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Those who use the most words do not neccessarily win... Tell us what geocaching is.


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Those who use the most words do not neccessarily win...


Tell us what geocaching is, in as few words as possible.


I don't mean seven or eight or nine or ten words... although, if you can tell us what geocaching is in that few... cool.


You should convey at least several aspects of geocaching in your response.


A few other geocaching.com members and myself will choose a winner, and that person will receive a camouflaged Star-Frit Lock & Lock container full of decent trade items, to be used to hide their own cache. Trade items will include those of a distinctly Canadian flavour, and items purchased from the Groundspeak store. The cache will be mailed to the winner by myself.


Contest runs until 11:59 PDT Saturday October 18th, at which time I will request this thread be closed. A winner will be announced shortly thereafter.


[This message was edited by canadazuuk on October 11, 2003 at 10:20 PM.]


Originally posted by canadazuuk:

A few other geocaching.com members and myself will choose a winner

Are overseas cachers eligible to join?


- I just got lost in thought. It was unfamiliar territory. -


This contest is open to all geocachers. I encourage responses from everywhere.


The cache will be mailed to the winner, regardless of where they are on the six continents. (I do reserve the option to send it by surface mail...)


My submission: A fun, and challenging, high-tech game of outdoor hide and seek, played with people of every age from all over the world.


My wife's submission: A colossal waste of time.


I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me.


Geocaching is a fast-growing hide-and-seek game where "geocaches" (containers) filled with trinkets and a logbook are hidden anywhere in the world. The Latitude / Longitude coordinates for the hidden geocaches are then posted to a web site.

Geocachers using Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) receivers navigate to the posted coordinates and attempt to find the geocache, exchange trinkets, and sign the logbook. They then log their find and experiences on a web page created for that geocache.

Led by pioneers such as www.geocaching.com the game has reached 180 countries and all corners of the United States, and is enjoyed daily by thousands of people from all walks of life.


Originally posted by New England n00b:

"Ouch! Hey! Score!"


Are you on topic here or just humping your nut again?? icon_razz.gificon_razz.gif



Free your mind and the rest will follow 30296_400.gif


I am contacting a few geocachers and asking if they want to be involved with the selection process (via a private topic).


If you would be interested, please contact me through the site.


I would also like to include at least one of many admins in the process.






Originally posted by canadazuuk:

If you would be interested, please contact me through the site.

Yes I'm interested. Please put my name down. Thanks. icon_cool.gif


In order to avoid an overly biased decision on the winner, geocachers within Greater Vancouver, The Fraser Valley and Greater Victoria area are excluded from judging and submitting.


Suggestions for uniquely Canadian content in the prize cache are welcome. Canadian Geocoins and Canadian Tire Money are already included.


Originally posted by canadazuuk:

This contest is open to all geocachers. I encourage responses from everywhere.


Originally posted by canadazuuk:

In order to avoid an overly biased decision on the winner, geocachers within Greater Vancouver, The Fraser Valley and Greater Victoria area are excluded from judging and submitting.


You sure do change your tune quickly. It was open to everyone, but you don't like us, so you are purposefully excluding us.


Seems to me that you're excluding people from your own neighbourhood, and it doesn't seem quite fair to me -- in fact, I don't think that this attitude is in the intended spirit of the sport.


I guess by the same token, we can all exclude you from our game as well. Perhaps you should stop visiting our caches if you feel that we don't fit into your perfect little caching world.


My caches are no longer vegetable friendly:





You need a good command of the language to be a moderator.


Random wandering with a purpose


Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them. The rest go geocaching.


Since you are excluding local cachers from participating in your contest, you've made it a local issue.


Who's going to buy that you're worried about a local bias? You just don't want to include RobertM on your judging committee because you have a bias towards him.



You need a good command of the language to be a moderator.


Why would it have to be location-biased?


Judges for this contest (of which you would not be one, since you are administering it) would not be allowed to read this thread and would be given a list of responses from those requesting to participate (names and locations removed, assigned a number). Only the administrator would be able to dereference assigned numbers into the winner(s) and the best voting would be a borda count method...vote for the best 5 phrasings with 5 pts for 1st, 4 pts for 2nd, etc...highest score wins.


Otherwise, given your track record with most of the locals up there, this is just one more thing to wedge between you all and cause one more ill feeling.


IOW, here's a valid method to avoid bias so don't be a jerk.






Originally posted by Jomarac5:

Since you are excluding local cachers from participating in your contest, you've made it a local issue.


Who's going to buy that you're worried about a local bias? You just don't want to include RobertM on your judging committee because you have a bias towards him.



For the last time, please stop posting off-topic in this thread.


If you and your friend(s) want to post off-topic, go to the Canada forums where you have several no-topic threads going already.


Originally posted by canadazuuk:

Jomarac5, you don't get it. I asked you to stop.


Specifically. And more than once or twice.

In this thread?


Zuuk wrote:

I asked you to stop.

Where's the problem? I am on topic -- I asked a question about your contest and commented on your reply.


If you'd prefer that I don't post at all, just say so. Maybe you'd prefer that other local cachers don't post either?



You need a good command of the language to be a moderator.


Originally posted by canadazuuk:

Okay, so this thread is going to be locked in a minute or three. Get your last spits into the ring....


I am picking a winner right now.

You said you were leaving this open until October 18. It seems you are the one that is biased!


It seems it is you that is constantly changing your mind and jumping from one side of the fence to the other.


I make no apology for not wanting RobertM or anyone else openly antagonistic towards myself and this site to be involved.


To that end, I tried to be fair by excluding local cachers, many of which I know, some of whom both Jomarac5 and RobertM are openly criticising for NO apparent reason. That way, I couldn't be condemned of 'favoritism'.


So I'm damned if I do, damned if I don't.


I've asked you guys to stop. I've asked Jomarac5 to bring it into a private topic.


Anyway, I'll pick a winner on this one, close the thread, and start another in due course.

This topic is now closed to further replies.
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