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YUCK -- Disgusting, Ghastly and Frightening

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(You're looking really really silly).




[This message was edited by Jomarac5 on June 04, 2003 at 05:26 PM.]


Originally posted by Jomarac5:









You started the topic. Where did you mention anything about safety? Certainly not in the threadstarter or in your following 10 posts. You did say at one point, "At no time did I fear for my safety". I did see in your 12th post you did mention "the well-being of innocent people". Is that when the topic changed to "safety" ?


I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me.





Can't say I'm surprised.


You've just taken silly to an all new level.


Time to grow up and drop this off topic stuff.




Many people are fearful and disgusted by the homosexual lifestyle.

They have a right to complain, it is called free speech, not gay bashing.




warf wrote:

Many people are fearful and disgusted by the homosexual lifestyle.

They have a right to complain, it is called free speech, not gay bashing.

This may be true. But it has nothing to do with the topic of this thread.


C'mon already. Let's put it back on track.




Originally posted by seneca:

There have been past forum threads about geocachers coming across heterosexuals "making out" - the general tenor of those threads has been of titilating humor and uncomfortable embarrassment - not fear and revulsion.


I find hetros making out to be titilating or embarassing and I find homosexuals making out to be revolting. What does that make me?


Sorry for the long post, I've got a few short points, with many quotes from this topic:


My points:


1. yes, witnessing any crime in action (public nudity) is legitimate cause for concern


2. yes, nobody came right out and said "gays are sickos"


3. yes, the homophobia's pretty disturbing in this topic.




homophobia: irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals




"YUCK -- Disgusting, Ghastly and Frightening"


"Recently in our area, we had a cache that was placed in an area that is frequented by, um, well, let's say, er, it wasn't Adam and Eve sharing a private personal moment, if you know what I mean."


"I had the foul experience of personally interupting and witnessing one of these encounters"


"an area where it is obviously a sicko hangout"


"Well they weren't dead bodies but they were of the same gender -- and in the throws of passion (if that's what you'd call it). I think I would have rather found a dead body."


"This has nothing to do with gay bashing."


"In my opinion this sort of disgusting activity should be left for the bedroom"


"State police were taken to task for arresting people for lewd and lacivous conduct in rest areas"


"These things are contrary to the laws of even this very liberal and degenerating land."


"That it was two men, does make it a more repulsive display in my books."


"There is a difference between a couple diving into the bushes for a quickly and strangers gathering for bush buggering. And this is generally gay male behavior and it ruins parks."


"It's like two dogs going at it, they don't care who stumbles across them. That's what makes it ghastly and frightening, it's a sub level of human activity that deserves to be shuned."


"Add the worry about people who do that also being possible child molesters and you really have a problem. Of course both groups of sickos get political cover from the gay rights establishment."


"If we could develop some means of alerting our fellow local cachers to an infested cache"


"As long as these sick individuals can hide behind the banner of gay rights.."


"You need to drop this homosexual/hetrosexual thing. It's not the issue here."


"I think we should take the parks back from these cretins."


"At what point will all these havens belong to low lifes."


"I think you are definitely wrong about these people not being sicko's."


"Sorry, but there's just nothing correct about this sort of behaviour and there is nothing that you can say to convince me otherwise. It's sick."


"If their behavior is so un-sicko (to coin a new term) why are they so ashamed?"


"we have become a society that is far too tolerant of behaviour that weakens the fabric of civilized society."


"I can't beleive that people here are going to honestly try to say theres no difference between a straight couple getting it on in the bushes and two men having an*l sex in the bushes. You've got to be joking."


"Well, it isn't a normal activity because if it was the norm, the entire human race would go extinct in one generation. There are plenty of different sexual "preferences". Almost all are illegal, and for good reasons."


"Nowhere in my posts do I say that I have a problem or prejudice about gays."




homophobia: irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals




It's what you write between the lines that does the damage. It's the real reason these men meet in parks. Whether realized or not, these words are harmful, even when your intentions are good.


Want the 'sickos' out of the parks? Being more careful with your words is a good first step.




You obviously have too much time on your hands.


Perhaps you should try looking here -- it would be a better use of your time.


It's the real reason these men meet in parks.
Sure it is, sure it is...




Actually the "sickos" in the parks are lawbreakers and should be arrested for their actions in public places.what they do behind their doors is their business,but when they or anyone does it in public places it is offensive and against the law


I'm a man and I can change if I have to,I guess.


Originally posted by teefal:

It's what you write between the lines that does the damage. It's the real reason these men meet in parks. Whether realized or not, these words are harmful, even when your intentions are good.


Harmful in what way? Making someone feel bad?


I'd rather not have my kids walk into two men sodomizing each other. That, I would consider harmful.


i hope one of your kids grows up queer.


did you know that the suicide rate among gay teens is three times that of the rest of the population?


i knew a very nice young man once. he was sweet and funny and honest and kind and when he had too much of this kind of talk, he put a shotgun in his mouth. he never lived to get out of 8th grade.


your kids won't be any more disturbed by walking in on a matched couple than they will by a mixed couple. unless you've taught them to panic like you do. or unless they walk in on YOU. that'll cause years of therapy.


fer cryin' out loud, when did you become chicken little?


and the reason most of these guys go to parks is because tey like it. i know a guy who does. he does not approach uninvited. he picks up his litter. he does not care to be seen my those who would not enjoy it. he knows i find it distasteful, so he never shows me his vacation photos. otherwise, he's just a reular guy with an honors degree from an ivy, holding down a regular job with a company he pertly owns, living in a regular house and driving a regular car and a regular motorcycle. he does not approve of exposing te unwilling, and he certainly does not prey on children. i know really conservative republicans who are comfortable letting him wath their kids.


USE the parks. people who make you the unwilling target for sexual behaviors should be arrested. increased traffic will drive them away.if you're in a place where you would be unbothered by a mixed couple, you should probably just move along. unless you're getting some kind of thrill.


i'm sorry. that was unfair. no, wait. it's still an unfair cheap shot, but i'm not really sorry.


it doesn't matter if you get to camp at one or at six. dinner is still at six.


Originally posted by flask:


i know really conservative republicans who are comfortable letting him wath their kids.



Let me guess ... is Newt Gingrich one of them ??? Am I right???


"heck, that scares me and I'm fearless"


Originally posted by Jomarac5:



Can't say I'm surprised.


You've just taken silly to an all new level.


Time to grow up and drop this off topic stuff.




When I am having a lively discussion on these forums, I keep score by noting how many times those of an opposing view can only respond with insults. I'm winning this one by 16 points.


I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me.



i knew a very nice young man once. he was sweet and funny and honest and kind and when he had too much of this kind of talk, he put a shotgun in his mouth. he never lived to get out of 8th grade.


Flask, there are many kids like this. Some were gay and many others weren't. In each case the kid was sick. Thousands of gay kids don't put shotguns in their mouths and pull the trigger and thousands of straight kids do.


It wasn't "the talk" that caused it, it was his inability to cope.


But that entire issue is tangential to the original one. Is it appropriate for people to be using our parks in place of their bedroom?


"Au pays des aveugles, les borgnes sont rois"




The only one insulting you is yourself.


I mentioned before that I am caring a lot less about what you have to say. Now I really don't care about anything that you say and will no longer reply to your pointless drivel.


You might find that this might be of help to you.






Originally posted by solohiker:

What is your agree/disagree average?

Well if you look at my signature line.... let's just say that I'm learning a lot! icon_wink.gif


I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me.



I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me.


I have. I've learned that I'm almost as smart as I thought I was, because people I respect agree with me.


"Au pays des aveugles, les borgnes sont rois"


Originally posted by BrianSnat:

I have. I've learned that I'm almost as smart as I thought I was, because people I respect agree with me.

I totally agree with you. But then again, BrianSnat, I always have.


Actually I should give credit where credit is due. My signature line is a quote of Dudley Field Malone, one of the defence attorneys on the Scopes "Monkey Trial". He was considered a great legal orator with a political flair.


Now I admit it - I'm a way off topic.


I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me.



Originally posted by Gaddiel & OrangeDanish:

Originally posted by Jomarac5:

Since the first two of my questions have basically been answered, I pose the third question once more -- do we as cachers, need to mark or identify these known locations to avoid placing caches there in the future?


On the contrary, I'd think that we (as cachers) would do well to make MORE caches in areas like this. With more traffic in these areas, it will become a less appealing spot for "that other group".


Jomarac5, there's your answer, unless you just want the bashing to continue.


Originally posted by seneca:

My signature line is a quote of Dudley Field Malone, one of the defence attorneys on the Scopes "Monkey Trial".


Oh no, here I go again... Being a Creationist, I'd have to say I now have more insight into Seneca than I did before. This really is ironic considering my reference to Romans 1:20 (and onwards), which deals with both The Creation, The Creator, and those who despite having 'no excuse' go on to act out in a way that Jomarac5 witnessed first hand.


But yes, this is totally way off topic. I hope it's okay for me to be off topic considering 50% of everything else here is???


Everyone keeps talking about being Politically Correct, and 'oh, let's not bash the gays', and 'oh, sodomy in the bush is ok' etc... and that to be Politically Incorrect is seemingly 'bad'.


What about being Biologically Incorrect? Huh? Now let's go off on a tangent, oh boy, lookout, they're here!


Really, why has this become a socio-political issue? How has this thread become a spring board for the enlightened social engineers to share their 'new way' with us all? And in by 'sharing', can we dispell all the pent up bigotry that exists within us? Rubbish. Leftover turnip scraps fit for pigs. Barnyard droppings. The gushy ooze that squirts out of rotting tomatoes as they hit your window.


Actually, the issue here really is simple.


Jomarac5 was looking for my cache, and found two people behind a stump on a trail engaged in intercourse.


Along with that experience, 2-3 other cachers reported other findings, one cacher preferring not to recount what else was trashed out in addition to the copious quantities of sexually degrading material.


And still more! Along with that, even others with a knowledge of the area have verified that the place is regularly frequented by individuals wishing to partake in annonymous sex, sometimes even in the vicinity of the washrooms.


This is illegal activity, in a public area, frequented by visitors and children, and soon to be geocachers. It won't be my cache they'll be visiting, because I have archived it.


As for the motivations behind the rest of this phonetic frenzy, I have no idea.


I think Jomarac5 is winning, simply based on the fact that half the threads he starts get over 2500 page views in a short period of time.


Which is something that I used to whine about, and give him criticism for.


As some of you well know.


Day 4 tomorrow on this thread. Will the madness end? I did ask for this thread to be archived on day 1, just so you are all aware. Seems I am a book burner, on top of being a pseudo witty geocaching philosopher wanna be.


Maybe I should have stayed retired.


How ironic, this cache was placed as poetic justice for someone having been a windbag (in my opinion), and just look at all the hot air blowing it has caused.


Someone's gonna figure out that we are really just setting these things up for no better reason than to have notoriety in geo cyberspace.




[This message was edited by canadazuuk on June 05, 2003 at 04:24 AM.]


Originally posted by flask:

i hope one of your kids grows up queer.



The context of this is what?


How does this help us determine if putting caches in an area known to be frequented by individuals on the prowl for anonymous sex is a good idea or not?


Originally posted by seneca:

21 points!


At least Seneca CAN count!


But how much less of a man is Jomarac5 for being able to hurl five insults within the space of 55 words and one URL link?


I think that book has been recommended to another cacher or two in times gone by! icon_biggrin.gif


Originally posted by BrianSnat:

But that entire issue is tangential to the original one. Is it appropriate for people to be using our parks in place of their bedroom?


"Au pays des aveugles, les borgnes sont rois" (TRANSLATION: To the country of the blind persons, the one-eyed ones are kings)


The sheer quality of comebacks in this thread, combined with my utter shame for my thoughtless waste of geobytes has left me feeling a tad guilty.


So I ordered up $75 of geogear from the Groundspeak store, and prepaid a year of 'premium' membership. (I used to be a 'charter' member, but I guess that was a stretch of the truth anyway...)


In other words, you're going to have to get used to seeing me here again. icon_eek.gif


Queen to King's Knight seven, check mate.


Originally posted by flask:

your kids won't be any more disturbed by walking in on a matched couple than they will by a mixed couple


Like Seneca, I guess I am learning.


About the new language of manipulation and subconcious programming that the elite social engineers are putting out on the wave.


Gay = Matched (read: uniform, correct, right)

Hetero = Mixed (read: odd, peculiar, out of sorts, inferior to matched)


You don't fool me with this meta-talk. I don't know what's going on here, but I have the distinct impression that this legitimate thread has been hijacked for some experimental indoctrination.


Originally posted by Macaw:

Originally posted by seneca:

There have been past forum threads about geocachers coming across heterosexuals "making out" - the general tenor of those threads has been of titilating humor and uncomfortable embarrassment - not fear and revulsion.


I find hetros making out to be titilating or embarassing and I find homosexuals making out to be revolting. What does that make me?


That makes you a homophobe...and you know what? Keep it to yourself. I have no problem with people disliking homosexuals. I do have a problem with people who espouse such opinions in public for 2 reasons:


1. It's nonoe of your business, and it doesn't affect you...2 men kissing has no bearing on your life whatsoever.


2. The young kid who's reading this who is conflicted about what he is, what's he thinking? He's feeling something that he thinks is natural and different to him, yet he hears such talk from you. Even if you DO consider it a sickness, do you think he's likely to turn to an adult for help when he hears something like "homosexuals making out are revolting"? He deals with it himself bcause he's afraid of bringing it up elsewhere, and many do turn to suicide...are you proud of that? Remember you're the one contributing to it.




[This message was edited by FlashStash on June 05, 2003 at 05:28 AM.]


[This message was edited by FlashStash on June 05, 2003 at 05:59 AM.]


Originally posted by canadazuuk:


Everyone keeps talking about being Politically Correct, and 'oh, let's not bash the gays', and 'oh, sodomy in the bush is ok' etc... and that to be Politically Incorrect is seemingly 'bad'.


What about being Biologically Incorrect? Huh? Now let's go off on a tangent, oh boy, lookout, they're here!


[This message was edited by canadazuuk on June 05, 2003 at 04:24 AM.]


I don't recall anoyone saying this was OK to do...it's not.


And I always love the biological issue being brought up. There are women who are infertile...would you say it's not right for women to be infertile becuase then we couldn't reproduce? Of course not, that's silly! God didn't make everyone gay for that very reason, becuase we wouldn't be able to reproduce! There are people who are infertile, why is it so hard to accept that, biologically, people can be gay?




Originally posted by TEAM 360:

The insanity continues. Someone please lock this thread and let's ALL get back to geocaching.


No one is forcing you to click on this thread. Just because people are discussing geocaching (and the current topic is whether these places should be noted), doesn't mean other comments should not be discussed, especially when such comments can have an effect on the well-being of a child. The purpose of the "General" category is for anything that doesn't fit anywhere else, and this seems to apply.




Many have said the talk about homophobia is off-topic in this thread. In my opinion, it's not off-topic. The topic title and first post are clearly homophobic. What specifically is disgusting, ghastly, and frightening? If Jomarac came across a female prostitute and a john, would he/she have used the same language, the same tone? If homophobia weren't at play, I doubt he/she would have written that finding a dead body would be preferably to seeing two men having sex.


Compare the tone of the following topic, which is considerably more light-hearted. As far as I can see, the only differences are 1) no one was caught in the act, 2) women were involved:




Originally posted by canadazuuk:

Originally posted by flask:

your kids won't be any more disturbed by walking in on a matched couple than they will by a mixed couple


Like Seneca, I guess I am learning.


About the new language of manipulation and subconcious programming that the elite social engineers are putting out on the wave.


Gay = Matched (read: uniform, correct, right)

Hetero = Mixed (read: odd, peculiar, out of sorts, inferior to matched)


You don't fool me with this meta-talk. I don't know what's going on here, but I have the distinct impression that this legitimate thread has been hijacked for some experimental indoctrination.


no such a thing. i had no intent to assign value judgements to "mixed" and "matched". if you do, it's your problem. you may want to adjust the foil in your hat. i think your reception is getting fuzzy.


i was simply getting tired of using the same words over and over and opting for a change of pace. mixed pairs are just fine. one of each. there's a lovely balance to it.


and as to the dismissing of the young man's suicide as being no more alarming than other kids who off themselves, the relevant part was that the rate among gay teens is 3 TIMES that of their peers. those who survive their attempts name hate speech like this as one of the main stressors in their lives.


it is not necessary to like or approve of anybody or any group. it is necessary to be polite. it is still fashionable in some circles to beat up on gays, even in places where you might hate jews or blacks or catholics or pakistanis but you might have enough sense to keep quiet about it in the interests of public peace.


and i thought a lot about the cheap shot. i'm still not sorry, but if it was your own precious child who was growning up gay and struggling because what he really wanted was your love and approval, it might put another face on it for you. i wanted to encourage you to have some empathy, but used a cheap shot because i'm so saddened by what i'm reading here.


there's really no excuse for cheap shots, but the childishness in my spirit is somehow satisfied. i think i really need to stomp my tiny little feet and have a tantrum. i think i'm done now.


the anonymous men in the bushes are gross. but they'd be gross regardless of the gender. some stuff just isn't meant to be where other people have to look at it.


it doesn't matter if you get to camp at one or at six. dinner is still at six.


[This message was edited by flask on June 05, 2003 at 06:39 AM.]


Originally posted by canadazuuk:

But yes, this is totally way off topic. I hope it's okay for me to be off topic considering 50% of everything else here is???


Yes, you are off topic. Please get back to the original topic, which was, “Exercising free speech to complain about being fearful and disgusted by the homosexual lifestyle”


I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me.



Originally posted by Jomarac5:

3. Should we mark these spots so that others in the future do not put caches there?




I'm sorry, but while finding people boiking in the woods may be distrubing it doesn't seem to be unsafe. They were trying to be discrete. Sort of.


Post a note on the cache page if you have a cache by a spot like this, or post it in your log. Then move on with your life. There will be something else come along soon enough.


Just saw solohikers post. Nice.



Wherever you go there you are.


No go back and read the same topic, this time assuming the couple are both men. They could have been. There's nothing in the first post to indicate gender, other than tone.


That's the difference. That's the homophobia. If someone could write a post like this about a couple of men caught in the act, with the same tone, and all of us read it like it was no big thing, just as normal as an adventurous hetero couple, then we'd be getting somewhere.


Yes, this nicer post seems to be about a one-time thing and the "disgusting, ghastly, frightening" incident seems more frequent, which makes it more disturbing. I'm not disputing that an anonymous sex meeting place in a park is troubling.


I'm just answering those that are saying "this isn't about homophobia", when it couldn't be clearer to me that homophobia is playing a large role throughout this topic.


[This message was edited by teefal on June 05, 2003 at 08:05 AM.]


Renegade Knight wrote:

I'm sorry, but while finding people boiking in the woods may be distrubing it doesn't seem to be unsafe. They were trying to be discrete. Sort of.

In isolated circumstances, finding two people 'boinking' in the woods may not be all that disturbing.


However, this was not the case here -- there are used condoms littering the area. Do you not think the possiblity of diseases being present is not real? That it's OK for a young four year old child to unknowingly pick one up and say "Look Mommy, I found a balloon" -- it's ghastly. And it is incredibly unsafe. The danger of STD's and who knows what other kind of real health risks, is very real here.


Further to this, in my conversation with the woman at the Abbotsford City Police, she mentioned that this and similar areas also are host to serious crimes that go unreported because the victims do not want to be identified as being in the area.


So from health and well-being views, there IS indeed a danger in the area -- and we haven't even touched on possible psychological problems that might be incurred by young children witnessing such incidents.


There is definitely an unsafe element attached to this situation -- to think otherwise would be nothing short of irresponsible.




teefal wrote:

I'm just answering those that are saying "this isn't about homophobia", when it couldn't be clearer to me that homophobia is playing a large role throughout this topic.

Why is it that everyone must agree with your homosexual views? Seems to me that there are a significant number of hetrophobic views playing a large role here.




flask wrote:

it is not necessary to like or approve of anybody or any group. it is necessary to be polite.

No it's not. Why should I hide behind a mask of false tolerance when you are forcing your views upon me? Perhaps it is you who is not being polite by demanding that others accept your very narrow views.




Originally posted by Jomarac5:

flask wrote:

it is not necessary to like or approve of anybody or any group. it is necessary to be polite.

No it's not. Why should I hide behind a mask of false tolerance when you are forcing your views upon me? Perhaps it is you who is not being polite by demanding that others accept your very narrow views.




It is necessary if you choose to express your dislike for homosexuals and their behavior in a public forum...your views create an atmosphere that is detrimental to young people dealing with such issues. Ask your gay friends and see how they feel on the issue.




Originally posted by seneca:

“Exercising free speech to complain about being fearful and disgusted by the homosexual lifestyle”


_I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me._




Are you describing homosexuals as people who have random sexual encounters in public places. If I was homosexual I'd be pretty ****ed at you. I considered that an aberation of homosexual lifestyle and wonder why you want to paint the whole comunity with such a broad brush? Do you think that little of the group?




Wanna go for a ride?


[This message was edited by georgeandmary on June 05, 2003 at 09:31 AM.]


Tolerance is nothing more than putting up with somone or something. There is no respect involved, no cheery smile and friendly pat on the back. When it comes to tolerance, liking it or loving it are entirely optional.


Don't confuse tolerance for "Love thy neighbor". Which a lot of people seem to do. They also take the extra step of Hate they neighbor who doesn't love the neighbors that they think the others should love. They miss the irony in that. I just think it's funny and that sets them off too. Some people just don't get the bigger picture this is all framed in.


Jomarac5, Relax, take a deep breath, the cache in question has been archived. This thread has spun beyond your control. Kick back read, and take advantage to the chance to learn from ALL the posts. Consider yourself lucky to have started such a controversial thread.



Wherever you go there you are.


Originally posted by teefal:

Here's another example of better tone when it's a heterosexual couple:




So, if I go back to that spot will I find more hetro's copulating? Can I go back to that spot and find some random woman to jump in the bushes with? Or was that a one time occurance and the odds of stumbling upon the same situation in that same spot are close to zero.


This discussion is about cruzing areas in public parks and how they effect geocaching.


If you know of a heterosexual cruzing spot, please post it because I have yet to find one in a public park and I know people who would like to visit.




Wanna go for a ride?


FlashStash wrote:

It is necessary if you choose to express your dislike for homosexuals and their behavior in a public forum...your views create an atmosphere that is detrimental to young people dealing with such issues. Ask your gay friends and see how they feel on the issue.

But it's OK for you to force your ideals upon me in a public forum? And that's not rude? Seems to me that there is a double standard here.




Originally posted by teefal:

If Jomarac came across a female prostitute and a john, would he/she have used the same language, the same tone?


I would have. There are communites in urban areas that have to deal with the situation. Discarded condoms and dark corners with prostitutes servicing the johns. But in my almost 2 years of geocaching, I have yet to come across the situation. Now, public parks that have been overrun by perves, I now know where a few of those are, and can spot them almost as soon as I drive into the parking lot.


What was your point exactly? You think it's ok for these gay men to take over public parks? You don't think they should get a room?




Wanna go for a ride?


Originally posted by teefal:


Compare the tone of the following topic, which is considerably more light-hearted. As far as I can see, the only differences are 1) no one was caught in the act, 2) women were involved:




3) If you go back there, you won't find another couple having sex.


See the difference?




Wanna go for a ride?


Originally posted by Jomarac5:

FlashStash wrote:

It is necessary if you choose to express your dislike for homosexuals and their behavior in a public forum...your views create an atmosphere that is detrimental to young people dealing with such issues. Ask your gay friends and see how they feel on the issue.

But it's OK for you to force your ideals upon me in a public forum? And that's not rude? Seems to me that there is a double standard here.




I did not force my ideal on you...I did remind you that airing such views in public creates an environment that has shown to directly lead to a higher suicide rate in teens dealing with gay issues. If you're comfortable doing that, then go right ahead...I'll be right here reminding people that not everyone feels that way. If you want, I'll tell you the story about a person I know who when they were young tried to blind himself with acid because he was afraid to tell anyone about the feelings he was having.




Originally posted by georgeandmary:


If you know of a heterosexual cruzing spot, please post it because I have yet to find one in a public park and I know people who would like to visit.


Judging from the commercials I’ve seen on TV for some videos, I think that location is on some beach in Florida during Spring Break..LOL

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