+Mark 42 Posted August 21, 2003 Posted August 21, 2003 The Pirate thread got locked up, and I was wondering why. It seemed like it was still pretty civil. I think it'd be nice to see a short message as to why a topic gets locked up. Maybe an area for off topic discussions... Maximum-Suzuki has one called the "Romper Room" for political and other topics which tend to stir controversy. It gets cleaned out occasionally (annoying). Perhaps an area where posts that see no activity for more than a month get deleted, with some loose guidelines? On Maximum-Suzuki there was some skepticism, but it was tried out anyway, and many were surprised how well it has worked out. It was a way around having to cleanse all political comments from posts. When they started to drift, somebody would just suggest "Maybe that part of this thread should move to the Romper Room, okay guys." Anyway, maybe something like that would be good here. It's sort of a community, and people enjoy discussing things like politics with people who aren't so consumed with it that they hang out on political forums. Sort of an electronic front porch. "I'm not Responsible... just ask my wife, She'll confirm it" Quote
+seneca Posted August 21, 2003 Posted August 21, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Mark 42:The Pirate thread got locked up, and I was wondering why. Lately there has been some complaining that the moderators have not been doing their job when threads go "off topic". The Pirate thread turned into a discussion on various methods of giving text emphasis (quotation marks/asterisks/caps etc...). I guess the moderator was just responding to the complaints. (I presume you can see the irony in this.) I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me. Quote
+Team GPSaxophone Posted August 21, 2003 Posted August 21, 2003 A good rule of thumb as a moderator should be to leave a brief comment when locking a thread. That way there is no confusion as to who locked it and why. That said, that thread had gone off-topic way past the point of no return and an explanation was not deemed necessary. Took sun from sky, left world in eternal darkness Quote
+TeamK-9 Posted August 21, 2003 Posted August 21, 2003 Crap, Team GPSaxophone you keep beating me to answers. I guess I should start refreshing the page before I add my post, I can't delete this topic, so it'll just stay here unless a mod decides to erase it. I understood why the topic was locked right after it happened, but I agree with Mark 42. Moderators should give some kind of notice of why they're closing the topic before they actually close it. I moderate at several forums, and there it is standard procedure... ---- Extra batteries for GPS, don't leave home without 'em. Quote
+hydee Posted August 21, 2003 Posted August 21, 2003 a note like this? hydee I work for the frog Quote
+Team GPSaxophone Posted August 21, 2003 Posted August 21, 2003 I'll hand over the first reply power to you, since I actually have to go to work for an hour or so. (Ain't tech work grand?) Took sun from sky, left world in eternal darkness Quote
+Team GPSaxophone Posted August 21, 2003 Posted August 21, 2003 Thanks for that, Hydee. I hadn't bothered reading the whole thread since I wanted it to die a natural death. I didn't see your note before your Markwell. Took sun from sky, left world in eternal darkness Quote
+TeamK-9 Posted August 21, 2003 Posted August 21, 2003 This is not a spam message. I, (K-9CacheSeekers) erased what I had written myself because of the stupidity of what I said. Quote
+woodsters Posted August 21, 2003 Posted August 21, 2003 Yeah in Hydee's defense...she did give warning and several posts were made and then she closed it...even closed it with some humor. The only thing I don't like was that someone didn't wait for a rebuttal...instead they told to the admin to close it with a "please"...I read that like they said something and then hurried to get it closed...Now I know how Criminal feels when he gets hung up on... lol Arrrgh! Brian As long as you're going to think anyway, think big. -Donald Trump Quote
+Cincinnati Bearcaches Posted August 21, 2003 Posted August 21, 2003 Gimme a frickin break Woodsters. You told her to close it a few posts before mine. When you complained on the complaint thread(at least you were on topic), I replied and welcomed a rebuttal there. She closed it one minute after my message. Im sure my message wasnt why she closed it. Quote
+woodsters Posted August 21, 2003 Posted August 21, 2003 I've been offline for a little while and didn't see it....will go an rebutt you... Edit: I think I took care of that...lol Brian As long as you're going to think anyway, think big. -Donald Trump [This message was edited by Woodsters Outdoors on August 21, 2003 at 01:09 PM.] Quote
Jomarac5 Posted August 21, 2003 Posted August 21, 2003 I agree with K-9CacheSeekers, it would be a good idea to post a reason when closing a thread. In actuality, that thread should have been locked when Jeremy posted on the first page. The best way to deal with those pirate characters was to ignore them as Jeremy stated. But in light of the recent grumbling over closing threads, I can appreciate why Jeremy didn't close the thread at that time. Seneca, don't misunderstand the *emphasis* discussion -- it took the thread off topic and subsequently led to its closing. And I think that you'll find that most people would agree that it wasn't a bad thing. The discussion just previous to my involvement was really doing exactly what the pirates had hoped for -- getting a rise out of people. Fueling the pirate thread with reactions that get people heated up to the point that they contact a police department over something so trivial is not positive for the public image of caching and was possibly an embarassment for the cacher who reported it (imagine what the desk sargeant was thinking when he received *that* call). Perhaps, in the developing story, it will be necessary to contact the authorites, but at this time, from a legal standpoint, I think you'd agree that there is not nearly enough evidence to engage the Cap'n in any sort of legal conflict. It was a discussion that was turning into, and was based on, complete conjecture. When I posted, I was attempting merely to distract from the pirates folly in a playful and non-confrontational manner. From what I observed, no one seemed to mind. You can come back with an argument of why my reasoning doesn't make perfect sense (I know I can think of a few good points that you could use), but realize first that I'm not looking to engage you in another silly heated confrontation, it's all in good fun. I think that thread is now one of my all-time favourite pirate stories -- but who knows, it may still end badly. I hope that you can appreciate my thinking on this one and not take any of my comments in that thread personally. Heck, nearly 4000 views in less than two days indicated that a lot of people were watching it -- you have to admit, that thread was pretty darned entertaining. ***** Quote
+woodsters Posted August 21, 2003 Posted August 21, 2003 I agree..it was entertaining....and also agree that none of it should of been taken personally...it was all in fun (at least on my side)...I've been in law enforcement and couldn't imagine getting a call like that...that's like the one I got in California because someone saw a Mojave Green Rattlesnake (endangered) in the road. My reaction was .."And?"..(they wanted it removed)...yeah right, you go remove one of the most poisonous snakes in the US if you want, it wasn't harming anyone where it was)... Or even better the calls from on the phone from dispatch while working the main gate.."Major so and so called and his wife said you were looking at her panties(she was wearing) when you were doing ID checks at night when she was driving through"...hello? Needless to say the last one was handled after about 5 different calls from him when 5 different people were working that gate... I agree that while some things are passionate to people, and there is nothing wrong about discussing them, I think some of the trivial stuff needs to be reconsidered especially when doign the famous "knee jerk" reaction as famously spoken by Jeremy... Brian As long as you're going to think anyway, think big. -Donald Trump Quote
iryshe Posted August 21, 2003 Posted August 21, 2003 Since Heidi responded to this post that she posted to the other post why she was closing the post before she closed the post, I'll assume that you now know she did in fact post a why message both way before the post was closed and right before the post had closed. In the future I'll try to make sure there is a warning before posts are locked, unless it is obvious to everyone except the lowest celled organism that it should be locked. As for your comment there should be an off-topic forum, don't expect it to happen here. If people want to go into debates they can do it mano y mano off the forums, or create a forum off-site. It's great to see that the topic was a many headed hydra which broke off into a "huzzah" post and a "boo" post. Since the questions have been all answered here and already they are moving back to the topic that was closed (umm. why?), unless you have a rebuttal to the actual topic at hand, don't post. Jeremy Irish Groundspeak - The Language of Location Quote
+seneca Posted August 21, 2003 Posted August 21, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Jomarac5: But in light of the recent grumbling over closing threads, I can appreciate why Jeremy didn't close the thread at that time. Seneca, don't misunderstand the *emphasis* discussion -- it took the thread off topic and subsequently led to its closing. ***** Oh I get it now... you we're just helping Jeremy out. Nice guy. Interesting technique -if you judge a topic to be somewhat problematic then the appropriate action is to make 11 off-topic posts forcing the moderator to eventually shut down the thread for the benefit of us all. Did you get elected to that position or did you just appoint yourself? Now you've complained that others have been taking your threads off-topic - do you think maybe they might be employing the same technique? I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me. Quote
+Cincinnati Bearcaches Posted August 21, 2003 Posted August 21, 2003 It was a very interesting thread, no matter what the reason, it did go off-topic. The unfortunate thing is that as soon as the "Pirate" makes any kind of update to his page, another thread will start. Seneca--very good points, took the words out of my mouth , or fingers--whatever Quote
Jomarac5 Posted August 21, 2003 Posted August 21, 2003 quote: Seneca wrote:Oh I get it now... Actually, if I may make a suggestion, I would recommend that you take an hour or so off this afternoon and enjoy a bit of quality contemplation time at this relaxing place that you took me to. It's a terrific place and it might help give you a different perspective on todays occurances. Things are not as bad as you make them out to be. BTW: Are you planning on joining us for the kayak event cache? (that is, if the parks are still open at that time). ***** Quote
+Divine Posted August 21, 2003 Posted August 21, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Mark 42:The Pirate thread got locked up, and I was wondering why. It seemed like it was still pretty civil. I wouldn't call insulting fellow cachers, French people and the entire country of France 'civil'. Obviously that didn't lead to locking the thread though. - I just got lost in thought. It was unfamiliar territory. - Quote
+seneca Posted August 21, 2003 Posted August 21, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Jomarac5:BTW: Are you planning on joining us for the kayak event cache? (that is, if the parks are still open at that time). ***** My answer has been posted on the appropriate thread on the Canada Regional Forum: "Event Cache: Kayak Trip to Indian Arm" I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me. Quote
Jomarac5 Posted August 21, 2003 Posted August 21, 2003 Too bad. Perhaps we'll have opportunity to do some paddling together another time. Have a safe trip to Reid Island. ..... Quote
+ChrisCindy Posted August 21, 2003 Posted August 21, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Divine: quote:Originally posted by Mark 42:The Pirate thread got locked up, and I was wondering why. It seemed like it was still pretty civil. I wouldn't call insulting fellow cachers, French people and the entire country of France 'civil'. Obviously that didn't lead to locking the thread though. - I just got lost in thought. It was unfamiliar territory. - Awwww come on you can't take away insulting the french, they are all we have left. You get sued if you pick anyone else. When in doubt...hit it with a big hammer. Quote
The Gingerbread Man Posted August 21, 2003 Posted August 21, 2003 Ye closed the pirate site because ye are afraid of change. Someone, as one of yer co-horts put it, pi$$ed in yer cheerioes! Quote
+Snoogans Posted August 21, 2003 Posted August 21, 2003 quote:Originally posted by The Gingerbread Man:Ye closed the pirate site because ye are afraid of change. Someone, as one of yer co-horts put it, pi$$ed in yer cheerioes! Wow! Now I know what happens when you push the little triangle button. Thanks cache pirate. Sngans Sacred cows make the best hamburger....Mark Twain. Quote
The Gingerbread Man Posted August 21, 2003 Posted August 21, 2003 Me crew has been workin' day and night to repair the ship. Ye game us a good drubbin'. Quote
DrHeckleMrSnyde Posted August 21, 2003 Posted August 21, 2003 quote:Originally posted by The Gingerbread Man:Ye closed the pirate site because ye are afraid of change. Someone, as one of yer co-horts put it, pi$$ed in yer cheerioes! Son, you need to get a life and stop taking the yellow pills. ok Quote
The Gingerbread Man Posted August 21, 2003 Posted August 21, 2003 Of course that is gave us a good drubbin'. The sea are rough and typing can be a wee bit hard. Quote
mckee Posted August 21, 2003 Posted August 21, 2003 quote:Originally posted by seneca: Lately there has been some complaining that the moderators have not been doing their job when threads go "off topic". The Pirate thread turned into a discussion on various methods of giving text emphasis (quotation marks/asterisks/caps etc...). I guess the moderator was just responding to the complaints. (I presume you can see the irony in this.) Strangely, it was dragged off-topic by one of the main complainers of this very thing..... -------------------- You have the right to defend yourself, even when geocaching! Quote
The Gingerbread Man Posted August 21, 2003 Posted August 21, 2003 Aye, some people don't know how or want to have fun! Quote
+parkrrrr Posted August 21, 2003 Posted August 21, 2003 If the cache pirate annoys you enough to push the triangle button, why not let his ISP know too? Just send the date and time of the post and the IP address (66-52-248-56.sttl.dial.netzero.com) to abuse@netzero.com. They'll love you for it; they get their first month's subscription fee and they don't actually have to keep the customer. Quote
The Gingerbread Man Posted August 21, 2003 Posted August 21, 2003 Hav' yer heard the story of the gingerbread man? Quote
+Snoogans Posted August 21, 2003 Posted August 21, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Jeremy (Admin):As for your comment there should be an off-topic forum, don't expect it to happen here. If people want to go into debates they can do it mano y mano off the forums, or create a forum off-site. Finally, an answer to my question. It would have been nice to get this answer on the poll that I posted. "No," is a perfectly acceptable answer. BTW- It is nice to see you roll up your sleeves and make your presence felt. Although, I am probably a member of your detested "Cheers" group, it is good to know where you stand on these issues. Thanks, Norm Sngans Sacred cows make the best hamburger....Mark Twain. Quote
+seneca Posted August 21, 2003 Posted August 21, 2003 quote:Originally posted by mckee: quote:Originally posted by seneca: Lately there has been some complaining that the moderators have not been doing their job when threads go "off topic". The Pirate thread turned into a discussion on various methods of giving text emphasis (quotation marks/asterisks/caps etc...). I guess the moderator was just responding to the complaints. (I presume you can see the irony in this.) Strangely, it was dragged off-topic by one of the main complainers of this very thing..... That's the irony I was referring to. I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me. Quote
Jomarac5 Posted August 21, 2003 Posted August 21, 2003 Maybe one reason that some threads get locked is because some people can't leave well enough alone and move along. Another reason might be that some people's posts are misunderstood because others don't read them carefully enough. Just a couple of guesses. ***** Quote
LQQKING4U Posted August 21, 2003 Posted August 21, 2003 Here is why threads get locked. 1 2 3 4 5 You can be the judge as why LQQKING [This message was edited by LQQKING4U on August 21, 2003 at 05:46 PM.] Quote
+robert Posted August 21, 2003 Posted August 21, 2003 Can't we all just get along? ~robert Notice: Driver carries less than $20 cache. Quote
+hydee Posted August 21, 2003 Posted August 21, 2003 play nicely guys!!! hydee I work for the frog Quote
+seneca Posted August 21, 2003 Posted August 21, 2003 quote:Originally posted by LQQKING4U:Here is why threads get locked. I'm not too sure what you were getting at, but I think we are in agreement as to why threads get locked. I note that none of my posts that you linked, were on threads that have been "locked" so I presume that you weren't attributing any blame to me. (its also interesting to read how horrible my own "tongue in cheek" flame posts sound when taken out of the context of the rest of the thread - I'm referring to the "brain dead" references which I am certain that the other participants on the thread accepted in the jocular manner intended) I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me. Quote
Jomarac5 Posted August 21, 2003 Posted August 21, 2003 quote: Seneca wrote:I'm not too sure what you were getting at, but I think we are in agreement as to why threads get locked. I agree as well. Things have settled down here a great deal. Let's not drudge this up over and over. I've said all I wanted to say, and it's my hope that I've been understood correctly. Anything you'd like to add, Seneca? ***** Quote
umc Posted August 21, 2003 Posted August 21, 2003 A "why" message. LMAO If its not obvious enough then I don't think a "why" message is going to help. An OT forum? What do you think the General forum is? Its ok to go off topic (to an extent) with a thread in the General forum but its all of the OT posts in that thread that are clearly becoming a pain in the butt. Not only is it going off topic to a thread but then its all of the crying and fighting that goes on too. If that crap was cut out things would be more civil around here. __________________________ Caching without a clue.... Quote
mckee Posted August 21, 2003 Posted August 21, 2003 quote:Originally posted by The Gingerbread Man:Hav' yer heard the story of the gingerbread man? Aye, matey. Unfortuately the story doesn't involve gold dubloons. -------------------- You have the right to defend yourself, even when geocaching! Quote
Pluckers Posted August 21, 2003 Posted August 21, 2003 Yes, I concur. To summarize, everything that needs to be said has been said, and it's a wrap. Unless anyone else has anything to say that is... I might add that, er, oh nevermind. It really doesn't matter. OK, anything else? Quote
+Team GPSaxophone Posted August 21, 2003 Posted August 21, 2003 quote:Originally posted by LQQKING4U: (hyperlinks removed from original message) Here is why threads get locked. 1 2 3 4 5 You can be the judge as why LQQKING Wow, LQQKING, I'm almost sorry I helped teach you how to Markwell. You are doing a good job of it, glad Seneca is okay with you picking out his posts. Took sun from sky, left world in eternal darkness Quote
LQQKING4U Posted August 21, 2003 Posted August 21, 2003 I can't reply off topic. Oh I did reply Quote
+Mark 42 Posted August 22, 2003 Author Posted August 22, 2003 Sometimes, when you take a "wrong turn", the trip ends up more interesting, and you see things you wouldn't have and learn about things you wouldn't have if you had stayed on the main road with the flow of traffic. The sub thread would have died, and those that wanted to continue to discuss whether the Pirate should be hanged from the yardarm would have been able to do so. There was a little ribbing going on, but I would say it was still far from beligerant. A few sparks don't really constitute a flame war. Everyone seemed to be getting along. Heck, at one point Woodster actually called Something I Said "Respectable"! "I'm not Responsible... just ask my wife, She'll confirm it" [This message was edited by Mark 42 on August 22, 2003 at 10:04 PM.] Quote
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