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Hitting on the trails alone

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All people hunt differently when they go searching for caches. Some people do it in big or small groups, and others prefer to go alone. I myself like to go both, depending on my mood on certain days. I'd just like to know how many people do you prefer to go on hunts. Do you prefer big groups once in a long time, or do you like going alone all the time? Do you have a wife or a whole family to take? I'd like to know. icon_cool.gif






Faster than a dial-up Internet connection, stronger than any band nerd, look up at the sky! ....is it a bat..... no .....is it my grandma's mustache..... NO! IT'S RADMAN Version 2.0!

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Hey all,


The main reason I got into Geocaching in the first place was to have another interesting activity for the kids and I to do together. It has turned out to be one of the best things we've done, we all enjoy it. Now, does that mean that I don't Geocache alone? Uh, of course not, are you mad???? LOL.


When the kids are off visiting their mother for visitation I sometimes take advantage of the time alone to Geocache by my lonesome. It's relaxing and I get some solitude.


We also enjoy going to the gatherings of the Houston area cachers that have been held down here. We have met a lot of the area Geocachers and haven't met a soul we don't like or can't get along with. Don't you wish all of life could be so good? icon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gif


"Trade up, trade even, or don't trade!!!" My philosophy of life.

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I've taken the kids along before, but mostly they are happy if I just bring them something. Which is good too, I guess, since it allows me to go on the higher rated terrain caches, or the longer walk caches. Usually I just go at the spur of the moment, and if the kids don't want to go, then I'll trade items to bring them each some kind of treasure.


I almost always go alone, I've never hooked up with another cacher to go on a hunt, but I'm sure it would be fun. Not too long ago I experienced my first adventures in night caching. Night caching, all by myself, gives me a whole new thrill, kinda like finding that first cache.

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We only cache together. As far as group caching, we are enough of a group, illDRIVE, myself and the geopup. Get more people and you start getting conflicting GPS's... those who like to RACE.. those who lag behind.. Do you try to be courteous and let someone else find it.. things can get competitive just between the TWO of us.. we had to stop keeping tally of how many he finds versus how many I find.. in the end we really enjoy hunting them by ourselves. Placing them is another story. Often times the more eyes the more chances you will see a good place to hide or put a waypoint tag, and of course new ideas and creative names... icon_wink.gif But then you have to worry about giving your cache away with footprints/trampled bushes. I don't think I would enjoy hunting alone, it is a joy to share! Plus we have our seperate duties.. I almost always sign the log and pick the trade items.. illDRIVE almost always writes it all down in OUR notebook, and we get in and out in a flash! icon_biggrin.gif

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I've been thinking for sometime now that this is a womans game. They just let men come along incase they need protection. Women are natural gatherers and finders of things. Men, or at least most deer hunters I know, would be content to sit in a tree and wait for something to walk by and blast it. That's a man's way of huntin'. A GPS is only good for getting their drunken butt back to the truck.




The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

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I've done over half of my caches by myself.


I often take either Miss Pumpkin (age 6) and/or Curly Tiger (age 4). Occasionally my wife Nutri-Mom also hunts with us. I've also hunted a few times with other experienced cachers, several times with newbies, and once with a film crew from FOX-4 News in Dallas. I've also "joined forces" with other cachers I met in the vicinity of caches. All of these hunting styles has its own rewards.



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Originally posted by Jacksons:

Most women arent capable of entering their own waypoints,let alone using the other features of a gpsr. icon_wink.gif My wife and I almost aways go together,but once in a while I go alone


Those that can,do; those that can't,teach; those that can't do or teach, manage


How dare you! The nerve! The audacity!


But then again, I am NOT most women! Still, I oughta smack you upside the head with a big wet trout for that remark, but I won't because you winked.


I used to never cache hunt alone, now I do, more and more often. If I can't find someone who wants to go, I'll go alone, but let someone know where I'll be, and I don't go more than @ 3/4 mile into the woods alone.


Cache you later,



"To err is human, to forgive....$5.00"


[This message was edited by Planet on December 19, 2002 at 08:43 PM.]


[This message was edited by Planet on December 19, 2002 at 08:45 PM.]

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Originally posted by the Jacksons:

Most women arent capable of entering their own waypoints,let alone using the other features of a gpsr. My wife and I almost aways go together,but once in a while I go alone


Sometimes i download coordinates straight into the GPSr, but usually my wife manually puts them in. Must say that she is goooooood. Guess shes not most women,,,, icon_biggrin.gif.


We do almost all of our caching together allthough i have done a few alone in the past.

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Eli & I have our own things we like to do. But geocaching is Our thing to do. Sometimes we team up with our bestfriends. . But most times it's the rockencachehound, eli & myself. When our granddaughter is coming for a visit, her first thing on the list of things to do is geocaching. It used to be boating. Go figure.

rocker icon_biggrin.gif

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Well with the benchmarking that is.My wife and I are going searching in one of our favorite liitle towns soon,and me and Grandma go often found one the other day 152 years old,but me and my Buddy Henchmark hit everyone.I have taken my children and their children,I even picked up some young men who where hichhicking one day and were headed towards my next goal and took them along for the fun of it they even helped to clean out some nasty multifloral roses grown up around a benchmark..........We are going to look for one from 1894 this weekend. icon_eek.gificon_eek.gificon_eek.gificon_biggrin.gificon_wink.gificon_smile.gif


When all else fails Geotry again.

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I knew I would catch it for my remark,I was mainly aiming at Frellens/mosie comment about men being drunken bums using gps to get back to truck..Planet...to you and other women I am sorry.I sure dont want you to slap me the across head. after all were just having fun icon_wink.gificon_wink.gificon_wink.gif


Those that can,do; those that can't,teach; those that can't do or teach, manage

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Our group usally consists of me, my three girls, and my faithful caching canine companion Autumn. One of my kids usally brings along a friend as well(5 people & a Golden Retriever is about all you can fit into a Saturn - and that's Saturn the car, not Saturn the planet). Like Breaktrack said, it's a great activity to do with the kids that we all enjoy.

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Sometimes it's just me, and I enjoy the solitude. Sometimes just my wife and me, we see the sights and soak in the whole experience. Sometimes it's the two of us and our son and 3 dogs, a galloping good time. And..sometimes we take guests along to introduce them to the sport and the great outdoors.


Heck, I'll take almost anyone with me! icon_biggrin.gif




Me ambivalent? Well..... yes and no.

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I almost always go alone (or just with Darby the Wonder Pup). I like the alone time. It gives me a break from the stress of everyday life. It works out for us as Cathy pretty much just likes the locationless caches anyway.


It is likely that the pup will not join me much in the future as she will not be allowed in my new car.


Whenever I feel blue, I start breathing again.

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Originally posted by sbell111:

I almost always go alone (or just with Darby the Wonder Pup). I like the alone time. It gives me a break from the stress of everyday life. It works out for us as Cathy pretty much just likes the locationless caches anyway.


It is likely that the pup will not join me much in the future as she will not be allowed in my new car.


Whenever I feel blue, I start breathing again.


Don't leave the pup home! She'll miss you, you'll miss her. Not fair!


Cache you later,



"To err is human, to forgive....$5.00"


[This message was edited by Planet on December 20, 2002 at 10:44 AM.]

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I was wondering that myself, so I took a friend last weekend: it confirmed my desire to Geocache solo.


However, I prefer Hiking w/a SO (currently single however) and sharing/enhancing the experiences.


Geocaching however, is more "focussed". Dividing the duties deprives me of half the fun! The days I've cached solo stand out in my mind and are more memorable experiences than the day I cached with another. That day had more general, non-geocaching memories associated with it.


So, tomorrow I go solo!



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Originally posted by Planet:

Originally posted by sbell111:

...It is likely that the pup will not join me much in the future as she will not be allowed in my new car.


Don't leave the pup home! She'll miss you, you'll miss her. Not fair!


The new car is going to be a small convertible. I don't think she'd be comfortable riding in it (plus I don't want to risk the leather). Cathy wants an SUV, so I'll probably drive that sometimes and bring the pup.


Whenever I feel blue, I start breathing again.

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I started caching alone. My wife thought it was just some weird thing that I was doing. Then we went on a trip and she did a few. Now she's hooked, and the kids love it too. Although, the wife & I are more interested in the hunt, the kids are interested in the cache contents, and consequently hate micros.


I like to do benchmark hunting and that I usually do alone. The wife doesn't care to do it, but she understands why I like it - I'm a surveyor. The kids think that benchmarks aren't any better than micros, and possibly worse - benchmarks don't even have a log book to sign.


Most times, we go caching as a family, and if I know there's a benchmark nearby, I go look for it by myself while the wife & kids look for the cache.


Keep on Caching!

- Kewaneh

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i have hunted alone on occation but prefer to go with rocker 51 or another couple ,makes for a more pleasant hunt. see who get cache first ,joke around etc. hunting alone could be a little risky , if cache is in the 4 or 5 range. would hate to get hurt on a cache alone!! so remember "HAPPY AND SAFE CACHING" ron50eli icon_wink.gif

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I cache alone alot-I work 3:30pm-12:00am and my wife and all my friends work normal hours.I also have done 90% of my hidding alone.My wife likes to cache-but I got all that time before work too.On the other hand I would like to find a caching partner to do some hidding with.


Everything's Eventual"-Stephen King

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I've gone with one other person, 5 other people, and then by myself today. It's always been fun. But today, even though I was in a metropark, I only saw one other person. I was only ever about half a mile from the car and had my cellphone and a whistle, but I was still a little uncomfortable sometimes thinking about how long I'd be sitting on the cold ground if I did a serious mischief to my ankle.


Guess it's 'cause I grew up in the 'burbs.



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I find it more fun when someone is with me because you can share the things you discover. Another person is always going to see things that you missed so your experience is richer. It's also most comforting to know that if you become injured there is someone there to help.


My current caching partner will soon be going back to work full time, so if you know of someone else in the Portland, Oregon area looking for a partner let me know.


Charlie Trail Duster - Buxton, Oregon

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I have gone with other people and solo, and I think either way is fun. I usually try to adjust my hunts accordingly. I save the harder, more out-of-the-way caches for when I'm in a party, and do the ones that are easy or close to home by myself. The easy caches can be done faster solo. Difficult hides are better / more fun with more people.


The trick is finding others that are up for the challenge, that match your skills. It's a drag when one person is lagging far behind or doesn't share the same exuberance as you.



?You are your own worst food.?

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I am new to the sport. I have cached with my husband , but usually go just with my 3 1/2 year old. This is both good and bad...when she's in the mood it's great, but I have to be aware and not go after anything too difficult or in an area that I am unsure about. I would be more daring and adventurous if I was going alone or with other adults. I hope that as she gets older, we will be able to expand the level and variety of our hunts.


I would like to try cache-ing with other, more experienced cachers sometime.

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Originally posted by ErSamin:

I hope that as she gets older, we will be able to expand the level and variety of our hunts.


I would like to try cache-ing with other, more experienced cachers sometime.


I usually go with all three of my daughters (11, 9, & 7). My youngest daughter is now 7 and she can handle anything we have done so far, pretty easily. What really got them into this geocaching was when they actually started to find the caches themselves. Before that, it was basically me searching for the cache & them searching for frogs, bugs, whatever.

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I'm a newbie more or less. I first went out with my daughter to see what this is all about. Then I took my husband out to find the cache nearest to home. Next on a trip, while husband was in meetings, I went out on my own and found five caches and a few benchmarks. Then husband and I spent two days together running down eight more caches. Today I was out with daughter and husband to log a find after we finished the golf round. So I quess I will do this whatever way seems to work atthe time. It's always fun.


Neva P.

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I've gone by myself a couple of times, with my 2 1/2 year old son most of the time, with my friend and her 3 yeay old and my son, and with my husband and son.

My best times have been with just my son. At 2 1/2 he is amazing in his enthusiasm. Next best is with my husband joining us. Thirdly with my friend and her son, but that usually just gets out of hand with both kids.

I've found that anyway I can go caching is a good way, I'm definatly addicted!!!!


...Running over the same old ground, what have we found?...

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