Broncoholics Posted November 3, 2002 Posted November 3, 2002 I had such a goodtime caching today with Casey; we set a goal to have 100 finds by Christmas. I'm not too sure if we can do it or not. The weather and my job play big roles. I just feel this gives us a little more ambition. Plus we have nothing to lose except a little weight. LOL Well anyways, if you have any geocaching goals, maybe you can post them here. It would be cool to see the goals, if any, that other members might have. Duane Upinyachit Our feet go where the caches are! Quote
+Mr. Snazz Posted November 3, 2002 Posted November 3, 2002 I'd like to reach 100 (non-virtual, non-locationless) finds by February 5th (one year of caching), but I don't want to resort to padding my total with 1/1 caches, and with winter on the way, it may be difficult. I'm up to 70, so we'll see Quote
+Planet Posted November 3, 2002 Posted November 3, 2002 I have only 39 finds, all traditional so far. I'd like 100, but I am going to be realistic, because winter is coming, and give my self until April, 2003. That will be one year. We are going to try a few snowshoe caches, if we get snow. If there usn't any snow, who knows, maybe I'll have reached 100 before April. The Farmer's Almanac predicts snow for this region, let's see how accurate they'll be: November 2002 1st-3rd. Stormy, with snow over northern regions. Squally rain Mid-Atlantic States. 4th-7th. Cold and dry. 8th-11th. Wet, then fair and cold. Rain Virginia, Maryland, then clearing and colder. 12th-15th. Fair skies. 16th-19th. Some snow Mid-Atlantic States, then fair and cold. Stormy Pennsylvania, New York up to Maine. 20th-23rd. Wet New England, then fair. Rain Mid-Atlantic States, then clearing. 24th-27th. Fair and cold. 28th-30th. A white Thanksgiving? Storms out of the Southwest dump snow Maryland, Virginia northward. Heavy snow — 4 "or more— for much of Northeast. December 2002 1st-3rd. Clearing skies, cold. 4th-7th. Quick changes; fair, wet, then clearing. 8th-11th. Pleasant weather. 12th-15th. Heavy snow much of Northeast, then fair, cold. Some snow Mid-Atlantic States. 16th-19th. Becoming wet, especially New England. 20th-23rd. Dry and tranquil. 24th-27th. Rain Virginia, but farther to the north precipitation mixes with and changes to snow, 4" to 8" for New England. 28th-31st. Fair and cold. Cache you later, Planet I feel much more like I do now than when I first got here. Quote
BassoonPilot Posted November 3, 2002 Posted November 3, 2002 Do some great hikes. See some great sites. Have some fun. Quote
+orange Posted November 4, 2002 Posted November 4, 2002 quote:Originally posted by BassoonPilot:Do some great hikes. See some great sites. Have some fun. These are my primary goals but I will admit to shooting for #100 by my aniversary of finding my first one. Quote
+Criminal Posted November 4, 2002 Posted November 4, 2002 Goal: Have a life that includes geocaching but is in no way dominated by it. If your house catches afire, and there ain?t no water around, If your house catches afire, and there ain?t no water around, Throw your jelly out the window; let the dog-gone shack burn down. **Huddie Ledbetter** Quote
azog Posted November 4, 2002 Posted November 4, 2002 My goal is to pass Floopy's count by December 31 2002. You didn't say if the goals had to be realistic. ---------- Do not answer a fool according to his folly, lest you be also be like him. Quote
+Marky Posted November 4, 2002 Posted November 4, 2002 Joani and I never have any goals other than to get outside and have some fun. I have to thank geocaching for helping us to have a reason to be outside. --Marky "Everyone spends time in the darkness, dreamers learn to steer with a backlit GPSr" Quote
+worldtraveler Posted November 4, 2002 Posted November 4, 2002 I hoped to find 100 within my first year, and I made it with a few weeks to spare. I also thought it may be possible to log the most cumulative caching miles, and I'm pretty sure I hold that record (currently >118k miles). Worldtraveler Quote
+Shilfiell Posted November 4, 2002 Posted November 4, 2002 quote:Originally posted by upinyachit:It would be cool to see the goals, if any, that other members might have. My goal is to get Upinyachit to visit my Watership Down cache by year's's not far from one of theirs, anyway. -shilfiell, who just likes visitors "I'm too old to be doing this" - me to nobody, from too high up in a pine tree. Quote
Broncoholics Posted November 4, 2002 Author Posted November 4, 2002 quote: My goal is to get Upinyachit to visit my Watership Down cache by year's's not far from one of theirs, anyway. Now that you got my attention Shilfiell, your Watership Down cache looks like a fun one to do. I feel like going to search for it now, but Candie would think I'm crazy. LOL Duane Upinyachit Our feet go where the caches are! Quote
+TeamJiffy Posted November 4, 2002 Posted November 4, 2002 Our goal by year end is 100 caches found, and by the end of our first year of caching, to find 200. If we don't make our goals, or exceed them, well, it doesn't really matter all that much to us. But these are just numbers we've floated around. We include everything in the goal - reals, virtuals, multi-caches, web-caches, etc. We feel the 3, 4, 5 part multi caches that count as '1' make up for the easier aspect of the virtuals. And, we aren't too picky about this anyway. It's our goal for ourselves, not a competition with anyone else. Right now, we started July 4th weekend, and just got our 80th today. So, that's about 20 a month, so 100 by 12/31 should be 'do-able'. -J Quote
+LarsThorwald Posted November 4, 2002 Posted November 4, 2002 I'm going for 200 by first anniversary, although I have to admit I feel lame admitting that the count matters... Just like I hate to admit that I really like getting to a cache first! So I guess we're back to that "MY NAME IS CHARLIE AND I'M A GEOCACHER" thing again, huh? Charlie "One should never begin a journey by heading in the wrong direction." Quote
+seneca Posted November 4, 2002 Posted November 4, 2002 I love geocaching - but in my very busy life, I often forget to set aside time for things that I really like to do - so soon after I started Geocaching, I set a very modest personal goal - one cache a week - 52 by the end of the first year. I had my 50th find yesterday and I am still two months away from my first anniversary! (My only other specific goal is not to have more than 5 times the number of posts to these forums than caches I have found.) I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me. Quote
+Sissy-n-CR Posted November 4, 2002 Posted November 4, 2002 How about all of them! J/K No goals except to just get out and get the next one. CR -- Insert pithy aphorism here -- Quote
+CYBret Posted November 4, 2002 Posted November 4, 2002 With all the talk of keeping track of numbers and competition I think we forget that the greatest competition can sometimes be the one we have with ourselves. My original goal for caching was one a week. Somewhere in mid-summer I managed to surpass that. Now my goal is to try to hit 100 by the end of the year. Not sure how attainable that will be since I'm running out of local caches and have taken on a new job that's demanding a lot more time (oh yeah, and having a 1 month old baby in the house isn't helping either). Hopefully I can work in a few power cachin' days to hit or beat my goal. Bret "The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again." Mt. 13:44 Quote
+Planet Posted November 4, 2002 Posted November 4, 2002 quote:Originally posted by CYBret:With all the talk of keeping track of numbers and competition I think we forget that the greatest competition can sometimes be the one we have with ourselves. My original goal for caching was one a week. Somewhere in mid-summer I managed to surpass that. Now my goal is to try to hit 100 by the end of the year. Not sure how attainable that will be since I'm running out of local caches and have taken on a new job that's demanding a lot more time (oh yeah, and having a 1 month old baby in the house isn't helping either). Hopefully I can work in a few power cachin' days to hit or beat my goal. Bret __"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again."_ Mt. 13:44_ Can he say CACHE yet? Cache you later, Planet I feel much more like I do now than when I first got here. Quote
+crashmore Posted November 5, 2002 Posted November 5, 2002 I'm trying to hit 100 before Jan 1. I'm less than 20 away and considering I started caching in mid august I think I'm doing pretty well. I've also been seeing how many days I can cache in a row. My own iron man record I guess Current record for that is 13 days for me. I've got a streak of 7 days going at the moment. I'm not ashamed to admit that the numbers matter to me. I'm not competing with anyone but myself though. I know I'll never have the most finds with folks like the Cooper Agency caching the area but I do like to see how far I can push myself. Keeps it fun for me and gives me something to shoot for. ------------------------------------- Hope is the destination that we seek. Love is the road that leads to hope. Courage is the motor that drives us. We travel out of darkness into faith. -=The Book Of Counted Sorrows=- Quote
+Web-ling Posted November 5, 2002 Posted November 5, 2002 My personal goal is to maintain a pace of averaging 1 cache per day. There are plenty of caches in my area, and new ones are being placed all the time, so I should be able to maintain that pace for a while. I do a lot of "binge caching" where I hit 10-20 in a day, so I actually have time for a life between binges. I'm not addicted to geocaching; I can quit anytime I want to... Quote
+Team Tecmage Posted November 5, 2002 Posted November 5, 2002 - Get Prelims done by December 1 - Get to 300 caches by Jan 1 - Get job on East Coast by Aug 1 - Move to cache-rich environment Quote
+DirtRunner Posted November 5, 2002 Posted November 5, 2002 50 by 01/01/03 and 100 by 01/07/03. Maybe I can make it, I'm at 40 now but the landscape's getting pretty thin. I have to travel farther and farther away from home for longer and longer periods of a time. This is NOT garnering me any popularity awards at home. BUT! With that said, I always make sure that everything at home is in line before taking time out for myself. The only problem is the time taken for myself is not sufficient to get out there, find a couple and get back. So maybe a more realistic goal would be 50 by 01/01/03 and 75 by 01/07/03. God bless my wife, she has the patience of a saint. DirtRunner. Your not first...But you could be next. Quote
+Marky Posted November 6, 2002 Posted November 6, 2002 I have a new goal of keeping my find count higher than my number of posts here. --Marky "Everyone spends time in the darkness, dreamers learn to steer with a backlit GPSr" Quote
+Fattuhr Posted November 6, 2002 Posted November 6, 2002 quote:Originally posted by Team Tecmage (R&T):- Get job on East Coast by Aug 1 - Move to cache-rich environment Isn't the cache rich enviroment on the West Coast? I have 1350 caches within a hundred miles of my home Zip Code. My wife says put a coordinate on it and I'll find it. Quote
+Skully & Mulder et al. Posted November 6, 2002 Posted November 6, 2002 We had a total of 9 finds when we found our first cache of 2002 right around Easter. At that time I set a goal of 50 caches by the end of the summer. The kids and I really got into the caching thing and we had 50 by 6/24, 100 by 8/3, & 200 by 10/19. When we were around 150, I revised our goal to 200 physical caches by the first snowfall & ski season. We now have 210 but 24 of them are virtual or event so we need another 14 physical finds tto achieve our goal. The cheerleading season has really put a damper on our caching, plus the fact that there is less daylight and that we were planning on doing some of the longer hikes with the cooler weather, makes it a challanging goal. Quote
+Team Tecmage Posted November 6, 2002 Posted November 6, 2002 quote:Originally posted by Fattuhr:Isn't the cache rich enviroment on the West Coast? I have 1350 caches within a hundred miles of my home Zip Code. Hey Fattuhr, You're right, but we found a few cache-rich areas on the other coast as well. T is ready to move back East, so we're job hunting on that coast. Richard Quote
+Trudy & the beast Posted November 6, 2002 Posted November 6, 2002 Trudy loves going along and finding the bugs. I am the one with the goals. We are looking to complete 200 [we have 170+] by the end of the year to include the 100 [we have 85+]closest to our home coords. The latter may be difficult if Kit'n'Kaboodle and Socco keep adding to our "25." Zeolites unite! Quote
Salvo Posted November 6, 2002 Posted November 6, 2002 1,000 caches by my 1 yr anniversary, 6/1/2003. Create 1 cache for every 10 I visit. Move 1 TB for every 10 sites I visit. Lose 10 pounds for every 100 cache sites I visit. With over 250 cache visits, I have lost 26 pounds and have managed to keep it off. It's a gradual loss, and I find I'm eating smarter. Just what the doctors recommend: Eat sensibly, and more exercise. Quote
+Doc Ott Posted November 6, 2002 Posted November 6, 2002 One cold night in dec '01 I saw a little blurb on afternoon TV about a story they were going to run about geocaching later that day. (I never did see the story) I jumped online, got really jazzed when the nearest cache was 1.3 mi away. I scooped up my 1.5 year old daughter went out and found it. I haven't looked back since and I should easy hit 300 by my one year anniversary (270 as of today) My 2.34 year old daughter has a limited vocabulary, but you can bet for sure it includes the word 'cache'. Yes, there >500 caches within 100 miles of me, and if I was a bachelor, I would be over 1000 now. My name is Mark, and I am a geocacher. -Doc Ott A day without thermonuclear fusion is like a day without sunshine. Quote
Broncoholics Posted November 11, 2002 Author Posted November 11, 2002 quote: My goal is to get Upinyachit to visit my Watership Down cache by year's's not far from one of theirs, anyway. We did this one this weekend. The cache is one of the better ones we have done. Duane Upinyachit Our feet go where the caches are! Quote
+Marky Posted November 14, 2002 Posted November 14, 2002 This one is temporary, but our goal is to have 50 finds on our "Logged caches" list. You know, the one that says: (The last 10 logs are listed, or logs in the last 10 days, whatever is greater) We are currently at 40 and have 5 days before the oldest one drops off the list. --Marky "Everyone spends time in the darkness, dreamers learn to steer with a backlit GPSr" Quote
+carivercpl Posted November 15, 2002 Posted November 15, 2002 See i would like to have all the trails is in the area reopen (getting close)...would like to find all of otis pug's caches...maybe someday reach all the geocacher in the area...what a moment Santa i'm not done yet..... Quote
+canadazuuk Posted November 16, 2002 Posted November 16, 2002 Goals are good, and right now, I'm blowing more time on trying to figure out complicated caches, and spending less time finding typically 'easy' ones. I think 100 is the goal for now, I'm at 37 after just shy of 2 months, and if I get that digital camera from Paul, I could be at 59 by tomorrow. Really, I'd like to think 100 REAL 'non-virtual' caches per year, but we'll see. There aren't many new ones popping up these days around here, except on Vancouver Island. Living in BC close to WA though is a bonus. I just don't know what to say when I go across the border with my GPS in hand... I'd like to see more hides locally. I'm trying to get geocaching into the local paper. canadazuuk Quote
targetdrone Posted November 16, 2002 Posted November 16, 2002 My goal is to have at least 10 caches hidden by the end of the year, and to get at least 2 non-caching friends to start. Don't blame me, I voted for Jeremy. Quote
+Planet Posted November 16, 2002 Posted November 16, 2002 quote:Originally posted by Planet:I have only 39 finds, all traditional so far. I'd like 100... and give my self until April, 2003. ...... That was posted on 11/3/02 It is now 11/16/02 and I'm up to 51. Looks like I can do it! And, in order to make this goal I have taken to hiking alone, which is not at all like me. GEOCACHING MAKE YOU BRAVE! Cache you later, Planet Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups. Quote
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