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disposable cameras - posting pics

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...and your approach was different still: You uploaded your pics to a log. That's probably the easiest approach.


I would periodically edit the log to make its date current so it stays visible on the log listing.


Originally posted by bartacus:

http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cachelog_details.asp?ID=185545&L=1076984, http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cachelog_details.asp?ID=85252&L=519675, http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cachelog_details.asp?ID=228669&L=1392057.



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What I've done is to create a dummy note log and upload all the pictures to that log. That way, it automatically uses Geocaching's picture page creation. I add a link to the first picture in the group, and include the date the camera was retrieved. When I create the dummy log, I date it before the date the cache went active, so it will drop to the bottom of the list.



"Don't mess with a geocacher. We know all the best places to hide a body."

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Enjoyed the pics! A very cool idea of putting a disposable camera in the cache. I am now thinking about a live cam! It would be cool to see people live as they find your cache. But I doubt anyone would think it was an adventure in my backyard! icon_biggrin.gif


- GoatSniFFer


"Don't you hate it when the toliet paper rips?"


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Since this was my first find ever, I wondered when the pictures would be posted and how you would do it.


BTW, they aren't coming up tonight (Friday night)


You could also upload the pictures to the cache page and then insert the html code as follows:


<img align="center" width="244" height="145" src="http://img.Groundspeak.com/cache/45054_200.jpg" border="0">


You can adjust the width and height with the "width=" and you pictures will be numbered _200, _300, _400, etc.


"I would give my right arm to be ambidextrous!"

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Originally posted by SceneryGuy:

Since this was my first find ever, I wondered when the pictures would be posted and how you would do it.


BTW, they aren't coming up tonight (Friday night)



I host the pics on villagephotos.com and they have a daily bandwidth threshhold. For today, it was exceeded so it stops serving up the pics. This is because everybody that looks at my that cache page uses up some of the daily bandwidth and that page is getting a lot of hits today because of this post. It also affects all my other caches that use photos that I've hosted on Village Photots.


This is one drawback to hosting the pics elsewhere. BTW, your pic didn't win any categories according to the judges so it wasn't posted. icon_frown.gif

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Originally posted by Woodsters Outdoors:

I like how Bartacus did his, but can't figure out yet how he did it.


I just posted a note (similar to a log) on my own cache page, and attached all of the images to the note.


When you click any one of the images associated with that note, the Geocaching website automatically creates the 'gallery' style page that I linked to.


The image you select is shown in preview mode in the upper right, and you can click it again for a full-sized view.


The only drawback to using the Geocaching website, is that you're limited to 100K per picture. This forced me to reduce my Photo-CD images to 640x480, and high compression (low quality) on the jpegs.



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I just posted a bunch of pics from the disposable camera as a note log. The benefit here is that everybody who had that cache on their watch list got notified when I posted the note. Then they went and checked out the pics. Of course since I have a slow dialup connection, they were checking the web page before all the images were uploaded.

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