. But there have been times in my life that it would have seemed very high (even the $3 monthly fee). I think this is generally a good philosphy. In this case, I want to add a small, 'yes but...' The very nature of this game involves a $200-$400 GPS and a $500-$???? computer. Hiking is free. If someone is trying to decide between a $3.00 contribution to and eating, maybe its time to sell the gps unit and just go hiking. Also, the entire sport would be almost impossible without this site which is 1) high quality 2) heavily used and therefore increasing expensive. I think the current system is a pretty good compromise. Free, a voluntary system that provides small perks for people who contribute and a contribution scale that starts at $3.00. As I get ready to place my first few caches, I am leaning toward making them member only for the first couple of months, mostly because I want to put something fairly nice into them for the first person to find it. But I would rather not have such a thing plundered. Recently, someone in my area put a new gps unit (!) in for the first finder and it was gone when by the time the first person to log an entry go there. As long as they are opened up after the first few logs, I don't understand the negative tone about members only caches. Thoughts and further education appreciated. Quote
+sbell111 Posted April 30, 2002 Posted April 30, 2002 GrnMtn, I totally agree with you. I became a member in order to support the site, not to take available of the miriad of 'member's only' perqs. I believe that my feelings on this subject are obvious from my posts in this and other threads. However, it is not for me to say how much someone else can afford. I do disagree with you about the 'cost of admission' to geocaching. For example, let's assume that a person is a college student, without a job or parental financial support. They may already own a GPSr or be able to borrow one. They need not own a computer because they are available for use in the library. For this person, geocaching becomes as cheap as transportation to the cache locations. If you then factor in the possibility of living in an area of the US that is cache-intensive, you have a hobby that you can do any time at no cost. I wish I had such a hobby when I was in college. We must realize that it is posible for someone not to be able to rationalize the expense of becoming a member. People speek of the obligation to become a member due to the great benefits offered by the site. I don't mean to minimize this argument in the least. This, after all, is why I became a member. But we must understand that this obligation is a measure of an individual's priorities and desires. Surely, we can't expect a newbie to jump in the deep end. Let them experience caching for a while and then make a decision. Quote
+Iron Chef Posted April 30, 2002 Posted April 30, 2002 quote:Originally posted by sbell111: I think it is unfair for any of us to attempt to make a financial decision for anyone else. To me, right now, the member fee is not much. But there have been times in my life that it would have seemed very high (even the $3 monthly fee). As a general rule, I would think that anyone who can afford a GPSR and a car with fuel to go geocaching in should be able to displace 3 dollars a month if they choose to do so. If someone is living on a margin on which 3 dollars is too much to spend on something that they may use a lot, then they probably won't be out geocaching every weekend. It's all a personal perspective and very subjective. It's not an attempt to make a financial decision for someone else and no one (at least in any sort of official capacity) has made such a statement at any time. And for that very reason the membership is optional. I personally try not to be a freeloader whenever possible even though my own budget doesn't allow for it. I know that I've probably already used 30 bucks worth of bandwidth and such in the past year, but then again I'm very active. For other people this may not be the case. It's kinda sad how you can't even tell that this topic of "to be a member or not" ever looked like a horse. ______________________ Iron Chef Quote
+sbell111 Posted April 30, 2002 Posted April 30, 2002 Iron Chef, Sadly, your last comment went right over my head, so I'll not answer it. Your other comments suggest that we are on the same side of this issue. We both apprecieate this terrific site and enjoy geocaching. We both have used our share of the site and have decided to give back by becoming members. We also agree that newbies and less prolific cachers may not feel as we do and thats OK. I hope we understand each other's position. Quote
BassoonPilot Posted April 30, 2002 Posted April 30, 2002 It's true; this subject has been beaten to death enough times already . . . and it has become tiresome to witness another round of people fretting (worrying, whining, b*tching ... choose your word) about things that simply aren't happening. I mean, really! If someone can't/won't "pony up," they shouldn't expect to "have it all." That would be greedy. There is so much available at this site . . . FOR FREE. Use it, enjoy it, be thankful for all that you are getting FOR FREE and stop fretting (worrying, whining, b*tching ...) about any "perks" the next guy/gal received with their subscription. Sheesh. Quote
+sbell111 Posted April 30, 2002 Posted April 30, 2002 Well said! 'Pony up', 'looked like a horse'. I get it I thought I did, but I don't. Quote
+Hawk-eye Posted April 30, 2002 Posted April 30, 2002 Good Gosh ... there's that MO' Echo again ... what is it now ... about every four weeks ... and the echo returns Quote
+Hawk-eye Posted April 30, 2002 Posted April 30, 2002 Good Gosh ... there's that MO' Echo again ... what is it now ... about every four weeks ... and the echo returns Quote
Rocknroll Posted April 30, 2002 Author Posted April 30, 2002 To join or not join wasn't the question of the the cost. Mine was hoping the members only group would keep the things they trade for in the the public caches stay in the public caches. Not take from the public for the members only caches. Quote
+trippy1976 Posted April 30, 2002 Posted April 30, 2002 $30 for this site is a bargain. I use is every single day. The fact that the site can be used for free at all is amazing to me. The fact that at some point somone supported the cost of this site out of pocket for love of the sport is amazing to me. That kind of generosity is something I want to support, so I became a charter member. -------- trippy1976 Quote
+Beast of Traal Posted April 30, 2002 Posted April 30, 2002 I am a charter member and I don't think there should be members only caches. I would like to members be able to get extra features on this web site like watch list, my pop, etc. Geocaching should be a free "sport". I've payed my membership because I konow it cost money to run a web sit like this one. Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal: a mind-bogglingly stupid animal, it assumes that if you can't see it, it can't see you - daft as a brush, but very very ravenous Quote
+GrnMtn Posted April 30, 2002 Posted April 30, 2002 Surely, we can't expect a newbie to jump in the deep end. Let them experience caching for a while and then make a decision. Well said. My vote would be to always have the site be free with voluntary contribution. And I also agree we shouldn't judge someone ability to contribute. But I find it really hard not to respond to 'membership is too expensive' posts. I will work on it though because, as someone mentioned, we have discussed this enough. Quote
+Bluespreacher Posted April 30, 2002 Posted April 30, 2002 quote:Originally posted by Rocknroll: To join or not join wasn't the question of the the cost. Mine was hoping the members only group would keep the things they trade for in the the public caches stay in the public caches. Not take from the public for the members only caches. I don't know how many MOC's there are out there, but here in Indiana I've only noticed one or two. So, don't worry too much that there is a two tier cache thing going on. I, too, "ponied up" so I could add my support, I don't use any MOC features that I know of. BTW, if others haven't contributed yet, that's OK. I bet they have their reasons and I'm not concerned. Keep hiding, Keep seeking, Keep Caching Bluespreacher Quote
+Bluespreacher Posted April 30, 2002 Posted April 30, 2002 quote:Originally posted by Rocknroll: To join or not join wasn't the question of the the cost. Mine was hoping the members only group would keep the things they trade for in the the public caches stay in the public caches. Not take from the public for the members only caches. I don't know how many MOC's there are out there, but here in Indiana I've only noticed one or two. So, don't worry too much that there is a two tier cache thing going on. I, too, "ponied up" so I could add my support, I don't use any MOC features that I know of. BTW, if others haven't contributed yet, that's OK. I bet they have their reasons and I'm not concerned. Keep hiding, Keep seeking, Keep Caching Bluespreacher Quote
+Alan2 Posted April 30, 2002 Posted April 30, 2002 I’m not a member as you can see. I have posted many of my own viewpoints on this subject some of which have created a lot of discussion to say the least. Geocaching dot com is not a charitable or non-profit organization but a private for-profit company. Jeremy has acknowledged as such many times. It does not publicly disclose what its income or expenses or profit margin is. It may have been in the red in the past. However, we don’t know that for sure since its books have never been opened to public scrutiny. It was selling products even while there was no member’s charge so it’s possible he was making money then. Only he knows. Currently, like Yahoo, it gives away “free” space but also charges for certain features. (Yahoo charges for additional email storage above 4MB but the first 4MB are free). I don’t think anyone who uses Yahoo’s “free” email service would consider this “freeloading” as was mentioned in one of the posts. Like Yahoo, “free” users contribute important intellectual content to the site and increase the numbers who use the site. Like Yahoo, this makes the site more attractive to outside advertisers. Like Yahoo, geocaching dot com also charges for outside advertisers, banner ads and sells products directly. I’m sure geocaching dot com’s income is much greater than it was if you add all current income producing sources. Of course additional servers cost money; expanding any business costs money. Since the books are closed, to call “charity” charity or “support” support may be a misnomer. Jeremy remains silent on his company’s profit margin. It’s only some of the membership that keeps insisting he’s broke, but is he? Again, Jeremy acknowkedge time and again his in business – that means his investments are to make money – if not now then later. I wish Jeremy all the best in his endeavors. I wonder if he makes a financial success of this company he will remember his friends whom “contributed” so he could grow his company. I would consider buying shares in his company should Jeremy wish to sell stock as I feel he’s got a winner on his hands. However that would be an investment. I don’t consider payments for membership anyone is making now as anything but paying fees for additional services to an on-going corporation. Elitist and patronizing innuendoes from certain “members’ about “non-paying members” is just as silly as calling 4MB email users of Yahoo “freeloaders”. Just my thoughts. Alan Quote
+inceptor Posted April 30, 2002 Posted April 30, 2002 ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ inceptor the only difference between men and boys is the price of their toys Quote
BassoonPilot Posted May 1, 2002 Posted May 1, 2002 quote:Originally posted by inceptor: ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Hey, watch that, inceptor! Around here, a decent motel will cost you over 3.5 yearly subscriptions for the night ... Quote
BassoonPilot Posted May 1, 2002 Posted May 1, 2002 quote:Originally posted by inceptor: ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Hey, watch that, inceptor! Around here, a decent motel will cost you over 3.5 yearly subscriptions for the night ... Quote
+Hawk-eye Posted May 1, 2002 Posted May 1, 2002 quote:Originally posted by BassoonPilot:Hey, watch that, inceptor! Around here, a decent motel will cost you over 3.5 yearly subscriptions for the night ... ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!! Hey ... since we're rehashing the MOC's again ... let's beat up people with animated signature graphics ... (I resemble that remark!) ... wouldn't that be fun ... again! Quote
+Hawk-eye Posted May 1, 2002 Posted May 1, 2002 quote:Originally posted by BassoonPilot:Hey, watch that, inceptor! Around here, a decent motel will cost you over 3.5 yearly subscriptions for the night ... ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!! Hey ... since we're rehashing the MOC's again ... let's beat up people with animated signature graphics ... (I resemble that remark!) ... wouldn't that be fun ... again! Quote
+inceptor Posted May 1, 2002 Posted May 1, 2002 quote:Originally posted by BassoonPilot: Hey, watch that, inceptor! Around here, a decent motel will cost you over 3.5 yearly subscriptions for the night ... Welllllll, shouldn't the room be free? If I choose NOT to rent a room does that mean I will never be allowed to sleep? If I rent the room won't I be just helping the owner of the motel get rich? They could be making millions of dollars off of this rent. I just may give up sleeping if that's the case. If I rent the room won't the owner have access to my place anytime they want? They will probably wait until I leave to go through my things. The employees will have control of my life, probably wanting to control when I come and go. What about paying customer only rooms? Will I have access to those? I want full access to the bar. I want all of the drinks for free. And I want to bring all of the friends that I want. I want the same access to the pool that the regular guests have. Wellllll, before I pay for the room I want to see the books. I want to bring in my own auditor. I want stock. I want a voice in how the motel is run. inceptor the only difference between men and boys is the price of their toys Quote
+inceptor Posted May 1, 2002 Posted May 1, 2002 quote:Originally posted by BassoonPilot: Hey, watch that, inceptor! Around here, a decent motel will cost you over 3.5 yearly subscriptions for the night ... Welllllll, shouldn't the room be free? If I choose NOT to rent a room does that mean I will never be allowed to sleep? If I rent the room won't I be just helping the owner of the motel get rich? They could be making millions of dollars off of this rent. I just may give up sleeping if that's the case. If I rent the room won't the owner have access to my place anytime they want? They will probably wait until I leave to go through my things. The employees will have control of my life, probably wanting to control when I come and go. What about paying customer only rooms? Will I have access to those? I want full access to the bar. I want all of the drinks for free. And I want to bring all of the friends that I want. I want the same access to the pool that the regular guests have. Wellllll, before I pay for the room I want to see the books. I want to bring in my own auditor. I want stock. I want a voice in how the motel is run. inceptor the only difference between men and boys is the price of their toys Quote
+inceptor Posted May 1, 2002 Posted May 1, 2002 quote:Originally posted by Hawk-eye: Hey ... since we're rehashing the MOC's again ... snip Hey Hawk-eye, in this case wouldn't that be MOR's? inceptor the only difference between men and boys is the price of their toys Quote
+inceptor Posted May 1, 2002 Posted May 1, 2002 quote:Originally posted by Hawk-eye: Hey ... since we're rehashing the MOC's again ... snip Hey Hawk-eye, in this case wouldn't that be MOR's? inceptor the only difference between men and boys is the price of their toys Quote
+DxChallenged Posted May 2, 2002 Posted May 2, 2002 Hey Hawkeye, Your fame continues .... I was caching this weekend in Ottawa Canada (handing off the signature squares for the Canadian geoquilt). I was sporting my usual cache bag to which I have attached your tag (one I found while in NC)....... It was noticed right off! And greeted with many a smile! Ottawa was awesome! Did you know that they have bears? Lions and Tiger and Bears Oh My! Dx "Have you no news on your travels?" the Book of fairy & folk tales of Ireland (1888) Quote
BassoonPilot Posted May 2, 2002 Posted May 2, 2002 quote:Originally posted by inceptor: Welllllll, shouldn't the room be free? If I choose NOT to rent a room does that mean I will never be allowed to sleep? If I rent the room won't I be just helping the owner of the motel get rich? ... Wellllll, before I pay for the room I want to see the books. I want to bring in my own auditor. I want stock. I want a voice in how the motel is run. That was the best parody rant I've ever seen! Quote
BassoonPilot Posted May 2, 2002 Posted May 2, 2002 quote:Originally posted by inceptor: Welllllll, shouldn't the room be free? If I choose NOT to rent a room does that mean I will never be allowed to sleep? If I rent the room won't I be just helping the owner of the motel get rich? ... Wellllll, before I pay for the room I want to see the books. I want to bring in my own auditor. I want stock. I want a voice in how the motel is run. That was the best parody rant I've ever seen! Quote
+Alan2 Posted May 2, 2002 Posted May 2, 2002 Jeremy decided for business and/or personal reasons to have free membership as well as charges for special priveleges. Have you considered that your insults and putdowns of non-paying members is actually doing a great disservice to Jeremy as he will lose propective customers. People, non-paying as well as paying, want to feel welcome here and your banter is certainly doing the opposite. Maybe you should check with Jeremy before you act as his spokepersons. Alan Quote
BassoonPilot Posted May 2, 2002 Posted May 2, 2002 Personally, I couldn't care less whether an individual is a member or not. But there's no way I'm not going to show you the "secret handshake," Alan. Quote
BassoonPilot Posted May 2, 2002 Posted May 2, 2002 Personally, I couldn't care less whether an individual is a member or not. But there's no way I'm not going to show you the "secret handshake," Alan. Quote
Steak N Eggs Posted May 2, 2002 Posted May 2, 2002 $3 per month/30 per year. The wife and I can drop close to $100 if we got out to eat sushi, so this little fee is no problem. I am not saying we are rich by any means (we only do that once every month or two) but I think the cost is minimal. I dont know if it was peer preasure or not but we felt compelled to support the site. "My gps say's it RIGHT HERE". 12 caches in 12 hours. Quote
+RAD Dad Posted May 2, 2002 Posted May 2, 2002 I hope thousands become paying members, and we all buy T-Shirts, stickers, and every other piece of logo item that appeals to us, I hope Jeremy make a bundle, because then he can quit his regular job, turn this into his full time profession, maybe even hire a few programers, and make this site even more awesome, with features like PDA friendly downloads, PDA friendly content for online browsing with your wireless PDA or Net enabled phone, more powerful search engines, and other fancy features. I love capitalism, and I support it every time I see it producing something I enjoy, that way the things I enjoy will continue to be there, improve, and become even more enjoyable. ummmm....not sure what to say ummm, well errrr, uhhhh, well I guess that's it. Quote
+Web-ling Posted May 2, 2002 Posted May 2, 2002 Gee, so far all I've gotten for my $30 are MOC's (which almost nobody bothers creating) and the ability to change the descriptor below my name from "Geocacher" to whatever I want. Oh, yeah, plus enabling Jeremy to make improvements to the site, move the site to better servers, etc. I guess I wasted my money! If you haven't paid your $30, you haven't missed a thing. If you have, you've helped make the site better for everyone. Quote
+inceptor Posted May 2, 2002 Posted May 2, 2002 quote:Originally posted by Alan2: Jeremy decided for business and/or personal reasons to have free membership as well as charges for special priveleges. Have you considered that your insults and putdowns of non-paying members.......snip Alan I have not put down anyone for being a non member and do not speak for Jeremy. From the time I arrived, it was known that becoming a member was strictly voluntary. This is purely a measure to ensure the life of this website which I and others thoroughly enjoy. I am not much of a geek (maybe 50%), I cannot start and maintain my own site like this. I applaud Jeremy for doing this. I am smart enough to know that this can be extremely expensive. For Jeremy to have to carry the burden by himself is silly. THIS is why I gave him my money. I am also a Ham. I see little difference between this and ham radio. I can choose to join a club to help support the operation costs of the repeaters they have up or not. If I choose not to join then I am still able to use most of the repeaters freely. I am not forced to do anything. Each person here has a choice and should feel no pressure. If you are able and choose to do so, support this site. If not, don't. Why b**** about those of us who choose to do this. I am not wealthy by any stretch of the imagination. I am certainly not getting wealthy from this site. I enjoy the same forums that everyone else does. Special privileges? No one is sending me a limo to cache out of. What other privileges are there? None that I have seen. None that I care about. We do not have a special room at an exclusive country club where we smoke Cuban stogies and discuss whatever. MOC's? How many are truly out there? I have heard of only one in the D/FW area and I cannot tell you where it is. I don't really care. Those that were set up were done for 2 reasons that I know of. 1) to try to cut the possibility of caches being trashed. Although this seems not to be working. 2) at least in the beginning, allow the trading of worthwhile items. Before you start flaming me for item #2, this is what I read. Posted on the forums here. Frankly, what is in a cache does not concern me. Yes, I do like finding decent goodies and trade the same. No, I am not flaming anyone for trading for what I do not care for. I am simply a man who enjoys using toys, both electronic and mechanical. I almost forgot to add: The above parody was to show how silly all of this quibbling over membership status sounds. inceptor the only difference between men and boys is the price of their toys [This message was edited by inceptor on May 02, 2002 at 11:54 AM.] [This message was edited by inceptor on May 02, 2002 at 11:57 AM.] Quote
+EliJoMikMiNi Posted May 4, 2002 Posted May 4, 2002 A big "AMEN" to all of the above. Freedom of speech...freedom of choice. The harder you work,the harder it is to give up. Vince Lombarde Quote
+EliJoMikMiNi Posted May 4, 2002 Posted May 4, 2002 A big "AMEN" to all of the above. Freedom of speech...freedom of choice. The harder you work,the harder it is to give up. Vince Lombarde Quote
+seneca Posted May 4, 2002 Posted May 4, 2002 quote:Originally posted by inceptor: I have not put down anyone for being a non member and do not......... more zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz You may not agree with what I say, but I will defend, to your death, my right to say it! Quote
+Peanuthead Posted May 4, 2002 Posted May 4, 2002 The last dude said,"You may not agree with what I say, but I will defend, to your death, my right to say it!" I say, I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend, to my death, your right to say it. Quote
T3am Bandito Posted May 4, 2002 Posted May 4, 2002 Ok Ok I cant belive i read all your all banter! anyway since the above is overflowing with people putting in their two cents, im going to get mine in here. How many of you have any concept of what it costs on a monthly basis to maintain this site? Servers connex etc etc... I have no idea but I know how much it costs me to rent a dedicated game server connex with an oc3. I highly doubt anyone is lining their pockets with this... 30$ a year to grow this thing is money well spent imho. I wish the best to Jeremy and the rest of the possie... I am glad that this hobbey came along, it compliments many of the things i do, very well (hike, kayak, camp, travel) etc.. and if he can turn a profit at it good for him, and im happy to contribute... its the american dream to get paid for doing something your into! <-T 3 a |/| B a || d i T 0-> S [] U T |-| 3 U < |_ i D [] |-| | [] Quote
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