+canadazuuk Posted August 21, 2003 Posted August 21, 2003 ARE YOU A GEOCACHER OR A GEOBLABBER? Please explain how the forums have enhanced your overall geocaching experience. Or have they left you with an ill feeling?
martmann Posted August 21, 2003 Posted August 21, 2003 I never post in (or even read) the forums, so I voted 'Geocacher'. _________________________________________________________ If trees could scream, would we still cut them down? Well, maybe if they screamed all the time, for no reason. Click here for my Geocaching pictures and Here (newest)
+walkietalkie Posted August 22, 2003 Posted August 22, 2003 Geoblabber: talks about Geocaching. Love the forums, I like sitting back reading about talking about geocaching. It's part of the fun. Wait til I tell yah about my first cache find. Stay tuned, sometime soon I'll be blabbing. ~This is the place~
Dinoprophet Posted August 22, 2003 Posted August 22, 2003 Blabber, but only because I can do it at work. Well the mountain was so beautiful that this guy built a mall and a pizza shack Yeah he built an ugly city because he wanted the mountain to love him back -- Dar Williams
umc Posted August 22, 2003 Posted August 22, 2003 I said quit a lot of both. I love forums and have been here since (my) day one. I started out in these forums looking for info on new GPS's on the market since my current GPSr was 4 years old. So from the forums I was hooked then I started caching soon after and then, I was really hooked. __________________________ Caching without a clue....
+TeamK-9 Posted August 22, 2003 Posted August 22, 2003 I'm primarily a blabber until I get my GPSr. But even then, I'll still do quite a bit of blabbing. ---- Extra batteries for GPS, don't leave home without 'em.
enfanta Posted August 22, 2003 Posted August 22, 2003 What are the forums? I've never heard of them. Ode to a Pigeon: Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, You Lookin' at Me? YOU LOOKIN' AT ME?! (b. katt, 7/14/03)
+honeychile Posted August 22, 2003 Posted August 22, 2003 I mostly lurk in the forums. Staying up-to-date takes more time than I have -- I like it when my geocaching friends give me a heads-up on interesting threads, though.
SombreHippie Posted August 22, 2003 Posted August 22, 2003 I lurk quite a bit more than I talk, but I suppose that counts me in as a bit of each. A great serial killer once said, "Beauty is only skin deep. Trust me, I've looked..."
+Prime Suspect Posted August 22, 2003 Posted August 22, 2003 GeoBlabber? Is that like someone with 140 posts and 1 find? Don't know anybody like that. "Don't mess with a geocacher. We know all the best places to hide a body."
+TotemLake Posted August 22, 2003 Posted August 22, 2003 I said a little bit of each, but I blab more than I search due to a variety of reasons I won't go into here. Cheers! TL
+Renegade Knight Posted August 22, 2003 Posted August 22, 2003 Given a choice between the forums and geocaching I'd take the latter. But the great thing is I can do both. I'm multiblabaseekerouse.
+Marky Posted August 22, 2003 Posted August 22, 2003 I try to keep my find count above my forum post count. So far, I've been doing okay. --Marky "All of us get lost in the darkness, dreamers learn to steer with a backlit GPSr"
umc Posted August 22, 2003 Posted August 22, 2003 Marky is a geoBragger __________________________ Caching without a clue....
weRlostNDwoods Posted August 22, 2003 Posted August 22, 2003 Voted: a little bit of each Lately, we've been doing more blabbing than caching, but hope to make up for some of that this weekend! Can't wait to tell everyone of the fun adventure that is willing to listen and have that look of... "oh wow sounds like fun!" ... most of the time... But...other times? ...well, you know the BLANK look! A journey of a thousand miles begins with a cache.
+leatherman Posted August 22, 2003 Posted August 22, 2003 This is the first day I ever visited the forums. What do you guys talk about in here? What do you have in your Geocaching back pack? What GPS should I buy? Alot of people talk about the GPS V like it's god!? What do you think about auto-routing? Why should I pay to geocache? What does a premium member get? How do I post a picture in my post? POWDER!!!!!!
+ChrisCindy Posted August 22, 2003 Posted August 22, 2003 I can multi task. When in doubt...hit it with a big hammer.
Laogai Posted August 23, 2003 Posted August 23, 2003 I know the word geoblabber but I have no idea what a geocacher is . 老盖
+TeamK-9 Posted April 12, 2004 Posted April 12, 2004 I have now actually started geocaching,b ut I'm still primarily a geoblabber. Any new entries to the geoblabber hall of fame?
+Team GPSaxophone Posted April 12, 2004 Posted April 12, 2004 ARE YOU A GEOCACHER OR A GEOBLABBER?<BR><BR>Please explain how the forums have enhanced your overall geocaching experience.<BR><BR>Or have they left you with an ill feeling? Posts made by most of the Canadian crowd have left me with an ill feeling, but everyone else is pretty much ok
+carleenp Posted April 12, 2004 Posted April 12, 2004 (edited) ARE YOU A GEOCACHER OR A GEOBLABBER? Please explain how the forums have enhanced your overall geocaching experience. Or have they left you with an ill feeling? I am both. I love to geoblab, not just here, but in local groups and through work with local agencies and property owners. I also love to geocache. If I didn't, I would not geoblab! How have the forums enhanced my overall geocaching experience? Well, I have met some really wonderful people here. I have made friends that I like and trust. I enjoy their posts and sharing the caching experience in written words with them. Some I have met and we had the forums as an ice breaker and a shared knowledge that made the meeting even more nice. Others I really look forward to meeting. Some I will likely never meet, but I like the idea that I know them in some very small way and that we can share our joy of caching here on the forums. Then, there are the related side things. I once drove out of my way to pick up a travel bug owned by a forum poster; I have had some great help on various caching issues through contacts from forum posters, and; I have generally felt a nice sense of community here. I have also shared the loss of a pet in a private topic (in the old forums) and got wonderful support that helped me alot. I have shared private jokes and non-caching related info with people I met here who have other non-caching related hobbies in common with me. Through the forums, I have met people that are not just caching friends, but also friends involved in my other hobbies. Have the forums left me with an ill feeling? Generally no. Sure, there are disagreements, but often I find those interesting and enjoy reading them, if not taking part in them. There is sometimes outright angst, which I have never been a fan of, but I then either take a breath and calmly jump in, or decide that I want nothing to do with it and happily ignore. Sometimes people get nasty, which always baffles me, but is a fact of internet forum life. Normally I try to stay out of that or not let it get to me. I have in a few instances sent a private message trying to calm things down and received a nice reply. On a rare occasion something got to me. Once someone called an idea of mine that was a very slight majority view "lame" with no explanation. That bugged me, not because it was called "lame" but because there was no clearly articulated reason given from that particular person. I decided to discount it, but did have to take a breath and remind myself that it was not personal. What is funny is that I later decided that I agreed with the slight minority view, but obviously not from that person's post and instead from the thoughtful responses that were given! On another occasion a person who was repeatedly abusive just got to me and I sort of flamed the person in my own really wierd wishy washy apologetic way. I later even felt bad about it even though others seemed impressed that I sort of flamed a person. In hindsight, I guess I don't regret that. Overall, I am Carleen: Geoblabber and Geocacher. I love them both! Edited April 12, 2004 by carleenp
+TeamK-9 Posted April 12, 2004 Posted April 12, 2004 Who's the genius admin who moved this to the Canada forums, or were they already here? I'm so confused... They don't seem in the right place at the Canada forums....
+carleenp Posted April 12, 2004 Posted April 12, 2004 (edited) Am I insane, or was this topic in the general forum a few minutes ago? I posted and got a wierd error message and then it was here! I hope I haven't had too much beer tonight! Edit: OK, I see that it got moved. Good to know I am not insane, or at least not THAT insane. But why was it moved? Oh well.... Back to the beer! Edited April 12, 2004 by carleenp
+Sparky-Watts Posted April 12, 2004 Posted April 12, 2004 ARE YOU A GEOCACHER OR A GEOBLABBER?<BR><BR>Please explain how the forums have enhanced your overall geocaching experience.<BR><BR>Or have they left you with an ill feeling? Posts made by most of the Canadian crowd have left me with an ill feeling, but everyone else is pretty much ok Maybe that's it....I thought it was all the devilled eggs I ate for lunch........
+Renegade Knight Posted April 12, 2004 Posted April 12, 2004 Whoa, I thought the bannings were over...Time for a beer.
WH Posted April 12, 2004 Posted April 12, 2004 Im a Geoblabber only when I cant be caching like when Im at work. The forums help me through the times when I have to be inside for whatever reason.
Randilin Posted April 12, 2004 Posted April 12, 2004 I love both, and since I mainly get to go caching on the weekends. I enjoy the forums during the week.
+Sparky-Watts Posted April 12, 2004 Posted April 12, 2004 ARE YOU A GEOCACHER OR A GEOBLABBER?<BR><BR>Please explain how the forums have enhanced your overall geocaching experience.<BR><BR>Or have they left you with an ill feeling? Posts made by most of the Canadian crowd have left me with an ill feeling, but everyone else is pretty much ok Maybe that's it....I thought it was all the devilled eggs I ate for lunch........ Ok...just finished reading more Canadian threads, and I've decided it wasn't the eggs afterall...
+Couparangus Posted April 12, 2004 Posted April 12, 2004 I like the kind of camaraderie that only geoblabbing can provide. :-) And I highly recommend people get out to the organized caches and pub nites to meet other geocachers. Around here the typical Geocacher seems to be a 30 or 40 something professional person with palm pilot. ;-)
+Geo Ho Posted April 12, 2004 Posted April 12, 2004 I'm a GeoHo! A 'Ho for caching . . . Hmmm . . . I guess that would make me a GeoCacher. I'm NOT a forum 'ho! I'm not, I'm not, I'm not! Happy caching and stuff!
+DocMagoo Posted April 12, 2004 Posted April 12, 2004 ARE YOU A GEOCACHER OR A GEOBLABBER?<BR><BR>Please explain how the forums have enhanced your overall geocaching experience.<BR><BR>Or have they left you with an ill feeling? Posts made by most of the Canadian crowd have left me with an ill feeling, but everyone else is pretty much ok Maybe that's it....I thought it was all the devilled eggs I ate for lunch........ Ok...just finished reading more Canadian threads, and I've decided it wasn't the eggs afterall... What the.......... Since when did this thread become an opportunity to bash your fellow Canucks north of the border? Actually, while I'm here, how is it that a thread that was started last Aug/03 suddenly finds its way back up on the top of the thread heap in Apr/04 and then suddenly gets moved?
+Gorak Posted April 13, 2004 Posted April 13, 2004 ARE YOU A GEOCACHER OR A GEOBLABBER?<BR><BR>Please explain how the forums have enhanced your overall geocaching experience.<BR><BR>Or have they left you with an ill feeling? Posts made by most of the Canadian crowd have left me with an ill feeling, but everyone else is pretty much ok Maybe that's it....I thought it was all the devilled eggs I ate for lunch........ Ok...just finished reading more Canadian threads, and I've decided it wasn't the eggs afterall... What the.......... Since when did this thread become an opportunity to bash your fellow Canucks north of the border? Given the esteem the rest of the world holds for the US, I have no problem if they want to boost their self esteem by slagging Canadians. It's kind of like being called ugly by a wart - you can't actually take it too seriously.
+Renegade Knight Posted April 13, 2004 Posted April 13, 2004 ...Given the esteem the rest of the world holds for the US, I have no problem if they want to boost their self esteem by slagging Canadians. It's kind of like being called ugly by a wart - you can't actually take it too seriously. Damned if that wasn't a good comeback. ======== Geo 16B
+Sparky-Watts Posted April 13, 2004 Posted April 13, 2004 ...Given the esteem the rest of the world holds for the US, I have no problem if they want to boost their self esteem by slagging Canadians. It's kind of like being called ugly by a wart - you can't actually take it too seriously. Damned if that wasn't a good comeback. ======== Geo 16B Not bad for a Canuck, I suppose....
+canadazuuk Posted April 13, 2004 Author Posted April 13, 2004 Not sure why this was moved, but then again, I don't even recall why I started this thread last year
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