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benchmarks-- is a find a find with no gps use?


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I was wondering

is it ok to log a benchmark if was found without the use on a gps?

I was at five BM's today in Newport OR they were listed on the BM page and they are the range lights for the channel entrance and the marker lights for the boat basin the jetty light on the south jetty and the light marking the center of the bridge going into Yaquina bay in Newport.

I logged them as finds because you need a boat to get to them except for the jetty light and it so happens I had one today.

Do you think its ok to log them as a find or should I just have noteded it that i was there?

and the last thing is there are so many BM's and all the zip codes i check there are no logs.


WOW!! I need to work on my typing skills or maybe use more than 3 fingers



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What the heck did I buy this expensive GPS V for if I don't need it to log caches????



Not so sure, Somewhat new Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02

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What the heck did I buy this expensive GPS V for if I don't need it to log caches????


C'mon its a fabulous accessory for the doot bucket, I can't picture one without it.



Remember that happiness is a way of travel, not a destination. - Roy M. Goodman

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Most definitely! The very first lesson I learned while benchmarking was to not trust the coordinates - if I had, I would have been swimming 200 feet out in a large river. Now I leave the GPSr in the car, and just go by the location description listed with the mark.



When in doubt, poke it with a stick.

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I found this one with only the printout and logged it.


Keep in mind, benchmarks were meant to be used, and therefor not hidden. Sure, sometimes they are old enough that things have changed around them and they're hard to find but I could have almost found this one blindfolded: 75 ft SE of SE corner of tennis court, in the middle of a lawn.


Log away, I say!



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