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Geocoins from Geocaching.com

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I don't know if this has been posted before, but I was wondering if anybody or Jeremy and the gang has thought of this.


I like to collect the booty nuggets (wife loves that term) but after a while I agree Mctoys just don't cut it.

I think Geocoins like Moun10Bike's are really cool. I have priced these though and they are a tad out of my budget range. ($4-6 each with order of 100 minium)


I think it would be really cool if every cacher had thier own coin. Now that would defiently be something worth trading for. (coin for coin that is)


So I was thinking that if some group or indivual, not saying it has to be Groundspeak, could get with a coin making company and have them do up a coin for us (color is not important) using the ground speak logo for one side (i think it's on Moun10bike's coin). Then people could order say 30 or more at a time with thier logo on the other side. I think if we could get an agreement with a company to be the primary vendor of these we could propabbly get the price of these coins down below $4-5 a piece with a minium order of less then a 100. Heck with the price low enough you could make several logos or have a differnt coin for every year or member of a group.


I think this could also end (or at least quell) the quailty/quanity arguements, keep caches from degrading. Get more people back to trading and away from TN/LN/SL (that bums me out, but that a story for another thread),and give some more creditabily to the sport.


What do you think?


Cache On!!



"Big Dog"

-Clan Ferguson


I think the cost of creating a die for each individual (for the "personalized" side of the coin) will keep the unit cost rather high for small quantities.


However, if it can be done, I'll definitely support it.




I've actually seriously been considering minting my own geocoins. Moun10Bike was kind enough to share his info with me. I agree that we'd probably all have to pay our own minting fees, unless a special volume discount was arranged. Even without that discount, if you took away numbering, color, and the cost of the logo die that Moun10Bike has already created, you'd be looking at around $3.20 per coin (min 100). Not cheap, but less than some options.


I'd support the venture. Though I have become so enamored with the idea of having my own coins I'll likely plunk down the $$ for a full set like Moun10Bike's sometime in the near future.


I know that you can get "metal stamps" (dunno their real name) that you could use to defray some of your cost.


When getting a key made, they sometimes label each key using a metal thing that you hammer onto the key. example:

RM 322




You could get a set of these "stamnp things" (26 letters plus the numbers) : make whatever labels you want. This could possibly give you the personalization (each coin is numbered in a series, or whatever).

Yes, it takes time, but that's why you'd save money.


OK - I'll crawl back under my rock now.





froggy.gif You must be present to win.


I know that you can get "metal stamps" (dunno their real name) that you could use to defray some of your cost.


When getting a key made, they sometimes label each key using a metal thing that you hammer onto the key. example:

RM 322




You could get a set of these "stamnp things" (26 letters plus the numbers) : make whatever labels you want. This could possibly give you the personalization (each coin is numbered in a series, or whatever).

Yes, it takes time, but that's why you'd save money.


OK - I'll crawl back under my rock now.





froggy.gif You must be present to win.


Custom Poker Chips can be produced much cheaper. Usually you can get 100 casino weight chips for under $1 each.


Do a search for custom poker chips at google and you will have tons to choose from.


The best things in life are not things...


Now Open... http://www.geoindiana.com <-Click It! You know you want to!


I know I saw in another thread about custom wooden nickels that were not expensive.

It's true, for the coins like Moun10bikes, each die cost aprox 150.oo, whether it's for 1 coin or 1000.


I agree that it would be nice to collect some kind of memento from each cache that you could put in a book. Business Cards are pretty cheap to buy or even less expensive to crank out yourself on your own printer. True a coin or wooden nickle with impressions would be better but they would fit in a plastic business card slot also. I think a neat card with your geo-name, city, state, cache name and whatever other creative things you can add might be fun to leave in your caches and find in others.


Originally posted by Theseus:


you'd be looking at around $3.20 per coin (min 100)... likely plunk down the $$ for a full set like Moun10Bike's sometime in the near future.


We have them already made and in vast circulation. They include numbering AND tracking AND cost about $3.50.


Search the forums for geocoins, you'll find the link.


I looked up the poker chip thing. Looking at about $0.35-$0.80 a piece minium 300.


But they are printed not engraved.


I still say if somebody(s) could get something like the coin would be great. even if we could buy them with the Geocaching Logo on one side and blank so whe could engrave/stamp our own. then they could be sold one or two at a time like the travel bugs.


Cache On!!



"Big Dog"

-Clan Ferguson


I always try to leave something truly personal, like a lock of my hair (til I was bald), or an old band-aid, or maybe even a finger (if I really liked the cache location.)


--majicman (I think my mind is going... somewhere)





Originally posted by majicman:

I always try to leave something truly personal, like a lock of my hair (til I was bald), or an old band-aid, or maybe even a finger (if I really liked the cache location.)


--majicman (I think my mind is going... somewhere)





Where do you get all the fingers?


Originally posted by sbell111:

Originally posted by majicman:

I always try to leave something truly personal, like a lock of my hair (til I was bald), or an old band-aid, or maybe even a finger (if I really liked the cache location.)


--majicman (I think my mind is going... somewhere)





Where do you get all the fingers?


I am an alien, I have 379 fingers normally, but a new one grows every 3.5 earthish lunar cycles.


In addition, my fingers are highly nutritious and delicious (I think you earthlings call them by their trade name: Twinkies.)


--majicman (I dreamed I was a butterfly, and upon awakening, I wondered if I was a man who just dreampt he was a butterfly; or a butterfly now dreaming that I am a man...)





Big Dog,


I was just looking into dog tags. Maybe with the Geocache logo on one side and a personal logo on the other.


Drop me an email maybe it is something we can slip the cost on.




I like the idea behind the TxGeocoin. Was thinking that maybe a small empty space might be placed on one side of the coin so that maybe we could stamp our own initials or logo into it. That or even a serial number on each one would be pretty cool to me!


I also like the business card idea mentioned above. Someone (geocaching.com maybe) could even offer a deluxe card holder with the GeoCaching logo to keep them in good shape. From what ive seen on here, im sure some of the personalization (is that a word?) and imagination used on the cards would be awesome to say the least...




If it would be too expensive to have personal coins minted then maybe geocaching.com could offer somthing like travel bugs in coin form. They would be personalized (i.e. numbered) and trackable like the Canadian geocoins.


"There's no need to be afraid of strange noises in the night. Anything that intends you harm will stalk you silently."


I thought about making a GeoBaseball card. Maybe a pic of the cache site and all the stats about the site on the back. One for each site. Just like collecting Baseball cards. icon_smile.gif




I thought about making a GeoBaseball card. Maybe a pic of the cache site and all the stats about the site on the back. One for each site. Just like collecting Baseball cards. icon_smile.gif




Originally posted by ponyboy93:

I thought about making a GeoBaseball card. Maybe a pic of the cache site and all the stats about the site on the back. One for each site. Just like collecting Baseball cards. icon_smile.gif




I think this is a cool idea, we could then amass a collection of cards for all those cache's we really like! Much like a personal passport.


Mike (The DirtMan) Pellerin

aka Badger



Jason Dobson

aka "Jay" "J"



Originally posted by ponyboy93:

I thought about making a GeoBaseball card. Maybe a pic of the cache site and all the stats about the site on the back. One for each site. Just like collecting Baseball cards. icon_smile.gif




I think this is a cool idea, we could then amass a collection of cards for all those cache's we really like! Much like a personal passport.


Mike (The DirtMan) Pellerin

aka Badger



Jason Dobson

aka "Jay" "J"



Interesting game similar to Geocaching (but much older), participants have a rubber stamp that they use to log finds. Each cache also has the owner's stamp in it... so as you find caches you collect stampings in your log book.




I wonder if this might catch on with Geocaches?


I think I'll post this as a main topic, just to see if it gets results.


I started another thread with the stamp idea....click on This Link to go there.


I've been going down the same thought lately.....I want something besides a happy meal toy....and this probably starts with myself. Something unique for my box. I thought about coins, you can actually create one in clay and then do a mold of the clay coin....a bit of work but I have a friend who is willing to help.


There is a place online that sells wooden coins....you can print whatever you want on them...discounts for quantities...1000 for about $130.00


I thought about a custom branding iron, click here to see what they can do...a little more pricier but would depend on how carried away you got. Then brand a whole cache full of little wood plaques. Design the logo so you could insert a cache number. People find your cache, they take 1 little plaque....if your cache gets destroyed your ownly out the cost of your time and the wood.


I just received a custom order from Hike America for this purpose. The customization involved the stamping of my handle on a premade/designed emblem. But they were a couple of bucks a piece. I am not sure what it would cost to design a fully custom design and then custom stamp the name. Check out Hike America and look at the YO-1 and YO-2 emblems that can be customized. Maybe a geocache emblem that could then be stamped with with whatever you wanted.


I never get lost!

I simply investigate alternate destinations!


These are all great Ideas.


I am looking in to the Poker Chip thing. Currently $55 setup with Min order of 50 with chips being about $0.60 a piece. No news on the double logo part though.


Weezer, I emailed you Dog Tags sound Cool too.


I love all the Coins everyone is talking about But Still a little too pricey. and NO personal Logo??


I like the Card Idea. But unless they are in a sealed case don't think they would with stand the abuse of being stuffed in caches. Not to mention if it gets wet.


Ponyboy93, I really like that format. That could be cool for hidden caches. Could I get a template of that card. Would you mind if I used the design??


Cache On!!



"Big Dog"

-Clan Ferguson


Originally posted by Clan Ferguson:


I like the Card Idea. But unless they are in a sealed case don't think they would with stand the abuse of being stuffed in caches. Not to mention if it gets wet.


Ponyboy93, I really like that format. That could be cool for hidden caches. Could I get a template of that card. Would you mind if I used the design??


Cache On!!



"Big Dog"

-Clan Ferguson


I was thinking about using waterproof inkjet paper.





Originally posted by Clan Ferguson:


I like the Card Idea. But unless they are in a sealed case don't think they would with stand the abuse of being stuffed in caches. Not to mention if it gets wet.


Ponyboy93, I really like that format. That could be cool for hidden caches. Could I get a template of that card. Would you mind if I used the design??


Cache On!!



"Big Dog"

-Clan Ferguson


I was thinking about using waterproof inkjet paper.





I do some engraving at work. I have some (about) 1"x3" bits of brass laying about. Needless to say, on real slow days I've made some tags for my caches and a few to leave behind. They would be pricey as my boss charges $.20 per character. about $8 a pop... Who said part-time jobs didn't have benefits ? I look busy and get a few tags to leave behind.

Been thinking of upgrading a multi cache, take a tag to find the second (muddy) site. And at an easy cache, I will leave them as 'scrap-book on Olde Cape Cod' items.

Son of a Fish, I actually lucked out for once !!! Visit the Mid-Cape, tip well, and find a couple caches this summer !



Sorry for the bump.


But thanks to Ponyboy I finished my cache cards. These will be left in addition to trinkets in all my caches from now on and retro-actively.


I would like to thank Ponyboy for the design layout. Thanks again!!!!


The finial card will be 2.5x3 inches with lamination.




This is just a jpeg version. the final is much crisper and more readable.


I think this would be great addition to any Cache treasure collection.


Now I am working on my own version of the Geocacher Trading Card . I really think it would be cool to collect something that is a better repersentation of all of you then a sig in a logbook or some trinket. (execpt of course things like mou10bike's coins or other homemade trinkets)


Due to monatary constraints only the Wooden nickles came in second with a price tag of $75 for 100 tuits.


Thanks again for all the great ideas!!!


Cache On!!



"Big Dog"

-Clan Ferguson


I made up my own geocoins cheap. Got some avery 1.5 inch round lables on sheets for PC printers. Printed up the geocache logo on 1 set & my own logo on the other. Went to Home Depot & bought a load of 1.5 inch washers. Stuck one of each lable to each side. Voila! Custom geocoin for about .10 cents each!


Was thinking of doing it in the .75 inch size & putting my logo on the front side of NY state quarters. icon_cool.gif


I made up my own geocoins cheap. Got some avery 1.5 inch round lables on sheets for PC printers. Printed up the geocache logo on 1 set & my own logo on the other. Went to Home Depot & bought a load of 1.5 inch washers. Stuck one of each lable to each side. Voila! Custom geocoin for about .10 cents each!


Was thinking of doing it in the .75 inch size & putting my logo on the front side of NY state quarters. icon_cool.gif


I considered the the washer thing. But I am afaird that the paper and ink will washer off with any cache leakage. But cool idea just the same.


Cache On!!



"Big Dog"

-Clan Ferguson


My wife made some round tags for zipper pulls on our kids' backpacks when they went to camp. She used a inkjet printer paper that acts like the old ShrinkyDinks. It took her some time to align the front and back designs (with our kids' names in them) but once they were printed and shrunk, they were very durable poker-chip sized plastic coins. The color and clarity of the image is great and they are waterproof.


We have been considering doing the same thing as a signature item to leave at caches.


We got some of that shrink it paper too. We did find that the ink will bleed a little when wet. But you can spray a clear laquer over it after you shrink them to set the ink.


smile02.gif If ignorance is bliss, why aren't there more happy people??


I've been making these ceramic tile magnets up at http://www.iprint.com and they've been pretty popular. They come out around $3.50 - $4.00 with shipping, depending on the quantity.


Infosponge Geo-tiles


I've been thinking of putting a serial number on the back of each of the new ones with a china marker so that they're internet-trackable some day. Although most people that get them seem to keep them rather than trade them along.


Originally posted by Sea Wolf:

Do you use them as trade items? Do you have any pictures?


We are still trying to decide exactly what we want our signature item to be.


Not yet. CameraThyme had given us a couple of hers (and some extra sheets too icon_smile.gif) and we noticed the ink run problem on those. We have to get working on a design soon for our upcomming event cache. We want to make up a bunch to give out to everyone who comes.


smile02.gif If ignorance is bliss, why aren't there more happy people??


Originally posted by Sea Wolf:

Do you use them as trade items? Do you have any pictures?


We are still trying to decide exactly what we want our signature item to be.


Not yet. CameraThyme had given us a couple of hers (and some extra sheets too icon_smile.gif) and we noticed the ink run problem on those. We have to get working on a design soon for our upcomming event cache. We want to make up a bunch to give out to everyone who comes.


smile02.gif If ignorance is bliss, why aren't there more happy people??

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