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multi caches


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i'm working on one that has pretty nice contents

that should make it worth how long it will be,

FRS radios, CB radio, stuffed animals, money, travel bugs, lots of batteries, a big hike to get there, lots more...


Originally posted by AD0OR:

how long do you dare make them?


There's a multi in the Seattle area that has, if I recall, nine legs.


It was fun, but one of the ongoing problems has been that at any given time, one or more of the legs is missing, making it awfully tough for people to complete it in one day.


As the number of legs increases, the probability of the multi-cache getting 'broken' approaches 100%.


If you do a multi with a large number of legs, I'd suggest that many (most, or all) of the legs use big, heavy, permanent features to provide clues, so that it won't get broken so easily.


We've done multi-caches that had 3, 4, even 7 legs. It all depends on the distance between them. One was a 6-parter within a single park, and the whole thing took an hour or so. Another was a 3 leg that took a couple of hours because the distance involved made it perfect for a nice walk of 30 minutes or so between legs. Another one took us multiple days, because the caches were relatively far apart, and each one involved a fairly decent search in the 'woods'.


I think a multi-cache just going from one place to the next in the woods would be really boring, and I might stop tracing it, but the ones we have done have taken us to new parks, or taught us the details of a single, wonderful park, or have taken us from one nice vista to the next. So, doing them was a pleasure.


The nicest thing to do is to give a time estimate on the cache page (you'll need an afternoon; you'll need multiple days, etc.)


I just got done placing my first cache. Six legs. All the legs are within the same woods and less that .25 mile apart, so it's really not that bad. The legs are in film canisters and the final cache is a green ammo box with some pretty good stuff in it, so I think it's worth it. It should only take at the most 2 hours to find, so it's not that long. Hopefully people actually look for it!


Multi caches around here tend to average 3 or 4 legs with a few going 6 or 7. As others have pointed out, the more legs the fewer visitors.


There is one intriguing pair of multis near here where you have to solve the first one to get a clue needed for the second one.


I've decided to call such caches 'poly-caches' and I'm currently planning to do some.


The idea is to have a humongous multicache, but to allow partial credit for stages along the way.




If it's your cache, how come you posted a Found log? Isn't finding your own caches kinda like wrapping your own birthday presents?


Ya know, this is a great idea. I can easily up my cache count by 1/3 by posting a find whenver I visit one of my caches for maintenance.


"Life is a daring adventure, or it is nothing" - Helen Keller


The Course, Of Course has 18 holes (legs). Each leg was a little metal tag attached to something permanent such as a fence or sign post, and they were all within walking distance, basically in a big circle on public lands surrounding a private golf course. I made it thru #11 before I got to a missing tag. The owner has since fixed it but I haven't made it back to complete it yet.


As others have mentioned, the more legs, the more likely one will be missing at any given time.


Lil Devil lildevil.gif


I have been considering a multi here as well, and looking at various examples I see a few with found logs saying, "Was here on vacation, could not get to second leg", "third leg had to be missing", etc..


How often has this happened and have you ever had to make someone change it to a no-find?


Save our forests, wipe your *** with a tree-hugger.


You mean your supposed to log not found when you don't find them? Crap. Now I have to go back on all my logs and change them. icon_rolleyes.gificon_biggrin.gif


Back to the topic. I haven't done a multi yet because of lack of time for the most part so I say keep it short like others have mentioned.




You mean your supposed to log not found when you don't find them? Crap. Now I have to go back on all my logs and change them. icon_rolleyes.gificon_biggrin.gif


Back to the topic. I haven't done a multi yet because of lack of time for the most part so I say keep it short like others have mentioned.



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