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More Geocaching from our friend Wil Wheaton

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I'm thinking he might be Groundskeeperwillie, that was a character from TNG, remember him? Plus, in a log he signed it with his kids names Ryan Nolan and his name, Wil. So I'd say Groundskeeperwillie is definately him.


ummmm....not sure what to say here....so ummm, well errrr, uhhhh, well I guess that's it.

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.....as you can see from his first cache:




He left a "WWDN Rubber Duckie" in his first find. For the uninitiated....WWDN stands for Will Wheaton Dot Net. If you read his site regularly, you can tell he seems like a very good person. As a matter of fact, I have him to thank for my recent start in geocaching. His website was where I heard of geocaching for the very first time. Wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him!

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I'm smiling as I type this... So don't go all wiggy on me and start a flamefest. Maybe we should give the guy some time to decide if he likes the hobby before starting long threads about him?


This seems a little too close to stalking for my taste.


Speaking of which, what am I making you for breakfast in the morning Red?

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Originally posted by Eric O'Connor:

I'm smiling as I type this... So don't go all wiggy on me and start a flamefest. Maybe we should give the guy some time to decide if he likes the hobby before starting long threads about him?


If you read WWDN you can see that he is a pretty well adjusted person (if you factor in that he is a actor, he is in the top 5 percentile). He also realizes that for the most part people like to flap their mouths, and most of what comes out can be ignored. Myself included.



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I ran across his posting concerning Geocaching on his website. I thought it might be a good way of getting out the house more, getting a bit of exercise and be a geek at the same time. So yesterday I rushed to fries and picked up a cute little Garmen. Two caches explored thoroughly - but haven't found the treasure yet. Have found two nice parks here in Austin that I didn't know even existed. Thanks Wesley!

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Well, I think it is pretty cool that someone famous Geocaches. Wil posts regularly to his "blog" and encourages commentary, and he gets quite a few weirdos (me included) that post comments.


Now, understand: I was never a Wesley fan. I would get very irritated that he always seemed to "save the day" on ST:TNG. But I never subscribed to the I HATE WESLEY newsletter, either. I'd like to think I have bigger and worse things to get my panties in a bunch about.


But Wil isn't Wesley and visa versa. He is human and I easily get sucked into reading peoples' mundane comments about their own lives. Like mine isn't exciting enough...


The cool thing is: He's a real person. A genuine nearly-30 guy. He just happens to be an actor who has recently generated some acclaim (for things other than ST:TNG)... The fact that he and I (and all of you) have something in common just makes me all giggly inside! And if he encourages others to GC, awesome!


Yeah, there are other folks that I'd probably get all juiced up about if I happened upon them while sifting through tree-litter (Harrison Ford or Sean Connery immediately come to mind, with Choberiba a close second to them), and it is always nice to meet other cachers while hunting, but it sure would be cool have an "You'll never guess who I met while visiting this cache!"-to post on a cache found log.


And Chobe? I like my eggs scrambled and cooked dry and a nice thick slice of ham or a big greasy sausage and maybe a buttered muffin for breakfast, thanks... oh, and don't forget the coffee!


Lori aka: RedwoodRed


"I don't get lost, I investigate alternative destinations."

GeoGadgets Team Website

Comics, Video Games and Movie Fansite


It's not whether or not you pick your nose that matters, but where you put the booger...

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Well, this is a little weird for me.




I guess since you're talking about me (and actually being nice, which is very uncommon on this internet thing) icon_wink.gif I'll introduce myself, and tell ya a little bit about me and geocaching.


I'm totally new to this sport, game, hunt, whatever you'd like to call it. I think I've only found 4 caches, but I've searched for 7. I'm looking forward to placing my first cache, and even getting together a group of geocachers from my website to form Team WWDN. icon_smile.gif


I blame this all on my friend loren, who wrote about geocaching at his website a few weeks ago. It was so intriguing to me, this marriage of technology and outdoor skills, I had to try it.


One trip to eBay and 10 days later, I took my step-kids and my new etrex Venture out into the woods, and didn't find a cache. A few days later, though, we did locate the Verdugo Park Cache, and there was much rejoicing.


I really enjoy this. It doesn't matter to me too much if I don't actually find the cache, because just getting out into places I've never been, and spending time with my step-kids makes the whole experience worthwhile, even if I am dealing with the worst poison oak rash since I was 10 (thank you Eaton Canyon!)


A wonderful and unexpected consequence of doing this has been the reawakening of my love for hiking and backpacking, especially around the San Gabriel mountains, which I haven't done in over a decade. It's just a matter of time before we tackle the Mount Wilson Toll Road again! icon_smile.gif


I talk about Geocaching on my weblog all the time, and I understand that some people have started geocaching themselves, because they read about it at my website. I hope this only benefits the geocaching community.


I've rambled on way too long. Time to leave.


Thanks for letting me come and play with you guys!




I am Jack's .sig

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Well, this is a little weird for me.




I guess since you're talking about me (and actually being nice, which is very uncommon on this internet thing) icon_wink.gif I'll introduce myself, and tell ya a little bit about me and geocaching.


I'm totally new to this sport, game, hunt, whatever you'd like to call it. I think I've only found 4 caches, but I've searched for 7. I'm looking forward to placing my first cache, and even getting together a group of geocachers from my website to form Team WWDN. icon_smile.gif


I blame this all on my friend loren, who wrote about geocaching at his website a few weeks ago. It was so intriguing to me, this marriage of technology and outdoor skills, I had to try it.


One trip to eBay and 10 days later, I took my step-kids and my new etrex Venture out into the woods, and didn't find a cache. A few days later, though, we did locate the Verdugo Park Cache, and there was much rejoicing.


I really enjoy this. It doesn't matter to me too much if I don't actually find the cache, because just getting out into places I've never been, and spending time with my step-kids makes the whole experience worthwhile, even if I am dealing with the worst poison oak rash since I was 10 (thank you Eaton Canyon!)


A wonderful and unexpected consequence of doing this has been the reawakening of my love for hiking and backpacking, especially around the San Gabriel mountains, which I haven't done in over a decade. It's just a matter of time before we tackle the Mount Wilson Toll Road again! icon_smile.gif


I talk about Geocaching on my weblog all the time, and I understand that some people have started geocaching themselves, because they read about it at my website. I hope this only benefits the geocaching community.


I've rambled on way too long. Time to leave.


Thanks for letting me come and play with you guys!




I am Jack's .sig

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Good to have ya with us, Wil!!


My husband, myself and our kids are brand new as well.


I found this site about 2 weeks ago, and I tell ya, I haven't met a "non-nice" person yet.


....maybe we're just a family full of geeks over here, but I had the biggest crush on Wesley. *grin*


Good to see you around. Also good to see you are doing well in life icon_smile.gif Don't be a stranger and happy geocaching to you!!


Holly Selden


TripleMCachers are Nathan, Holly, Morgan, Madison and Max


The Captive Soul

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Good to have ya with us, Wil!!


My husband, myself and our kids are brand new as well.


I found this site about 2 weeks ago, and I tell ya, I haven't met a "non-nice" person yet.


....maybe we're just a family full of geeks over here, but I had the biggest crush on Wesley. *grin*


Good to see you around. Also good to see you are doing well in life icon_smile.gif Don't be a stranger and happy geocaching to you!!


Holly Selden


TripleMCachers are Nathan, Holly, Morgan, Madison and Max


The Captive Soul

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I generally skipped over this thread and decided to look at it. I never knew Wesley Crushers real name.


Personally I liked him in the Next Generation and thought he added to the show.


Now after that show you had ST DS9 which sucked, then Voyager..which sucked at first but grew on me like a fungus. Then Enterprise...which just blows chunks.


Yes I am a Star Trek fan and that is it.


I think it is cool that we have a celebrity in our midst.


Now would I go ga-ga if I met him....Nope. I have met other celebrities and I dont go out of my way to drool over them.


If I saw him on the trail I would sit and yack with him about geocaching, like I do with everyone I meet on the trail.


Would I ask him to go on some hunts with me?


Hell yeah....I like geocaching alone but find that I am becoming more overly concerned that If I break my leg or something that it would be nice to have someone that can go for help.


I have almost killed myself on several cache hunts and would love to hook up with people that are as obsessed with this sport as I am.


I am talking about hitting 20 or more cache's a day.


When I have a full day to go caching that is the least amount that I plan.


So Wil, I have no clue what part of Cali your in.....but if your in the Northern part (brookings, carson city)...that is where my fiance's mom lives...in that area but on the oregon side...we will get together with Redwood & steak and eggs and go hit "Open Wide Jebediah" the way I originally took to get to it.


Maybe we can get Explosis, Oregon, and Laurencat to go too.



OH one more quick thing...we do have another celebrity Geocacher in our midst too...

Ill give you an obvious hint...


Doesnt bodini look allot like Ron Jeremy.

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One trip to eBay and 10 days later, I took my step-kids and my new etrex Venture out into the woods


Did you hear that? The guy who used a tricorder to save the universe, not to mention rigged an antimatter regulator to spray chili sauce uses the same GPSr as ME!


Take that you Magellan using, Romulan scum!




I can't believe I knew that thing about the chili sauce . . .what a geek!


"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field.

When a man found it, he hid it again."

Mt. 13:44

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I regulary visit a site called http://www.the-gadgeteer.com One of the women on the site mentioned Wil's site and I (being a STNG fan) went to the site to check it out. I happend to be reading his blurbs, and heard him talk a bout GeoCaching and had to check it out. I live in Montana and thought "nothing this cool could be here" and low and behold Ive done 2 caches in 2 days and have many many more to go. Montana is full of em. Thanks for being here, we are all celebs in my eyes icon_smile.gif

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I regulary visit a site called http://www.the-gadgeteer.com One of the women on the site mentioned Wil's site and I (being a STNG fan) went to the site to check it out. I happend to be reading his blurbs, and heard him talk a bout GeoCaching and had to check it out. I live in Montana and thought "nothing this cool could be here" and low and behold Ive done 2 caches in 2 days and have many many more to go. Montana is full of em. Thanks for being here, we are all celebs in my eyes icon_smile.gif

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Welcome to the forums here, Wil!

I have been reading your 'blog' here for weeks now and enjoyed greatly the story of the AF Wesley Crusher and eBay. In fact, I've been very bad lately and haven't been keeping up with your 'blog' or this forum due to a rash of eBay-mania on my part. I've bid on and won 20+ action figures in the past week!


Since some of those are going to go out as Travel Bugs, I suppose it IS Geocaching related.


Again, welcome to the forums and if you put as much thought into posting here as you do on your site, we're all in trouble!


Is Bodoni really Ron Jeremy? Didn't he make an appearance on The Man Show recently? Or was that Jackass... another day, another brain cell burned...

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