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Is It Really That Bad?

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I realize that I will probably get “flamed” for posting this but oh well, won’t be the first time in my life and surely won’t be my last either. I have not got as many posts or finds as others and have handed out my share of “flaming” as well. Maybe I don’t have any right to post this but here goes.


I find myself looking several times a day at the various posts on the forum and have seen this coming for some time. As each day wears on I have seen “things” build up and keep getting worse and worse on the forums.


Let me say first that I am a 36 yr. old father of 2 that is semi-retired at the moment and have some time on my hands to enjoy life for the time being. I first heard of “geocaching” on a local tv news station in late April of this year. I am an avid outdoors person with a natural love for all types of hunting and especially bass fishing. So I have had a GPSr unit for about 3-4 years mainly for the outdoor sports I enjoy. So when I seen this clip from the local news, I decided to give it a shot since there was one (cache) near me. The rest is history! I have been hooked ever since and so is the “better half”.


It never seems to amaze me how that this site can offer so much enjoyment for the avid outdoors person(s) or just the weekend or weekday person looking to get out and do something. And to beat it all, it’s FREE if you chose not to become a member (which I have for the time being), but look to be changing soon.


Without anyone trying to accuse me of “brown nosing” Jeremy or anyone else for that matter, I can sympathize with what they must be going through. I don’t have any idea who Jeremy is or anyone else for that matter in TPTB slots. I have never met them and probably never will since I am in Tennessee and they are on the west coast.


In my past job, I managed a large retail establishment that employed in the neighborhood of 175-250 different people at various times. I also understood that there is always going to be some form of negative behavior from someone or a group of individuals regardless of how good it is. Everything has an opportunity to get better, heck even we do as humans!


Where I was employed we had an open door policy as well as a “suggestion box” for anyone to give their opinions, gripes, as well as a little patting on the back. This was good for business as well as helping it become better and more profitable. I look at these forums as just this, an open door as well as a “suggestion box”. There is no way that we all are going to be 100% satisfied 100% of the time. But it never hurts to bring up new ideas and all work together to make things better in the right way of doing so.


Brings me back to my original point of how to go about things that we wish for in this sport. Look at it as you going to your supervisor and asking for a raise. Do you barge in their door and demand it and start venting to no end? I would assume the answer is no.


Please, for the future of this site and the sport that we are all obviously hooked on, use a little tact when “venting”. Use this forum for what it is intended, for fun and enjoyment for all! If you have an idea or suggestion that you feel is worthy of the sport, by all means share it in the forums as well as with TPTB. But please do so in the right way. Also, if you have a problem or gripe, please use this tact and take it to someone that can make a difference and can make a good sound judgment call. It may not always be the decision that you feel is right, but I can assure you that I believe that TPTB are NOT deliberately trying to go against your wishes just to be an @ss. They are forced to look at the big picture when making decisions. Also remember that each one of those folks are human beings and make mistakes as well. Would you want their jobs? I think I know about 99% of your answers to that question.


In closing I want to ask all of my fellow cachers to just think of a few simple things BEFORE you go venting about whatever is bugging you……………….


1. What would I do if the site closed down tomorrow and there were no more caching until someone else decided to take on the role of one similar to it (and have to work through all the bugs all over again)?

2. Think also of the way you feel when you do go caching and the feeling you get when you locate it finally after searching for what seemed to be hours.

3. How many wonderfully beautiful places that this sport has taken you and would you have seen them if it not for geocaching?

4. Ask yourself ……”IS IT REALLY THAT BAD????”


Some things in life we all take for granted and I for one would love to continue to play a part and enjoy this sport. Call me what you wish but I sure do feel better for saying what I have above. Just my .02 cents worth, your turn!

Happy caching!!! icon_biggrin.gif


(edited to put in some paragraps, hehehe, sorry!)


The Cache Couple

East TN


[This message was edited by The Cache Couple on August 19, 2003 at 08:34 PM.]


[This message was edited by The Cache Couple on August 19, 2003 at 08:36 PM.]


.02 cents worth? More like a buck and well said. If you think this is bad I can link you to some forums that would make this look like a picnic.




Caching without a clue....


I agree. I really haven't followed closely enough to understand just what all the source of this tension is. I'm curious, not but enough to go digging.


I am very thankful for this site.


Originally posted by umc:

.02 cents worth? More like a buck and well said. If you think this is bad I can link you to some forums that would make this look like a picnic.




Caching without a clue....


That wouldn't be difficult, no. But other forums just sprung up as places for people to vent. I think this is a little above that.


Originally posted by The Cache Couple:

In closing I want to ask all of my fellow cachers to just think of a few simple things BEFORE you go venting about whatever is bugging you……………….

1. What would I do if the site closed down tomorrow and there were no more caching until someone else decided to take on the role of one similar to it (and have to work through all the bugs all over again)?

2. Think also of the way you feel when you do go caching and the feeling you get when you locate it finally after searching for what seemed to be hours.

3. How many wonderfully beautiful places that this sport has taken you and would you have seen them if it not for geocaching?

4. Ask yourself ……”IS IT REALLY THAT BAD????”


Some things in life we all take for granted and I for one would love to continue to play a part and enjoy this sport.


<insert clapping hands emoticon here>



texasgeocaching_sm.gif Sacred cows make the best hamburger....Mark Twain.


Yup, exactly.


However, it's not that bad either. In other words, it's not even as bad as your post makes it out to be, LOL.


This is not abnormal, there is more than one cause of this latest uproars. Several things all came to a head at once and some folks are a little bent, that's all. This is not Geocaching overall and doesn't reflect the sport. Most people who are caching are not even LOOKING at the forums. I cached for a looooong time before I first felt like posting in here, and I find I am part of a small minority who do.


So, cache on!



"Trade up, trade even, or don't trade!!!" My philosophy of life.


It really isn't that bad, and I've seen worse in other forums, to the point of them being shut down. I have also seen sites get real bad a turn around because somebody went to the effort to moderate the place and get rid of the nonsense that was going on there.


Like it or not, the right of free speech doesn't apply to online forums. That server space is owned, and whoever owns it gets to set the rules. We agree to those rules by signing up here.


That Quack Cacher:

Lone Duck


When you don't know where you're going, every road will take you there.


Well said. No, it really isn't all that bad. Out of lord knows how many people who use this service, a much smaller percentage post on the forums. Out of the posters, even less complain. Of the complainers, some have legitimate complaints and some don't. Of those that do, either they will stick around anyway, or leave. Hopefully TPTB consider what they have to say, and I am willing to bet that they do. But if their complaints can't be fixed and they leave, it won't really put a dent in the sport.




There's more to what's going on than is showing up in these forums. You'd have to get on some of the other lists and boards to get a clearer picture of what is happening.


It wouldn't be prudent to say much about that here, though. All I can really say is that more and more people are looking at alternatives, which is probably a good thing for the sport as a whole.




Originally posted by carleenp:

Well said. No, it really isn't all that bad. Out of lord knows how many people who use this service, a much smaller percentage post on the forums. Out of the posters, even less complain. Of the complainers, some have legitimate complaints and some don't. Of those that do, either they will stick around anyway, or leave. Hopefully TPTB consider what they have to say, and I am willing to bet that they do. But if their complaints can't be fixed and they leave, it won't really put a dent in the sport.




I don't know what that little yellow critter is but my cats want to eat it. icon_biggrin.gif


Originally posted by nincehelser:

There's more to what's going on than is showing up in these forums. You'd have to get on some of the other lists and boards to get a clearer picture of what is happening.


It wouldn't be prudent to say much about that here, though. All I can really say is that more and more people are looking at alternatives, which is probably a good thing for the sport as a whole.




I'm not involved in the other boards but the undercurrent on these boards is clear. Odd as it is I agree with George.


Originally posted by JoGPS:

Cache Couple thank you for this thread its what needed to be said………….JOE

No thanks needed Joe, but I sure do appreciate your support. I feel it needed to be said and spoke for many??? You are the caching machine and have done a lot for this sport! Hope to see you on the trail someday!


The Cache Couple

East TN


What uproar? I WENT GEOCACHING!!!!


Oh...you must mean about my sunglasses...yeah...that stinks.




"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field.

When a man found it, he hid it again." Mt. 13:44


There's always room for improvement in anything. The sport has grown so rapidly it must be difficult to keep up. The larger it gets and the more people get involved the harder it will be to keep everyone happy. geocaching.com is doing a great job. If another site can do it better, fine. But can another site do it better for free?


Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

Because now I am Lost.


Originally posted by The Cache Couple:

With all of the recent "uproar" I feel its time for a bump of this thread. Happy cachin everyone!!


And after all this time, it's STILL not that bad!!!


Who'd a thunk it????? LOL.



"Afghanistan was a battle. Iraq was a battle. The war goes on."


Besides the only time I'm in an uproar is when I realize I've just walked through waist high poison ivy with shorts on.


Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

Because now I am Lost.


The title to this thread says nicely exactly what I was thinking.


Every morning when I get up , the second thing I do after checking my email (ok, third thing if I didn't get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom), is to see if any new caches popped up in my area. I cache because I enjoy it. If it got to the point where it wasn't fun anymore, I wouldn't do it, not at this site, not anywhere.


I'll be submitting three new caches (all physical) Saturday evening. A considerable amount of planning went into each one. Making sure no other caches were overlooked, nothing dangerous, etc. I made several subsequent trips back to the cache sites over the last several days getting the coordinates accurate as possible, seeing if the areas were too congested on certain days, whatever.


Will I be suprised if they're not approved? Yes. Will I throw a conniption fit, post a thread about how unfair I'm being treated, and call whoever didn't approve it a biased, egotistical, maniacal, bowlegged, knock-kneed, liberal, communist, conservative, frog-faced fascist? Uh, no. I'll look over my submissions, see if something is unclear, and try to work it out, whether it be moving it slightly, changing the description, whatever. If that doesn't work, so be it. I refuse to get worked up over a silly dadgum ammo box filled with toys! I'll let it slide and won't lose a single dadgum second of sleep over it.


I put myself in the Hospital years ago stressing out over things that really didn't matter. I don't plan on doing it again.


This is all supposed to be fun. Dammit, have fun!


It's not that important. It's not that bad.


Visit the Mississippi Geocaching Forum at



"One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important."

- Bertrand Russell (1872-1970)


This is supposed to be fun, isn't it?



All weal drive, the only way to go!


I've been other other forums, and this place is a nice quiet relaxing jacuzzi compared to them. icon_smile.gif


Because the site is free, and the services for money rendered are pretty darn good, I'm fine with the way things are running. If I wasn't, I'd take my ball & go make an alternative site.


With the large number of people that apparently submit caches, it doesn't suprise me at all the website owners are trying to focus/specialize more on one area. You can't be a jack-of-all trades AND be perfect in each area.


So let's say someone makes a virtual only site. Good, deal, I'll sign up there, too.


Like someone said diversity/competition can only make things better!



16x16_smiley-mad.gif Don't hurt me. I'm new here.


Man invented language to satisfy his deep need to complain.

Lily Tomlin (1939 - )


Sorry, I'm still reading quotes, but this seems to fit nicely here.


Have a happy day. Cache!



All weal drive, the only way to go!


I'm pretty new, but I'm happy with the site. So what if the site doesn't offer everything to everyone? I will probably branch out into virtuals and benchmarks someday, but as far as I'm concerned, for now, I'm fine with the site.


"I'm 35 Years old, I am divorced, and I live in van down by the river!" - Matt Foley


When I first tried to use contact@gc.com to report a bug, their response was 'use forums for this'. I am sure I wasn't the only one who was introduced to the forums this way. This alone explains a higher percentage of people who are not 100% satisified in the forums.

Now if your bug reports / feature suggestions are always ignored, and fellow forum participants all agree that this because of gc.com trad-only policies ... then naturally you tend to discuss the policies, and you are not really 100% satisfied too. That's level II.

Now at level III, you find out that gc.com shuts down unfriendly policy discussions at the forums. I couldn't have guessed that the things are so bad, if not for gc.com specifically inviting me to the forums to learn this sad fact.

Should it really be that bad? Hey, upstairs?


I agree with the original poster. And for a few of you, get off the conspiracy theory! This is a fun hobby that doesn't warrant such angst. I know it's cliche, but get a life. Don't you have family, friends, and job that are the source of most stress? Why bring it here?


I'm personally happy with the site, yes it could use improvement, that is why I paid to become a member. I hope the money helps in some small way, and lets face it 30 bucks a year is small,(hell I spend more then that on beer and smokes a weekend). But theres a difference between gc.com and the forums, you have to remember we all have different ideas of what is good and bad, right and wrong, thin and fat. Ok I was streatching it with the thin and fat one but you get my point. There will always be people out there stressing about things that you may not find important, guess what it is important to them. So we probably shouldn't assume where someone else's stress comes from, be it work, family, friends, or Gc.com forums. Everyone is different and just because it may not bother you it may bother someone else. Some people hate the fact that I can still smoke in bars up here and they get all bent out of shape, I don't see the big deal.


Excellent post! Great view and most excellent attitude!



"Sometimes you gotta look like an *** to get that cache!"...huntforit



These forums are fr the enjoyment of anyone who cares to participate. Both discussion o0f GOOD and BAD things are possible, IF the rules of decorum are observed.


I look at it this way ( And I moderate several mail lists) I think of myself as the guest in the home of someone I don't know well. I try to be careful of being discourteous to my hosts, and at the same time I try to get to know what they expect.


I do know that it is rude to come into the home and criticize the family management. You may in fact see things that you TOTALLY disagree with, and you may not.


What do you do? Do you rant and rave until someone throws you out? Do you politely take the homeowner aside and attempt to reasonably suggest a better way? Do you just shut-up, and hope it doesn't happen again? Do you leave and vow never to return?


You may notice that these are all choices which fall on the observer, not the homeowner, he or she has their own way of looking at the situation and their way of running their household. IF they make all the wrong choices, there will be NO guests, and the house next door will have a roaring party.


I think right now THIS is where the roaring party is. I have visited the neighbors and seen that they have homebuilding to do, and the renovations and facilities are not quite in yet.


I also see that this is where the majority of the fun (read that as Caches) happen.


I do not let the banter at the party stop me from going out to enjoy the rising sun.


I think this is a well built house, with a spacious yard and lots of room for improvements and parking. The guests are really good people from many places and experiences, and in fact above average in the ability to communicate and get things done.


I hope that a few discourteous guests will not cause the smoothly flowing information to divert to chaos




Trash-out, EVERYtime


Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is that the frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by itslef but the wrod as a wlohe.


Dear Cache Couple,


What sucks about the admin here is that if you decide to support the sport you get no support from geocaching.com. Worse than that you can get a negative reaction.


The contact link used to basically say 'don't email us'. If you complain in the forums the admin minions attack your character.


When a problem arises there is no system to deal with it. A bunch of yahoos with no business experience are running the entire operation.


If you do something responsible like making a commitment to a land manager on behalf of the geocaching community you find out that geocaching.com does not support it's own policies. If you get embarrassed and hung out to dry by these amateurs once you will understand the frustration.


Originally posted by geomaineiacs:

I know it's cliche, but get a life

Serious cachers don't get a life icon_smile.gif Can you really call getting outdoors with your kids and pets a _life_?? And most certainly flame-less discussions about unimportant matters aren't a life.

Don't forget Prometeus!


Dear Solohiker,

First of all let me say thank you for posting to this thread. Second of all let me respond with a few words regarding your post. Please do not take any of this reply as a "bashing" to you or anyone else, but a mere reply with my thoughts on the matter.


Maybe I am totally wrong by saying this but this site is FREE for ANYONE to enjoy unless you decide to join. I introduced my nephew to this sport a few months ago and gave him my old Magellan 315 amongst other things for his high school graduation. After trying it out and enjoying the sport he calls me last week all excited to tell me that he just placed an order for a brand new Legend just like his ole Uncle has. He also had me go out with him last weekend and place 3 new caches in a very poor cache area. Boy is he proud of those 3 little micros!


What does this have to do with this thread you reply? Well first of all I am very proud to have him interested in this sport and not on the streets into other less productive things that a lot of 18 yr olds are into these days. Another thought is him being so new that he would venture into this forum and see all of the bickering and whinning about this and that and get turned off by what he sees.


In my original post starting this thread I suggested that we use a little tact when we voice our concerns and not start name calling and bashing everyone and anyone with a little power and things just may change to your liking. If they don't just step back and remember all the times that you finally got to that cache and all the fond memories that you have taken in all in the namesake of Geocaching. And not to mention again that this is done for you, me, my nephew, and all of us for FREE. Isn't this just grand?


In closing you mention that "you have been embarrassed and hung out to dry by these AMATEURS and also a bunch of YAHOOS running the site". I ask you to step back and think of this line that you wrote. Is this the way to take the situation? No bashing intended but this type of choosing of words will get you, me, or anyone else nowhere. I have always been taught that showing respect will also earn ones respect. Maybe I am wrong in this but it has worked for me so far. In the event that you were right the time that you were "embarrassed or hung out to dry by these YAHOOs" just remember that one person does not make up all of TPTB.


As with business or life itself they all have their ways of weeding out the bad apples within the orginization. And once again this site is FREE for ANYONE to join up and enjoy. The issues will work themselves out in time just have a little patience and use tact and all will be fine. I challenge you or anyone else to find me one organization that is perfect in every way. All have room for improvement as this one has as well. Can you think of another recreation or sport that has grown as big or fast as this one? Again, IS IT REALLY THAT BAD?


Happy cachin my friend and hope to see you on the trail someday! icon_smile.gif


What sucks about the admin here is that if you decide to support the sport you get no support from geocaching.com. Worse than that you can get a negative reaction.


The contact link used to basically say 'don't email us'. If you complain in the forums the admin minions attack your character.


When a problem arises there is no system to deal with it. A bunch of yahoos with no business experience are running the entire operation.


If you do something responsible like making a commitment to a land manager on behalf of the geocaching community you find out that geocaching.com does not support it's own policies. If you get embarrassed and hung out to dry by these amateurs once you will understand the frustration.


My experience with this website is the exact opposite of Solohiker's. But obviously he hikes alone because he can't get along with others. I hike with my friends...because I have friends icon_wink.gif


"You can't make a man by standing a sheep on his hind legs. But by standing a flock of sheep in that position, you can make a crowd of men" - Max Beerbohm


Originally posted by The Cache Couple:

I suggested that we use a little tact when we voice our concerns and not start name calling and bashing everyone and anyone with a little power and things just may change to your liking.

I agree with the premise of your original post, and I am for the most part quite happy with geocaching.com; sure, there are changes I would like, but if it stayed the same as it is now forever I would be just fine. I have had excellent interactions with the admins and enjoy the sport and the site immensely.


However, your lecture here is not well-taken. You've only been members here for a few months. How do you know that the things you have seen "bashing" about weren't brought up politely a year ago? In actual fact, most of them were. Since the introduction of GPX pocket queries last winter (which was, by far, the best improvement to the site ever) there have been no improvements in the functionality or usability of the site. That's not a huge deal to me; I have the resources to get around most of the limitations of the site without having to resort to antisocial behavior, but I am aware that my programming skills are well above average, and I can't share my solutions with others.


I think people have every right to become frustrated when they pay for premium access to a site, are promised improvements, and those improvements never materialize. They tend to get frustrated when they make suggestions and are never even acknowledged. They also tend to get annoyed when features that used to work are "improved" and stop working.


As you say, "bashing" is not a productive way to deal with the problems. But, human nature being what it is, and these forums being the place they are, it is likely inevitable.


Another thing that is inevitable, though, and just about as annoying, is people who haven't been around very long coming in and lecturing everyone else on how to behave, and how they should shut up and appreciate the way things are. Somehow I find that worse than all the grumbling.


I have always been taught that showing respect will also earn ones respect. Maybe I am wrong in this but it has worked for me so far.

Is there some alternate universe in which your little parental-type lecture was "showing respect?" Sure didn't look like it to me.


Speaking of respect, have you had any caches rejected? If not, then perhaps you are unaware if the tone of the rejection notices. I purposely submitted a cache that would be rejected last spring to see what the experience was like; at that time, the rejection notice I received from the admin was a case study in disrespect. I suggested to them at the time that they might consider re-wording the response, but I don't know whether they have done so or not.


[This message was edited by fizzymagic on September 18, 2003 at 05:07 AM.]


Originally posted by solohiker:

What sucks about the admin here is that if you decide to support the sport you get no support from geocaching.com. Worse than that you can get a negative reaction.


The contact link used to basically say 'don't email us'. If you complain in the forums the admin minions attack your character.


When a problem arises there is no system to deal with it. A bunch of yahoos with no business experience are running the entire operation.


If you do something responsible like making a commitment to a land manager on behalf of the geocaching community you find out that geocaching.com does not support it's own policies. If you get embarrassed and hung out to dry by these amateurs once you will understand the frustration.

Funny, my experiences are about as vice versa as they can be. Wonder why...icon_rolleyes.gif


- I just got lost in thought. It was unfamiliar territory. -




As you have seen by my example concerning administration and forums, it is a moot point.


You are only going to dig yourself in deeper.


People are going to hate you for your continuous attacks and personal "strive" to be the new bad guy.


Not at all did I want to acquire the bad guy tag, but it DID suit my state of mind at the time.


I pushed the envelope and found out alot about the way things are NOW done here.


Take a word of advice and leave it alone.


Oh, I forgot ANOTHER important matter! I have ALSO found, that like many here have stated, it works best to private topic or email, since that way it is among YOU and THEM.


No solohiker "aura" will be seen by forum members within PM or email.


Yeah, you say they won't respond, but they will. Been there, done that, too.


As I said in the other thread, the complaints that I have about gc.com are insignificant compared to the functionality and atmosphere this site provides tha game. I also lurked a bit at the N site, and found them to be reasonable and polite, while recognizing several of the cachers from here had posted there. I also noticed that the nearest caches for my zip were all inordinant distance away. But hey, it's a newer site.


My question to the N cache people: What will many of the same negatively-oriented gc.commers do when your site is no longer in their honeymoon? They all were probably in love with gc.com when they started here, and are now in love with you. The tone on the forums was polite and informative, but I wonder if that will change, and N cache inevitably will have to implement the same 'evil' rules that gc.com has had to do. It's almost a given that what ever organization some people join, they will focus on its flaws, rather than its strengths. If the user base is comprised of too many of this type, there won't be a critical mass to keep the organization headed in a positive direction.


As for me, I bummed because I've been given a day off from work, but I can't go geocaching because my area is about to get zinged by Isabella the Hurricane. It kind of puts caching into perspective for me...


"All of us are standing in the mud, but some of us are looking at the stars." Oscar Wilde


It's time for a friendly whisper from the referee in this thread. Solohiker, your comments to Cache Couple were out of line. They have their opinion and you have yours. They were fairly polite in their posting. You can bash the admins a bit but please be polite to the rest of the community. I would refer you to Fizzymagic's post for an example of a respectful argument on the merits of Cache Couple's post, but for one or two sentences that were a bit over the line. Everyone is entitled to an opinion no matter how long they've been a member here.


Brian Snat, I'd much rather see you debate Solohiker on the merits than to continue observing that he hikes alone. That joke's been made, it is directed at the person rather than the ideas, and it's getting old.


Thanks everyone and please play nicely in the sandbox.



smile.gif Signal says, "Drink the Kool-Aid!" smile.gif



Thank you also for being part of this topic. And I also want you to know that I agree with some of the things you mentioned. But there is a few things that I want to respectively respond to regarding your comments on a few issues:


Another thing that is inevitable, though, and just about as annoying, is people who haven't been around very long coming in and lecturing everyone else on how to behave, and how they should shut up and appreciate the way things are. Somehow I find that worse than all the grumbling.

As far as the lecturing point, with all due respect, this is a farce. It is my opinion and thats all, an opinion. Anyone can either take the opinion or not, it's totally up to them. As far as how long I have been involved with this site, you are right I have only been here for close to 5 months now. In that time I have found and hidden many caches and I still consider myself very lucky to have the ability to view, participate, and enjoy this site for FREE.


Is there some alternate universe in which your little parental-type lecture was "showing respect?" Sure didn't look like it to me.


I don't understand this comment and if you don't agree with my comment then that is your option not to do so. I will stick with my original opinion in which I stated that to gain respect you must also show respect. As far as my parental-type lecture, no thanks as I already have 2 kids to have parental type lectures with. I feel just fine in living in my little alternate universe when it comes to this belief.


Speaking of respect, have you had any caches rejected? If not, then perhaps you are unaware if the tone of the rejection notices. I purposely submitted a cache that would be rejected last spring to see what the experience was like; at that time, the rejection notice I received from the admin was a case study in disrespect.


To answer your question, yes sir I have had a rejection to a cache that I submitted and it was handled very politely and professionally by the admin. in my area TN Geocacher. He/she does a fantastic job with everything that I have ask of them. Maybe it's just a coincidence that the TN Geocacher is a nice person and unlike all the other approvers, this I do not know as I have no dealings with any of the others.


In closing I again want to thank you fizzymagic for responding to this thread. You, like I have comments and concerns with this site but the way we handle ourselves and the situations may be of a different choosing. Maybe it is not as I don't know you or your situation(s). Either way I respect you for voicing your thoughts and concerns with my post. I am not sure when I will become a veteran of this sport but I can assure you and everyone else that I have enjoyed it very much and can deal with the everyday way things are run from TPTB. I feel very comfortable with this site and do wish for some changes myself, but until then I will be happy and content with the way it is for now.


Thanks again for your submission and hope to see you on the cachin trail someday. icon_smile.gif


[This message was edited by The Cache Couple on September 18, 2003 at 06:56 AM.]


Good post Cache Couple. Just yesterday while out caching I was talking to Cloudchaser about just such a thread. It needed to be said. A lot of tension lately about how geocaching.com is changing. People must realize this sport is still a babe in arms. When football, baseball and things like driving were first born, it took time to come up with the rules ad guidelines. These things take time to iron out. And I applaude the Groundspeak staff for all that they do. I don't go onto other boards, so I don't know the tone out there. I just know I like it here, and aside from the occasional flame war this is a pretty nice place to visit! Thanks Groundpseak!


I'm loyal to the frog!




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