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Geo-motivational Posters...would you want one?


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I've always thought that something along the lines of the design below would be pretty cool if it were offered in the Geocaching.com store. Maybe this is a plug for a new item there, but I thought it might be an opportunity for you to show off your creativity as well. Can you think of any cool designs along the lines of the "Motivational Posters?"


icon_wink.gif And, if it were available, would you buy one to hang on your wall?




"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field.

When a man found it, he hid it again." Mt. 13:44

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Originally posted by Jomarac5:

Who owns that photograph?

Is that staying on topic (something you're famous for b*tch*ng about)? Or is that trying to start something that you've already covered in another thread?



"A noble spirit embiggins the smallest man." - Jebediah Springfield



[This message was edited by Mushtang on August 29, 2003 at 05:38 PM.]

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Originally posted by DadONine:

Am I the only one who clicked on Bret's link to http://www.despair.com, or am I merely the only one who thought it was funny?


I can think of tons of people to buy this stuff for for Christmas.




That link is on several other threads. I first saw it when Canadazuuk posted it. I love that site too. icon_cool.gif


BTW-ROFLMAO at your Young Frankenstein reference.



texasgeocaching_sm.gif Sacred cows make the best hamburger....Mark Twain.

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It's a nice concept ... but personally it gives me flash backs from every anal retentive "human resources" manager I've ever encountered in the last 26 years! icon_eek.gif



Co-founder of the "NC/VA GEO-HOG ASSOCIATION"

... when you absolutely have to find it first!

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Originally posted by ChrisfromMS:

Southern cachers will get this one:




LOL!!! I grew up in NoFla and am quite used to seeing that 'weed'! That is absolutely hilarious!!!




-Technology...I have no idea what I would do without my GPSr, my TiVo, or my Computer with a broadband connection. I guess I would spend more time with my wife! icon_smile.gif

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Originally posted by Renegade Knight:

Man...I just figured out why CYBret's avitar was so familiar, though it took the caption for me to figure it out...

I'm sure you noticed the name of my hometown too, right? icon_wink.gif


NOW back to your regularly scheduled topic....by the way, nice picture, ChrisfromMS. LOL




"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field.

When a man found it, he hid it again." Mt. 13:44

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Maybe a Cache to place along the way...........


I still have not figured out how to post a photo in the forum here.

But I can get a photo in through here:

Cache Mushroom


The Photo in the Bugs page is the

Mushroom Cache also known as Columbia Memorial








**1803-2003** "LOUSIANA PURCHASE"





Initial Points Page


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