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What's up with your avatar?

Jamie Z

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Chicken would kill me cause i dont remember how or when we first started calling each other Frog and Chicken. Them females remember that kind of stuff,,,hehe. Kinda fits that im a frog, kinda slimy with warts and all. Her being a cute little chick fits very well too! Had this from the first and im thinking it will be the last!!!

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Originally posted by fractal:



This one's for you. It is a dust fractal from outer space (Seriously!):



Cache you later,




I feel much more like I do now than when I first got here.


[This message was edited by Planet on November 03, 2002 at 05:57 PM.]

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I changed my avatar to Dianna Rigg/Emma Peel for the winter. I always figured when someone does a movie about my life, I'd make sure they cast Diana Rigg (circa late 1960's and with catsuit) to star as me. My Dad will be played by Joe Garagiola (since he looks so much like Joe, that he usually gets asked for Joe's autograph in airports) and some little Italian lady for my Mom (yet to be cast).


My best friend will be played by Brooke Shields, and her parents by Buddie Ebsen and Gwen Verden.


So who is starring in the movie of your life? Or does your avatar picture show it already (just to keep this on topic! icon_biggrin.gif )

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My current avatar is my 2002 Halloween costume, a lawn jockey. It was tons of fun to stand very still at the end of the driveway waiting for everyone to show up for the party. Unofficial winner, there was no contest.


Cache you later,




"It doesn't matter whether you're going somewhere or nowhere, whether you're doing something or nothing. If you're doing it in a boat it's the best time ever!" -Water Rat from "The Wind in the Willows" by Kenneth Grahame (a book I picked up in a cache)

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My avitar is a photo I took while on vacation in 2001, up in Mackinaw City. The squirrel pictured is sitting on top of a trash container in the park by the lighthouse. I can't resist a good shot of a squirrel, and I got a laugh out of the fact that he was just sitting there, munching away on a french fry someone had left behind. There's a bigger pict of him on my caching page. When I get around to being a paid member, I'm thinking about making my 'title' "Want Fries With That?" icon_biggrin.gif


I walk the Maze of Moments, but everywhere I turn to, begins a new beginning, but never finds a finish... -Enya, Anywhere Is

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Can anybody think of any cool geocaching-related designs I can add to my avatar, a basic cheese. Just give me advice or, if you have some free time, you can copy my avatar and play around w/ it yourself. Either way, I'd be deeply gratified. Any comments or suggestions?


"There are two different kinds of people in this world: those who finish what they start, and" - Brad Ramsey

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New Mexico. I was living in New Mexico when I started caching.


Then I ran across several K-marts that were closing in Oklahoma City, and these Alien dudes were on sale 6 for a dollar, eventually they got marked down to 6 for 50c. I bought all they had and they became my sig item.


I suppose I should photoshop a Garmin V into his hand, but havent had the inclination, and besides, I dont think it would show up well in a small avatar photo.

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Originally posted by Cheese:

Can anybody think of any cool geocaching-related designs I can add to my avatar, a basic cheese. Just give me advice or, if you have some free time, you can copy my avatar and play around w/ it yourself. Either way, I'd be deeply gratified. Any comments or suggestions?


"There are two different kinds of people in this world: those who finish what they start, and" - Brad Ramsey


Below your avatar you can put "Behold, the power of geocaching"


Cache you later,



Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.

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This avatar I ran across while surfing. I was amused enough to retire the white stereotype, and it's probably about what I look like if I tried to give it a go on the dancefloor. Ironic, since it's kind of a white stereotype, as well. It will serve as my interim avatar until I get another photo of myself. I prefer to have an actual photo of me in my avatar, rather than some random image.



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Originally posted by Geo Quest:

I found mine while surfing the web. Can't remember the exact site but it accurately represents my interests. I might customize it later. Or maybe not. icon_wink.gif


Whenever I look at Geo Quest's Avatar REALLY fast, I see an elephant walking on his hind legs and carrying a log with it's trunk. The mountains are its ears, the compass is its foot as it's taking a step. The strap is the trunk and the bedroll is the log.


This could be some kinda Rorschach test. Is it just me?



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Originally posted by CYBret:


Whenever I look at http://img.Groundspeak.com/user/avatar/8009_700.jpg REALLY fast, I see an elephant walking on his hind legs and carrying a log with it's trunk. The mountains are its ears, the compass is its foot as it's taking a step. The strap is the trunk and the bedroll is the log.


This could be some kinda Rorschach test. Is it just me?


Not just you, I see it too and it doesn't have to be a fast look. It just screams Elephant at me.


--- yrium ---

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I've already had a few,

My last one was Critter Ducky_1.jpg (my kitten), playing with Surf Seeking Rubber Ducky and my resident duck in the dog's water dish.

I used a picture I took of a snow covered park in Buffalo, NY.http://home.earthlink.net/~targetdrone/_uimages/Buffalo.JPG

My first was a cat walking in front of a line of German Shepherds that had a caption to the effect of 'Yea I walk through the valley of the shadow of death...'http://home.earthlink.net/~targetdrone/_uimages/Brave.JPG


My current one is a button I found in a cache. I had to 'modify' it to fit my sense of humor, which can be a bit morbid at times.http://home.earthlink.net/~targetdrone/_uimages/dsc_064.jpg


"I can't find the longitude for the North Pole"


[This message was edited by targetdrone on November 23, 2002 at 07:40 AM.]

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Well, this first one:


is of a coyote pup. CR stands for CoyoteRed.


But it didn't represent the both of us.


This one:


Was a nice pic I took with hunting for a place to hide a cache. I cropped it and it looked nice. There are two trees and it could represent us.


From now on, I think, I'm going to try to find imagary on our little adventures that represent us and use that as our avatar.





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i stumbled on this pic a while ago - have been using it ever since.


fae look very sweet and kind and gentle. you never know that they're a real pain in the *** til they bite you!


i need to find one for the white diamonds, tho. not all of the crew like faeries =)



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After using the dancing nerd avater for far too long, I actually received a couple of complaints and requests to change it.


I was even tiring of it myself. I kept seeing that guy and thinking it was really me. Scary.


Tonight I changed it to a real picture of me, my preference.


I was in New Orleans on Halloween when this pic was taken. The photographer is a guy named Gordon, who we met at St. Bernard State Park outside of New Orleans. He was in the middle of a three-month roadtrip of the United States. The girl? I dunno. Since that day, I've had a fascination with bunny ears.



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After using the dancing nerd avater for far too long, I actually received a couple of complaints and requests to change it.


I was even tiring of it myself. I kept seeing that guy and thinking it was really me. Scary.


Tonight I changed it to a real picture of me, my preference.


I was in New Orleans on Halloween when this pic was taken. The photographer is a guy named Gordon, who we met at St. Bernard State Park outside of New Orleans. He was in the middle of a three-month roadtrip of the United States. The girl? I dunno. Since that day, I've had a fascination with bunny ears.



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Originally posted by Jamie Z:

After using the http://img.Groundspeak.com/user/7917_1400.jpg avater for far too long, I actually received a couple of complaints and requests to change it.


I was even tiring of it myself. I kept seeing that guy and thinking it was really me. Scary.


Hehe, I too thought it was really you. icon_wink.gif But I hope you didn't take it as a complaint when I pointed out it looked like a character from Dark Angel. icon_razz.gif


Your new pic is cool anyway. Reminds me of my visit to New Orleans. Though I didn't have kisses from other people than my wife. icon_smile.gif But what is that reading in the girls glass? Huge @$$? icon_biggrin.gif


My avatar...just a result of playing with Photoshop. Pasted a printout of that picture outside my office room (I work as a researcher in the university), but in a week someone had removed it. Maybe someone at my work doesn't like horny guys. ;


- All you need is a sick mind and a healthy body. -

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Originally posted by Jamie Z:

After using the http://img.Groundspeak.com/user/7917_1400.jpg avater for far too long, I actually received a couple of complaints and requests to change it.


I was even tiring of it myself. I kept seeing that guy and thinking it was really me. Scary.


Hehe, I too thought it was really you. icon_wink.gif But I hope you didn't take it as a complaint when I pointed out it looked like a character from Dark Angel. icon_razz.gif


Your new pic is cool anyway. Reminds me of my visit to New Orleans. Though I didn't have kisses from other people than my wife. icon_smile.gif But what is that reading in the girls glass? Huge @$$? icon_biggrin.gif


My avatar...just a result of playing with Photoshop. Pasted a printout of that picture outside my office room (I work as a researcher in the university), but in a week someone had removed it. Maybe someone at my work doesn't like horny guys. ;


- All you need is a sick mind and a healthy body. -

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Originally posted by Jamie Z:


After using the http://img.Groundspeak.com/user/7917_1400.jpg avater for far too long...


...Tonight I changed it to a real picture of me, my preference.




I have to admit to a nerdy past-time other than geocaching (aside: I put my head thru the lanyard) I collect geocacher forum avatar images. Jamie, You've got the most so far with six. I think others have had more but I don't collect them all, just the interesting ones.


--- yrium ---

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Mine is just a photo shot by one of my crewmembers back in the late 80's, early 90's, at Fort Hood, Texas in one of the biggest mud puddles I'd ever found. I'm the Lieutenant standing at the uppermost point of the turret. They offered to make me an honorary submarine commander, but I declined, mainly because we didn't submerge completely....LOL. icon_razz.gif


"Trade up, trade even, or don't trade!!!" My philosophy of life.

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I usually have a grinning-dinosaur-head-sketch that I created, often with some sort of seasonal dressings. Currently, my avatar is the head edited into the logo for the Michigan Geocaching Organization.


CYBret, it was a long time before I realized Geo Quest's isn't an elephant.


And Rorschach rules!



Mein Vater war ein Wandersmann, und ich hab' auch im Blut

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At the time that I'm making this post, our avatar is a personalization of the public domain GeoCaching 'GX' logo.


The cresting that appears within the logo is representative of the shield which appears on Ontario's provincial coat of arms (granted in 1868, a year after confederation), as well as our provincial flag. The gold maple leaves represent Ontario, as maples are common in this province. The red cross of St. George represents the English heritage of the majority of people who originally settled in what was then called 'Upper Canada' (60,000 of whom were 'United Empire Loyalists' who, during the course of the American Revolutionary War, remained loyal to the British Empire and had fled north from colonial America).






[This message was edited by Cache Canucks on January 28, 2003 at 11:22 AM.]

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before I started geocaching, I was sitting around doodling one day when I created my big-eyed beaked stick figure. I already had my www.Web-ling.com website, and I somehow decided the little guy was a Web-ling. So I started using him as a sort of "mascot" on the site. So, when I chose Web-ling as my geo-name, the Web-ling character sort of came with me...


Funny thing is, I don't use him on the website any longer. Maybe I will later.



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