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Listing caches on other sites?


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I tried posting this early, but it was "queued" because I named another cache site.


What is the general concensus on listing caches on other cache sites?


-=Jerry A. Goodson=- W5BFF aka hydrashok407 smile.gif KoolAid Drinker smile.gif


"Real peace is not just the absence of conflict, it's the presence of justice" - http://www.hydrashok.com


geocaching.com is a one stop shop for me. I see no point in posting caches elsewhere because it would be more of a pain to monitor. As far as other sites are concerened, I did a search once about a year ago and the closest cache to me was 100 miles away. On gc.c the closest cache is less than a mile away from me. This is where I spend my time.




Caching with a clue....


Originally posted by umc:

geocaching.com is a one stop shop for me. I see no point in posting caches elsewhere because it would be more of a pain to monitor. As far as other sites are concerened, I did a search once about a year ago and the closest cache to me was 100 miles away. On gc.c the closest cache is less than a mile away from me. This is where I spend my time.




Caching with a clue....


(this time)I mostly agree with UMC. I will eventually post all of my caches on any site that offers them to diversify my portfolio. Best not to leave all ones eggs in one basket. He may be right about the pain in the a$$ factor, but the info will always be somewhere in the event of a catastrophic loss at one site.



texasgeocaching_sm.gif Sacred cows make the best hamburger....Mark Twain.


I've posted my one cache on both sites and I have 3 more ready to go that I will also cross post. I'd like to see the other site have more caches listed, even if they are duplicates of what's on GC. The more the merrier - competition is good for the consumer. Monopolies stifle innovation and choice.





Originally posted by Snoogans:

(this time)I mostly agree with UMC. I will eventually post all of my caches on any site that offers them to diversify my portfolio. Best not to leave all ones eggs in one basket. He may be right about the pain in the a$$ factor, but the info will always be somewhere in the event of a catastrophic loss at one site.


So you're saying you would list the same cache on other sites that you've already listed here? Or you wouldn't?


I found a cache that was listed on gc.com and nc, but it's archived on gc.com. I wonder why?


If I can't sign the log book, I'll not log in on the site (but that's just me), like a cache that I found in Vegas had run out of room (while nicely placed, I thought it was a cheezy cache anyhow). I could see the difficulty in tracking the hits of a cache if it were listed on multiple sites.


I wonder how "safe" the data is at Groundspeak? I'm sure there is redundancy and such (it's probably on SQL server), since it's a commercial venture. My loyalty lies with gc.com. That's why I'm asking about listing with other sites.


-=Jerry A. Goodson=- W5BFF aka hydrashok407 smile.gif KoolAid Drinker smile.gif


"Real peace is not just the absence of conflict, it's the presence of justice" - http://www.hydrashok.com


I'll stick with GC.com, so that I can see all of the finders of my caches and know when travel bugs come and go. As far as worrying about a 'system crash' -- certainly this site must be well backed-up.


Originally posted by hikemeister:

I'll stick with GC.com, so that I can see all of the finders of my caches and know when travel bugs come and go. As far as worrying about a 'system crash' -- certainly this site must be well backed-up.


...which leads to another question... are TBs placed (and tracked) in caches listed on other sites?


-=Jerry A. Goodson=- W5BFF aka hydrashok407 smile.gif KoolAid Drinker smile.gif


"Real peace is not just the absence of conflict, it's the presence of justice" - http://www.hydrashok.com


I follow up on my earlier post. I do my homework when it comes to online websites. As mentioned above I want a one stop shop so I look for the site that is the "Best" I feel that geocaching.com is the best when it comes to geocaching. Its also the best when it comes to gps receivers and discussion on them.


I have a couple atv's so when it came time to find some sites and forums to hangout at I went through them all and looked for the ones that had a lot to offer and forums that have a lot of traffic.


I guess the reason for this is the same for when I am looking for anything, gps, atv, guns (shhhh), mt. bikes, gear ect. I want the best that I can get since if you buy cheap you buy twice.


On that note if you started at the other site you would be doing it again here because of starting cheap there then coming to the best.


Since I spend SO much time online I need to make sure that the sites that I hang out at are the best so that I don't lose out. The forums are one thing here but when it comes to the pure geocaching aspect of things you can't and won't be geocaching.com no matter how hard you try.


(now where is my paycheck for that? icon_cool.gif)




Caching with a clue....


On our home page, Rhode Island Geocaching, we have a Bonus Geocache which is listed no where else. It's a great hike to the cache and an Oregon Geocoin is among the items awaiting. The cache hasn't been found in some time, but it's still fun having the cache available.




Rhode Island Geocaching


Posting to more than one site will just cut in to time I would rather be out there caching. Plus, why deal with a site that from what I can see is far behind GC.com. Even if other sites was up to the same standards I'd probably stick with GC. It's a loyalty thing. If it ain't broke don't fix it.


Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

Because now I am Lost.


I will support geocaching on almost any site as long as I don't have to talk funny, wear puffy pants, and have bird crap on my shoulder. tongue.gif


I think that competition is healthy. The drawback is that the real rejects from here flock to those sites. I got a taste of that log dude at O-caching and was not impressed.


This is the best place to be, but far from trouble free. My approval rating for GC.com has dropped to 94% after this latest, hmmmmmm, someone else post the adjective.



texasgeocaching_sm.gif Sacred cows make the best hamburger....Mark Twain.


I like the idea of having more than one place to find geocache information. I have started placing caches on other sites myself. I'm starting to add more. It doesnt take much effort to cut and paste the information.


Guess it's like shopping at Wal-Mart, everyone goes there but the local guy might have something you've not see on the Wal-Mart shelves.


I say the more the merrier. Open it up to other sites and the ability to go more places.









There are no caches for my state listed anywhere but here.


Guess I am staying put for awhile. icon_smile.gif



I have never been lost. Been awful confused for a few days, but never lost!

N61.12.041 W149.43.734


I've not felt any need to list it on any other site. Then again I don't know any other sites to list it on,


I know they exist, but I'm happy with the features at GC so I haven't really had any sort of urge to go look at the competition.



What is caches precious?


This bird will perch on any branch that has a berry or two to offer. Some branches have blueberries, some have rasberries and others have loganberries. This bird needs variety in it's diet and will seek it out, or even help to grow a new type of berry if necessary...





Random quote:



Originally posted by Gorak:

I've posted my one cache on both sites and I have 3 more ready to go that I will also cross post. I'd like to see the other site have more caches listed, even if they are duplicates of what's on GC. The more the merrier - competition is good for the consumer. Monopolies stifle innovation and choice.





Well said, I've cross posted a 17 of my 59 active caches so far, and posted one cache there only and plan to post my next series of caches there exclusively. Once we've built up a good size base of caches there it will become more viable and draw more folks.


When I looked at that "other site", I noticed that the closest cache to my house was over 60 miles away. I figured they could use some help in my area so I cross posted most of may caches. I also looked at it as a way to backup my caches just in case something happens to either site.


Variety is the spice of life!



Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.




I keep a backup of my caches here on that other site. I also keep cache types on that site that are not supported here. For instance I have a moving cache over there that would be a no-no on this site. In the future I can imagine some cache types that will not be acceptable on either site and I'll expect serious cachers to look for these with google or some other geographic url searching site.


I posted a few of my older caches on Na/icache, just to see if it would generate more interest.


Each one has had 2 finds through that website and they were retroactive logs from a GC.COM geocacher who was logging on both sites. So it's kind of worthless IMHO.


It's kind of funny. People leave here because of the "restrictive rules" and NC.COM has many of the same rules. I only hope that they remain as responsible as the GC.COM folks and don't adopt an "anything goes" policy just to lure people away. That would surely hurt this sport.


"You can't make a man by standing a sheep on his hind legs. But by standing a flock of sheep in that position, you can make a crowd of men" - Max Beerbohm


Just because there aren't any listed near you on the other site, doesn't mean you can't post some yourself. It's gonna have to grow and people are gonna have to help it go that way. Caches just aren't gonna appear on their own. Everyon sits around looking at each other saying "you post one" , "no, you post one"... I'm thinking of posting the 2 I have there as well.





Originally posted by Greenback:

Well said, I've cross posted a 17 of my 59 active caches so far, and posted one cache there only and plan to post my next series of caches there exclusively. Once we've built up a good size base of caches there it will become more viable and draw more folks.


Ok, so now I know that it's happening. But it leads me to wonder if doing so hurts gc.com? I mean, I'm all for competition, but the service gc.com offers has not cost me one dime. I will always be loyal to gc.com no matter how bad hydee abuses me, but I wouldn't mind helping out another caching site.


How does gc.com feel about it officially? I hate that people leave gc.com because of stringent rules, because either I have to go there to find more caches, or I simply miss out on them. It's kinda like which IM client to choose... AIM, ICQ, MSN, Yahoo, etc... and then, someone was industrious enough to write Trillian where I could have a central interface for all services. I don't see that possibility with cache listings/cache logs due to the fact that there's data storage and data access involved. gc.com and (the other site) both have proprietary data with only their interface for finding/listing/logging caches. The other cache sites users are missing out on my cache because I only have it listed here. I would like to list my cache on the other site, not to hurt gc.com, but to get more exposure to my cache.


...but I certainly won't do it without gc's blessing... I drink the Koolaid, remember? icon_smile.gif


-=Jerry A. Goodson=- W5BFF aka hydrashok407 smile.gif KoolAid Drinker smile.gif


"Real peace is not just the absence of conflict, it's the presence of justice" - http://www.hydrashok.com


I've listed caches on the N site before, but never again. In fact, I recently posted a lengthy reason why I would not do so again.


Normally I'd say diversity and competition is key, but no one else offers anything anywhere nearing competition.



"There's Sparticus. That's him, over there."


Originally posted by Kouros:

Normally I'd say diversity and competition is key, but no one else offers anything anywhere nearing competition.


Normally, I'd agree. I've felt that way about Macincraps compared to PCs, but there's obviously a market for Macincraps because they are still in business and people are still buying them.


Now, there's the big battle between Microsoft and Linux. There used to be no market for Linux, and now, businesses who used to run Microsoft are migrating to Linux. I'm not saying this'll happen with gc.com (and I hope it doesn't), as a software developer using the Microsoft platform, my target customer base has to be Microsoft users. I can't write for Linux users.


We can't just ignore the other cache sites and expect them to go away. I think efforts should be made early on to develop a common interface so that no one loses out.... even the users of gc.com.


I'm thinking about this on a little broader scale than just cache find counts. What happens if a TB or any other kind of "traveller" is dropped off in a nc cache? There aren't many nc caches close to me, but if there were, I can't say that I wouldn't try and find/log them. While I like gc.com, and here is where my loyalty lies, I also like caching.


Right now, gc.com is the big fish in the pond, but who knows if it'll stay that way? If new caches are going to be listed elsewhere, wouldn't it better serve gc.com if they worked together with the other cache sites?


I'm now straying off topic, as I was just wondering if it was "OK" to list the same cache on another site, but this thread is bringing up some interesting questions and points. I wonder if they've ever been (publicly) addressed?


I wouldn't mind it a bit if gc.com made everybody happy, and this was the only cache site out there.


-=Jerry A. Goodson=- W5BFF aka hydrashok407 smile.gif KoolAid Drinker smile.gif


"Real peace is not just the absence of conflict, it's the presence of justice" - http://www.hydrashok.com


Ok, so now I know that it's happening. But it leads me to wonder if doing so hurts gc.com? I mean, I'm all for competition, but the service gc.com offers has not cost me one dime.


The other site is totally free as well. In fact, they do not have "premium memberships". You get everything they have to offer, for free. Whether or not they can offer all of the features found here is another story.

Losing non paying members won't hurt GC.com one bit. It will probably make things easier in some ways. Less bandwidth, etc. Losing premium memberships is another story. I am considering listing my next cache on multiple sites, as an experiment. Caching is only just beginning to catch on here, and it wasn't too long ago that there were only 150 or so in the whole state. In the past 6 months, that number has nearly doubled, but I think there are less than ten caches listed on other sites. (I already have a good idea as to the outcome of my experiment, no visits.)


Just a quick reminder that these are many of the same questions being discussed at this other website. A simple format will be established to allow you to post your cache at ALL caching websites (except gc.com unless they adapt to allow for the new format) and new tools developed by interested geocachers and programmers for searching, statistics, etc. will be available that way.


Multiple listings really can't hurt and I have listed all of my caches at every site I can find.






Originally posted by ju66l3r:

Multiple listings really can't hurt and I have listed all of my caches at every site I can find.


All your caches? icon_eek.gif Now I'm confused!


I'll go have a read of that site now.



What is caches precious?


Mnay of the caches in this area have a listing on the alternate site.


Competition is a must for inovation and so I am glad that it exists.


In my opinion, though, it's really not much competition. I personally find no benefits to using it over this site!


"Now may every living thing, young or old, weak or strong, living near or far, known or unknown, living or departed or yet unborn, may every living thing know happiness!"


Originally posted by Woodsters Outdoors:

I've think you answered your own question in the first message of this thread. Your message was thrwon in que because you typed in another certain sites name. So what do you think GC really thinks about you posting your caches over there?


Gee, Brian, I don't know. I don't see any of them posting here, and I'm pretty sure they've seen the thread. I'd rather play ignorant and ask, then to assume that they are passive aggressive like that.


When I started the thread, it was right after finding a cache that was listed on this site and the other site simultaneously. It was archived on this site, but still had finds on the other site, and I wanted to make sure that it wasn't archived here BECAUSE it was listed on the other site.


-=Jerry A. Goodson=- W5BFF aka hydrashok407 smile.gif KoolAid Drinker smile.gif


"Real peace is not just the absence of conflict, it's the presence of justice" - http://www.hydrashok.com


Hydra, you asked what GC felt about posting caches on this site and the "other" one. When you typed in the other sites name, what happened? And why did that happen? If there was no concern for the other site, then that would of not happened. But, what can GC do about it? Archive it because it's on the other site? I don't think they would do that.


BTW why was the one archived on here, but not on the other site?





Originally posted by Woodsters Outdoors:

BTW why was the one archived on here, but not on the other site?


I don't know why the cache was archived but as far as it being done here and not there. I think the reason is because there is more attention being payed to the caches here.




Caching with a clue....


I have looked at NC and OC.


NC has very few caches in Neb and the ones that are there are largely a ways away.


OC has no listing, just a forum.


I would probably be willing to list on these other sites, especially if they offered different types of games.


I would really like to try a traveling cache, but GC has "banned" them. (I used the "" marks as while mine were banned, several are still out there, yet oddly not banned.) The evolution of rules and the enforcement of rules here is a real mystery. This is one reason I would jump ship.




"Half this game is ninety percent mental." Danny Ozark


I have one virtual cache posted on another site, I was going to post it on this one but the approver for my area will not approve Virtuals.

For those who have not tried it, If you try to post a cache that is on another site in these forums it will be deleated.


Originally posted by hydrashok407:

How does gc.com feel about it officially? I hate that people leave gc.com because of stringent rules, because either I have to go there to find more caches, or I simply miss out on them.


I'd wager that they feel about the same as McDonalds feels about Burger King, and Domino's about Pizza Hut.


Joel (joefrog)


"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for ye are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!"


Originally posted by bigredmed:

OC has no listing, just a forum.

That's correct, for now. Just to clarify where OC is at..


The OC domain name was only registered a week or two ago and the site thrown up in order to get discussion going on how the system will work. It's not set up for people to come and start searching yet - it's primarily there (at this time) for people that want to contribute to the construction effort to discuss the design and implementation of the OC system.





Random quote:



Originally posted by Woodsters Outdoors:

BTW why was the one archived on here, but not on the other site?

It was archived on here because it looks like it's gone. I don't know why it's not archived on the other site. I had to refind it on this site, but I remember seeing it archived here, but listed on the other site as active (I guess?)


I don't know that I'll ever list my caches on the "other site". I have considered listing other peoples' caches on the other site though icon_smile.gif


(disclaimer: the above statement was just a joke. if it had been an actual statement, then your monitor would have turned into several colored verticle lines and made a hideous high pitched noise followed by a cheezy cheezy like the one you are reading now stating that "this is only a joke".)


-=Jerry A. Goodson=- W5BFF aka hydrashok407 smile.gif KoolAid Drinker smile.gif


"Real peace is not just the absence of conflict, it's the presence of justice" - http://www.hydrashok.com


Originally posted by hikemeister:

I'll stick with GC.com, so that I can ... know when travel bugs come and go.

This sounds like a great way to nudge people to do both sites. Just place the travellers over there!

(I'm gonna try just that with Utah's only nc.com cache which isn't listed here. It's quite a hike, 6,000 ft elevation gain if you wanna hike with a dog, since all other trailheads are in a watershed. Fun place for a cache, I hope it is still there, as it has been listed 2+ years ago and not yet found... We plan on doing it next Saturday with Jasmine, anybody wants to join? )


Hydra, it probably got more attention over here than over there. I would assume that the owner didn't archive it here. If they did and double posted it over on the other site, then they aren't doing their job and archiving it on the other site as well. The other site has no knowledge of if the cache is gone, unless someone reports it missing. Or if hte owner archives it there as well.


This is one of the things that OC is trying to work towards, if I understand correctly, a way of sharing the info across the board. Submit a cache to your favorite caching website and it's shared among the other sites. It's a good idea because you could post a cache here and I could go and post a cache over on the other site that sits 20 ft from yours. Think it will cause a problem? Yep. But, there's nothing against doing it.




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