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I don't agree with "ill-conceived", but I'll buy short-sighted. Why not create the stats in the first place?


File-swapping applications are a dime-a-dozen these days, especially open-source framework type ones. HTML editors, or more simply template form-fillers are easy as well. Why not integrate and create a cache-page-file-swapping P2P app similar to napster? geo-ster? georpheus?


You bring up the app, instead of loading up and offerring your local mp3/song files, it offers up your directory of cache pages (ones that for whatever reason were interesting to you in the first place, most likely because they are local). You then search for other cache pages one of several ways, which means the cache-file titles or metadata need to contain coords, type information and keywords , etc... so that needs some work. When you do a hide, you bring up the file creator, that is either a form to be filled out or for more advanced users an html editor.


Of course, because the pages are distributed rather than centralized, the logging could be a bit tricky icon_wink.gif Perhaps the logs are files themselves that get shared as well, and distributed in the same fashion? Anyone interested in obtaining the list of logs for cache C137 would simply do a search, or rather, the app would search automatically "in the background" always, attaching logs to cache page files automatically.



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Originally posted by hammack:

Seems like the most feasible solution is to have gc.com let somebody access their data once a day during non-peak hours. This other server could then slice and dice as necessary.


It's not a bad idea. Groundspeak could sell this data to a third party. Third Party then sells access to their site for a couple a bucks month to GeoCachers and everyone is happy.


Groundspeak makes money and Third Party makes money or breaks even at least.



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Sounds like another good example of capitalism at work. Everybody makes money; everybody wins. Uh-oh, somebody is bound to frown at the idea of making money.


Originally posted by GeoManhattan:

Originally posted by hammack:

Seems like the most feasible solution is to have gc.com let somebody access their data once a day during non-peak hours. This other server could then slice and dice as necessary.


It's not a bad idea. Groundspeak could sell this data to a third party. Third Party then sells access to their site for a couple a bucks month to GeoCachers and everyone is happy.


Groundspeak makes money and Third Party makes money or breaks even at least.



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Originally posted by GeoManhattan:

Originally posted by hammack:

Seems like the most feasible solution is to have gc.com let somebody access their data once a day during non-peak hours. This other server could then slice and dice as necessary.


It's not a bad idea. Groundspeak could sell this data to a third party. Third Party then sells access to their site for a couple a bucks month to GeoCachers and everyone is happy.


Groundspeak makes money and Third Party makes money or breaks even at least.




Then we'd know it's not about competition, it's about the Benjamins.



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