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Well, I took umc’s advice but I didn’t find any “who are you” posts I could add to. If there is one I overlooked, it’s pretty deeply pushed back. Since some people seem to think that I am a sock puppet of Woodster, I’ll throw out a fast introduction.


Name is Skye Maloney. Born in Rhode Island, transplanted in South Carolina. Met the wife here while I was hanging out at the local college that is probably %75 female, got married, have a 2 year old girl Michaela.


Havent the slightest clue about GPSing, found this site while researching the matter. Work for the local natural gas authority and will be head of all GPS information/implementation as well as integrating it into our GIS system. More than likely we’ll jump in with a unit that cost more than my car like a GeoXT or something like that however as I am now I can only stare at the most simplistic of handhelds like I’m in a coma. So, bare with me because I am as green as it gets…. concerning GPS.


Currently modding at www.hardcorebodybuildinontheweb.com, a splinter of the overly popular www.bodybuilding.com. Anyone with any interest should check it out.


That’s about it. Can they not create stickies with this BB software?





"took umc's advice"


First mistake icon_wink.gif


cool man, thats how I happened in here, I was surfing the web to see what was new with consumer grade GPS's. I've been hooked since, so if you're smart get out now. icon_wink.gif


As snoogans said, (if you plan on staying) don't worry about this sh|tt since thats all it is. This is a great pass time and if you read around a bit you may get your intrest up. Its clear to me that you've seen forums before and it doesn't take a genius to know that they are all pretty much the same with the bs and such.


So, welcome to a place many of us call home.




Caching without a clue....


Heheh, thanks again.


Religion. Yeah, people like to go crazy with it on forums, out of the reach of others. I realize my faith, the different faiths of others, and the lack of faith in others, all have the same foundation; faith. Faith in something, faith in nothing. Neither can be ultimately proven or disproven, debating it is idiotic. Doesn’t bother me. icon_cool.gif





...oops and I forgot...an umemployed IT pro who has nothing better to do for several hours a day than to look for a job and post to these forums which is why I have over 4000 posts and I post here whenI cant get out to hike or geocache or do trail work or archaeology or the other stuff that is in my profile...whew!


"Give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, he'll sit in a boat and drink beer all day" - Dave Barry


Originally posted by BrianSnat:

...oops and I forgot...an umemployed IT pro who has nothing better to do for several hours a day than to look for a job and post to these forums which is why I have over 4000 posts and I post here whenI cant get out to hike or geocache or do trail work or archaeology or the other stuff that is in my profile...whew!


_"Give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, he'll sit in a boat and drink beer all day" - Dave Barry_


Hey Brian, we've got a crapload of open Jailer slots down here in Houston if you need a job man.... come on down, I'll hook you up....LOL. (Starting pay about 30K a year...)


Having said that, Name: Mac McKinney, work for the Harris County sheriff's Office in Houston, Texas. 23 years in the Law enforcement business in one form or another, 27 years in the military, active and reserves, retired from the Army Reserve July a year ago (missed Iraq AGAIN, dang it!) Single dad with two kids, ages 9 and 11 (the actual reason I retired when I did..lol), and we Geocache together most of the time. I cache hunt at my leisure, I'm in no hurry. While I've been around quite a while, you won't see massive numbers of caches listed in my stats. I'll get around to them when I get around to them....lol. Welcome and remember to duck when appropriate.



"Trade up, trade even, or don't trade!!!" My philosophy of life.


sept1c_tank here...welcome to geocaching. Actually, the forums around here usually are like this. Would enjoy knowing a little more. Why not post a response to this thread and explain yourself. (The thread needs a bump anyway.) For some added entertainment, check out the synopsis.


==============="If it feels good...do it"================


**(the other 9 out of 10 voices in my head say: "Don't do it.")**




I'm SombreHippie. I'm 20 and unemployed. Enjoying this "slacking" except for the fact that I'm flat broke... Because of that, my car doesn't seem to find enough gas to find as many caches as I'd like icon_wink.gif


A friend of mine from a forum I frequent posted about their new Vista and their first Cache hunt. Followed the link, and had the "gotta do that!" epiphany. We tried a few caches before I managed to scrounge enough for a GPS. Actually found 2 of 7 using maps and photos.


I cache with my good friend Puppy Dawg, but I seem to be the ringleader in this venture, as I do all the decoding, puzzling, planning and posting. He doesn't bother with the site, but he enjoys the hunts, and does a fairly good job at being my big manly protector *laughs* (I'm a pansy on my own) He also seems to have an easier time finding the actual caches once we get there haha.


I grew up being a nature person, and I haven't been around it much the last couple of years. It's good to be getting back out there.


A great serial killer once said, "Beauty is only skin deep. Trust me, I've looked..."


Been into GPS for about 1 year now... I use GPS technology at night time in my job to catch truck drivers taking advances so they can support the casinos (which I do not like, at all)...


Hey SkyeMaloney, I checked the forum pages quickly on both sites... and I was disgusted by the one you DON'T belong too... (or at least the one you don't mod)


So we'll be seeing you here a bit more?


I will enjoy reading the specific forum you mod


Hi, I'm Bret...been at this for a year and a half and really enjoying myself. I'm a preacher at a church in a small town in Illinois. Not too many of my people know about Geocaching...all they really know is that the preacher likes to go off into the woods pretty regular...if only they knew I was there for the McDonald's toys! icon_wink.gif




"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field.

When a man found it, he hid it again." Mt. 13:44


Hi my name is Jon Adams, I live in Delmont Pennsylvania, which in case none of you know where that is, basically in the very far outskirts of the greater Pittsburgh area. Out in Westmoreland county. I've done a few small orienteering competitions before, and I've known geocaching was out there but I had never really tried it or anything. Than the other day one of my friends brought it up, and that sparked my interest. I found this site, and was very quickly being sucked into the greatness of geocaching. I'm now hoping to buy a Garmin ETrex or other entry level GPS and start caching. The only reason I never even gave geocaching a second though before, was I still thought it was sort of a richboys game where you had to buy expensive GPS and there weren't many actual caches and the ones that were around, were hard to get to. But obviously, the sport has evolved into something more weekend warrior friendly. I hope to order my GPS sometime this week or the next, and get my butt out there and start finding some caches...


GPS works for when your lost,

or searching for hidden treasure,

but when you're hurt, call 911,

having a cellphone for backup truly is a pleasure.


I can't be SkyeMaloney, we are totally opposite. We moved to New England from South Carolina. Not sure who got the better deal. icon_biggrin.gif

Maybe he's my alter ego. hmmmm.... Welcome Skye, I joined back in June. I had heard about Geocaching first back at the first part of the year from a person who moderates on my message board. I run an outdoors website. He suggested a section on the forum fo Geocaching. I put it up and nothing happened. Then this past spring my inlaws were Rv'ing and met some folks that were into geocaching. My wife was talking to her mom about it and I remembered the forum I had and started looking at it a little more. Joined the site and then bought a GPS.


I'm a stay at home dad (2 yr old) and run a couple websites. Getting ready t ostart on a 3rd one from somebody. My wife is the breadwinner and doesn't get home till evening time. So I rarely get a chance to go out and cache, unless it's a simple and easy one that I can take a 2 yr old with me.


Hey Breaktack, I'm not sure how long BrianSnat will last as a jailer. Once he gets **** or feces thrown on him, he may quit. lol (work history - 4 yrs AF Law Enforcement, 5 years GA Dept of Corrections, 3 Years Police Sgt at a GA State Mental Hospital, and 1 1/2 years Federal Bureau of Prisons). He might enjoy the adrenaline rush of extractions, especially of those with shanks though. icon_biggrin.gif 30k is pretty good starting pay for a jailer at a city or county level....




As long as you're going to think anyway, think big. -Donald Trump


Welcome Skye.


So I says to the guy who tells me he's an atheist "There's no such thing!"


Cache you later,



So many caches, so little time.


Woodster, get the heck outa town!!! I have a 2 year old too! Did you see that in my original post? Your starting to freak me out. What does your wife do?


Planet, I like that. I’ll have to remember that one icon_wink.gif


canadazuuk, yeah BB was overrun with idgits. People who assumed that because they had a high post count they could beat down the new members. It's a pain, so we splintered off from them and started Hardcore. I go by Veritas (latin for truth/honor)on both boards.





The wife is in the medical careerfield...


Hey Skye watch out, you will get hammered for having an opinion, but no finds...lol




As long as you're going to think anyway, think big. -Donald Trump


Originally posted by Woodsters Outdoors:

I can't be SkyeMaloney _


Sure ya can, if you want to, we don't mind.



Hey Breaktack, I'm not sure how long BrianSnat will last as a jailer. Once he gets **** or feces thrown on him, he may quit. lol (work history - 4 yrs AF Law Enforcement, 5 years GA Dept of Corrections, 3 Years Police Sgt at a GA State Mental Hospital, and 1 1/2 years Federal Bureau of Prisons). He might enjoy the adrenaline rush of extractions, especially of those with shanks though. icon_biggrin.gif 30k is pretty good starting pay for a jailer at a city or county level....


Yeah, good point. But it's amazing what we'll put up with sometimes, eh?


Well, my numbers were a bit off, I was at home and didn't have my excel table in front of me, starting Jailers (White Shirts) get 24,211.00 at hire, 26,915.00 after 6 months, and 30,347.00 at one year. If you're a certified peace officer (called a Blue Shirt around here) start off at 34,795.00 and hit 38,147 at one year. It's actually pretty good, I go to Sgt.1 this year so I'm getting a pretty piece myself. We have three levels of Sgt and you top out at Sgt. 1. Guess I'll have to take that darn Lieutenants test this year...sigh.LOL.



"Trade up, trade even, or don't trade!!!" My philosophy of life.


That's still pretty good pay...When I joined the Feds back in 2000 the starting pay was like $27k, after a year you went up a grade and a step and your pay was about $30k. Actually a little more with the pay increase. Not sure what the starting pay is now. I started out as a GS-6 step1 and left as a GS-7 step 2. My pay was around $35k I think. Then we had differential pays. Night pay 10% more, weekend pay 25% more, weekend night 35%, holidays 200%.. and loads of overtime. We had guys making 80K easily...Of course they had no social life, but what the heck....


Do collect patches? if so email me...




As long as you're going to think anyway, think big. -Donald Trump


Yeah Rock Hill isn't too bad...got Carowinds there....We lived over on the Georgia border near Augusta, we are actually from Augusta.

Charlotte is a great place...you get some small town feel with big town diversity and culture....




As long as you're going to think anyway, think big. -Donald Trump


Yeah, along with a crime rate that was worse than New York's per capita a few years ago.


Luckily down here the crime rate is rather low. I used to work in Charlotte, don’t miss it a bit. I guess I'm a small town guy.


How ya liking the weather up north? My family prefers the unbearable heat to more snow. Me, I cant stand the humidity.





Love the weather...the town we live in is rather small town as well. We live on a couple acres on top of a hill that overlooks a lake. WE moved here in January just as the abundnace of snow was starting to hit. Couldn't get the Ryder truck up the drive for a few days because of the snow, had to get the drive plowed twice before getting the truck up the hill. I think since we had been here we had around 6 or 7 feet of snow. The area had over 10 feet this year they said. A big difference than down there. We were just back that way last month and the humidity killed us. Augusta is in an area that sees a bit hotter temperatures and higher humidity than most other places down there. We don't miss that part for sure. We are about 10-15 minutes from New Hampshire, so we are in the northern part of mass. THe nice thing is that we can get to many different places in an hour or less. NYC is only 3 hours away.




As long as you're going to think anyway, think big. -Donald Trump


Man, that sounds great.


My uncle is the curator of art in an art museum in Boston. Can’t remember the name of it though but it’s right next to a baseball field. Name is Patrick Maloney if you ever find yourself wandering into one. I was born in Providence and haven’t seen that much snow since I was 4. Hey, go eat a lobster for me!!!!


Humidity is a killer. Makes the inside of my nose start to swell and it’s tough to breath. Bad thing is I’m trying to start jogging. Heat is a monster!





Went down to Providence a few months ago and loved it there. We try seeing new things whenver we get a chance. Never know how long we will stay and want to see as much as possible. Haven't had lobster yet, but the clam and scallops are to die for. The Broasted chicken ain't too bad either...




As long as you're going to think anyway, think big. -Donald Trump


Hi I'm leatherman. Named after my great appreciation for the Personal Survival Tool.


I'm a Correctional Officer, prison guard for those ignorant readers. My posts tend to come across arrogant and self-important. Mostly a carry over from a day of mentally beating down inmates.


I'm pretty good at shutting down a thread. No one wants to argue with me.nixweiss.gif





Originally posted by SkyeMaloney:

Name is Skye Maloney. Born in Rhode Island, transplanted in South Carolina.

Webfoot, born in South Bend, Indiana, yet Californian since 1961.


I'm a teacher - work starts again tomorrow, so I'm vegging right now on my last day of vacation for this year.


Webfoot frog.gif


<img src="http://img.Groundspeak.com/user/5307_800.jpg" Height=207 Width=352><BR>Yeah, sure....but did he use a GPSr to find it?


Originally posted by leatherman:

I'm a Correctional Officer, prison guard for those ignorant readers.


Yep.. a true C.O.!


City, county, state, or fed?




As long as you're going to think anyway, think big. -Donald Trump


cool 12 years....what's the retirement tenure there? 30? Georgia was something liek 25 or 30 when I started, but they inched it up till 33..I couldn't see staying with the state that long, especially doing the CO/LE thing and for such little pay. I went over to the Feds, but we had a baby and my wife was making a heck of a lot more money than I was. It was beneficial to us if only one could focus on their career than 2 different ones. We would of had t ostay stagnant in one place and we would of never seen the upward mobility. Plus the hours really sucked for me. So we chose for me to stay home with the baby...I've been itching at getting back out in the job market, but not in the CO/LE business...




As long as you're going to think anyway, think big. -Donald Trump


DOC retirement is by age here, 65. Money hasn't been an issue yet. I've thought about training for DOT(transportation). The state will reimburse the cost for school.

Retirement carries over to other state agencies.





Whats the amount of years for full retirement though? I was with the state of GA for 8 yrs total...couldn't see another 25. Feds have a 20 yr retirement, plus paid a lot more.




As long as you're going to think anyway, think big. -Donald Trump


Originally posted by leatherman:

My posts tend to come across arrogant and self-important.


No kidding, I would have never guessed.


Originally posted by leatherman:

I'm pretty good at shutting down a thread. No one wants to argue with me.


Its not that they don't want to argue with you its the fact that everyone just ignores your posts at this point and don't realize your there.













Caching without a clue....


That's just it. I have to wait 'till I'm 65. Before that I receive limited retirement.


The WA legislature will not consider anything about retirement or cost of living raises for corrections. Although anything to do with teachers gets highest priority. We have teacher strikes every year. Teachers only work a total of seven months a year and they're always bellyaching for more pay.

Our union has to sue the state to get a response for bargaining. The last raise we received was 2.5% only because they cut our medical by 4%. Medical comes out before taxes so we didn't lose anything out of pocket.


Ironically, we are the lowest payed corrections in this part of the country. Where we are one of the highest trained corrections in the country.

We receive a week of training annually. My friend in the King County jail has had no training in the nine years he's been there. He gets $1400 more a month.





Originally posted by umc:

Its not that they don't want to argue with you its the fact that everyone just ignores your posts at this point and don't realize your there.

You know what that feels like, don't you?!





Originally posted by leatherman:

_You know what that feels like, don't you?!_


icon_frown.gifyes icon_frown.gifIt hurts, a lot icon_frown.gif


Maybe we could start a support group with woodsters? icon_smile.gif




Caching without a clue....


Originally posted by umc:

Originally posted by leatherman:

_You know what that feels like, don't you?!_


icon_frown.gifyes icon_frown.gifIt hurts, a lot icon_frown.gif


Maybe we could start a support group with woodsters? icon_smile.gif




Caching without a clue....


I'm not complaining.....if you flame...be respctful...lol


No matter how much flaming or bashing I get, I still sleep solidly at night. Gotta have thick skin. Just don't bring a gun to a knife fight...


GA and Feds had the week inservice training as well. I have to say that the training is top notch. Feds more so than GA. Both were pretty good about the pay raises. Feds were alot better. They even give money for "Rookie of the year" and other crap like that. They also gave you an uniform allowance of like $400 a year. If you didn't need anything, it was cash in your pocket. Ga on the other hand, issued everything out. It took an act of congress to get things excahnged. That sucks about the retirement thing. So if you started at age 20, you will have to work 45 years to retire? And those who start at 40 only have to go 25 years? Don't sound fair to me....




As long as you're going to think anyway, think big. -Donald Trump


I believe its don't bring a knife to a gun fight.


Thick skin is very important.




Caching without a clue....


Originally posted by leatherman:

That _is_ don't bring a gun to a knife fight.

You can flame others, just be nice about it. icon_biggrin.gif


Nope, you still have it backwards and its always best to carry the biggest gun you can. Asbestos undies don't hurt either. icon_wink.gif




Caching without a clue....


No I stated it the way I intended it...If it's a knife fight...keep it that way...don't make a bigger issue out of it...


I know the wording as you stated...that would be more of a threat though... icon_biggrin.gif




As long as you're going to think anyway, think big. -Donald Trump


I got the play on words, if that is what it was.


If every one is fighting with knives, don't pull out a gun and start shooting from the hip.


Not about asbestos undies. About being nice with your flames. No need for expletives.




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