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The network which normally hosts the official geocaching chats is ***DOWN***! There is a temporary replacement:


http://gcchat.clayjar.com/ (same as always, it's just edited in on my side

- or -

#Geocache on irc.slashnet.org


[[[ ClayJar Networks ]]]

Home of Watcher downloads, Official Geocaching Chat, and the Geocache Rating System


[This message was edited by ClayJar on June 23, 2003 at 09:18 PM.]

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Because of the way the network on which we normally chat was taken down, it may be a while before service is completely restored (some people may be able to connect, but others may not).


For the time being, the alternate network will be used, and if it turns out to be a decent network, we may just cut the losses and migrate over permanently. Anyway, stay tuned for any updates, but for now, at least, you can access the chat via the following:



- or -

#Geocache on irc.slashnet.org (not irc.freenode.net... at least for now)


(Incidentally, have you ever considered a little couple-channel IRC server, Jeremy? icon_wink.gif Sorry, I just *had* to...)


[[[ ClayJar Networks ]]]

Home of Watcher downloads, Official Geocaching Chat, and the Geocache Rating System

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Originally posted by brdad:

I selected slashnet / random server instead of irc.slashnet.org


_Why does Sea World have a seafood restaurant? I'm halfway through my fish burger and I realize, Oh my God....I could be eating a slow learner._


Here's a list of servers you might try directly connecting to, Markwell:


*** moo.slashnet.org radon.slashnet.org 3 did u bite ur thumb at me?!

*** radon.slashnet.org area51.slashnet.org 2 Heh.

*** www.slashnet.org area51.slashnet.org 2 [] SlashNET Website

*** coruscant.slashnet.org area51.slashnet.org 2 The Magnificent Toaster

*** services.slashnet.org area51.slashnet.org 2 [area51.slashnet.org] SlashNET IRC Services

*** area51.slashnet.org pinky.slashnet.org 1 SlashNET - Manchester, MD - USA

*** pinky.slashnet.org pinky.slashnet.org 0 Slashnet IRC Server at SourceForge.net


You could also lookup the IP addresses that irc.slashnet.org resolves to and manually try them one at a time:

C:>nslookup -q=a irc.slashnet.org

Server: ns2.freenet.artoo.net



Non-authoritative answer:

Name: irc.slashnet.org





Jason Roysdon


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You should also be able to change the URL like so if you want to specify a server:




This is if I remember correctly. This library doesn't allow chat, so I *can't* test it. Oh, and incidentally, could someone please tell mtn-man that... (drumroll)... I *really* left my detail maps this time! icon_biggrin.gif


(I was going up to DC, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine, and Vermont, with an option for North Dakota... Well, let's just say that I've now visited 47 states, now including Utah, and I'm about to leave here to hit number 48 -- Nevada. Well, back on the road again.)


[[[ ClayJar Networks ]]]

Home of Watcher downloads, Official Geocaching Chat, and the Geocache Rating System

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Originally posted by mtn-man:


If your in Utah and your going to Nevada, well, you might as well go up to Washington and knock on the door of our fearless leader! You already met hydee and rothstafari this past weekend! Go for it!!! icon_biggrin.gif


Yeah!!! Come on up the water's fine!!!


smile02.gif We're all here, because we're not 'all there'.



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