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Have a Caching Site? Whats the link?

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It still needs a little work but I've been busy lately and haven't had a chance to work on it.




So far so good, somewhat new owner of a second/new Garmin GPS V 20 plus finds so far with little to no problem. We'll see what happens when there are leaves on the trees again.


I would like to do a link, but I don't think it will work. N*avicache.com is one of our favorite geocaching websites. We use both sites since we can only gain from all the useful knowledge.






Our feet go where the caches are! feet.gif


I look forward to comming back here and viewing the sites too.


I also look forward to seeing all the wise crack links we will get, knowing this lively bunch!!??


Here is our cache active web page added to the pile.


... the weekend is comming.... KOOL!


** The worst suggestion of a life time may be the catalyst to the best idea of the century, don't fail to listen to suggestions.


[This message was edited by poksal on January 16, 2003 at 07:17 PM.]


Originally posted by upinyachit:

I would like to do a link, but I don't think it will work. N*avicache.com is one of our favorite geocaching websites. We use both sites since we can only gain from all the useful knowledge.






They said: " Hey Cachers,

This thread is here to place a link to your Geocaching website, if you have created your own!

I like looking at peoples sites, to see others creativity with this game."


Cache you later,



"To err is human, to forgive....$5.00"


There is a link to my Geocaching page from my main page here:

Thumper's Place


All of it is still under re-construction as my ISP lost everything and of course I cannot find my backup copies. icon_rolleyes.gif


With my GPS in hand, and upon my trusty steed (er, truck) I scout the land in search of the mystical Geocache!


clicking on that photo/link to your web page crashes my browser every time. Oh wait it's just IE, Netscape works just fine. icon_razz.gif


Let my heart be still a moment and this mystery explore


Originally posted by Faderaven:

clicking on that photo/link to your web page crashes my browser every time. Oh wait it's just IE, Netscape works just fine. icon_razz.gif


Let my heart be still a moment and this mystery explore


OK, but what did you think of it?


Is there a 'Yahoo' of the geocaching sites somewhere? Like an extensive list? Someone is doing it?





Legendeo a geocaching mystery


[This message was edited by tatoeba on January 21, 2003 at 09:11 AM.]


CYBret's Geocaching Page


I've recently made a few changes to the "My Caches" section, including a story of a recent no-find that is a great example of what NOT to do. icon_rolleyes.gif




"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field.

When a man found it, he hid it again." Mt. 13:44


I didn't see a Texas Geocaching link so click the icon under my sig. Not my site, but we have an excellent forum. A truly great bunch of people.


Also, my personal site will be posted later this year, or early next year, mostly for tracking my travel bug army and my independant TB's.



texasgeocaching_sm.gifThe greatest labor saving invention of today is tomorrow....


A Little site I threw together when bored one day, and it just stuck. One of these days I'll do something more useful...




...Not all who wander are lost... unless the batteries in their GPS die, their maps get ruined by rainwater when their pack leaks, and they find themselves in a laurel thicket. Then, they are probably lost.


-DavidMac; (formerly Someonenameddave)


RATS! I missed it!


I just noticed that the counter on MY WEBSITE hit 1000 visits yesterday. Thanks to everyone who's stopped by. Looks like I'll be moving it to a new server (again) in the next week or so. Hopefully this one will go as smoothly as the last.




"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field.

When a man found it, he hid it again." Mt. 13:44


Great idea for a thread! I love seeing other peoples' sites about Geocaching.

The Team Kender site is just getting started and hopefully we'll have more fun and interesting things to put on it soon. Right now it basically is there for us to keep quick track of our finds benchmarks and hides (if we ever hide anything)


Moondog3.com is still my vote for one of the all time best personal websites on Geocaching. very cool!


Team Kender - Willow and Dan exploring the Bay Area backroads!

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