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The New Plastic Ammo Cans

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Anybody got a reliable source for those new plastic ammo cans? They would be a lot lighter in my backpack.


Apologies may apply:

1. If this has been asked already.

2. for missspelllingg any werds or improper grammer using.

3. If I don't have enough "finds" to ask a question.

4. If this topic dosen't give Magicman anything to smartass me for icon_wink.gif

5. Wrong forum catagory

6. All other offenses real or imagined.



What is the price of experience, do men buy it for a song,

Or wisdom for a dance in the street.................

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icon_wink.gif In advance, I apologize for not having any Mitsuko avatars icon_cool.gif


This is from I Once Held Mortars:

June 22 by Pulaski (61 found)




Like my cache box? Two companies that sell this model can be found at:








You must be present to win.

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and light, and durable. I wonder if they warp any in summer heat - looks like they might be thick enough not to tho. Get yer Mitsuko avatars below. I'll be getting rid of mine soon tho. Postnote: Link removed - time for Mitsi to go soyonara


[This message was edited by pater47 on July 24, 2002 at 06:02 AM.]

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So then what's more exciting, having a bear beat the snot out of your cache or having the bomb squad blow it up?


I'd post it as a poll iffin I knew how.


oh yeah, I bought one.



What is the price of experience, do men buy it for a song,

Or wisdom for a dance in the street.................

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Originally posted by pater47:

"I wonder if they warp any in summer heat - looks like they might be thick enough not to tho



Being that they are ammo cans and as such usually would be used by the military they would need to be able to stand up to whatever climate a military would be in. I'd say that they would do just fine in summer heat.



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Probably hold up against bears okay, too. After all, they are built to survive armorers and rough riding vehicles! icon_razz.gif


icon_eek.gif Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son!


[This message was edited by ChazC on July 23, 2002 at 07:32 PM.]

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I actually think they look more threatning, at least from the pictures. I think some of that may go away if they remove the explosive sign off the side, but from the pic the still look more creepy.


Wyatt W.


The probability of someone watching you is directly proportional to the stupidity of your actions.

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Originally posted by ChazC:

Probably hold up against bears okay, too. ...


I've seen backpacking metal fuel cans that were punched with holes from bears. I would not want that bear to even take on my metal ammo cans.


Keep the food out of the cache and don't give them a reason to try to get in them.

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It's all I can do not to type IN ALL CAPS! Who cares how threatening a cache container looks!?!? My son’s cache was a surplus wooden rocket box painted in camo colors. To someone paranoid I bet it looks VERY threatening. But guess what? I DON’T CARE! There seems to be some creepy sort of political correctness working it’s way into this hobby. “Don’t put your cache near any broken glass.” “Don’t put your cache where a branch may become dislodged from it’s tree.” “Find happy non-threatening cache containers.” ~!@# that. I became interested in geocaching because it offered adventure. Adventure can be dangerous, and so apparently is common sense. (What terrorist is going to bomb an old stump deep in the woods?) As long as it’s identified as a cache container (GEOCACHE written on the outside for example) then why worry about it? At the rate geocaching is growing it’s inevitable that someone somewhere will use the hobby or some portion thereof for an unlawful act. What then? Jeremy going to pull the plug on the whole thing? Are we going to kill it off with rules and regulations? I’ve said it before; it does NOT take a village to place a cache. I believe that if a person has enough brain matter to work their GPSr then they probably have enough to plunk down a cache without creating an international incident. I’m sure everyone is aware of recent events and won’t be putting an ammo can up in the supports of a local bridge. Duh.


I am aware of my idealistic leanings, that I prefer to believe the best about people until I’m shown otherwise. That’s why I think this is such a non-issue.


Whew, glad I got that off my chest. Sorry to all.




What is the price of experience, do men buy it for a song,

Or wisdom for a dance in the street.................

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Somebody must have called the Fun Police and told them about us. dadgum.


I wasn't trying to single anyone out. It just seems to be a trend to gray out anything colorful. Am I just imagining things?



What is the price of experience, do men buy it for a song,

Or wisdom for a dance in the street.................

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But what size is it. I didnt see a size on the link I followed...Standered Ammo size? It looks larger then normal from the picture. That could be cool!


Whoops, I guess I did miss it! Sorry, I found the size on the 2nd link. Normal size it is...

Can't take me anywhere icon_smile.gif

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Originally posted by magellan315:

I saw the MTM Dry Boxes, that are linked in an early post, at Bas Pro Shops in orange and grey/white. They were selling the for $9.99.


Link please?



(NEVER get "off-topic." These threads are ALL far too serious for that!)

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Boblog, Magicman I havig no problamatisms wit. i think yore a funking retarb. go funk youself.



What is the price of experience, do men buy it for a song,

Or wisdom for a dance in the street.................

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I like Criminal's thought on political correctness! I hid my newest cache in a decon container with the label left on and a tag on the back to identify it. After reading the directions for use on the decon container, I felt that it was just too good to resist. It ought to give someone a start if they stumble across it!


icon_eek.gif Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son!

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How does that boblog idiot keep getting back in?


For Boblog: howz thatt idiot stupit funkin dipschit keeps findingaway to getback in..



What is the price of experience, do men buy it for a song,

Or wisdom for a dance in the street.................

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All, (Concerting trolls!)


Please read Majicman's disertation how to kill a troll here: http://opentopic.Groundspeak.com/0/OpenTopic?a=tpc&s=1750973553&f=3000917383&m=4700905115&r=1590969115#1590969115


Either: 1.) Don't talk to him at all, or 2.) Make fun of him with deep sarcasm


...and he will die or cry or fade away...


Sorry, but you must go... Roberto_TrunkSection_Trese



BigSig rules to live by:

1.) Don't take life too seriously, you'll never get out of it alive!

2.) There is NO... Rule #2.

3.) NEVER get "off-topic." These threads are ALL far too serious for that!

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It occurred to me just now that you and he seem to have some kind of rivalry going. Then my thought train pulled into the schizophrenia station and I got the idea that he is really your alter ego. I never see you both in the same place at the same time. Have you bumped your head recently? Is there any span of time you cannot account for? If you and he are the same person, then I owe you an apology. icon_wink.gif



What is the price of experience, do men buy it for a song,

Or wisdom for a dance in the street.................

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Originally posted by Criminal:


Shhh! (you owe me an apology...)



BigSig rules to live by:

1.) Don't take life too seriously, you'll never get out of it alive!

2.) There is NO... Rule #2.

3.) NEVER get "off-topic." These threads are ALL far too serious for that!

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I think that the Army stinks. I mean come on, why can't they give the rest of America the chance to shoot some of the ammo that they use. I mean, wouldn't be nice if you HAD to shoot a whole crate of 81mm arty rounds in a year.


Come on Bush, I wanna Geocach Osama. If the Army would just let us into the area to start caching icon_eek.gif.

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