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Geocaching won a Webby! Congratulations!

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Congratulations geocaching.com for the Webby award. It is well deserved. Also, thank you Jeremy and all the admins and many other people who work on the site for making it available to us all. I also think that all the geocachers who use the site should be congratulated for all the votes and all the caches and logs submitted to the site. From the About Geocaching page - As of today, there are 55634 active caches in 174 countries. In the last 7 days, there have been 32075 new logs written by 8354 account holders. That's a lot of geocaching going on.


"The best way to accelerate a Macintosh is at 9.8m/sec/sec."

-Marcus Dolengo

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Congrats to jeremy & the rest at Groundspeak. Community is a great category to win, and you deserve it since you've created much more than a website, you've established an active, enlightened, widespread community of cool & caring people. Anyone that can create some technology and get tens of thousands of web-heads to GO OUTDOORS is very deserving of the highest accolades & thanks.



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Congratulations GC.com, and thats for the e-mail to get my lazy butt to vote! It is great site, and the fact that people can use it for free can play too is amazing. I still encourage people to become a charter member, but that is a personal choice!


Make a sanity check.migo_sig_logo.jpg

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I don't want this to get taken the wrong way, because I love this site. I spend more time here than with my wife, if you total the hours up.

But, What The Hell is a Webby???!!!


First, you should know, I signed up and voted like a good little cacher, but, what is it?

I have been involved with the internet long before the web was ever conceived. I teach web design for a living. I have never heard of a webby before this. The way some people talk about it, you would think we were winning the Nobel Peace Prize. I think even a Daytime Emmy has more recognition than a webby. Seriously, why is this any different than any of the other "Top 5% of the web" type awards?


Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for the site, but I just don't see why people are peeing their pants with excitement over this.


stealyourcache.gif Ever notice how anyone that caches more than you do is a maniac, while anyone that caches less than you do is an idiot? -Dru Morgan

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Thanks everyone! Personally the People's Voice Award for community is a huge statement as to how Geocaching (and humbly, Geocaching.com) has created a bona fide global community of participants on what I would consider the first Internet game that you need to leave your computer to play.


That's a big mouthful. As for the Webby itself, I was disappointed we didn't also win it but I expected the award to go two ways -> Award the Webby to a community web site, or award the webby to a community-enabling web site. BBC Video Nation, Geocaching and Nervous industries were all community web sites, while LiveJournal.com and Meetup both enable the creation of communities (LiveJournal less so). Meetup has a well designed web site and I congratulate them for the Webby.


But I feel that the People's Voice Award was well deserved. You guys rock.


Dru, and others who are unfamiliar of the Webby, it had enormous prestige during the dot com boom, but since then it has diminished just as spectacularly as it rose. This year it was explained that travel concerns forced them to move the awards online, but I'm sure there were underlying currents that forced their hand.


Regardless, I've followed the Webbys since its inception and consider it a fine honor to be nominated (especially since we didn't pay to enter the competition) for the award in the first place. Out of the billions of web sites only 150 sites total are nominated. It's nice to share an arena with sites like ESPN and BBC News.


frog.gif Jeremy Irish

Groundspeak - The Language of Location

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