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how bout this for a name of those cachers who absolutely have to be first to the cache. You know, the midnight runners, the ones who check caches before they are approved, etc. Anybody with any of these?




I like to check the "cache queue" although I've never been able to actually hunt for a cache that hasn't been approved yet. I did go out for a cache once that had just barely been approved at 10 PM once. The main reason was that the hider posted that one of the Cach-U-Nuts was in it and I knew a lot of people would have liked to get their hands on it. So I had to get there first!


I don't see it as being a problem, at least not where I cache. But maybe I'm just not as competitive about it?


As for a name for them, does it have to be something negative? I'd just call them ambitious!


Tyler Slack's Geocaching in Utah


Well, I must be a geohogger. I like the being the FIRST FINDER. But thats not always the case. We (RedwoodRed and I) have hit just about all the caches in our area (with the exception of two virts) at this point in time. We now have to drive over 60 mi just to get to a cache we have not found yet. If one pops up I will try my best to get there. Caches in our area are spars (spelling) so its a treat to see a new one...


"My gps say's it RIGHT HERE".


1240 plus miles and only 8 caches?


There is someone in my area who seems to always be first. I don't care so much that he is always first but I really wish I could be out there during the week geocaching like he is and not stuck indoors at work!


Originally posted by MattandLaura:

how bout this for a name of those cachers who absolutely have to be first to the cache. You know, the midnight runners, the ones who check caches before they are approved, etc. Anybody with any of these?


I am curious that this is an issue. Most of the geo-placers in our area (us included) place special items in caches specifically for the first folks to find it - medals, ribbons, hard-to-find or desirable trinkets - and those are advertised in the cache descriptions.


This would indicate that being the first (or second or third) people to find a cache would be desirable, and it encourages people to be competitive about getting there first.


During our recent trip to Hillsboro/Portland area, Fractal informed us about a brand-new cache that Oregone had hid along our route home. The cache description contained mention of a CD made by Team Exocet that I had seen discussed in the forums - filled with songs relating to geocaching. I saw this as too cool to pass up. Yes, we were the first finders there, and yes, we bagged the CD and everyone in our team was appreciative of the cool "new" music for the trip home!


Lori aka: RedwoodRed


"I don't get lost, I investigate alternative destinations."

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I have been lucky enough to be first to a cache three times in my geocaching experience. I haven't tried to be first but caching fever can send you out quickly when a new cache pops up. Finding the cache is the big thing with me. Being first is an added (and unexpected) thrill.


We all have our tickle spots. If someone else's tickle spot is to get there first I am happy that they are getting the most from their caching experience when they succeed. I don't begrudge them anything.


Happy caching;




I've done the "geohogger" thing a few times myself. Not so much by perusing yet to be approved caches, but by lucking out when planning other hunts. Having been doing this for close to 18 months now, and only having ~80 finds, it's clear I'm not as avid as many (I prefer the causal approach). This has it's benefits, as there is never a shortage of new caches to hunt without having to drive all day to reach them.


I think it's a healthy form of competition in which just about anyone can participate, providing they have the free time.




Hi, my name is Nat, and I'm a Geocacher and somewhat of a geohog. I reach a lot of caches first because I live in an area where people vacation and leave quite a few caches during their trips. There are over 30 of them in Anza-Borrego Desert State Park and I live almot in the middle of the park. It's easy for me to find them after the caches are hidden. The Summers are even easier because very few people hike here when the temperature is above 90 degrees. I use those months to catch up to the caches I couldn't get to earlier. But I don't mind being in the main group of finders. It's fun just to find the cache and survive the challenge.


soooooooieeeee! I must be one of them. I have 13 first finds. My first hunt last year was a virgin. Just so happens it was placed a couple days before I read about Geocaching in the paper. Some, others could not find. One still has only one visit. (4mi from shore) Am I a hog? Maybe. Do other cachers like finding my Tibetian prayer flags in the cache when their the second finder? I think so, it's usually taken by that person. Oink,oink,oink,oink.....


Originally posted by MattandLaura:

how bout this for a name of those cachers who absolutely have to be first to the cache. You know, the midnight runners, the ones who check caches before they are approved, etc. Anybody with any of these?


And you bring this up because...?


It sounds to me that your more upset about not being able to log caches first because others manage to beat you to the cache. Lots of people want to be the first to log a cache, precisely because there can only be one person that is first, but to attach a derogatory sounding label to someone who is a little more eager about being first? I don't think that is necessary. When I retire in about 500 years, I will use my free time to finally get my "first finds" in, and the more the better. (Gotta make up for the frustration of just missing being first for so long icon_biggrin.gif ).



Originally posted by MattandLaura:

how bout this for a name of those cachers who absolutely have to be first to the cache. You know, the midnight runners, the ones who check caches before they are approved, etc. Anybody with any of these?


And you bring this up because...?


It sounds to me that your more upset about not being able to log caches first because others manage to beat you to the cache. Lots of people want to be the first to log a cache, precisely because there can only be one person that is first, but to attach a derogatory sounding label to someone who is a little more eager about being first? I don't think that is necessary. When I retire in about 500 years, I will use my free time to finally get my "first finds" in, and the more the better. (Gotta make up for the frustration of just missing being first for so long icon_biggrin.gif ).



A few weeks ago my wife had the whole week off and I was working evenings. Since I didn't have to watch junior I could take off in the morning before sunrise and be the first to find it. As luck would have it the local geohog (you know who you are) was on vacation and new caches were popping up almost daily. I got 4 first finds that week. It was great.


Originally posted by Moun10Bike:

Originally posted by 3fros:


As luck would have it the local geohog (you know who you are) was on vacation


You mean Hazard? icon_biggrin.gif




Uh, yeah...sure...Hazard...who's Hazard. icon_biggrin.gif


My wife says that the real test is if I can get a first find once that geocacher gets back from Mexico. Too bad I been too busy at home lately because there's one in Kingston just waiting for someone to find it first


Originally posted by Moun10Bike:

Originally posted by 3fros:


As luck would have it the local geohog (you know who you are) was on vacation


You mean Hazard? icon_biggrin.gif




Uh, yeah...sure...Hazard...who's Hazard. icon_biggrin.gif


My wife says that the real test is if I can get a first find once that geocacher gets back from Mexico. Too bad I been too busy at home lately because there's one in Kingston just waiting for someone to find it first


I have to admit to being a geohog of another sort.

Has anybody else taken a number of potentially good individual cache sites and linked them all together into one big multi-cache? I've done this twice. The first one made sense because it was theme based but the other one didn't. I finally realized doing this decreased the number of overall caches in an area by closing off locations for others to hide caches in. icon_frown.gif


I have to admit to being a geohog of another sort.

Has anybody else taken a number of potentially good individual cache sites and linked them all together into one big multi-cache? I've done this twice. The first one made sense because it was theme based but the other one didn't. I finally realized doing this decreased the number of overall caches in an area by closing off locations for others to hide caches in. icon_frown.gif


There are a handful of cachers in my area. I've only been doing it a month and a half but in that time I've watched about 3-4 more pop up in the area. There are 3 of us who are bike riding buddies and we are competative. If one of us places a cache the other two race to it.


About two weeks ago I went for one of those caches. As I pulled up in my truck toward the trail head who was to appear? My buddy laughing and telling me I was about 20 minutes too late.;) That's ok. I'll get him next time.




There are a handful of cachers in my area. I've only been doing it a month and a half but in that time I've watched about 3-4 more pop up in the area. There are 3 of us who are bike riding buddies and we are competative. If one of us places a cache the other two race to it.


About two weeks ago I went for one of those caches. As I pulled up in my truck toward the trail head who was to appear? My buddy laughing and telling me I was about 20 minutes too late.icon_mad.gif That's ok. I'll get him next time.




Find a cache listed as NEW then look at the url and increment that number until you start seeing caches that are marked as unapproved.

Then no matter what time it is hop into your vehicle and find the cache. Being first is quite the rush.... If I didn't live so close to Amaranth & Paul I might experience that rush more often.


Mark Robb


Originally posted by Trango:

Originally posted by MattandLaura:

how bout this for a name of those cachers who absolutely have to be first to the cache. You know, the midnight runners, the ones who check caches before they are approved, etc. Anybody with any of these?


And you bring this up because...?


It sounds to me that your more upset about not being able to log caches first because others manage to beat you to the cache. Lots of people want to be the first to log a cache, precisely because there can only be one person that is first, but to attach a derogatory sounding label to someone who is a little more eager about being first? I don't think that is necessary. When I retire in about 500 years, I will use my free time to finally get my "first finds" in, and the more the better. (Gotta make up for the frustration of just missing being first for so long icon_biggrin.gif ).



Not at all...just trying to ask a question that's all. I have been first many times. I have seen logs critizing others/myself because they are happy they are first so I thought I'd get an opinion from others before I try to be first




Originally posted by Trango:

Originally posted by MattandLaura:

how bout this for a name of those cachers who absolutely have to be first to the cache. You know, the midnight runners, the ones who check caches before they are approved, etc. Anybody with any of these?


And you bring this up because...?


It sounds to me that your more upset about not being able to log caches first because others manage to beat you to the cache. Lots of people want to be the first to log a cache, precisely because there can only be one person that is first, but to attach a derogatory sounding label to someone who is a little more eager about being first? I don't think that is necessary. When I retire in about 500 years, I will use my free time to finally get my "first finds" in, and the more the better. (Gotta make up for the frustration of just missing being first for so long icon_biggrin.gif ).



Not at all...just trying to ask a question that's all. I have been first many times. I have seen logs critizing others/myself because they are happy they are first so I thought I'd get an opinion from others before I try to be first




Originally posted by laraley:


So how does one check the unapproved queue?


Just curious.


Well, let's take take the last cache approved for example. The url is http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.asp?ID=16499 As you can see, the last digits of the url are known as the cache ID#. Every single cache is assigned a number chronologically. So we know that the next cache will be 16500. So just replace the 16499 for 16500 in the address line of your browser and hit enter and voila...the next cache in line to be approved (or denied) by Geocaching.com. (Hint: You'll have to be logged in to see a cache that hasn't been approved yet.) icon_smile.gif


Tyler Slack's Geocaching in Utah


Originally posted by laraley:


So how does one check the unapproved queue?


Just curious.


Well, let's take take the last cache approved for example. The url is http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.asp?ID=16499 As you can see, the last digits of the url are known as the cache ID#. Every single cache is assigned a number chronologically. So we know that the next cache will be 16500. So just replace the 16499 for 16500 in the address line of your browser and hit enter and voila...the next cache in line to be approved (or denied) by Geocaching.com. (Hint: You'll have to be logged in to see a cache that hasn't been approved yet.) icon_smile.gif


Tyler Slack's Geocaching in Utah


I call them Geomaniacs! I try to be one too but there's always somebody who lives closer, wakes up earlier, and protective of their reputation as the FTF.

Its basically a race and we normal human beings are just being plain competitive. Boosts our ego too!


Have GPS, Will Travel.


Hmmm . . . I have over 60 "first finds." I have been second or third to find a cache considerably more times. Guess there's someone worse than me in the area. icon_wink.gif


Maybe I should start a thread and complain about the cache I was 27th to find. icon_wink.gif


Hmmm . . . I have over 60 "first finds." I have been second or third to find a cache considerably more times. Guess there's someone worse than me in the area. icon_wink.gif


Maybe I should start a thread and complain about the cache I was 27th to find. icon_wink.gif


Yup. I'm a geohog. I haven't found any yet by watching the unnaproved queue, but I have a handful of first finds. One cache last month popped up on my screen at about 10:00 p.m. only 6.75 miles from my house. I grabbed the print out, ran out the door, and headed west, only to realize 20 minutes later that it was on an island that had to be reached by an additional 45 minute drive.


Needless to say, I felt quite defeated at 12:15 a.m. when I was facing a chain link and razor wire fence and a sign which read "Park closes one hour after sunset." Doh!


Like cache-u-nuts and travel bugs, first finds are another way to play the game.


Can't say I keep track of first finds, but I'd guess 20 or 30 of my 121 finds were firsts. If a cache is within 30 or 40 driving miles, I will be there in a day or two.


Why? It's often more challenging. The coordinates could be off, there will be no tracks to follow from previous cachers, and it will be hidden as originally intended. You also get first choice from the goodies or perhaps a travel bug.


I don't see how anybody could reasonably be angry if I beat them to it. I'm a little disapointed if I'm not the first, but I don't hold a grudge. I get a little more than most because my days off from work are Monday and Tuesday. So I get the first chance for all of the caches placed on the weekends. icon_biggrin.gif




Can't say I keep track of first finds, but I'd guess 20 or 30 of my 121 finds were firsts. If a cache is within 30 or 40 driving miles, I will be there in a day or two.


Why? It's often more challenging. The coordinates could be off, there will be no tracks to follow from previous cachers, and it will be hidden as originally intended. You also get first choice from the goodies or perhaps a travel bug.


I don't see how anybody could reasonably be angry if I beat them to it. I'm a little disapointed if I'm not the first, but I don't hold a grudge. I get a little more than most because my days off from work are Monday and Tuesday. So I get the first chance for all of the caches placed on the weekends. icon_biggrin.gif




Originally posted by MattandLaura:

how bout this for a name of those cachers who absolutely have to be first to the cache. http://www.sanzones.com/geosigbuscard.jpg


Geohog sounds negative and I'd never use it to describe the cacher's in my area that search for a cache on the first day its listed. I'd prefer a word with no stigma attached. After all, If you'd like to meet other geocachers while caching the best way is to hunt it on the first day its approved.


Call them Geomeeters?


--- yrium ---


P.S. As a hider, I'm very pleased when a cache I've hidden gets hit the day after I've placed it.


There's one cacher in this area who placed a cache with a friend. While hiding it, the friend asked,"do you think people will come way out here to find this?" His reply was, "Of course, in fact, the first one will probably be Clay." After I found it, he emailed to thank me for not letting him down. hehe


I have to admit it chaps my hide when somebody gets to a new cache I have in my sights before me. Oh, well. Until we get some kind of special credit for being a first-finder it really doesn't matter.




Originally posted by tslack2000:

I like to check the "cache queue" although I've never been able to actually hunt for a cache that hasn't been approved yet.


Cache queue?? I don't see this as an option in any of the areas I've been to. Where do you find this on the web site?



Opus P

Crathvaf Ehyr


Visit my Buddhist Reading Room.


Originally posted by BassoonPilot:

Hmmm . . . I have over 60 "first finds." I have been second or third to find a cache considerably more times. Guess there's someone worse than me in the area. icon_wink.gif




Illegitimus non carborundum!


Originally posted by BassoonPilot:

Hmmm . . . I have over 60 "first finds." I have been second or third to find a cache considerably more times. Guess there's someone worse than me in the area. icon_wink.gif




Illegitimus non carborundum!


Jeep, JEEP! If a Jeep was the prize for the first finder (which we seem to have frist finder prizes in most caches) I'll be the first to BAG

it. Sorry Goss, but you'll just have to settle for second. Or should I just call you Number Two?


"My gps say's it RIGHT HERE".


1240 plus miles and only 8 caches?


Originally posted by Steak N Eggs:

Jeep, JEEP! If a Jeep was the prize for the first finder (which we seem to have frist finder prizes in most caches) I'll be the first to BAG



Sorry, I'm not giving up my Jeep for a prize icon_rolleyes.gif


Originally posted by Steak N Eggs:

Jeep, JEEP! If a Jeep was the prize for the first finder (which we seem to have frist finder prizes in most caches) I'll be the first to BAG



Sorry, I'm not giving up my Jeep for a prize icon_rolleyes.gif


.... As you can see, the last digits of the url are known as the cache ID#. Every single cache is assigned a number chronologically ....


This makes perfect sense, but if I understand correctly, I check the next number:

"Oh, it's in NJ" the one after it, "It's in Canada", the next one, you get the idea.


I thought I spent too much time logged into the site icon_razz.gif


.... As you can see, the last digits of the url are known as the cache ID#. Every single cache is assigned a number chronologically ....


This makes perfect sense, but if I understand correctly, I check the next number:

"Oh, it's in NJ" the one after it, "It's in Canada", the next one, you get the idea.


I thought I spent too much time logged into the site icon_razz.gif


I don't care about a person being a "geohog" in that they are the 1st to visit, what irritates me are those folks who are BugHogs. You know, those folks who have to snatch any new Bug in their area! icon_mad.gif


Mike (The DirtMan) Pellerin

aka Badger



I don't care about a person being a "geohog" in that they are the 1st to visit, what irritates me are those folks who are BugHogs. You know, those folks who have to snatch any new Bug in their area! icon_mad.gif


Mike (The DirtMan) Pellerin

aka Badger


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