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Deletions, and undeletions


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I had a reverse cache entry deleted by the cache owner; he mistook a previous Note of mine for a log, although the note specifically explained why it was just a log.


When I delete my own logs, I am told that they are archived. Does that mean that they can be undeleted and put back on? Can the cache owner do that? If not, who do I appeal to?


Relax, write the cache owner, and explain. That's why the e-mail link is there. If the owner doesn't respond or if there's a dispute, then posting publicly might be appropriate. In this case, an e-mail will probably resolve things quickly.



Scott Johnson (ScottJ)


Well, I did contact the owner!


I am talking about the 'How Vane It is' reverse cache. It specifies that unique finds are required. So when I came and wanted to log my find, I saw it wasn't unique. So I posted it as a note, and specifically mentioned that I'd be back.


Two days later, I had a unique find, and posted it. This morning I find it deleted, with a comment that no two finds are allowed. Well, I had only one 'find', and that's the one they deleted. That's what I told them. So I uploaded it again, and they deleted it again, this time saying that the unique vane wasn't unique, but saying that my previous one was actually OK. So I changed the wording of my original note and turned it into a find.


But the point is not 'having a log'. The point is the arbitraryness of the deletion, twice, without prior consultation. And my question was whether, in case a deletion was done by mistake, it can be undone. In this case, I had to go out and get the coordinates again, just to find them deleted a second time. This is rather frustrating, and I consider such behavior on the part of a cache owner rude. I am starting to understand why TPTB placed a moratorium on further reverse caches.


I highly suspect the owner misunderstood. Since you logged a found, don't worry about it. There are plently of more important things to be frustrated about. Now go have fun.


You may be right, but rudeness is nothing new and most of us deal with it every day. Let the owner's mother teach him manners ... you got your smiley, so smile and go find some more caches! icon_smile.gif



Scott Johnson (ScottJ)

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