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Have you ever signed the wrong log book?

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This happened to me today. My GPS was pointing to the top of a peak and when I was arriving near the top I was about to get my GPS out to find the final spot but then I saw I black container. In the container were a log book and a pencil. There was no "Geo Caching" paper but I have found caches in the past that did not have the paper so this did not send a red flag. The container ended up being the "Official Log Book" for the peak and had nothing to do with Geo Caching.


I thought I found the Geo Cache but when I was about to log the find and reading other comments, I realized I signed the wrong log. The Geo Cache I was supposed to find was about 200 feet west.



Has anybody else had a similar experience?

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I found a letterbox while looking for a cache, but it was obvious what it was.


There is also a unique Stone Living Room here in NJ where someone left a log book in a Ziploc under one of the chairs. There is also a cache nearby and some geocachers have mistaken the logbook under the chair for the cache.


"Give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, he'll sit in a boat and drink beer all day" - Dave Barry

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Not yet, but once the person I was caching with (coughLEPcough) squeezed his log into a full logbook, after which I found the new replacement logbook still in the cache. Guess that's why the 1st logbook said old logbook on the cover, huh? icon_smile.gif

There is also a cache near me that has a letterbox hidden nearby, and it almost seems like more people were finding the letterbox then the actual cache.


Tae-Kwon-Leap is not a path to a door, but a road leading forever towards the horizon.

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I signed the wrong log book once before. Apparently the cache i was searching for had been vandalized, however, the old cache site had a log book in it, and i thought it was the cache, so i signed it, and traded a trinket cause there were some trinkets in there.


Later i realized that some of the objects that were described to be in there from previous cachers were not in there, including a travel bug. The owner then emailed me that i found the old site. Instead of deleting my online log, I later went back and found the correct cache and signed the correct log book and just posted a note online.


"The more I study nature, the more I am amazed at the Creator."

- Louis Pasteur

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Once when looking for a cache I found a hidden log book that belonged to some bird watchers. Before I rehid it I wrote my regards in that log book too saying that I found it while looking for something else.


- I just got lost in thought. It was unfamiliar territory. -

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Well, not quite. But I once logged the wrong cache here at geocaching.com


I was on vacation in Tacoma, WA and one of the caches I found was WAPATO. I was in a hurry when I logged the caches and I logged Wapato Creek instead(I think that was the name). The cache I found was a canister from a M258 (?) decon kit and I said in the log that I could have used one of the Decon wipes to clean up after searching.

After I figured out what I did I changed it to a note and logged the correct cache.

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I once had 12 caches on my daily find list. At some point during the day I messed up and got the names of the caches I'd already found mixed up. I ended up coming in from a different direction and finding the same cache twice.


The thing is I didn't recognize the area because of the different approach. I sat there staring at the log book for a LONG time when I saw my name was already written there and was dated the very same day.


I really thought I had entered the twilight zone. Those GPXXX codes as cache names can really throw you sometimes.


Jolly R. Blackburn


"Never declare war on a man who buys his ink by the gallon."

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I once accidentally took a logbook home. It was a cold winter day and I was caching out of my pockets (I'm sure some of you know what I mean). The container was small, so I stuffed the logbook into one pocket so I could get my trades out of the other pocket, then I forgot about the logbook and snapped the lid back on


About 20 miles down the road I felt something strange in my pocket and discovered the logbook. I called the owner up to confess and returned the book after about 3 days. Man...felt pretty stupid. icon_rolleyes.gif




"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field.

When a man found it, he hid it again." Mt. 13:44

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CYBret - don't feel too bad, I've done the same thing. But I was at a cache which was a couple hundred miles from my home. I was with some friends and their kids (their first time caching). It was always my job to sign the log book while they looked at all the trade items.


Not sure if they handed it to me, or if they placed it on my backpack or what, but I found it in my backpack when I got back home. I emailed the owners with my apologies, and placed the log in a cache with instructions to try to make it back to it's original cache (a logbook travelbug if you will).




I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken.

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I have had some similiar experiences to those stated above, but the one that stands out is on the Vin Gromley multi in Rhode Island which is about an eight mile hike. Just had to give a try for the final before the intial and found a letterbox container, my first, so I logged it. Later when actually completing the VG, for some reason we brought the box back to car to log. I opened book to find only one entry from about 4 months earlier, so wrote accordingly. Put cache back together and rehid then drove home about 35 miles to Massachusetts before noticing ziplock with book on console. Well, then I posted my find and apologies to website. I realized that the cache had been much more active and that I had actually signed the book from the back side. Did return it a few days later.


Val (May be late, but always on time.)

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