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The "Lifter" does have some credibility, but the research hasn't been coordinated nor published properly.


An article appeared in the May 11, 2002 issue of Wired.com/news, by Michelle Delio, about the controversial, and as-yet unresolved, "Lifter" effect; also known as "Asymmetrical Capacitors," "Electrogravitics," and the "Biefeld-Brown effect (circa 1955)." This effect claims anomalous thrust from high-voltage capacitors, and therefore, falls within the scope of Breakthrough Propulsion Physics (BPP). Marc Millis was quoted in the article. The version cited in the Wired article is from Tim Ventura, a UNIX programmer for AT&T Wireless. This topic is controversial because most of the recent work, work that was not coordinated with the BPP Project, has focused on promoting claims rather than on credibly resolving the unknowns, and some have published these claims in inappropriate venues. Such activities have tainted the overall credibility of BPP research, by association. Fortunately, a new effort, involving a reprogrammed Congressional earmark, has been tasked to conduct an independent, experimental test of these "Asymmetrical Capacitor" claims. This new effort, managed by MSFC, involves a MSFC-managed earmark to the West Virginia Institute for Software Research (ISR). This work is now being coordinated with the BPP Project.


More information can be found about halfway down this page.

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The effect is real and nothing new. The science is weak at best. What they are demonstrating is almost certainly ion wind. I first read about ion wind "lifters" in popular science back in the sixties:




This was before I learned physics. The suggestion that their machine is providing thrust without expelling mass is not credible. I am assuming, of course, that their machine is not pushing or pulling on another mass as opposed to expelling mass. For example, hanging from a string. Even the more far fetched hypothesis that the electric field fo the machine is interacting with the earth's magnetic field still requires the earth to push on. Next they'll be selling a perpetual motion machine.

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This is a real effect and an unexplained one, both NASA and BOEING are doing research into "Lifter" technology. As to current physics - yes it cant explain it but we have to remember that current research shows that the matter we know about in the universe can be compared to impurities when compared with all the matter (dark matter) that exists. Who knows what this effect is working against? Ion wind is a possibility but does not explain all of how a "lifter" works?? Truly Amazing science.. icon_eek.gif

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You humans amaze me….. actually I mean you amuse me.


So we left one of our little devices behind (out of carelessness no doubt) and you pick it up and think you have violated the laws of physics.


On Trafalmadore we discovered (what you are referring to as) Biefeld-Brown effect about 62.5 dracmarz ago (one dracmarz roughly equals 3.512 centuries Earth time, if you correct for space-time dipping near the event horizon).


The thing is… (and this is what makes me laugh) we use that thing to prevent build-up of charge on the lepton nets that contain our pets. (A lepton net is sort of like a kennel that you can take with you in up to 9 dimensions). So now here are you silly human dragging around a really low-tech household tool (Trafalmadorian household that is) and acting like you got a rocket ship for your birthday.


The only comparison I can come up with in terms you can understand, it’s like you left a pooper-scooper in the park and some guy comes along and uses it for a bicycle.


I a little rushed right now, but I’ll get back to you in a few days ago. (Boy… your linear time drives me crazy, I never know if I am coming or going).


Later (or before),





This 'flying saucer' situation is not at all imaginary or seeing too much in some natural phenomena. Something is really flying around. The phenomenon is something real and not visionary or fictitious. - Gen. Nathan Twining Chief of Staff, US Air Force, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

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