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For those of you who carry sidearms while in the backwoods


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Fortunately here in Washington state, Per RCW 9.41.060 (8) you can carry concealed, while hiking (or doing any other lawful outdoor recreational activity, or going to, or coming from, that activity) without a permit. Few people know about this though, and I doubt many police know of it, so I carry a copy of the law, just so they know I'm not totally full of crap. Still, I'll only carry in extreme areas like up in the lonely areas of the Cascades.


I am surprised this hasn't been the case in Alaska.



If trees could scream, would we still cut them down?

Well, maybe if they screamed all the time, for no reason.

Click here for my Geocaching pictures and Here (newest)

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We did not have concealed carry up here until about 8 years ago. Word was that the head of the state police at the time was against the idea and the govenor sided with him.


Open carry is allowed. But the lawmakers up here have been a bit slow and restrictive with concealed carry for some reason.



I have never been lost. Been awful confused for a few days, but never lost!

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Lets just say that I dont shop at a couple stores because they asked me to leave when I have been carrying in the open.


Yes, open carry can be a pain.



I have never been lost. Been awful confused for a few days, but never lost!

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N.H still has the best law going. No restrictions. Funny how they are not killing each other, isn't it?


Currently, only 15 states are in the dark ages. More and more are catching on.


Not to bang my own drum, but if you go to my web page El Paso CHL you can see a businedd card I developed for places that do not allow carry. I hand them the card and walk out. Feel free to copy. If you like it, I will E-mail a full sheet in WORD format ready for printing to all who ask.


TGIF... enjoy your weekend.


Mike. Desert_Warrior (aka KD9KC).

El Paso, Texas.


Citizens of this land may own guns. Not to threaten their neighbors, but to ensure themselves of liberty and freedom.


They are not assault weapons anymore... they are HOMELAND DEFENSE WEAPONS!

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Originally posted by Desert_Warrior:

N.H still has the best law going. No restrictions.

Actually, Vermont has the best deal. NH allows you to carry, but you still need a permit. VT doesn't require ANYTHING. Yay Vermont!


You can check out the laws for each state and many localities within each state at Packing.org.



Random fortune:


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Desert_Warrior, I'm curious if any business have actually responded to these and changed their policy? This sounds like a neat idea... I live in NC, and NO ONE allows permitted concealed weapons. I know several people who would probably be interested in printing up some cards similar to yours. Could you perhaps email me a copy? vdozier at email dot unc dot edu Sorry to spell it out, I prevent spam that way. icon_wink.gif




>^..^< - nya

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New Jersey is still a Victim Disarmament Zone, and will probably adopt shall-issue about the same time that the next Genghis Khan sacks the former United States. icon_mad.gif


(I was kind of wondering... there seems to be a large number of geocachers who also shoot. True?)



- Team Og Rof A Klaw

All who wander are not lost.

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Originally posted by Cruzin!:

Originally posted by Desert_Warrior:

N.H still has the best law going. No restrictions.

Actually, Vermont has the best deal. NH allows you to carry, but you still need a permit. VT doesn't require ANYTHING. Yay Vermont!



not only that, but vermont has no state laws regarding nudity, either.


it doesn't matter if you get to camp at one or at six. dinner is still at six.

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Originally posted by flask:

Originally posted by Cruzin!:

Originally posted by Desert_Warrior:

N.H still has the best law going. No restrictions.

Actually, Vermont has the best deal. NH allows you to carry, but you still need a permit. VT doesn't require ANYTHING. Yay Vermont!



not only that, but vermont has no state laws regarding nudity, either.


it doesn't matter if you get to camp at one or at six. dinner is still at six.


SWEET! So I can wear ONLY my Glock in a holster (CENTERED on the belt, of course) and get away with it?

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Originally posted by martmann:

Fortunately here in Washington state, Per http://search.leg.wa.gov/wslrcw/RCW%20%20%209%20%20TITLE/RCW%20%20%209%20.%2041%20%20CHAPTER/RCW%20%20%209%20.%2041%20.060.htm (8) you can carry concealed, while hiking (or doing any other lawful outdoor recreational activity, or going to, or coming from, that activity) without a permit. Few people know about this though, and I doubt many police know of it, so I carry a copy of the law, just so they know I'm not totally full of crap. Still, I'll only carry in extreme areas like up in the lonely areas of the Cascades.


Wow! Thanks for the info Martmann. I was thinking about getting a carry permit just for that reason, but was putting off dealing with the beauracracy.


Insert pretentious quote or saying here.

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Originally posted by Sissy-n-CR:


My tagline used to be "_-- Insert pithy aphorism here --_" until my lovely made me change it. :| Oh, well.


Hmm.. That flows better. Oh well, I'm a biochemist not some, uh, word-writer-down-guy. icon_smile.gif



Insert pretentious quote or saying here.

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You are correct. It was early, and my wife just started us on the atkins diet last night. So I am functioning minus my coca cola. It is kinda like running a car on diesel. It works, but not well.


VERMONT is the best deal in defenseive carry.


I was wrong this morning. SORRY....


Mike. Desert_Warrior (aka KD9KC).

El Paso, Texas.


Citizens of this land may own guns. Not to threaten their neighbors, but to ensure themselves of liberty and freedom.


They are not assault weapons anymore... they are HOMELAND DEFENSE WEAPONS!

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Originally posted by chii:

Desert_Warrior, I'm curious if any business have actually responded to these and changed their policy? This sounds like a neat idea...


One business (a resturant) removed their signs. They didn't like being listed on the web page as anti-anything. The owner read over my page, then contacted me and invited me to be there for the sign removal. I was, and tried to get the news to cover it. HA HA HA!!!


Another resturant (4 star steak house) is currently fighting the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission to have a sign removed after we left the card.


The most successful of all, a barber shop put up a sign WELCOMING concealed handgun owners. He got a 15 % increase in business, all the CHL folks go there now.


So it has not been a huge success. But certainly not a failure.


Mike. Desert_Warrior (aka KD9KC).

El Paso, Texas.


Citizens of this land may own guns. Not to threaten their neighbors, but to ensure themselves of liberty and freedom.


They are not assault weapons anymore... they are HOMELAND DEFENSE WEAPONS!

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Originally posted by GoaTSniFFer:

I have my CHL and I carry all the time. Too many crazies in the world not to. I think it even got me out of a ticket one time! icon_cool.gif


- GoatSniFFer


"Don't you hate it when the toliet paper rips?"



I'm a Texas CHL Instructor and I hardly ever carry unless I'm cachin at night, or on vacation. It's a personal choice. It also makes me more aware of the option than if I carried every day.


You're right, that CHL may have gotten you out of a ticket if you did everything in your power to set the officer at ease. Your valid CHL is proof that you are most likely not a criminal and you may have also been stopped for a different reason than just speeding and not known it.



texasgeocaching_sm.gifThe greatest labor saving invention of today is tomorrow....

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Originally posted by Tahosa:

I would prefer to be judged by six, than carried by six. So my piece goes with me whenever I feel the need is present.


Tahosa - Dweller of Mountain Tops.


That's exactly the way I feel to a point. After the grand jury puts forth a No Bill, you may still never let yourself off the hook, especially if you took a life over a piece of property that insurance probably would have covered.



texasgeocaching_sm.gifThe greatest labor saving invention of today is tomorrow....

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Originally posted by Bull Moose:

Originally posted by martmann:

Fortunately here in Washington state, Per RCW 9.41.060 (8) you can carry concealed, while hiking (or doing any other lawful outdoor recreational activity, or going to, or coming from, that activity) without a permit. Few people know about this though, and I doubt many police know of it, so I carry a copy of the law, just so they know I'm not totally full of crap. Still, I'll only carry in extreme areas like up in the lonely areas of the Cascades.


Wow! Thanks for the info Martmann. I was thinking about getting a carry permit just for that reason, but was putting off dealing with the beauracracy.


Insert pretentious quote or saying here.


No problem, I also don't want to go through the trouble of getting a permit Just for the rare occasion I do feel the need to carry. I try to know as much as I can about State and Federal gun laws, so I can retain my rights, and keep from going to jail for something stupid. I used to have a CCW permit a long time ago, but let it lapse, because I never used it.



If trees could scream, would we still cut them down?

Well, maybe if they screamed all the time, for no reason.

Click here for my Geocaching pictures and Here (newest)

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Originally posted by Soylent Green:

In the future, when you kill the bad guys, we at the Soylent Corporation will turn them into tasty green crackers.


Sicon_razz.gifYLENT GREEN IS PEicon_razz.gifPLE!!!

Remember, Tuesday is Soylent Green Day......


mmmmmmm.... people crackers



If trees could scream, would we still cut them down?

Well, maybe if they screamed all the time, for no reason.

Click here for my Geocaching pictures and Here (newest)

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Here in NYC the only people who can carry concealed are the bad guys. But it may get better. There's been talk that they're going to pass a law requiring that they take a safety course before they can carry illegally. I think it's been suggested in our junior senator's new book Sliming through History


Alan icon_wink.gif

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Originally posted by martmann:
Originally posted by Soylent Green:

In the future, when you kill the bad guys, we at the Soylent Corporation will turn them into tasty green crackers.


Sicon_razz.gifYLENT GREEN IS PEicon_razz.gifPLE!!!

Remember, Tuesday is Soylent Green Day......


mmmmmmm.... people crackers




do ya think theyll be anything like the goldfish crackers??..."they smile back at cha till ya bite their heads off"


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Originally posted by wanda texas:

do ya think theyll be anything like the goldfish crackers??..."they smile back at cha till ya bite their heads off"



Hmmmmm....That reminds me of this thread I started one time............... icon_wink.gif


Sicon_razz.gifYLENT GREEN IS PEicon_razz.gifPLE!!!

Remember, Tuesday is Soylent Green Day......

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Originally posted by Huntnlady:

-Sigh- I love my state, a variety of habitats, lots of wildlife, I just wish it weren't also the land of fruits and nuts. Yes, California would be all right if Los Angeles and San Franciso were just swallowed up in an earthquake.

At least open carry is still allowed here.


Born and raised in NorCal (Santa Cruz and Redding) and having also lived in SoCal (San Diego, currently eagerly awaiting leaving LA). I much prefer NorCal, no question about it.


That established, to say SF and LA being wiped away would change anything is magnificently over-simplified statement.




Geocaching: The World's Finest Outdoor Geeking

"Oh, look at me. I'm off with my way cool friends to sniff floor wax." - Brian, 'My So-Called Life'

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Here in Massachusetts, we have one of the toughest if not the toughest firearms law in the Country. Unless you are Law Enforcement, private armed security or a business owner, it is difficult, if not impossibnle to get a PLP (Protection of Life and Property)to carry a concealed weapon, from your local Chief of Police.


I'm waiting for the National Carry Law which will let active and retired Law Enforcement Officers the right to carry anywhere in the US if they posses a valid License to Carry from their home state. This law is very close to passing, hopefully in the next month or so. Its sad to say, but the events of September 11, 2001, helped to push this bill through the House and Senate. Its a shame that it took a tragedy to allow this law to pass.


I'd rather be tried by twelve than carried by six.


I love my Country but fear my Government.


When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading.

Henny Youngman (1906 - 1998)icon_cool.gif

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Originally posted by CurlyKrakow:

That established, to say SF and LA being wiped away would change anything is magnificently over-simplified statement.



Hmm... You're right. Better just take the whole state to be sure...



Insert pretentious quote or saying here.

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Great news for Alaska, and those who would like to visit (like me).


Idaho also has a lot of exceptions to the requirement for a permit.

Taken from Title 18, Chapter 33 of Idaho Code:


"...(12) The requirement to secure a license to carry a concealed weapon under

this section shall not apply to the following persons:

(a) Officials of a county, city, state of Idaho, the United States, peace

officers, guards of any jail, court appointed attendants or any officer of

any express company on duty;

(:D Employees of the adjutant general and military division of the state

where military membership is a condition of employment when on duty;

© Criminal investigators of the attorney general's office, criminal

investigators of a prosecuting attorney's office, prosecutors and their


(d) Any person outside the limits of or confines of any city, or outside

any mining, lumbering, logging or railroad camp, located outside any city,

while engaged in lawful hunting, fishing, trapping or other lawful outdoor


(e) Any publicly elected Idaho official;

(f) Retired peace officers with at least ten (10) years of service with

the state or a political subdivision as a peace officer and who have been

certified by the peace officer standards and training council;

(g) Any person who has a valid permit from a state or local law

enforcement agency or court authorizing him to carry a concealed weapon. A

permit issued in another state will only be considered valid if the permit

is in the licensee's physical possession."


Line (d) covers a lot of territory.


...clear as mud?

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Originally posted by StarshipTrooper:

(d) Any person outside the limits of or confines of any city, or outside

any mining, lumbering, logging or railroad camp, located outside any city,

while engaged in lawful hunting, fishing, trapping or other lawful outdoor



(g) Any person who has a valid permit from a state or local law

enforcement agency or court authorizing him to carry a concealed weapon. A

permit issued in another state will only be considered valid if the permit

is in the licensee's physical possession."


Line (d) covers a lot of territory.

So does (g).



Random fortune:


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Originally posted by Cruzin!:

Originally posted by StarshipTrooper:

(d) Any person outside the limits of or confines of any city, or outside

any mining, lumbering, logging or railroad camp, located outside any city,

while engaged in lawful hunting, fishing, trapping or other lawful outdoor



(g) Any person who has a valid permit from a state or local law

enforcement agency or court authorizing him to carry a concealed weapon. A

permit issued in another state will only be considered valid if the permit

is in the licensee's physical possession."


Line (d) covers a lot of territory.

So does (g).


Gotta admit....you trumped me with my own post!


...clear as mud?

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When I lived in Fairbanks open carry was common. I'm not talking 90% of everyone, but enough to where it wasn't abnormal to see someone packing. Hell most of them would of left it home but when getting back into town after working in the bush most people tend to forget about what they have at their hip and want some good grub and a relaxing evening at home. Dinner and a home movie sort of thing.



Wherever you go there you are.

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Originally posted by Huntnlady:

-Sigh- I love my state, a variety of habitats, lots of wildlife, I just wish it weren't also the land of fruits and nuts. Yes, California would be all right if Los Angeles and San Franciso were just swallowed up in an earthquake.

At least open carry is still allowed here.


Deer laugh when they hear my name!



WHAT??? You can OPEN CARRY in California? You're joking, right?

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Originally posted by Bilder:



Finally the state legislature and the governor do something right!



I have never been lost. Been awful confused for a few days, but never lost!


OK. I know I'm going to be flamed to smithereens. I just don't get it. All you guys are so afraid when you go caching that you have to pack a gun? I don't care if you do, it doesn't matter to me. I figure, you're cachin', we're buddies. But I don't understand your fear. Of what? Out in the woods you are 'away' from the crazies. Population density is near zero. All the stalkers are in town looking for old ladies to rob, but you feel afraid? I just don't get it. There's nobody out there but you and me ( I will not hurt you). Besides, if 'they' are out there to get you, you won't hear them coming! icon_smile.gif


Think about it, when was the last time some creep got a mile from his pick-up? I know someone will have an example. So what? Relax a bit. If carrying a big, heavy toy makes you feel more secure, fine. I live just fine with out it, maybe you could, too.




"We've got the hardware and the software, the plans and the maps ..." -- Citizen Wayne Kramer

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Originally posted by TEAM 360:

Originally posted by Huntnlady:

-Sigh- I love my state, a variety of habitats, lots of wildlife, I just wish it weren't also the land of fruits and nuts. Yes, California would be all right if Los Angeles and San Franciso were just swallowed up in an earthquake.

At least open carry is still allowed here.


Deer laugh when they hear my name!



WHAT??? You can OPEN CARRY in California? You're joking, right?


...only if you're out in the woods persuing a game animal.Try it in a city and you will be arrested faster than a rolling blackout in summer time

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Originally posted by Bluespreacher:

OK. I know I'm going to be flamed to smithereens. I just don't get it.


I almost decided this wasn't worth replying to and that you were a troll. But I will give you a few lines just in case you are not. No flames intended, unless you light them.


In simple terms, POLICE are historians. They step out of the car, open a notebook, and ask "OK, what happened?" By the time they arrive, it is over. You lived or died on your own.


As to you not understanding it, all I can tell you is that you are just one major traumatic event FROM understanding it.


Perhaps you live in a safe area. I live in the safest city in Texas. We still have crime, and violence. We are so safe not only because the police work hard. The criminals KNOW that some of us are legally armed. That scares the $h1t out of them. So they go other places.


Why is it that the cities with the strictest gun control also has the higest crime rates? See the above paragraph.


Imagine your worst nightmare. Now call the police, an ambulance, and a pizza delivery. See which one shows up first.


I guess it boils dow to this. Do you take responsibility for yourself and your family, or do you rely on a third party? A disinterested third party?


My choice is clear.


Mike. Desert_Warrior (aka KD9KC).

El Paso, Texas.


Citizens of this land may own guns. Not to threaten their neighbors, but to ensure themselves of liberty and freedom.


They are not assault weapons anymore... they are HOMELAND DEFENSE WEAPONS!

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O.K. I was wondering who and when someone would roll the grenade into the room.


If you'll refrain from referring to me as living my life in a paranoid state, I'll refrain from assuming you can't see well due to the rose colored glasses.


As far as what to be concerned about when off trail, please bother to consider Meth-labs and drug farmers with controlled perimeters. And the moron Olympic park bomber? His camp site looked like a great place to hide a geo-cache!


All alone and off trail can be a s perilous as the south side of Chicago to one who does not know how to keep themselves safe. I know, I've spent just about equal amounts of of my life in both of these places.


And remember, the law wasn't written for me, if that's how you want to think. I was written for the divorced mother who's ex beats the snot out of her. We all know how well restraining orders work...........


Minnesota Geocaching Association

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