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Rest stop caches

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i was at a cache at a scenic view this weekend where i was nervous. on the one hand, cruising gay men aren't interested in women travelling alone, but on the other hand, predatory psychopaths might be.


the cruisers looked harmless enough to me, but i was prepared to be downright terrified if they followed me into the woods.


after a few minutes some people showed up who only wanted to see the view, which complicated things a little. the cruisers and i all left quietly and without incident. heaven only knows what they thought i was doing.


and as an aside, i did not CITO here at all. most of the recognizable trash consisted of other people's underpants.


it doesn't matter if you get to camp at one or at six. dinner is still at six.


Originally posted by Cincinnati Bearcaches:

...Anyone ever have similar encounters? Were your fears justified?...


Sounds like you did a good job being friendly without giving off the signals the guy was looking for.


My only encounter such as you describe was long before geocaching and long before I knew things about rest areas and certain parks in town. The guy was nice and yet the hair on the back of my neck was standing on end. I split. 20/20 hindsight tells me it's a dadgum good thing I listed to the instinct.


Let me fill you in on a rather funny rest stop story. Well, it wasn't funny at the time.


Years ago while driving through Utah in the middle of the night, I had to make a stop at a rest stop to take care of some sit down business. I left the wife and two kids in the car and instructed her to lock the door. I went inside to take care of business.


Well, it appreaered that I would be there for a few minutes and almost insictively began tapping my foot. Not sure if I was trying to concentrate or just occupy the time. Well, as I was sitting there, I began to look around the stall and read some of the grafetti on the wall. Some was rather humorous. Then I read the rather discriptive passage that basically said "for a great#$@(*(***&, meet me here on this date at this time and tap your foot. Well, I did a quick memory jog and realized it was the same date. I then looked at my watch and realized it was close to the same time. Then I looked down and realized I was tapping my foot. I immediately broke out in a cold sweat when I heard someone in the stall next to me. I looked over and saw an eyeball looking at me through a hole in the wall.


I grabbed my pants and pulled them up as I bolted out the doorwithout even wiping. I ran to the car like you wouldn't believe, I grabbed my keys opened the door and jumped in. I fired up the car and speed away from the rest stop as fast as I could. The whole time my wife had a look of panic on her face and kept asking "What's wrong" "What happened". After about 5 miles of distance down the road and checking the rear view mirror, I finally settled down enough to tell her what had happened. She actually had the nerve to laugh at me. She didn't know just how close I came to losing my manly virginity.


Rest stops still spook me and I avoid them at any cost.


On a lighter side--I too can laugh at this one now.


"I cache; therefore I am"


[This message was edited by Wanderingson and Compass Rose on August 11, 2003 at 04:23 PM.]


Originally posted by Wanderingson and Compass Rose:





The news broke in my campus newspaper while in college about how the bathrooms in a certain building were meeting places with "glory holes." icon_eek.gif For the longest time afterwards, I was leery of doing ANYTHING out of the ordinary (whistling a tune especially) while in a public restroom because I was afraid it would be coincidentally some secret signal.


ohhh, that's too funny. foot tapping is like, THE oldest signal. i knew about it before i even knew what it was signalling for.


try this one: wear a green tie. it's an oldy, but it'll still get you noticed in some places.


it doesn't matter if you get to camp at one or at six. dinner is still at six.


hmmm.Guess Im not alone in my experience. Looks like I got off easy...errr bad choice of words.


Didnt notice any backing into the parking spots. I think this guy just pulled up to the gate and raced towards me.


Time to create the "Glory Hole Cache"


Cincinnati Bearcaches wrote:

Didnt notice any backing into the parking spots.

Parking spots are not where the real backing into happens. icon_wink.gif (Did I say that?)


It might be wise for folks that are caching with kids to know about this problem -- apparently, rest stops nearly everywhere in Canada and the US are known for this type of behavior.


A fellow cacher here found out (after my encounter) that truck drivers refer to rest stops as "pickle parks".



Originally posted by Wanderingson and Compass Rose:

Let me fill you in on a rather funny rest stop story.




I grabbed my pants and pulled them up as I bolted out the doorwithout even wiping. I ran to the car like you wouldn't believe, I grabbed my keys opened the door and jumped in. I fired up the car and speed away from the rest stop as fast as I could.




Rest stops still spook me and I avoid them at any cost.




This is one example of when the term 'homophobia' is appropriate.


Mature heterosexuals who are secure in their sexuality do not suffer these delusions. I have been called homophobic many times, because I find homosexuality repugnant. Homosexuals don't scare me!!! The fact that I find homosexual behavior objectionable does not make me homophobic. I have argued in the past that homophobia is a myth, but obvously some people are actually afraid of homos.


Running away from a homo with a turd in your pants is digusting.


I can't believe you would even admit to it. I consider homosexuals to be perverts, but in every situation that I have encountered homosexuals making unwanted advances they backed off when I made it clear I was not interested.


Sounds to me like you should have left when you noticed the place was closed.


As a dreamer of dreams and a travelling man, I have chalked up many a mile, read dozens of books about heroes and crooks, and I've learned much from both of their styles. -J. Buffett


solohiker wrote:

Homosexuals don't scare me!!! The fact that I find homosexual behavior objectionable does not make me homophobic.

Oh boy, here we go again.


solohiker: I agree that you have a right to express your thoughts and feelings on this matter (and I agree with most of what you say), but your views (or mine, or anyone elses) about homosexuality don't have anything to do with caching and do not have a place in this forum.


The discussion here is about caches placed in rest stops and the behaviour witnessed in some of these locations. It is not specifically about homosexuals, homosexuality, or homophobia (whatever that might be).


Let's keep this discussion on track here and not let it get out of hand as it has before.




Originally posted by Jomarac5:

solohiker wrote:

Homosexuals don't scare me!!! The fact that I find homosexual behavior objectionable does not make me homophobic.

Oh boy, here we go again.


solohiker: I agree that you have a right to express your thoughts and feelings on this matter (and I agree with most of what you say), but your views (or mine, or anyone elses) about homosexuality don't have anything to do with caching and do not have a place in this forum.


The discussion here is about caches placed in rest stops and the behaviour witnessed in some of these locations. It is not specifically about homosexuals, homosexuality, or homophobia (whatever that might be).


Let's keep this discussion on track here and not let it get out of hand as it has before.




My comments are apropriate to the discussion contained in this thread.


Your attempts to moderate the discussion are inappropriate.


solohiker wrote:

Your attempts to moderate the discussion are inappropriate.

You might think so, but they are not. Absolutely not. Look what happened to this discussion when it turned to a discussion about homophobia. Prior to that it was a good discussion about a specific problem with a specific rest stop cache.


Your comments are not appropriate to this discussion because this discussion, like the other one, is not about homophobia -- it is about exposure to a perverted activity in a public place. This isn't hard for someone with an average brain to comprehend.


Seems to me that you are just trying to stir things up here (and at least one other current thread).


Please repeat this a few times so that it sinks in -- "This discussion is not about homosexuality, this discussion is not about homosexuality, this discussion is not about homosexuality".




homosexuals don't scare me, either. what scares me are sexual predators of any kind, and although most of the guys who cruise rest areas are not predators, the very nature of the remote location and the anonymity of the participants makes these places ripe hunting grounds for predators.


and make no mistake; sometimes guys cruising the parks do get unintentionally engaged in what they call "rough trade". i had an acquaintance once who got picked up in one of those places looking for a little something and what he got was gang-banged and beaten within an inch of his life.


i think sex outside of a committed relationship is icky, so rest area pickups are repugnant to me, regardless of the gender of the participants.


it is appropriate for us to share information and be aware of these practices whether or not we approve because knowledge is power. you are safer if you are aware of your surroundings.


it doesn't matter if you get to camp at one or at six. dinner is still at six.


Originally posted by Jomarac5:

Your comments are not appropriate to this discussion because this discussion, like the other one, is not about homophobia -- it is about exposure to a perverted activity in a public place. This isn't hard for someone with an average brain to comprehend.*****


Attacking my intellect with comments like this is inappropriate.


solohiker wrote:

Attacking my intellect with comments like this is inappropriate.

If I wanted to attack your intellect, I would have.


The topic is not about homophobia, homosexuality, homosexuals, or your limited ability to grasp the obvious -- let's keep this thread on topic shall we?




Originally posted by Jomarac5:

solohiker wrote:

Attacking my intellect with comments like this is inappropriate.

If I wanted to attack your intellect, I would have.


The topic is not about homophobia, homosexuality, homosexuals, or your limited ability to grasp the obvious -- let's keep this thread on topic shall we?




Unfortunately, you have become the topic.




Whatever. Your logic is astounding. icon_rolleyes.gif


BTW solohiker -- I recall you saying in a previous thread that you were leaving this site? Be sure to take your narrow minded attitude with you when you leave.


This thread has gone so far off topic that it should be closed.




Solohiker Said--

Mature heterosexuals who are secure in their sexuality do not suffer these delusions.


can't believe you would even admit to it. I consider homosexuals to be perverts, but in every situation that I have encountered homosexuals making unwanted advances they backed off when I made it clear I was not interested.


And I never ran out of there with a turd.


First of all Sparky. I don't believe you have been in this situation with an eyeball looking at you with your pants around your ankles. Homophobia has absolutely nothing to do with it. This sick SOB was in the process of the act of peering at me. Maybe I am i little baffled and should have reponded like you would have. "Excuse me sir, I'm not a homophobic, but please don't look at me while I'm sitting here"?


Get a life buddy


Solohiker in recent log--took nothing, left my freaking brain.


I typically wouldn't flame someone in a forum, but couldn't resist with responding to such a brilliant reply you provided.


"I cache; therefore I am"


This thread was not about homophobia until that classic homophobe, Jomarac5, deliberately made proud reference to that despicable thread (that he started) , where he declared he would rather come across a dead body than see two gay men making out. In that thread, even his fellow Canadian Geobuddy finally saw through him and remarked:


Originally posted by CanadaZuuk:

I should have known all along that he was just a mean spirited person looking for an opportunity to start a gay-bashing thread, and that he was so crafty as to actually bring it up in such a way that it would have to be others reading between the lines and exposing the thread for what it was. Very clever. He even gets to claim 'he didn't do it'.


His brand of hate, which he is cruel enough to display, but too cowardly to admit, has no place here.


I know I am breaking forum “rules” in making a personal attack against this pathetic individual, but dadgum it, if the moderator continually allows him to cast juvenile insults at all those who disagree with him, then as far as I am concerned, he is fair game.


I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me.



Ha ha. I've been expecting the self righteous seneca to make an appearance here.

Seneca wrote:

His brand of hate, which he is cruel enough to display, but too cowardly to admit, has no place here.

Sticks and stones...


BTW: you need to go back and read the entire thread and consider the context of the post by Zuuk that you've quoted -- it was sarcasm that was directed at you. Shake your ego loose and you'll see it for what it is.


I have no hate for homosexuals -- only the likes of people like yourself who are so ignorant to think they know what others are thinking.


Sorry pal, but I'm not going to engage in another time-wasting argument with you on this one.


But just to set the record straight (no pun intended), this is not a homophobe discussion -- it's about awareness of perversion at rest areas. Once again, you've twisted the discussion around to suit your arrogant style of arguing.




So we all know what exactly homophobe / homophobia is:


From Dictionary.com (http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=homophobe):

1) Fear of or contempt for lesbians and gay men.

2) Behavior based on such a feeling.


Also see: http://www.chronwatch.com/content/contentDisplay.asp?aid=3436&catcode=13


I think people are confusing homophobia with homoaedia.


[This message was edited by RobertM on August 12, 2003 at 11:14 PM.]


As Led Zeppelin says:



Yes there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run, there's still time to change the road you're on...



Language and semantics seem to rule the day, and yet there appear to be no rules...


What you say can be taken in many ways, and not always the way you intend.


We often become charged up about what we perceive, and yet forget about how what we say (or HOW we say it) affects how people perceive us.


Language can be molded and shaped and formed. Ambiguity is useful for altering intent, AFTER the fact, and AFTER the intended result occurs.


Let's just geocache. (Closing this thread icon_biggrin.gif)


I think you both are inadvertantly getting off the mark here....


For safety's sake and common sense...cache's should not be placed at a RESTSTOP!!!!

Thats MY two cents.....but wait..theres more..


After 1 & 1/2 years on the road traveling from coast to coast (found out about geo after I left) and have stopped at 300+ REST STOPS...I loved them..coffee and candy's cheap...usually camera's or security...yeah its spooky but I have never been propositioned??


Although I just watched a movie...let me think


DUMB & DUMBER...Loyd (Jim Carrey) is in the bathroom to pee or poo and he reads the graffiti about:


FOR A GOOD TIME MEET ME HERE ON **/**/** AT so and so Time...Singing or whistleing a particular tune???


Anyway the door opens up and its the redneck from the restaurant...they had conned him and his friends into paying there bill, and getting snacks and stuff....????

Anyway he kicks in the door and Loyd starts screaming while the guy aproaches...then The other idiot..jeff bridges???...daniels???? burst in cause he set his foot on fire...knocks the redneck out, saves loyd, and puts the fire out in the toilet bowl....


anybody....anybody....funny how life parody's fiction?


Originally posted by Jomarac5:


BTW: you need to go back and read the entire thread and consider the context of the post by Zuuk that you've quoted -- it was sarcasm that was directed at you.


There are (at least) two possible interpretations of what I said. And perhaps both were intended. How else would I ever be able to sit on the fence?


I do know this:


I am NOT proud of the fact that my ill conceived cache, which was intended to poke fun at Jomarac5 in the first place, became the springboard for a ridiculously overblown (and over-responded to) thread that really did not accomplish anything at the end of the day.


I regret, and apologize for my actions, which led to the placement of the lousy cache.


People are who they are (and my placing a cache didn't change anyone), but I feel bad knowing that interactions between local geocachers (some who have never even met), became strained and overtly hostile for ever after since that day I dropped off a joke cache in the rest area I had never even been to before. (Note: I was NOT aware of some activities which apparently take place in the park beside the rest area.)


It was a joke gone bad.


And not even satisfied with that, I then even went so far as to associate a potential sock puppet with another cacher (indirectly).


If this is what my version of geocaching has come to, it's time to quit.


this has gotten away from us...


I initially posted because of the perceived, real and imaginary threats at reststops. I think my experience was tame, others werent so tame..I dont think homophobia comes into play here. The message is to be careful, especially while with children as there seems to be non family activities going on at many of the rest stops, at a higher frequency than the other parks.


Originally posted by Jomarac5:

That's a very interesting article.




Indeed. There's still individuals who feel similarly about relationships between couples of different 'races', even in our supposedly enlightened country. Hopefully both types of out-of-date bigotry will eventually fade away...






Remember what the dormouse said...


Originally posted by Wanderingson and Compass Rose:

Solohiker Said--

Mature heterosexuals who are secure in their sexuality do not suffer these delusions.


can't believe you would even admit to it. I consider homosexuals to be perverts, but in every situation that I have encountered homosexuals making unwanted advances they backed off when I made it clear I was not interested.


And I never ran out of there with a turd.


First of all Sparky. I don't believe you have been in this situation with an eyeball looking at you with your pants around your ankles. Homophobia has absolutely nothing to do with it. This sick SOB was in the process of the act of peering at me. Maybe I am i little baffled and should have reponded like you would have. "Excuse me sir, I'm not a homophobic, but please don't look at me while I'm sitting here"?


Well, the "excuse me" probably wouldn't have done much, but I'll bet a good finger poke to that eye would have....or at least you'd have felt better.


Nothing to see here, move along.


SombreHippie & Puppy Dawg wrote:

In other news, isn't this a geocaching forum? I believe the hetero/homosexuality debate forum was back there...

I agree. And it was finished there but some people just seem to want to dredge up the past and argue some more about something that was never the topic in the first place.


Cincinatti Bearcaches sums up a closing statement for this post quite adequately:


"The message is to be careful, especially while with children as there seems to be non family activities going on at many of the rest stops, at a higher frequency than the other parks."


Enough said.




Well, the "excuse me" probably wouldn't have done much, but I'll bet a good finger poke to that eye would have....or at least you'd have felt better.


Nothing to see here, move along.


finger poke is a bad idea. it's one of the expected sgnals of acceptance, and you might get more than a finger in return.


just to clarify things for you, i am not a gay man who cruises rest stops. i feel a need to tell you this because i seem to know more about the procedures of glory holes than i perhaps ought to.


i'm a plain little middle-aged woman. i don't know why i know about the finger poke.


and BTW, i think taking back rest stops for nonsexual activities is a fine thing to do. i love rest stops caches. on long trips they're just the thing to get me out of the car for a little while.


-====)) -))))))))))))

presta schrader


BayRidgeRyan wrote:

Actually, it's just a horrifying article, not to mention entirely inappropriate for this board.

It may not be appropriate for this discussion because as I have mentioned several times in this thread this is not what this discusion is about, but horrifying? I don't think so -- it's just someone's opinion -- are they not entitled to it? I thought it was interesting.




Originally posted by flask:

finger poke is a bad idea. it's one of the expected sgnals of acceptance, and you might get more than a finger in return.

At which point you would grab whatever it is you got in return and walk out of the stall with it. I suspect the owner wouldn't give chase. icon_smile.gif

I don't understand why Jomarac insists that the issue of homosexuality is not related to this thread.


There is a sexual stigma associated with public rest stops and some public parks. The sexual stigma is not associated with heterosexual activity.


Originally posted by solohiker:


There is a sexual stigma associated with public rest stops and some public parks. The sexual stigma is not associated with heterosexual activity.


Probably because we (generally) don't seem to come across hetero couples involved in such repugnant activities... and by repugnant, I am (at least) referring to the anonymous cruising and rough trade practices that seem to go gland in gland with seeking self gratification in a public place, with a complete and utter disregard for what is (generally) accepted by even liberals as a moral standard...


solohiker wrote:

I don't understand why Jomarac insists that the issue of homosexuality is not related to this thread.

I didn't say that it isn't related to this topic -- I said "this topic is not specifically about homosexuals, homosexuality, or homophobia (whatever that might be)."


There's a difference. Yes, these perverts are in fact homosexuals, BUT this discussion is not about homosexuals per se, it is about the disturbing and potentially dangerous activity taking place in a specific type of area that some caches are located.


There are some instigators on this board that want to make homosexuality the main focus of this thread when it is not the main focus.


If the problem was that these areas were being used by crack addicts to get high or by prostitutes providing sexual favours, the discussion would not be much different -- similar dangers would exist and cachers and their children would still be at risk of STD's and other health concerns (physical and mental).


This discussion is NOT specifically about homosexuals, homosexuality or homophobes. Your and my personal views of homosexuals do not have a relevant bearing on this discussion.


Further, to categorize all homosexuals and their personal preferences together here would be very unfair to those who are homosexual but do not participate in this anonymous public activity.


Now do you get it?




YAWN! Sheesh, At this rate you guys should catch up to Brian soon. icon_rolleyes.gif


These changes in latitudes, changes in attitudes;

Nothing remains quite the same.

Through all of the islands and all of the highlands,

If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane

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