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How often do you do maintenance on your caches?

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This weekend I placed my first two caches. Coincidentally I went on a particularly difficult

Multi also. I found the first part. The second part eluded me and the hint gave info to find

the third (which we did). I emailed the cache owner to ask his opinion on my listing. He

told me that he is planning on a maintenance run on this cache this coming weekend and it's quite possible that part two is missing. His diligence made me wonder.


How often do you do maintenance on your caches?


Do you wait till someone says there is a problem?

Do you check at regular intervals?

Do you archive them if there seems to be a problem?





As always, the above statements are just MHO.



[This message was edited by Harrald on May 06, 2002 at 09:43 AM.]

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I don't have any caches of my own yet, but I plan to do maintenance every two to four weeks after they're placed. Part of the reason for that is that I don't want one of the stages of my 5/3 multi to go missing and ruin the experience for the people who are nuts enough to seek it (I've had to rethink my plans to go to Chicago sometime soon, just because Hard as Pi is suspended at the moment.)


But then, I'm crazy. I've been known to do maintenance on other people's caches just because I got a watch list notification for a not-found. Okay, that's maybe not so unusual, but most people wait til the next day. I've done it at 10:30 at night, just because I was bored and it's one of my favorite caches.



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I usually watch the logs and will do a check on the cache based on information supplied by those that last saw the cache ... but, I try to make a run of each cache at least once a month. One reason ... unfortunately contents do degrade sometimes ... some folks have no concept of trading! icon_biggrin.gif Oh, well ...



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I usually watch the logs and will do a check on the cache based on information supplied by those that last saw the cache ... but, I try to make a run of each cache at least once a month. One reason ... unfortunately contents do degrade sometimes ... some folks have no concept of trading! icon_biggrin.gif Oh, well ...



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I play it by ear with my caches. Factors are: how much time I have, what the weather is like, how many visits have been logged, feedback contained in the logs, etc.


If all is looking good, and activity has been slow, I try to visit them at least every couple of weeks.



"I may be slow, but at least I'm sweet!" 196939_800.jpg

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I check on 'Great Caesar's Ghost Cipher' after every log from the final location. The cache is difficult enough that it receives very few visits to the final site. (It has been out since October and has been found twelve times.)


Since the method that this cache is hidden is crucial to the fun of it (in my opinion), I want to make sure that the cache is reset correctly.


I also will visit if someone posts that they arrived at the final location, but could not find it. So far, the caches has been fine each time, but it makes me feel better to check.

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Actually, I was just going to start a thread about the Northern Hemisphere people doing some "Spring Cleaning" on their caches. I would suggest everyone going out to find their caches and see how they weathered the winter. I've got some cleaning up to do on some of my local caches and my in-laws are always checking on my distant one.


Tangental Topic:

Anyone know where I can BUY those silica gel packs (the chicklets that come with the stereo speakers)?



My Geocaching Page

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Originally posted by Markwell:

_Tangental Topic:_

Anyone know where I can BUY those silica gel packs (the chicklets that come with the stereo speakers)?


Apparently it has some popularity as a desiccant for floral purposes, so you might check with a local florist or florist's supply house. Alternatively, you can shop online. One place you can find it in bulk is http://amos.catalogcity.com/cc.class/cc/?pcd=2643519&ccsyn=15 but you'll of course have to supply your own packaging; you can probably make little envelopes out of coffee filters or window screening, or buy empty teabags at your favorite bulk coffee & tea store.


Another place you might check is your local camera store. Apparently professional photographers like to keep their cameras dry for some reason. icon_smile.gif



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Originally posted by Markwell:

_Tangental Topic:_

Anyone know where I can BUY those silica gel packs (the chicklets that come with the stereo speakers)?


Apparently it has some popularity as a desiccant for floral purposes, so you might check with a local florist or florist's supply house. Alternatively, you can shop online. One place you can find it in bulk is http://amos.catalogcity.com/cc.class/cc/?pcd=2643519&ccsyn=15 but you'll of course have to supply your own packaging; you can probably make little envelopes out of coffee filters or window screening, or buy empty teabags at your favorite bulk coffee & tea store.


Another place you might check is your local camera store. Apparently professional photographers like to keep their cameras dry for some reason. icon_smile.gif



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Originally posted by Markwell:

_Tangental Topic:_

Anyone know where I can BUY those silica gel packs (the chicklets that come with the stereo speakers)?


Even though you're not supposed to place food in a cache you will have to mark them thusly


"Not a food product. Do Not Eat"


Because as you know there is always someone....



As always, the above statements are just MHO.


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Originally posted by Harrald:

Originally posted by Markwell:

_Tangental Topic:_

Anyone know where I can BUY those silica gel packs (the chicklets that come with the stereo speakers)?


Even though you're not supposed to place food in a cache you will have to mark them thusly


["Not a food product. Do Not Eat"]


Because as you know there is always someone....



As always, the above statements are just MHO.



"I don't know what happend to Timmy? He just kind of shriviled up!" lol

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if you have a buddy in the telephone company... we use it to keep cable splices dry. it comes in 1 gallon paint cans and you supply the pouch.


another option is dry rice. you dry it in the oven real well and it acts as a desicant. dont use in tupperware though. ammo cans only to keep the critters out.


i check my caches when there seems to be a problem. when advised by another cacher that they couldnt find it and they sound like they were in the right place.



miami fl

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We checked on our first cache just this past fall when one of the posts indicated that a rodent of some sort had gnawed away at the container (it's a fake stump I made). We checked on our second cache (and ended up archiving it) when it was reported that a mother duck had taken to building her nest almost on top of the cache box! Our last cache was checked on the first week we hid it. Just nervous, I guess!


We plan to do maintenance runs each season for the caches that aren't reported as having any problems. This will also give us a chance to restock the items inside, if needed

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I will try at least once a month if I can unless people are regularily finding it (and it's not close to me).


Otherwise, if there are two or three no-finds in a row, I'll check it out.


As for maintenance, generally none is required 'cause I use ammoboxes icon_biggrin.gif. As for maintaining the contents, what's been traded is what's been traded. If it's crap, maybe someone will trade up. The way I see it, I'm trying to fix up caches I go visit, and I already spent plenty of $$ to set a new one. My responsibility is to maintain a safe and responsible cache.



wavey.gif Go! And don't be afraid to get a little wet!

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I will try at least once a month if I can unless people are regularily finding it (and it's not close to me).


Otherwise, if there are two or three no-finds in a row, I'll check it out.


As for maintenance, generally none is required 'cause I use ammoboxes icon_biggrin.gif. As for maintaining the contents, what's been traded is what's been traded. If it's crap, maybe someone will trade up. The way I see it, I'm trying to fix up caches I go visit, and I already spent plenty of $$ to set a new one. My responsibility is to maintain a safe and responsible cache.



wavey.gif Go! And don't be afraid to get a little wet!

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Originally posted by Harrald:


How often do you do maintenance on your caches?


Do you wait till someone says there is a problem?

Do you check at regular intervals?

Do you archive them if there seems to be a problem?


If there's a problem, I'd just temporarily disable the cache until such a time when I can check on it. If it is beyond fixing then I'd archive it.


But I really have no set schedule for maintenance visits. I stop by occasionally to check on the logbook.

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cache maintenance can also be related to location, type of container & time of year. i've found that here in mid michigan this past spring that many of the caches i found in sealed plastic containers were wet from condensation due, i believe, to the range of temperature differences during the day. all of my cache containers have been army ammo boxes that can "breathe" & i had no problem with wet caches. so far my maintenance visits have varied in length based on various reasons. hope this helps.

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I do the first maintainence check after two to three weeks of placing the cache...refresh the cache clear out any junk. I then plan on doing checkups every six weeks or so.


ummmm....not sure what to say here....so ummm, well errrr, uhhhh, well I guess that's it.

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