+sept1c_tank Posted March 3, 2004 Author Posted March 3, 2004 By my count, there are 270 screen names with an explanation listed in this topic. Please add yours if you haven't already. And be sure to take some time to read some very interesting stories in the first 7 pages of this thread. "Tanks," sept1c. Quote
+KF6JML Posted March 4, 2004 Posted March 4, 2004 Yeah, lots of interesting screen name/alias explanations... sorry, not so here. Okay, so you dragged me out of lurking! I first learned about geocaching on ham radio. So I just used my FCC issued call sign, hoping to smoothly transition myself into another geeky inertial plane of reference... for I.D. KF6JML Quote
+k7-wave Posted March 4, 2004 Posted March 4, 2004 When I found my first cache in Dec 2002 I had to quick think of a screen name with which to sign the log. I thought of using my ham radio call K7WV but wanted to be a little more creative. My QSL card features a mermaid and the caption "radio station K7-Wave" so I decided on the spot to sign "k7-wave". Quote
+Team HomestarRunner Posted March 4, 2004 Posted March 4, 2004 I'm a huge fan of Homestar Runner. That pretty much sums that up! Quote
+Geo Ho Posted March 4, 2004 Posted March 4, 2004 The story of my caching name should be an interesting or comical one, but it's not . . . I dunno what I was thinking about but I was brainstorming, it popped into my head and it had a good ring to it so there it is . . . Geo Ho. Later I thought of Cache Wench, which I find to be equally amusing, but a 'ho I am and a 'ho I'll remain. Someone recently asked me if I regret choosing the name and I have to honestly have to say that I don't. I find it ceaselessly entertaining to go to an event and introduce myself and find that people cannot bring themselves to call me Geo Ho. TOO, TOO funny!! Perhaps if I happen to get married sometime soon I could change my name to Geo Mo or Geo Hopar heh! Happy caching and stuff! Quote
+bennet Posted March 4, 2004 Posted March 4, 2004 It's my real first name. Not my last name. When I get around to posting an avatar, it'll probably be an image of the real me. One benefit of the unusualism of having just one "t" in my first name... I'm not bennett69 or something. Quote
+Hysteria Posted March 5, 2004 Posted March 5, 2004 Shortly after the 9/11 tragedy I was registering for a web site and it asked me to create a screen name. I just picked Hysteria out of the air. Wasn't much thought put into it and haven't seen much of a reason to change it. Quote
+Matt1344 Posted March 5, 2004 Posted March 5, 2004 Matt1344 = Matthew 13:44: "Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field; the which when a man hath found, he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field." The scripture has to do with recognizing truths in another person's mind and letting go of some old ideas. But it seemed to fit the geocaching theme pretty well too . . . Quote
+Evil Chicken Posted March 5, 2004 Posted March 5, 2004 The 'quick' story... The five of us (wife, 3 kids & me) were at a birthday party. The hosts of the party had a chicken coop, a rooster (which was theoretically locked away) and a yard full of kids. My wife and I are inside talking to someone when all of the sudden a woman says, "Oh my Gawd! That girl's gonna get hurt!" Knowing my daughters and the shear destruction that they can wreak, I excused myself and went to the doorway. There stood the two combatants, the 4 year-old Kathryn and a 2.5-foot tall rooster. I pushed my way through the door and, so as not to startle the rooster into doing something rash, I slowly descended the stairs. Putting one hand in front of me, as if I were Luke Skywalker using the force, I said, "Honey... Step away from the chicken." As soon as I uttered these words my daughter assumed the famous Lou Ferigno stance from "The Incredible Hulk" TV show. "Grrr!" she growled. The rooster had had enough and he sprang into the air, his talons both raised and ready to sink into my baby's face. This is instinctual with birds. They go for the eyes. This chicken was going for my daughter's beautiful eyes. Birds, however, are not the only animals with instincts. Kathryn pulled back as the chicken struck causing two scratches on either side of her neck. I scooped up my baby, estimated the rate of decent of the chicken and kicked. My foot connected with the chicken, launching it into the side of a nearby outbuilding. It bounced off and scurried away clucking curses in chickenese at my offspring and me. I carried Kat back to the steps and set her on her feet. She was shaking and breathing heavy. Her scratches were superficial. She looked at me and said, "Man, that's one evil chicken." And that's how Evil Chicken came to be... Quote
+SerenityNow Posted March 5, 2004 Posted March 5, 2004 SerenityNow??? Seinfeld.... need I say more? Quote
+Scout Master Posted March 5, 2004 Posted March 5, 2004 25 years involved with the Boy Scouts of America much of that time I was a Scoutmaster. I am currently Assistant Scoutmaster of troop 409 Kaysville Utah Quote
+Night Stalker Posted March 10, 2004 Posted March 10, 2004 Night Stalker was not my first choice. I wanted Stumbler because I felt that was what I was doing much of the time looking for a cache. That name was already taken. After some thought I chose Night Stalker because he seemed always to be running around looking for something that no-one else beleived was there. Seems like a good fit. Quote
+Prairie Dog Posted March 10, 2004 Posted March 10, 2004 Prairie Dog is my CB handle and nickname among my friends. Though some just call me "PD". The 76 comes from "1976" which is the year I was born. I'm a bicentennial baby! Quote
+Geo Leo Posted March 10, 2004 Posted March 10, 2004 No, my name isn't Leo. I'm a law enforcement officer which is commonly abbreviated to a three-letter-acronym, LEO. It rhymes with Geo, so there you have it. Quote
+UncleRMC Posted March 11, 2004 Posted March 11, 2004 I've been using UncleRMC as a logon name for so many years for so many sites that I instinctively did it here. I am sorry I didn't give it more thought now, but I did not know at the time that I would dig this geocachin' thang. So many know UncleRMC now that I feel that I can't change it. Quote
Cruz1n4Cache Posted March 11, 2004 Posted March 11, 2004 Mine has followed me for a while now. The word Cruz1n (with the #1 instead of an "i" because cruzin is usually taken as a user name on the web) comes from the fact that I am an avid mountain biker and my bike of choice happens to be a Santa Cruz, from Santa Cruz, CA. So I put 2 and 2 together and came up with Cruz1n4Cache. Pretty simple, but kind of symbolic of my love of cycling. Quote
WH Posted March 11, 2004 Posted March 11, 2004 My GC name was originally wavehopper27. Way back when I was 27 years old, I worked as a commercial lobsterman and was always out "hopping" on the waves so I created my AOL screen name "wavehopper27" Just so I had one less SN to remember, I just used the same name on my GC account. Later on, I dropped the 27 (since im no longer that age) and became plain o' wavehopper. Since many local cachers started referring to me as WH in their cache logs, I just decided to go with flow and thus WH was born. Quote
+Shadow n Seqoui Posted March 11, 2004 Posted March 11, 2004 This is an easy one… Shadow n Seqoui are the names of my Rotties… but, of course, there is a small story to go with it. About a month ago I was on the net looking for a new hiking area I could take the dogs to when I found this forum. After lurking around for a few hours Seqoui plops her Tupperware drinking bowl in my lap wanting more water. Then about an hour later Shadow drags the 20mm ammo can to me (with his dog food in it) and informs me I have neglected to feed them. It was right about then I thought KOOL.. this could work. The next day I brought back a few ammo cans from work and picked up some Tupperware bowls and hid them in the woods behind the house. Seqoui was 5 for 5 with the bowls Shadow was 4 out of 5 for the ammo cans. So here I am… GPSr should be here Friday with a full weekend planed…. Quote
IronMaiden Posted March 11, 2004 Posted March 11, 2004 (edited) Let's see I'm married to Ironman 114. Easy huh. One night Ironman was teasing me about not being a"maiden". Then I told him, "IronMaiden" was also 16th Century torture device too. Cause there are times I'm a real pain. But Ironman114 still loves me anyway. The avitar is from the movie,"Monty Python, Holy Grail". This movie made me laugh so hard, I almost had a asthma attack. I couldn't make up my mind weather to use the Knight of Ni or the Tauting Fenchman. I saw the Tauting Frenchman being used, so the Knight of Ni, won. Edited March 11, 2004 by IronMaiden Quote
+Quoddy Posted March 12, 2004 Posted March 12, 2004 My Welsh Spring Spainiel's name from the breeder was GEO. I changed that to QUODDY, one of my favorite places (Maine). Later, I began using his name as my screen alias. Since he goes on over 90% of my searches, it only seemed fitting to include him this way. When I log in "Here with the REAL Quoddy", many people think it is a two man team...in a way, I guess it really is. Quote
mishapman Posted March 12, 2004 Posted March 12, 2004 Mishapman comes from my mountain biking exploits. I had a bad accident when I lived in Northern California that caused me some temporary amnesia. Besides the brain bonk, I broke a collar bone, left a good amount of my epidermis whereever I bit it, and picked up poison oak on a good third of my body. It was bad news. My little accident was labeled as a preventable mishap and I became somewhat of the poster boy bicycle safety...or disregard for it. Word of the incident made it to the base commander, a one star general. What a mess. Anyway, all my riding buddies took to calling me Mishapman. Quote
+Moonchaser Posted March 13, 2004 Posted March 13, 2004 MOONCHASER - It didn't take much thought on this one. I always seem to be chasing after something that doesn't seem to be quite within my reach! You can chase the Moon until you are blue in the face but you can never catch it! But alas, you can never give up, if you do......... you give up on your dreams. And while you may never seize it, oh, the things you see/learn upon your journey!! You must always believe you have the ability to achieve, excell, and thrive.....Thus, Moonchaser......... Quote
+MarcB Posted March 13, 2004 Posted March 13, 2004 I use the really boring method of my first name followed by the inital of my surname! MarcB Quote
+Howie57 Posted March 13, 2004 Posted March 13, 2004 Hmm..... my middle name is Howard and my youngest daughter (18) calls me Howie all the time so i just picked that and the 57 is from the year i was born............ Didn't take much thinking but hey i haven't been able to think too much since the 70's Quote
+AEGIS SPY Posted March 13, 2004 Posted March 13, 2004 My screen name was given to me a few years ago when I moved to a VERY remote town called Benndale. My friends used to make fun of me, for having to drive for a hour one way to and from work. The called me the "Benndale-Bandit" because I am always burning up the highway between work and Benndale. So, there you have it... -Bandit Quote
SCP-173 Posted March 16, 2004 Posted March 16, 2004 In swedish Varg means wolf, and Eld means fire, thus wolf's fire. Although Varg in my case is a tribute to someone who used that name while playing with eld... Quote
+WARedBear Posted March 18, 2004 Posted March 18, 2004 Red-I have red hair Bear-I have a couple of reasons but I won't bring them up here. My AOL username used to be RedBear but I didn't use it for awhile and I forgot my password so I had to come up with another name so I just added WA to the front because I live in Washington state. Purple Bear-My wifes favorite color. Booger Bear (green)- Our middle daughters favorite color and my "pet" name for her growing up. Skittles Bear (mulitcolored)- that was our youngest daughters idea. The Spokane WA Smith Bearie Bunch Quote
uperdooper Posted March 18, 2004 Posted March 18, 2004 Red-I have red hairBear-I have a couple of reasons but I won't bring them up here. My AOL username used to be RedBear but I didn't use it for awhile and I forgot my password so I had to come up with another name so I just added WA to the front because I live in Washington state. Purple Bear-My wifes favorite color. Booger Bear (green)- Our middle daughters favorite color and my "pet" name for her growing up. Skittles Bear (mulitcolored)- that was our youngest daughters idea. The Spokane WA Smith Bearie Bunch i hope you didn't use booger bear when her friends were around. Quote
+RoyalRed Posted March 18, 2004 Posted March 18, 2004 I am active in Royal Arch Masons and have red hair. Hence RoyalRed! Plus many people think I am a royal pain in the #*@! Just kidding I am not a pain in #*@. Quote
+Tprints Posted March 18, 2004 Posted March 18, 2004 Nothing creative here... just used the name of my business (Screen Printing) Quote
+Red Clover Posted March 18, 2004 Posted March 18, 2004 I've been called Red for 10-15 yrs.. from back when it was naturally stawberry blonde.. (now I dye it a darker red) but Clover (especially red clover yes its really a plant!) has been used as a medicinal remedy for female problems for centuries. I learned this from my Great Grandmother who was a full blood cherokee indian. So there ya go.. its my hair color and a throw back ref to my ancestry. Quote
GFource2004 Posted March 28, 2004 Posted March 28, 2004 So ... GFource2004: G = First letter of last name Fource = There are four of us and we are a force to be reckoned with. We are armed with two very vivacious children! Need I say more? LOL 2004 = The year we started caching Brilliant huh? ROFL Loved reading about how others have come up with their names. Quote
+Galbion Posted March 28, 2004 Posted March 28, 2004 (edited) Cool topic. never really thought much about the handles people choose. In grade 9 we were studying plate techtonics and our teacher was very creative and had us each be islands that joined up to become Gonwandaland (like a reversal from when it was all Pangaea). I got to be the unique island of Galbion. It's stuck ever since. Unite Gonwandaland! (...and the avatar is obvious if you know me: I'm never far afield without my ramunctuous red heeler Angel) Edited March 28, 2004 by Galbion Quote
+capntoo Posted March 28, 2004 Posted March 28, 2004 Mine came from when I was a Fire Department Captain. capn was always taken, so I became capntoo. Even after I became Fire Chief, I just kept capntoo.... Quote
+gorillagal Posted March 28, 2004 Posted March 28, 2004 I adopted my name because I work with gorillas at my local zoo (and they're my favorite animal) and I'm a gal Pretty straight forward, eh? Quote
VT ARL 784 Posted March 28, 2004 Posted March 28, 2004 For most sites, I use my initials and the word geek (my last name is so hard to pronounce, my high school buddies just called me geek). When I signed in with GC, I wanted something that was different, something that was me, something that could be identified "out in the field." ARL 784 was the license plate on my rig that I drove the most when exploring. Now I've sold that ... um, uh, SUV... and bought a pickup. That gets a Truck plate. So, that was a name with an unplanned obselesence, though I am trying to transfer it to a Blazer I already have registered. Okay. Enough of the car saga. Lately I've been rethinking my username, because I want to design a logo, and ARL 784 doesn't tell anyone much. So I'm thinking GeoStomper. (I know we're supposed to be light-on-the-land, but Geo-Tip-Toer doesn't have the same ring to it) There're a bunch of other names under consideration: ValleyStomper (I live in the Champlain Valley), RoadFreq (I do more driving than hiking, and I'm a scanner junkie, but I'm not sure that would ease the minds of any cops who stopped by my truck); VTexplorer (says it all, in a dry sort of way). So the debate continues, between myself and my identities. Signed, kaqgeek aka VT ARL 784 aka GeoStomper aka RoadFreq aka Class4Rambler aka RoadHunter aka akaak akakak aaaaaaaaaaaaaak Quote
+Pobre Rico Posted March 28, 2004 Posted March 28, 2004 My screen name is the nickname my high school spanish teacher, Mr. Kinkel, gave me back in the early 70's. My name is Richard. So he called me Rico, or Rich. All his nicknames seemed to evolve. Eventually he add "Pobre" to my psuedonym. Pobre is Spanish for poor. So my nickname was "Poor Rich". Quote
91B10 Posted March 29, 2004 Posted March 29, 2004 It was my MOS when i was in the Army. Combat Medic. Quote
ornryactor Posted March 29, 2004 Posted March 29, 2004 My freshman year of high school, our spring musical was Rodger's and Hammerstein's South Pacific. I tried out for it, and not only got in (the only freshman to do so!), but got a decent role. I was Henry, the French-Polynesian butler. Nobody in the cast knew me, so a lot of people just called me Henry. One day, while talking to a senior girl who had become a friend of mine, she tried to say 'Henry' in a super-French accent, but it came out 'Ornry'. It was a fitting nickname, and it's stuck with me for the three years since then. I do a lot of acting, so the name 'ornryactor' was born! Quote
+spock Posted March 29, 2004 Posted March 29, 2004 Hi, well when I started using IRC in 1993 I had to choose a nickname, I chose Mr-Spock, because I fancy Star Trek and this rather cool Vulcan. I now use it (in some variations) as a nickname wherever one's required. Live long and prosper .\\// Quote
+Robespierre Posted June 3, 2004 Posted June 3, 2004 Alright, so I'm almost a year late...but I like this one. Robespierre has been my cyber-name for many years....because he is the greatest reminder in history of what man really is: See, he was instrumental in the French Revolution, but moved on to prove that "Absolute power corrupts absolutely." I believe strongly in the Biblical doctrine of depravity. Robespierre became a greater terror than French nobility ever was. Quote
+Gas Guys Posted June 3, 2004 Posted June 3, 2004 When my son was born we called him Gas-man occasionally (mostly on the occasions when he was expelling gas of some sort - most of his waking hours). So, when my wife, son (now 16 months old) and I started caching together, he got to be the inspiration of our team name. Kind of lame, but we like it and are sticking with it. However, when friends come along, I'm not sure that they like being lumped in with us dorks... Anyway, interesting thread. Quote
trashcann Posted June 4, 2004 Posted June 4, 2004 Back in “81”, while in college, my roommate read Stephen Kings book “The Stand” He was telling everyone that the character “Trashcanman” was based on me. Soon I would go to a party and everyone was calling me “trashcan” or “trash”. When the computer/internet age arrived (In 1981 we were still using IBM cards to write programs on) I needed a screenname. So I used the only nickname I was ever given. That, plus like the character in the book, I was an idiot savant who was an expert in weapons. The two nn’s at the end of trashcann reflect the two nn’s on the end of my own name. Quote
Mvillian Posted June 4, 2004 Posted June 4, 2004 (edited) I live in Mechanicsville S.C. a very small community outside of Darlington. A friend once called me a Mechanicsvillian so when i was thinking of a name that just came to mind so i just shortened it to Mvillian! Edited June 4, 2004 by Mvillian Quote
D2Cacher Posted June 4, 2004 Posted June 4, 2004 I play an on-line game called Diablo II -- or d2. Quote
+SkinGuy Posted June 4, 2004 Posted June 4, 2004 I'm a dermatologist. "DermatologistGuy" just didn't seem to have much going for it. Quote
Tahosa and Sons Posted June 4, 2004 Posted June 4, 2004 I know I've posted to this one in the past. But sometimes things go in full circles and we do not know the meaning of them. I have just taken a new position as Banquet Chef and more, and lo and behold I'll be working near the headwaters of Tahosa Creek that drains into Tahosa Valley. And if Mtn Man is reading this one, I can see Longs Peak from my dining room, it's about 4.5 miles as the eagle flys. And the elevation of my kitchen floor is around 9,000 ft. now is that a raise or what. Quote
kayaker22589 Posted June 4, 2004 Posted June 4, 2004 kayaker22589 kayaker=what I am and love to do 22589=my birthday kayaker22589=my aol screenname Quote
+Doggiewoggie Posted June 4, 2004 Posted June 4, 2004 I feel pretty, Oh, so pretty, I feel pretty and witty and bright! And I pity Any girl who isn't me tonight! Wooooo hoooo! Quote
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