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National Parks and GeoBiking....

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I agree with Jef, if the rangers can take a vehicle someplace, than they should allow bicycles. After all they all snowmobiles in Yellowstone and this year the exhaust fumes were so bad at the entries to the park repirators were issued to the staff. I don't see the parks being over run by hordes of mountain bikes polluting the environment

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There's no single answer and there's no simple answer. I like riding my Bianchi but I don't like the damage that too many riders do to some areas.


Things that matter include how sensitive the local terrain is to incursion (there are large parts of Denali that couldn't sustain any bikes at all without damage) how much traffic there might be (some areas could handle some but not a lot of bikes) how much damage has already been done (it's too late to protect some areas) how safe the area is for the bikers (moose are not your friend, especially during calving season) and how badly bikers would interact with other area users (do not get me started on my rant about how jerk-riders screw up off-road for the rest of us.)

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I agree with fouts. MT bikes could be allowed in a few areas but it would have to carefully monitored for negative impacts.


And snowmobiles should be severely restricted in Yellowstone. The noise and air pollution they cause should be justification enough.

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...so far with all of you. They should not restrict ALL mountain biking in every park. It should at least be allowed in certain areas. This is interesting, I have never really know what others thought about this issue. IMBA is making progres the the National Parks director, hopefully someday we will be able to enjoy a ride in some of the best areas of the country.


The Mountain Bike Guy.


Long Live Long Rides!

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