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Stooopid Geocache Questions


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OK, for a bit a levity, here’s a post for stupid geocache questions. (This is NOT related to any other threads)


When I was in Flight Engineer school, we were learning about the aircraft’s electrical busses. Four Main busses, two Essential busses, two Navigation busses, etc. Some smart-a** raises his hand and asks, “I we put all them busses on the plane, how will the cargo fit?”


So, to get the ball rolling:


Q: How come when I’m backing out of my driveway, my Garmin V shows 1.6 MPH instead of a minus 1.6 MPH?


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Heres a question on that note. How come my Garmin V is a POS and would be happy if it stayed locked on to a sat long enough to tell me my MPH?



Not so sure, Somewhat new Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02

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Originally posted by Criminal:


Q: How come when I’m backing out of my driveway, my Garmin V shows 1.6 MPH instead of a minus 1.6 MPH?


A: Because it doesn't know which way it's pointed? Could it very well be moving sideways for all it knows? Does sideways mean 0 mph?


Why did I answer only with questions?





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ok, questions I've been asked


OMG that is huge, do you really think you will be able to fit all of it in there?



Not so sure, Somewhat new Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02

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Just kidding criminal. You are WAY too serious.


I ask stupid questions all the time. And, in closing, how do you upload those pics here in the forum posts? There's mine.


I got a shotgun and a rifle and a four wheel drive,


A country boy can survive -Kid Rock, Hank Williams, Jr.

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Originally posted by Criminal:


Still not funny though. My topic sux.


Nothing new, we're used to it. icon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gificon_razz.gif



Not so sure, Somewhat new Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02

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Did you forget that or was it just labeled differently? icon_wink.gif


And regarding "stoopid gps questions", I don't think there are any - just people with differing degrees of acquired subject knowledge. Some folks obtain the answers through research, some wait quietly for others to ask the same questions they have, and some overcome their inhibitions and just ask. But we've all had many of the same "stoopid" questions at one time or another. I just can't think of a really humorous one at the moment, and I think that what you really wanted. icon_biggrin.gif



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Originally posted by worldtraveler:

Did you forget that or was it just labeled differently? icon_wink.gif




No, I didn't forget the battery bus, there's just not much on there except the bailout horn, the battery charging relay, the APU start circuit, and some engine and APU fire warning stuff. I covered that with the "etc.". I also left out the AC and DC Emergency busses, the AC and DC Isolated busses, the 26 volt AC bus........on and on it goes.

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The dumbest comment I've heard concerning geocaching was from an acquaintance of my who's a believer in black helicopters and shawdow governments.


He said "I'd never use a gps, I don't want the government to be able to know where I'm at!"


--- yrium ---

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Originally posted by yrium:

The dumbest comment I've heard concerning geocaching was from an acquaintance of my who's a believer in black helicopters and shawdow governments.


He said "I'd never use a gps, I don't want the government to be able to know where I'm at!"


--- yrium ---


Why is it that anytime someone mentions a quote by a paramaniac I hear it in my mind said in a Dale Gribble voice. Dale's favorite quote, "Guns don't kill people. The Governement does."







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The stupidest question I've heard was right after I gave a long explanation of geocaching to a friend at work. I talked about cache-in, trash-out.... discovering new places.... enjoyable family time... the thrill of the hunt... all the things that I love about this activity.


After a long explanation there was a pause and my friend says:


"So, uhhhh, how do you win the game?"



Please attend our seminar, "Geocaching for Time Travelers," which will be held two weeks ago.

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OK here goes:


Is it faster to New York or by bus? (see how I fit the bus in there?)


Do you walk to work or carry a lunch? (see how I fit the lunch thing in there?)


Is it colder in the mountains or in the winter?

(hey, I just included topography and weather)




How many bugs in a rug can tug at a plug or choke simultaneously or twice in seventeen rows? (hee, hee worked in the "Bug")


I guess everything I talk about these days has to do with geocaching.


My cousin and I sat up one nights as kids trying to stay awake all night writing stupid questions. The bug one is hers. The others we heard in Maine, back in the 70's.


Is it easier on a ladder or with tweezers?


how many ducks can quack you know?


Cache you later,




"It doesn't matter whether you're going somewhere or nowhere, whether you're doing something or nothing. If you're doing it in a boat it's the best time ever!" -Water Rat from "The Wind in the Willows" by Kenneth Grahame (a book I picked up in a cache)

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Originally posted by Freelens:

I don't think this is too stupid. Why do they call them benchmarks. I can see the marks part but I just don't get the bench part. They are usually on the ground.


bench.mark (bnchmärk)n.

A standard by which something can be measured or judged: "Inflation . . . is a great distorter of seemingly fixed economic ideas and benchmarks" (Benjamin M. Friedman). See Synonyms at standard.

often bench mark A surveyor's mark made on a stationary object of previously determined position and elevation and used as a reference point in tidal observations and surveys.

tr.v. bench.marked, bench.mark.ing, bench.marks

To measure (a rival's product) according to specified standards in order to compare it with and improve one's own product.


Then if you look up "bench" one of the descriptors for the word is "A level, narrow stretch of land interrupting a declivity.

A level elevation of land along a shore or coast, especially one marking a former shoreline. " So they must mark those elevations or declivities, thus a "bench"mark.


Cache you later,




"It doesn't matter whether you're going somewhere or nowhere, whether you're doing something or nothing. If you're doing it in a boat it's the best time ever!" -Water Rat from "The Wind in the Willows" by Kenneth Grahame (a book I picked up in a cache)

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Originally posted by Planet:bench.mark (bnchmärk)n.

A standard by which something can be measured or judged: "Inflation . . . is a great distorter of seemingly fixed economic ideas and benchmarks" (Benjamin M. Friedman).


Wait a minute! Now this stupid topic has led to some actual information being imparted? What the hell is going on?!



"One should never begin a journey by heading in the wrong direction."

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It wasn't me but a friend of mine who just started caching a short time ago. He has a meridian platinum with MapSend Street maps loaded. He was searching a cache near the airport when he noticed an airplane icon on his screen.


"Hey look", he said, "It's picking an airplane flying over head" as he looked up in the sky for the plane.


When I explained that it was the airport symbol he felt quite stupid. A couple days later a new geocaching friend of his admitted he thought the same thing.





Pedal until your legs cramp up and then pedal some more.

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Originally posted by Planet:

Originally posted by Freelens:

I don't think this is too stupid. Why do they call them benchmarks. I can see the marks part but I just don't get the bench part. They are usually on the ground.


bench.mark (bnchmärk)n.

A standard by which something can be measured or judged: "Inflation . . . is a great distorter of seemingly fixed economic ideas and benchmarks" (Benjamin M. Friedman). See Synonyms at standard.

often bench mark A surveyor's mark made on a stationary object of previously determined position and elevation and used as a reference point in tidal observations and surveys.

tr.v. bench.marked, bench.mark.ing, bench.marks

To measure (a rival's product) according to specified standards in order to compare it with and improve one's own product.


Then if you look up "bench" one of the descriptors for the word is "A level, narrow stretch of land interrupting a declivity.

A level elevation of land along a shore or coast, especially one marking a former shoreline. " So they must mark those elevations or declivities, thus a "bench"mark.


Cache you later,



"It doesn't matter whether you're going somewhere or nowhere, whether you're doing something or nothing. If you're doing it in a boat it's the best time ever!" -Water Rat from "The Wind in the Willows" by Kenneth Grahame (a book I picked up in a cache)

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I am SO relieved now that I see you all have the same problems when explaining to someone what geocaching is. I invited my friend along with me and asked many, many, many times "So, is the cache a building or something?"..."Why would there be a building in the middle of no where?"...


I told my brother what geocaching was, and explained it well...his response was ".....wait, what?"

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Not really a "stupid question", but more of a "stupid action"...


Here in Fort Collins, there is a big "A" painted on the side of a hill and nearby a pretty cool cache is hidden.


I was walking up to the cache and came across some "mighty-fine-looking" college girls. They asked me if I knew how to get up to the "A". I told them I hadn't been up there before, but that I knew the "A" was about 300 yards south of the cache I was looking for. I had a "LostOutdoors" satellite image printout of the area and I showed it to them. I said, "We are here, and this is where you will want to go." They thought the satellite image was cool and one of them asked me, "Where did you get the picture?" I said, "Oh, it's a satellite image I downloaded before I came out here."


Believe it or not, all three of them at the same time looked up into the sky, hoping to somehow "magically" see how I was able to take the picture.


Needless to say, I had a pretty good chuckle....


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Originally posted by Dinoprophet:

"Aren't you worried about booby traps?"



"It doesn't take a nucular scientist to pronounc

e 'foilage'." --Marge Simpson


I had a guy at work ask me the exact same thing when I told him about my new hobby. He still refuses to go out and hunt a cache with me in fear of some kinda booby trap or ambush.



Hope is the destination that we seek.

Love is the road that leads to hope.

Courage is the motor that drives us.

We travel out of darkness into faith.


-=The Book Of Counted Sorrows=-

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A couple months ago a buddy of mine and I were standing off trail comparing reading on our GPSs when this older guy walks by on the trail and says to us “Can you hear me now?”… Playing on the current Verizon wireless commercials… Now I could see how he could have been mistaken if we were holding eTrexs or some of the other GPSs that could pass off as Cell phones but we were both holding Garmin GPSIII+s.


Then again while standing over a Triangulation station marker (virtual cache) a guy came up and flat out asked “is that a cell phone or a GPS” I replied “GPS” he says “oh are you entering that thing into your databank…”

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