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Icky logs made by muggles


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I repaired this cache awhile back and brought the old logbook home to dry it out.


Once it was dry, I started to read the entries. Found a couple of interesting and rather disgusting log entries made by muggles.


Here are some of them:


10-27-02 (Looks like handwriting of a 10 year old)

Nice Cashe!

Took keychain and everything not worthless. Left **** and a big ole' turd.


Dylan and Erik


4-20-03 (writing gets worse farther down the entry you read)

4 potheads shroomin on a nature hike. Smoked a bowl here. 4:20 hell ya!

The lines were moving alot. (cannot read rest of the entry, just a bunch of lines that may resemble an attempt at writing)




Skott was here. 4:20 dude!


Lets hear some of your more interesting (or gross) logs you have encountered.


There have to be some doozies out there.



I have never been lost. Been awful confused for a few days, but never lost!

N61.12.041 W149.43.734


Found a cache in Manhattan about a month ago - a gentleman wrote about a romp with a fine young lady at the cache site. He happened to find the cache as he lost control of his leg and something else, and the cache then also shot out. I'd go more into detail but I think you get the pic.


So many caches, why am I on the forums?


I found a fairly remote cache once that had several muggle logs. I suspect that they found it because although remote, it was behind a huge interesting rock that begged to be climbed. Anyway, one traded fairly and wrote "how do we learn more about this?," another traded fairly and asked "are you guys crazy?," and another didn't trade but mentioned that the cache was found while "smoking some nature."




I had a cache plundered and the muggle took everything out of the 5L Rubbermaid, including the logbook. He left the cache container after leaving his personal artistic touch. I’d post the pictures here, but I’m sure it wouldn’t go over well with the mods.



Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.




Originally posted by Bilder:


10-27-02 (Looks like handwriting of a 10 year old)

Nice Cashe!

Took keychain and everything not worthless. Left **** and a big ole' turd.


Dylan and Erik



I hope you wore gloves icon_rolleyes.gif


Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them. The rest go geocaching.


Yes I used the word icky.


I get it from my kids I guess.




I have never been lost. Been awful confused for a few days, but never lost!

N61.12.041 W149.43.734


One of my now archived caches had a visit from a couple apparently young men. They not only called some girl, who they must have not been very good friends with, every name in the book dealing with sexual deviance; they also left a map and directions to her house with something to the extent of "for a good time, go to this address" written on it. It really was a pretty well made flyer, lol, just happened to not be for a good cause. Needless to say, I removed it and did NOT follow the flyer's instructions.



-Team Zen-



Originally posted by Zach and Shannon - Team Zen:

they also left a map and directions to her house with something to the extent of "for a good time, go to this address" written on it. It really was a pretty well made flyer, lol, just happened to not be for a good cause. Needless to say, I removed it and did NOT follow the flyer's instructions.



-Team Zen-



There must not have been a nearby bathroom wall; the usual place for this activity icon_rolleyes.gif


Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them. The rest go geocaching.


Originally posted by carleenp:

I found a fairly remote cache once that had several muggle logs. I suspect that they found it because although remote, it was behind a huge interesting rock that begged to be climbed. Anyway, one traded fairly and wrote "how do we learn more about this?," another traded fairly and asked "are you guys crazy?," and another didn't trade but mentioned that the cache was found while "smoking some nature."


Hey Carleen-


That was my cache! I too, was suprised how many "muggles" had found the cache as I thought it was pretty well hidden and far enough up the trail to keep most muggles away. But, like you said, it's a cool rock to climb.


I took pictures of all the cache pages, but wasn't sure if it was "cool" to post them on the cache page.


I was excited to have my cache visited by someone famous, like you Carleen. icon_biggrin.gif


Just a note. It's wierd how many muggles have found the cache, yet it hasn't been visited in over two months now! (and in the best weather for Colorado!) Oh, well.


Originally posted by boreal jeff & sons:

Who/What is a muggles?


You can find the answers to this a most terms in the Geocaching.com Glossary.




A non-geocacher. Based on "Muggle" from the Harry Potter series, which is a nonmagical person. Usually this term is used after a non geocacher looks puzzled at a geocacher making circles with their GPS receiver, or when a non-geocacher accidentally finds a cache. Geomuggles are mostly harmless.


I don't know if I completely agree with the "Mostly harmeless" part. I've had a cache pludered twice before. I just gave up and archived it.


64784_1200.gifBeen there... Done that...


Originally posted by CWL:

Originally posted by boreal jeff & sons:

Who/What is a muggles?


You can find the answers to this a most terms in the http://www.geocaching.com/glossary.asp




A non-geocacher. Based on "Muggle" from the Harry Potter series, which is a nonmagical person. Usually this term is used after a non geocacher looks puzzled at a geocacher making circles with their GPS receiver, or when a non-geocacher accidentally finds a cache. Geomuggles are mostly harmless.


I don't know if I completely agree with the "Mostly harmeless" part. I've had a cache pludered twice before. I just gave up and archived it.


http://img.Groundspeak.com/user/64784_1200.gif http://www.geocities.com/cwlutterloh/geocaching/geocaching.html


I am a muggle!!! LOL! I will be here all-night. Don't forget to tip your wait staff.


That was my cache! I too, was suprised how many "muggles" had found the cache as I thought it was pretty well hidden and far enough up the trail to keep most muggles away. But, like you said, it's a cool rock to climb.


Hey! Glad to see that you have read the log. My friend and I had a lot of fun reading it. We still make jokes about "smoking nature!" I also just went back and re-read my log. Apparently I forgot to upload my pics for your cache. I'll try to do that this week, I know that I have some.


Just a note. It's wierd how many muggles have found the cache, yet it hasn't been visited in over two months now! (and in the best weather for Colorado!) Oh, well.


Hard to figure that stuff out. Maybe it is because there are less vacationers coming through? I found your cache and then the one further up the trail while on vacation.




Carleen is famous??????


Who knew? icon_smile.gificon_eek.gificon_biggrin.gif



Free your mind and the rest will follow 30296_400.gif

And may no Admin bricks 19490_2600.gif fly your way


I've made it a practice to "test" out a cache location before posting a new cache. I'll put a tupperware there with the usual "this is a geocache" markings, a log book, a handful of change, and a few inexpensive things (postcards or whatnot), and just let it sit there several weeks to see what happens.


In one instance, in a spot that I thought was reasonably untraveled and well-hidden, I was quite surprised. When I returned several weeks later, I found that at some point the cache had gotten dragged out in plain sight. There were a number of entries in the log book. The first several were quite positive, some written in Spanish and some in broken English. "Thank you for this nice thing", "Good idea", "God bless you for make this good game". And then a few other logs more along the lines of "f*** you". Nobody had traded anything as far as I could tell, the trinkets were mostly still there, and the change was all gone.


As a result, I re-hid the cache nearby but with much more secure camouflage, and also include the cache explanation both in Spanish and English. (Hey, that's life in Los Angeles.) Since then, it's proved muggle-proof so far.


Tom Chatt (DeadReckoner)


They not only called some girl, who they must have not been very good friends with, every name in the book dealing with sexual deviance; they also left a map and directions to her house with something to the extent of "for a good time, go to this address" written on it.


Can you post the coords to this house? icon_wink.gif


So many caches, why am I on the forums?


We have found some non-icky geomuggle cache logs... This one I found with Jay (of wwp) when I was showing him this cache, which I had already found (his log w/pics is here):



(Marky and Joani later replaced the cache container.)


We did have an icky log posted at a nearby cache, which you can read about here (look at the logs from June forward). I went and rehabbed the cache (here) for the owner because he was on an extended summer vacation trip cross-country...



Becky Davis

Geocaching blog

San Jose, CA

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