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What happened to the topic?


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Last night I responded to a topic called "An open letter to geocaching.com". This morning the entire topic is gone. What happened? What did I miss?


(Or am I not looking in the right place?)


[This message was edited by geospotter on September 16, 2003 at 05:43 AM.]


Ouch! Geospotter, you have been adminerized!!!!!


That hurts!!!!


You see, the topic immediately went OT since the letters A, H, T, and S were used three times in the same paragraph. Not in good taste with the forum admin.


Man, these forum "mods" are really ballsy, huh?


Oh well, maybe next time. icon_rolleyes.gif




Yup. That's MY goat!


My guess would be that since you published your letter under a sock puppet account, which is clear violation of the Forum Rules, which are now in writing, your thread was deleted.


I would venture to guess that if you repost the body of your "open letter" under your actual account it will survive deletion.


By the by, why did you publish it under a sock puppet, and then claim ownership the next day with your real account?




What does anybody want? I want the Red Sox to win the World Series. - Bill Pullman as Alan Safian in Malice, in response to being asked "What do you want?"


Originally posted by Pantalaimon:

My guess would be that since you published your letter under a sock puppet account, which is clear violation of the Forum Rules, which are now in writing, your thread was deleted.


I would venture to guess that if you repost the body of your "open letter" under your actual account it will survive deletion.


By the by, why did you publish it under a sock puppet, and then claim ownership the next day with your real account?




_What does anybody want? I want the Red Sox to win the World Series._ - Bill Pullman as Alan Safian in Malice, in response to being asked "What do you want?"


I don't think he said he started the thread - just made a post to it. You're probably correct that it got deleted because of sockpuppetry.


Visit the Mississippi Geocaching Forum at



Originally posted by Pantalaimon:

My guess would be that since you published your letter under a sock puppet account, which is clear violation of the Forum Rules, which are now in writing, your thread was deleted.


I would venture to guess that if you repost the body of your "open letter" under your actual account it will survive deletion.


By the by, why did you publish it under a sock puppet, and then claim ownership the next day with your real account?




Umm.... Yikes! Maybe I'm missing something here, Pan.


There are no smileys in your post. You are kidding, right? icon_confused.gif


BTW, I have three sock puppets. They stay in the drawer until I really need them.




Yup. That's MY goat!


And by all means possible with the rights that I'm entitled to (well, the rights that I feel I'm losing strangely), I demand to see the contents of that topic.


Or else.... Or else something.


Hang loose. I got a thread coming.




Yup. That's MY goat!


Originally posted by opey one:BTW, I have three sock puppets. They stay in the drawer until I really need them.


Let me guess. Opey two, opey three and opey four? icon_rolleyes.gif



This space for rent! Ask about our easy layaway plan!


It's obvious; the thread was deleted because:


1. It contained valid criticism and raised legitimate issues.


2. It was easier and more convenient to delete the thread than address those issues.


3. Deleting the thread, rather than locking it down, ensures it can't be cited when similar events occur in the future.


Originally posted by Zaphod Beeblebrox:

It's obvious; the thread was deleted because:


1. It contained valid criticism and raised legitimate issues.


But hasn't there been countless other threads that were contraversial that were allowed, and there are several that remain on the boards??? Hmm...


2. It was easier and more convenient to delete the thread than address those issues.


And why are TPTB running away from this one in particular?


3. Deleting the thread, rather than locking it down, ensures it can't be cited when similar events occur in the future.


Really... And what's to say that the topic starter (whomever is irrelevant) is persistent enough to bring it up in another fashion.


I'm just curious what was so contraversial.




Yup. That's MY goat!


Originally posted by Zaphod Beeblebrox:

It's obvious; the thread was deleted because:


1. It contained valid criticism and raised legitimate issues.


2. It was easier and more convenient to delete the thread than address those issues.


3. Deleting the thread, rather than locking it down, ensures it can't be cited when similar events occur in the future.


Actually, the initial responses (including mine) indicated that the criticisms were not valid. And I felt the responses were addressing the issues quite well, which is why I wonder what happened.


Your point #3 is probably correct, but it was probably deleted because it was started by a sockpuppet.


Opey One wrote:

And why are TPTB running away from this one in particular?

Perhaps since the other offending threads began *before* the new rules, they're grandfathered?


Ya, that must me it. icon_rolleyes.gif




Originally posted by geospotter:


And I felt the responses were addressing the issues quite well, which is why I wonder what happened.


I agree with that part, but perhaps the thread took a nasty turn after I signed off. It does appear that some kernel of truth irritated TPTB's soft spot.


Your point #3 is probably correct, but it was probably deleted because it was started by a sockpuppet.


A legitimate issue or concern is a legitimate issue or concern, regardless of who raises it. I would think that if the issue had been without merit, the thread would have been been subject to the standard "witty dismissal" and locked down.


[This message was edited by Zaphod Beeblebrox on September 16, 2003 at 06:43 AM.]


If, and I emphasize, IF, the account under which it was posted was a sockpuppet account, then it should have been deleted, whether the issues were legitimate or not.


If there are issues that need to be discussed I feel they should be discussed, and not anonymously. Anyone who wants to know my opinion certainly doesn't have to try and figure out if it's me, they'll know because I'll be stating what I think under my screenname, not under a sockpuppet account.


But then again, I've always been kind of ornery that way....LOL.



"Afghanistan was a battle. Iraq was a battle. The war goes on."


If I recall the thread had to do with the commercialization of this site.


In my opinion Jeremy has the right to make a buck, but not everyone agrees.


Read quickly this thread will be deleted by an Admin brick.


Perhaps since the other offending threads began *before* the new rules, they're grandfathered?

Must have been a virtual thread. tongue.gif


These changes in latitudes, changes in attitudes;

Nothing remains quite the same.

Through all of the islands and all of the highlands,

If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane


Originally posted by wimseyguy:

Must have been a virtual thread. tongue.gif


IMHO, LOTS of these threads are *virtual* threads....LOL.


Lots, and lots, and lots, and lots, and lots, and lots........



"Afghanistan was a battle. Iraq was a battle. The war goes on."


Originally posted by Breaktrack:

If, and I emphasize, IF, the account under which it was posted was a sockpuppet account, then it should have been deleted, whether the issues were legitimate or not.


Please explain further how the name an issue or concern is posted under legitimizes (or illegitimizes) that issue or concern. My opinion is the name (recognized forum regular, newcomer or sockpuppet) is irrelevant; the issue or concern is all that should matter.


Incidentally, Breaktrack, what are your thoughts about "sockpuppet" approvers and admins.?


[This message was edited by Zaphod Beeblebrox on September 16, 2003 at 09:31 AM.]


Originally posted by Breaktrack:

If there are issues that need to be discussed I feel they should be discussed, and not anonymously. Anyone who wants to know my opinion certainly doesn't have to try and figure out if it's me, they'll know because I'll be stating what I think under my screenname, not under a sockpuppet account.


Unless your real name is Breaktrack, you ARE posting anonymously. In essence, EVERY screen name is a sock puppet, designed to HIDE our real identity.


But, I understand your point.


Originally posted by geospotter:

For clarification --


It WASN'T my topic. I was responding to it.

Play nice Children


[This message was edited by CO Admin on September 16, 2003 at 05:31 PM.]


Originally posted by solohiker:

Ouch, that looks like a nasty cut. icon_rolleyes.gif


Just poking a little fun of Pan. He's made a big deal (and not wrongly) of use of single words (derogatory words for homosexuals) in other topics, but missed the word responded before tearing off a accusatory reply.


Whew. Where to begin...


Okay, let's start here:


[This message was edited by geospotter on September 16, 2003 at 05:43 AM.]


Hey Bull Moose, this is from geospotter's first post, the one I replied to. It's written down the bottom there. Before you state that I didn't "read the word RESPONDED," maybe you should find out if that word was in the original post, eh?


If I remember correctly, and maybe geospotter can help me out here, the original post went something like "last night I posted to a topic..." Admittedly I may have misread it to mean "last night I posted a topic...," but maybe do I little reseach before you fire off a volley. Or... what was the phrase... oh yeah, before you "tear off an accusatory reply."


Originally posted by Bull Moose:

He's made a big deal (and not wrongly) of use of single words (derogatory words for homosexuals) in other topics,


I like how you try to mock the fact that I've questioned some of the words people use in the forums, and then follow it up with "and not wrongly."


Anyway, you think what I've done is make a big deal? Pft. You clearly don't know what "a big deal" is. My comments were mild.


Originally posted by Bull Moose:

..but [Pan] missed the word responded before tearing off a accusatory reply.


Tearing off an accusatory reply? You make me chuckle. Clearly I thought Geospotter was admitting ownership of the post, and I was answering the questions he asked.


Explain to me what I was accusing him of again, please.


Moving on to something that makes sense, opey one said:


Umm.... Yikes! Maybe I'm missing something here, Pan.


There are no smileys in your post. You are kidding, right?


Nope. Not kidding. I think that post fell into the abyss of no-posting-by-sock-puppet-accounts. See the Adminsitrative Forums written Forum Rules.


Lastly, I have no problem with the deletion of that post. You want to say stuff like that, right or wrong, post it under your primary account, what are you afraid of?




What does anybody want? I want the Red Sox to win the World Series. - Bill Pullman as Alan Safian in Malice, in response to being asked "What do you want?"


If he said posted to a topic, I'll stand by my remarks. Just change "responded" to "to".


Without getting into this again, the only thing I'll say is that yes I was mocking the fact that you make a big deal, as big of a deal as you can make on a forum like this (and trust me, I've run a gauntlet most people can't imagine, I can handle any "big deal" you can throw at me). That being said, I agree, people shouldn't throw around words like they were using. Those two things don't contracdict each other.


And in the end, I was just making a little joke, sorry if it came across wrong. With TEAM 360 quitting and all, I think maybe a lot of people take these forums a little to seriously.



In fact the only thing I really take issue with in your posts is your signature line. I love the curse. I hope to see neither the Cubs or the Red Sox ever hoisting a World Series trophy. icon_razz.gif


Originally posted by Bull Moose:

And in the end, I was just making a little joke, sorry if it came across wrong. With TEAM 360 quitting and all, I think maybe a lot of people take these forums a little to seriously.



We can certainly agree to agree with that statement.




What does anybody want? I want the Red Sox to win the World Series. - Bill Pullman as Alan Safian in Malice, in response to being asked "What do you want?"


Originally posted by Renegade Knight:

You missed why people will make a sock puppet account to post an open letter to begin with.


RK, is the "you" in this comment me? I don't understand what you're saying here, and if it was directed at me, I would ask that you expound on your meaning.


I know you don't have a problem with a lack of verbosity. icon_smile.gif




What does anybody want? I want the Red Sox to win the World Series. - Bill Pullman as Alan Safian in Malice, in response to being asked "What do you want?"


Originally posted by Bull Moose:

In fact the only thing I really take issue with in your posts is your signature line. I love the curse. I hope to see neither the Cubs or the Red Sox ever hoisting a World Series trophy. icon_razz.gif






What does anybody want? I want the Red Sox to win the World Series. - Bill Pullman as Alan Safian in Malice, in response to being asked "What do you want?"


Originally posted by Bull Moose:

I love the curse. I hope to see neither the Cubs or the Red Sox ever hoisting a World Series trophy. icon_razz.gif


Hey now...that silly goat curse here in Chicago has been removed at least 3 times...



"Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand." - Homer Simpson

Eamus Catuli AC145895


We are working with volunteer admins to moderate the forums and yesterday was the first day. Unfortunately a thread was deleted by the admin checking the wrong box. It was a mistake by someone was was just learning the system. For this we sincerely apologize.


On a side note, the thread was started by a sock puppet account. Please do not expect posts by sock puppet accounts to remain.


smile.gif hydee smile.gif

I work for the frog

read my post backwards icon_eek.gif


Originally posted by hydee:

We are working with volunteer admins to moderate the forums and yesterday was the first day. Unfortunately a thread was deleted by the admin checking the wrong box. It was a mistake by someone was was just learning the system. For this we sincerely apologize.


On a side note, the thread was started by a sock puppet account. Please do not expect posts by sock puppet accounts to remain.


smile.gif hydee smile.gif

_I work for the frog_

_read my post backwards icon_eek.gif _


OOPS!!! Sorry for the admin blaming on my end!!!!


I see now that I have judged prematurely.


Handing out the rent-a-forum-cop badges will surely entertain us all. Ha! I see what is happening. To the demise.....ooooohhhhhh icon_redface.gif




Yup. That's MY goat!




I read your post and I can't make heads or tails of it. Especially the part that says:


"Remain to accounts puppet sock by posts expect not do please. Account puppet sock a by started was thread the, note side a on."


At first I thought I was reading it wrong, so I tried:


"Naimer ot stnuocca tuppup kcos yb stsop tcepxe ton od esaelp. Tnuocca teppup kcos a yb detrats saw dearht eht, eton edis a no."


But that didn't work either.


Please explain.




What does anybody want? I want the Red Sox to win the World Series. - Bill Pullman as Alan Safian in Malice, in response to being asked "What do you want?"


By the by... what box WAS the admin in question trying to "check?"




What does anybody want? I want the Red Sox to win the World Series. - Bill Pullman as Alan Safian in Malice, in response to being asked "What do you want?"


Originally posted by Pantalaimon:

By the by... what box WAS the admin in question trying to "check?"


Probably the "Delete General Forum" button but missed.. icon_smile.gif




Caching without a clue....


what box WAS the admin in question trying to "check?"

Verrrry interesting question! bad_boy_a.gif




==============="If it feels good...do it"================


**(the other 9 out of 10 voices in my head say: "Don't do it.")**




Originally posted by umc:

Probably the "Delete General Forum" button but missed.. icon_smile.gif


Nah, that one's probably bright red, covered in glass and next to it is a tiny hammer with an "In case of emergency" sign next to it.




What does anybody want? I want the Red Sox to win the World Series. - Bill Pullman as Alan Safian in Malice, in response to being asked "What do you want?"


Probably the lock thread button.


I posted that the thread was begun by a sock puppet account. I copied from the newly posted Groundspeak Forum Guidelines:

Posts from known sock puppet accounts will be deleted and both the puppet and actual account may be banned from using the services of Groundspeak.


I applaud Groundspeak for taking action and for following its stated guidelines.




Originally posted by Frolickin:

I applaud Groundspeak for taking action and for following its stated guidelines.




While I agree with the ends, I find it difficult to applaud the means, which basically amounts to an accidental enforcement of the forum guidelines.


But that's just me.




What does anybody want? I want the Red Sox to win the World Series. - Bill Pullman as Alan Safian in Malice, in response to being asked "What do you want?"


Barney Fife mistakenly deleted it. Oh well.


Some are two structures shy of a belt move. This is one of the classics. FRAC. Now that's a hoot!!!! FRAC's. Oh, gotta love 'em. Or they'll run your sorry a$$ outta here!!! OOOHH!! The DEMISE!!!!! icon_redface.gif




Yup. That's MY goat!


In Pan's defense, yes, the original wording was "posted to". After Pan's post I saw how it could have been misunderstood so I modified it.


The post that started all of this was nothing spectacular; really just a rehash of things that have been posted before.


Here is a "Readers' Digest" version as best I can remember it. My apologies to the sock puppet if I get their sentiment wrong.


1) This site is growing and all geocaching.com cares about is money. I remember when geocaching was free.


My response: Geocaching is still free.


2) How come no more virtuals?


My response: We have no one but cachers to blame for that. Old sneakers were being listed as caches! Someone HAD to draw a line.


3) Requests are falling on deaf ears.


My response: Many things are going on behind the scenes to improve this site. Requests may have to temporarily take a backseat, but they are NOT being ignored.


That's about it. No big deal. I was just wondering what went on after I logged off.


Originally posted by opey one:

Some are two structures shy of a belt move. This is one of the classics. FRAC. Now that's a hoot!!!! FRAC's. Oh, gotta love 'em. Or they'll run your sorry a$$ outta here!!! OOOHH!! The DEMISE!!!!! icon_redface.gif


What does this mean? Does anyone speak opey one-ese?




What does anybody want? I want the Red Sox to win the World Series. - Bill Pullman as Alan Safian in Malice, in response to being asked "What do you want?"


Originally posted by geospotter:

Old sneakers were being listed as caches!


This was my favorite line from your reply. As far as I remember, you've summed it up well. Nothing new.




What does anybody want? I want the Red Sox to win the World Series. - Bill Pullman as Alan Safian in Malice, in response to being asked "What do you want?"


We are working with volunteer admins to moderate the forums and yesterday was the first day.


Naturally, those volunteer admins. expect to remain anonymous.


On a side note, the thread was started by a sock puppet account. Please do not expect posts by sock puppet accounts to remain.


All is right with the world now that sockpuppets have been eliminated and the approval of caches and oversight of the forums have been turned over to ... people who shall remain anonymous. icon_rolleyes.gif


Originally posted by Zaphod Beeblebrox:


Naturally, those volunteer admins expect to reamin anonymous.


All is right with the world now that sockpuppets have been eliminated and the approval of caches and oversight of the forums have been turned over to ... people who wish to remain anonymous. icon_rolleyes.gif


With a rough crowd like this I don't blame them. big_smile.gif




Caching without a clue....


Originally posted by umc:


With a rough crowd like this I don't blame them. big_smile.gif


Woah! Big fella. I see the froggy, but behind it there is a personal attack. Rough does not describe my demeanor at this time. Kinda offensive to me. Here's one rite back atcha! surprise.gif

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