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How many coworkers geocache?


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At my company we have several geocachers. Myself, Jaxxom, KF6CMP, KF6OFU, Old Frenchy(who got me started in this endeavor), smallforiam and two others I don't know their "handles". That is eight with a couple more interested. Any body with more than this?



"Anyone not here, raise your hand!".

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I work with a lot of people, and none geocache that I'm aware of.


Of course, I haven't made it all that public that I'm a geocacher either... maybe I'm surrounded and I don't even know it, although given my geocaching name, anyone that knows me could probably figure it out.



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I have hooked two co-workers. Oddly they do not log their finds online or in the logbooks.


I am not sure they really search that often, but I know they both bought GPS units.


I got my sister hooked. She is shopping for a GPS. She asked me why most caches were in remote locations. I told her it was probably, because most folks bought a GPS to navigate in the wilderness or on water, before geocaching was invented. I bought mine before SA was turned off.

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I've placed a number of caches around where I work. Cacher ScouterGeorge e-mailed me and asked if I happened to work in the area. Turns out we work for the same comany, on the same office campus (but different buildings). And he turned his co-worker, WatchungWomen on to Geocaching, so now there are at least 3 in my ocompany at my location.

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I regularly geocache with one of my coworkers (who also happens to be my roommate). I've geocached with one other coworker, he has horses and has threatened to ride off into BLM land and hide caches to challenge me icon_smile.gif


Anouther coworker has geocached *without* a GPS and has found several caches.


Our CEO's son (between 9 and 11 years old) was playing in a park where a cache was located and found it, traded something for a dollar bill that was inside icon_smile.gif Happy kid!

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I regularly geocache with one of my coworkers (who also happens to be my roommate). I've geocached with one other coworker, he has horses and has threatened to ride off into BLM land and hide caches to challenge me icon_smile.gif


Anouther coworker has geocached *without* a GPS and has found several caches.


Our CEO's son (between 9 and 11 years old) was playing in a park where a cache was located and found it, traded something for a dollar bill that was inside icon_smile.gif Happy kid!

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When our staff was in Washington, DC last month for the National Day of Prayer, we headed out on a Friday to go sight-seeing. Since we had no real agenda on what to see and what not to see, I let my GPS be our guide. We hit several really nice Virtuals and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.


Here we are at one of the caches . . enjoying the presence of a mind equal to our own (collectively).





"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field.

When a man found it, he hid it again."

Mt. 13:44

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There's three of us actively geocaching, and I think a few more will start eventually. The three of us who do make no secret of it. We make a point of talking aloud about what we're doing and how much fun we're having.


BTW, I take credit for bringing one into the sport, and he and I brought in the third together just by talking about it.


--- Two paths diverged in a wood, and my... my GPSr pointed dead center between them. ---

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I've had a few curious co-workers wondering what I'm doing with my gps half the day. (the other half I'm reading the forums icon_wink.gif )


No bites yet, but we did get my sister hooked and we're working on several other family members.


smile02.gif If ignorance is bliss, why aren't there more happy people??

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I've had a few curious co-workers wondering what I'm doing with my gps half the day. (the other half I'm reading the forums icon_wink.gif )


No bites yet, but we did get my sister hooked and we're working on several other family members.


smile02.gif If ignorance is bliss, why aren't there more happy people??

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Well, I just got started on this great sport two weekends ago, and I've been discussing it with a co-worker thats an outdoor nut. As soon as he buys a GPS, he's in. Also, just yesterday he came and led me to our new satellite engineers office....turns out that this last weekend was him and his wifes first time! He didn't even know that I was now hooked as well.




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Bleh, none of my friends or coworkers have ever heard of Geocaching. I've tried to introduce them to it, but so far, no one has gotten hooked. I've taken several friends with me on a few caches but I guess they aren't the outdoors type. icon_smile.gif

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Bleh, none of my friends or coworkers have ever heard of Geocaching. I've tried to introduce them to it, but so far, no one has gotten hooked. I've taken several friends with me on a few caches but I guess they aren't the outdoors type. icon_smile.gif

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I just got into caching myself (logged first 2 caches last night!), although I have lurked around here for a couple of months. I have 2 co-workers that are thinking seriously of joining me and at least one or two more who think it sounds like fun, but probably won't get into it.

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