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Poll: Just say No. It's a closed issue.

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I'm trying to tie a cache event in with a yardsale. With promotional materials and recruiting for the sport, in addition to a cache of free stuff for geocashers, I thought it'd be a great event. Read through our posts and let me know if you agree or disagree - should it be allowed?




[This message was edited by MyBoys&Me on August 03, 2002 at 01:21 PM.]


[This message was edited by MyBoys&Me on August 03, 2002 at 01:22 PM.]


[This message was edited by MyBoys&Me on August 03, 2002 at 03:47 PM.]


[This message was edited by MyBoys&Me on August 03, 2002 at 03:48 PM.]


[This message was edited by MyBoys&Me on August 03, 2002 at 04:10 PM.]


[This message was edited by MyBoys&Me on August 03, 2002 at 05:42 PM.]


[This message was edited by MyBoys&Me on August 03, 2002 at 08:14 PM.]


[This message was edited by MyBoys&Me on August 03, 2002 at 08:59 PM.]


This question was posted yesterday also.


This is the Thread


I think it's a bit to much like an advertisement. If you used the yardsale goods as tradeable items then I see no problem.


You could ask that people take an item and leave nothing. You might go into the record books as the best stocked cache ever.



As always, the above statements are just MHO.



Caching events are organized events for real get-togethers between cachers for the purpose of dicussing geocaching. Although your idea is great, it would be more appropriate to post a note in your regional forums and invite anyone in the area. Imagine how clutterd the events page would be if everyone did the same thing. The NW forums has a continuing thread for a group of cachers who regularly meet on Wed. nights for a little caching and socializing.


19973_600.gifThe adventures of Navdog, Justdog, and Otterpup


The cache itself will be a huge collection of miscellaneous small items that can be used in other caches. I will also have water bottles and some camping/hiking gear for geocashers - none of these items are part of the yardsale goods. Everything will be on a "take something - leave nothing" basis.


As to promotional items, I have a trade-show display unit that I plan to set up with maps showing caches in the area, info on local parks, info on geocashing, and such. None of this is part of the yardsale either, but it's being AT the yardsale will generate discussion by visitors, and likely result in new recruits.


Although, as a fan of Highlander, I'd LIKE to be (or would I - awesome responsibility?).


Your input is welcome. I want the poll (and the thread) to stay alive until everyone in my area who's still active has had their say. I sent email to as many as I could with links... but they don't check in as often, so it may be a while. Dunno.


I'm still on my own side.


I still disagree with Jeremy & Eric.


I still think I've got a great idea here.


I still think other cachers will like my idea.


I still think my idea benefits geocaching.


So what do you think?


Originally posted by MyBoys&Me:


I'm still on my own side.


I still disagree with Jeremy & Eric.


I still think I've got a great idea here.


I still think other cachers will like my idea.


I still think my idea benefits geocaching.


So what do you think?


I think you're wrong. I think you're looking for a way to promote a yard sale. If that's not the case, great - ditch the yard sale and have an event cache instead.


Would you plant a cache in your own yard for strangers to come hunt any time of day year round?


If you would, please send me the coordinates so I can alert your local authorities to your lax sense of personal security and probability of break-ins.


I'm taking enough of a chance as is. And YES, I will notify local authorities - they'll be patrolling the neighborhood before and after.


If it was JUST a yardsale, I'd disagree myself. But that's not my direction here. I want to put up a display to educate people in my neighborhood (who wouldn't otherwise walk up my driveway or even yet, look for a yardsale) about geocaching. Yes, it's a 2-horned monster. My question is, can it have both horns?


My poor horse is bleeding and breathing labored now. But I'll keep trying... damnit, he's gotta live!


icon_razz.gif MyBoys&Me


Would you plant a cache in your own yard for strangers to come hunt any time of day year round?


If you would, please send me the coordinates so I can alert your local authorities to your lax sense of personal security and probability of break-ins.


I'm taking enough of a chance as is. And YES, I will notify local authorities - they'll be patrolling the neighborhood before and after.


If it was JUST a yardsale, I'd disagree myself. But that's not my direction here. I want to put up a display to educate people in my neighborhood (who wouldn't otherwise walk up my driveway or even yet, look for a yardsale) about geocaching. Yes, it's a 2-horned monster. My question is, can it have both horns?


My poor horse is bleeding and breathing labored now. But I'll keep trying... damnit, he's gotta live!


icon_razz.gif MyBoys&Me


Originally posted by datum:


Having fun?


Damm, I've been taken in. I hate when that happens



As always, the above statements are just MHO.



Hey there MeBoys&Me.


No, I don't really like the whole idea either.


I'm not nearly as adamant as some of the others posted here, but I mean, let the yardsale stay a yardsale, and make up another event cache for the event cache. As I told you in the email I'd gladly work with you as long as the boulder and the 9/11 Memorial cache be incorporated with it.


If you wan't to welcome GeoCachers to the yardsale, even if not to shop, just email us (as you have already done) and say "You're welcome to join us here, I've even got free goodies for cachers who stop by"


There you go. I don't mean to put yet another bullet in that poor equine... but sometimes you should just let it go and put you money on another pony.



Team Draegon

Cincinnati, Ohio USA


"To win without risk is to succeed without glory"


So if we show up to the yardsale, do we get our choice of what to take/leave? If that's the case, sure go for it, we may end up trading a deck of cards for a dining room table though icon_wink.gif


buneatg.gifI am the Rabbit King, I can do anything


So if we show up to the yardsale, do we get our choice of what to take/leave? If that's the case, sure go for it, we may end up trading a deck of cards for a dining room table though icon_wink.gif


buneatg.gifI am the Rabbit King, I can do anything


User MyBoys&Me has contacted you with the following message:


I asked, I listened, and I learned. Pros and cons. The yardsale idea? It's gone... it's history. But now I'm a TROLL?


What is YOUR beef with me?


I'm so new to this, I don't even have a GPS yet. I was asking for advice and trying to clarify my purpose.


You label me a TROLL, and bring all your Troll-hunting buddies in to confirm.


I got involved in geocaching to get my kids away from the dadgum video games and teach them something useful (that their father never would).


Then I have an honest question and you smear me like I'm trying to spoil the sport for everyone else on the planet.




If you have a problem with me PERSONALLY, then email me PERSONALLY. My identity here is not just my own - it's my whole family. Got something to say to my 11 yr old son? How about the 9 yr old? Didn't think so. But they both saw what you (and others) have said on the boards, and they're both really turned off to geocaching now.


Thanks a lot.


- MOM (of MyBoys&Me)


Dear "Mom",


1) I never called you a troll. How about maybe "I hope you are a troll"? Does that sound like what I said? It was.

2) 2 repliers prior to my post did call you a troll. Did you P.M. them?

3) You kept at a point that almost everyone, including admin. said was a bad and self serving idea. It was clear that you didn't read the guidelines. you didn't know what you were talking about. But talk you did.It got pitiful. Now this. what is your malfunction?

4) Don't even try to blame me for "turning your boys off to geocaching now". Is it my fault that they access the internet without supervision? Is it my fault that you cannot inform them that in the game of caching, they won't ever have to run into big bad ogres like me?

5) Yep. This was a private P.M. that you sent me. Yep, I answered it publicly. Nope. I don't care. I didn't do anything wrong. You did when you crept into my email box and freaked out on me for something I did not do! Yep, I started a thread wondering aloud if others felt like I did about trolls, and was hoping some folks would vent about them. You were so incredibly misguided, and strangly insistant about the point, you left me to wonder aloud if you were a troll, or just off of your meds. I now know the answer. Wow, was that wierd! icon_eek.gif


It's a game folks..........


User MyBoys&Me has contacted you with the following message:


I asked, I listened, and I learned. Pros and cons. The yardsale idea? It's gone... it's history. But now I'm a TROLL?


What is YOUR beef with me?


I'm so new to this, I don't even have a GPS yet. I was asking for advice and trying to clarify my purpose.


You label me a TROLL, and bring all your Troll-hunting buddies in to confirm.


I got involved in geocaching to get my kids away from the dadgum video games and teach them something useful (that their father never would).


Then I have an honest question and you smear me like I'm trying to spoil the sport for everyone else on the planet.




If you have a problem with me PERSONALLY, then email me PERSONALLY. My identity here is not just my own - it's my whole family. Got something to say to my 11 yr old son? How about the 9 yr old? Didn't think so. But they both saw what you (and others) have said on the boards, and they're both really turned off to geocaching now.


Thanks a lot.


- MOM (of MyBoys&Me)


Dear "Mom",


1) I never called you a troll. How about maybe "I hope you are a troll"? Does that sound like what I said? It was.

2) 2 repliers prior to my post did call you a troll. Did you P.M. them?

3) You kept at a point that almost everyone, including admin. said was a bad and self serving idea. It was clear that you didn't read the guidelines. you didn't know what you were talking about. But talk you did.It got pitiful. Now this. what is your malfunction?

4) Don't even try to blame me for "turning your boys off to geocaching now". Is it my fault that they access the internet without supervision? Is it my fault that you cannot inform them that in the game of caching, they won't ever have to run into big bad ogres like me?

5) Yep. This was a private P.M. that you sent me. Yep, I answered it publicly. Nope. I don't care. I didn't do anything wrong. You did when you crept into my email box and freaked out on me for something I did not do! Yep, I started a thread wondering aloud if others felt like I did about trolls, and was hoping some folks would vent about them. You were so incredibly misguided, and strangly insistant about the point, you left me to wonder aloud if you were a troll, or just off of your meds. I now know the answer. Wow, was that wierd! icon_eek.gif


It's a game folks..........


I didn't think it was that bad of an idea at all.


They certainly seemed to keep the garage sale / geocaching 'event' separate.


Yeah, it was like advertising, but I wouldn't call it commercializing. A yard sale ad in the paper goes for less than $5 around here. So what?


Reading the original note, I didn't seem to have any problem with the plan at all.


I mean really, aren't event's supposed to be for geocachers to gather? 'Mom' would get to greet each cacher individually, and maybe even a couple at a time would meet each other.


I hate to sound like a freakin' left wing liberal pansie, but isn't one of the greatest aspects of geocaching - especially geocaching.com - diversity? There are plenty of locationless caches and virtuals I would prefer to see less than what this was promoting.


Can't some of you veterans get the hint that there are other users out there that have a different way of posting topics that aren't inheritly wrong, but just 'different' than what y'all expect of forum users?





wavey.gif Go! And don't be afraid to get a little wet!


I got a private email from MyBoys&Me as well. I guess that'll teach me to be more careful about who I reply to in the forums.


I have to admit, it really scares me how obsessed you seem to be, MyBoys&Me, about this whole idea. You received more than one good idea for changing the thing to be more likely to be approved, and you have refused.


Instead, you have posted way too many posts (in my opinion) in the forum, resorted to contacting people privately, and basically just won't take no for an answer.


You didn't answer me when I asked this privately, so I'll ask it publicly: why are you so obsessed with this idea? Is it something where you are hoping the media is going to cover it so you can get your 15 minutes of fame? Is it an ego thing where you can show off this new thing you've learned?


Your behavior really doesn't make any sense, unless you are a bored kid on summer vacation stirring up controversy in the forums for lack of anything better to do.




"Ahh, where's the table with the free-stuff? What da ya want for that nice old friziget? Where's the log book so I can get credit fer finding ya? Yeah, lady, I found this place great sale with this little thingie. How did you find it? Well, nice to meet'cha guys! We'll have to git all these nice folks together and get rid of my stuff next week. Ya'll are invited. Free State Park maps and all the rebottled water you can drink."


icon_biggrin.gif Sorry, I have too much time on my hands today. icon_wink.gif


"When you find it, its always in the last place you look."


"Ahh, where's the table with the free-stuff? What da ya want for that nice old friziget? Where's the log book so I can get credit fer finding ya? Yeah, lady, I found this place great sale with this little thingie. How did you find it? Well, nice to meet'cha guys! We'll have to git all these nice folks together and get rid of my stuff next week. Ya'll are invited. Free State Park maps and all the rebottled water you can drink."


icon_biggrin.gif Sorry, I have too much time on my hands today. icon_wink.gif


"When you find it, its always in the last place you look."


Ya know, I thought if I asked about it first, a bunch of friendly people who share interest would offer helpful suggestions, constructive criticism, open-minded opinions...


That is NOT what I got from these boards. I was asking for help, but instead I got derision, smearing, and name-calling.


From local cachers I contacted directly, I got the response I was looking for: "No, you can't do that, but here's what you CAN do, and we'll help you do it." They asked questions to clarify my intentions - my posts here were to add those clarifications for the benefit of anyone following the thread who didn't understand exactly what I had in mind. After reading everyone's posts, I THANKED all for their input and put the dadgum thing to rest - or at least, I tried.


Shannah, I contacted you directly because, as I said in my email, you made a powerful point. I plan to discuss it with local cachers to see if they agree, because it made me look at the whole thing in a new light. Silly me, I thought you'd appreciate my LISTENING to your advice.


IrvingDog, you mentioned somewhere that you don't get off making people look stupid? From someone who's new to geocaching and TRYING to learn about and enjoy it - looks like you're having a great time.


Originally posted by MyBoys&Me:

After reading everyone's posts, I THANKED all for their input and put the dadgum thing to rest - or at least, I tried.

By firing off angry E-mails to people almost 2 weeks after the last post to this thread???


IrvingDog, you mentioned somewhere that you don't get off making people look stupid? From someone who's new to geocaching and TRYING to learn about and enjoy it - looks like you're having a great time.

No ma'am. I'm just not standing in the way of you making yourself look foolish. It is now getting to the point where I can sit back and let you do all of your own work. Is the pity party before or after the garage sale? icon_frown.gif

You have a hard time letting losing battles go, don't you? icon_rolleyes.gif


It's a game folks..........


Originally posted by MyBoys&Me:

After reading everyone's posts, I THANKED all for their input and put the dadgum thing to rest - or at least, I tried.

By firing off angry E-mails to people almost 2 weeks after the last post to this thread???


IrvingDog, you mentioned somewhere that you don't get off making people look stupid? From someone who's new to geocaching and TRYING to learn about and enjoy it - looks like you're having a great time.

No ma'am. I'm just not standing in the way of you making yourself look foolish. It is now getting to the point where I can sit back and let you do all of your own work. Is the pity party before or after the garage sale? icon_frown.gif

You have a hard time letting losing battles go, don't you? icon_rolleyes.gif


It's a game folks..........

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