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Geocaching Calendar


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I'd like to do a Geocaching calendar for next year. All the proceeds of the calendar will go to a charity, so I need your help in two areas.


1. I need people to submit photos for the calendar. The best ones we'll bring up for a vote. Each will need to be near or at a cache location, and we'll mark both the waypoint name and the coordinates on the calendar. The best idea would be to get a photo for certain months that were taken in that month.


Photos need to be of a high enough quality to work well in a standard calendar. I'm assuming 3 megapixels or higher would work. Else we could do more than one photo for each month.


2. We need to choose a charity that relates well with geocaching. If anyone knows of a good charity, let me know. I would suggest the Washington National Park fund, but since it is specific to the Pacific Northwest, I would prefer finding a more nationwide (or international) organization.


frog.gif Jeremy Irish

Groundspeak - The Language of Location


How about the National Park Service? OK, that was a joke, but maybe the Sierra Club?


I like the idea of the calendar.




I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken.


OMG the real reason for the nude geocacher finally comes out. Can we pay to NOT receive a copy of it? icon_biggrin.gif

But seriously folks, I think it is a wonderful idea. My family has had a calendar for 9 years now. It is the only way to keep up with who's where, growing up, and dying off. My cousin said once they loaded the date data into the software they use, it was real easy.We have a different pic theme each year, after we ran throught the different generations starting with my grandparents.

The charity should be nationwide; I like the Sierra Club too, or maybe the Nature Conservancy.

PS Since my birthday and the First Cache are on the same date I should get lots of cards next year. icon_biggrin.gif


These changes in latitudes, changes in attitudes;

Nothing remains quite the same.

Through all of the islands and all of the highlands,

If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane


This is an interesting idea. Where do we submit the photo's? Would people in the photo's be accepted or just the areas surrouding a cache?


As to a charity--

St. Jude's children hospital might be a good choice. The Sierra Club might be a little to *green* to be accepted by all...just a tad better than the NPS to some. Everyone wants to help sick children.


When you let us know about the photo's, we will submit a couple...

Thank you for this chance.

Shirley of 2oldfarts.



Everybody is entitled to my opinion - the ornery oldfart


As far as the proceeds, what about the UNESCO World Heritage foundation?




==============="If it feels good...do it"================


**(the other 9 out of 10 voices in my head say: "Don't do it.")**




Excellent idea.


Team Og has been looking for a new environmental charity after learning that the Nature Conservancy has gotten too cozy with developers, oil companies, and the like. We've decided that they get enough money from these people that they don't need ours.


Sierra Club seems too politically charged. They're into a whole bunch of stuff that isn't conservation.


How about American Trails?



- Team Og Rof A Klaw

All who wander are not lost.


I think the National Park Service was a great idea. You know, a little of the ole' turn-the-other-cheek. A little bit of ironic good will from Geocaching.com. Tells them we won't sink down to their level. Geocaching.com is the better person.


Maybe I'm just rambling.


Either way, great idea. I don't have a digital camera yet to submit any pictures... but I'll vote!




What does anybody want? I want the Red Sox to win the World Series. - Bill Pullman as Alan Safian in Malice, in response to being asked "What do you want?"


People would be great! Scenery would be great too, especially if posted at the actual cache location.


The Washington National Park fund is a fund for the National Park Service, so yeah, I think it would be fun to donate it to the very organization that outright dismissed the activity.


This one was taken by Moun10bike at Light House Point in September, 2001. I also took a picture that day, but his is better.


frog.gif Jeremy Irish

Groundspeak - The Language of Location


American Trails would be good, How about raising money for local National Fish and Wildlife service areas?


Sounds strange, but it would demonstrate to the Dept of Interior that we are nice normal people that will help out. Maybe that would get the higher ups to either open up geocaching in the FWS lands (beyond VC's) or even get a Nat. Park opened up...




"Half this game is ninety percent mental." Danny Ozark


The Washington National Park fund is a fund for the National Park Service, so yeah, I think it would be fun to donate it to the very organization that outright dismissed the activity.
Only with a lot of press coverage. icon_biggrin.gif



- Team Og Rof A Klaw

All who wander are not lost.


Our local group (Michigan Geocaching Organization) is hosting an event in October. I think it would be cool to have a huge group pic with our banner in the background or foreground to submit. I think it would be cool to see other group pics submitted also.




Caching without a clue....


Here is another photo from Light House Point:


The other side of Jeremy, Sept. 30, 2001.




==============="If it feels good...do it"================


**(the other 9 out of 10 voices in my head say: "Don't do it.")**




Originally posted by sept1c_tank:


_The other side of Jeremy, Sept. 30, 2001._



Umm.. I think you meant to post this in your weird Jeremy worshipping topic.


frog.gif Jeremy Irish

Groundspeak - The Language of Location


Originally posted by skydiver:

Neat idea. Here's my vote for the charity...





They claim that there is 1) global warming and 2) humans are causing it. Can these both be proved? No. That makes them dangerous, IMO. Therefore, they sound like zealots (dime a dozen in the environmentalist crowd.)


I naturally have an aversion to those who want to FORCE others to live the way THEY want to impose on us.


If you want to save the land, etc.....BUY the land. There is at least one org that does this - at least I have some respect for them.


And isn't giving money to environmental freaks cutting our own throat? It is THEY who wish to prevent us from doing this very activity, is it not????


Feel free to recommend charities, but don't debate about them. I'd rather if people discussed or revealed photos that may be of good use in the calendar.


frog.gif Jeremy Irish

Groundspeak - The Language of Location


I know Jeremy said we shouldn't sit around and debate charities, but I think no matter who the money goes to, it should help better the sport of geocaching, for one the National Park Service wouldn't mind getting a few hundred/thousand dollars from smuchks like us, but they wouldn't care about anything else, if you want them to start allowing geocaches, talk to your congressman. But like I said, the NPS could put our money to good use, but they couldn't really give us any recognition, or even the right to place caches. Plus, they get money from park admissions and stuff, maybe the National FOREST service....


But here's my best idea yet, how bout the National Association for Search and Rescue (NASAR - www.nasar.org)


Extra batteries for GPS, don't leave home without 'em.


Each will need to be near or at a cache location


I think it would be a good idea to have pictures that you can see how it relates to geocaching. I like scenery pics but if you have a pic of nice scenery and nothing else at a cache location then I feel that could be on any calendar. I think its important to see how the scenery ties into geocaching.




Caching without a clue....


I'd vote for an international charity (UNESCO World Heritage foundation sounds really good), but having read about the background of the National Park Service case, it sure seems cool idea - with lots of publicity, of course.icon_biggrin.gif


- I just got lost in thought. It was unfamiliar territory. -


Originally posted by K-9CacheSeekers:

.... Plus, they get money from park admissions and stuff, maybe the National FOREST service....





Yes, and I am glad to now truly understand the difference between the two.


As for scenes, you can't beat a covered bridge! And there is a covered bridge locationless cache.


Maybe a pic of a typical old rotting log with a freshly uncovered ammo box open with some prizes laying on the log along with the GPSr.


Maybe a portrayal of a night cache with the florescent tags pointing the way. It would be cool, but maybe hard to get the light right. You wouldn't want it totally dark - more like a dusk kind of view.


I think it would be a good idea to have pictures that you can see how it relates to geocaching. I like scenery pics but if you have a pic of nice scenery and nothing else at a cache location then I feel that could be on any calendar. I think its important to see how the scenery ties into geocaching.


I agree completely. Scenery pics can be found on any calendar, each picture should reflect something of the sport. A cache site, a finder and the cache, team photo, a cacher on their way to the cache, pictures of events...ect.





A day without sunshine is like.....NIGHT!


Originally posted by scoobie10:

I think it would be a good idea to have pictures that you can see how it relates to geocaching. I like scenery pics but if you have a pic of nice scenery and nothing else at a cache location then I feel that could be on any calendar. I think its important to see how the scenery ties into geocaching.


I agree completely. Scenery pics can be found on any calendar, each picture should reflect something of the sport. A cache site, a finder and the cache, team photo, a cacher on their way to the cache, pictures of events...ect.





A day without sunshine is like.....NIGHT!


But to prevent any jealousies developing, the cacher portrayed should have a bag over their head to hide their identity. icon_wink.gif


I agree completely. Scenery pics can be found on any calendar, each picture should reflect something of the sport. A cache site, a finder and the cache, team photo, a cacher on their way to the cache, pictures of events...ect.

In fact each picture in the calendar must have the cacher, cache, and a GPS'r in it. Kinda like a locationless only better?!? icon_rolleyes.gif


These changes in latitudes, changes in attitudes;

Nothing remains quite the same.

Through all of the islands and all of the highlands,

If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane


Originally posted by SamLowrey:

Would a high res pic of a GPS satelite be of interest?


Something like this - gpsiif.jpg with higher resolution?


[This message was edited by SamLowrey on September 15, 2003 at 02:16 PM.]

I like that. That might be nice to have on the cover.




I came...I saw...I geocached.



Come on, guys... We should give all the proceeds to the US Army, that way they will have money to buy new ammo boxes, and then they will have to get rid of all their old ammo boxes, which of course we all know make great cache containers...


See, we give them what they want, and we get what we want in return. icon_biggrin.gif


Of course I'm kidding, but I think the calendar idea is great. I do agree with others, though. I think the picture should have a good view, the cacher holding their GPSr, and the cache in the picture.




Hard work pays off in the future, laziness pays off now.


Here is a picture I took while geocaching in the Tygart Valley in West Virginia, I don't know whether it's calendar worthy or not:



Check out My Geosnapper.com page to see my other geocaching pics.


"There are two different kinds of people in this world: those who finish what they start, and" - Brad Ramsey


Some others:



Delta II Launches Navstar



GPS IIa in assembly (not a very good pic due to having the shroud piece in the foreground)


I tried to find a pic of a Navstar Master Control Station, but no luck.



- Team Og Rof A Klaw

All who wander are not lost.


I don't have a specific charity in mind but, since Geocaching is an international game, might I suggest one that is international in nature rather than specific to the US? There are a lot of geocachers outside the USA (such as myself) who may not be inclined to donate to a charity that benefits Americans only.





I have a feeling that the pics will get out of control and that it may be hard to narrow it down to 12. Having a bunch of small pics on each month would be a solution along with having a book type section where the qualified overflow could reside.




Caching without a clue....


Well, it'd be possible to set up 11 categories and vote on favorites in each category, plus a best photo in all categories. For example:


Jan: Regular-size cache containers

Feb: Technology (Navstar, GPS, GPSr, ...)

Mar: Forests

Apr: Seashores

May: Mountains

Jun: Extreme approaches (rapelling, whitewater, scuba...)

Jul: Micros

Aug: Travel Bugs

Sep: Extreme terrain (polar areas, caves, deserts ...)

Oct: Wierd places

Nov: Kids and caching

Dec: Best Photo, All Categories


Or something like that...



- Team Og Rof A Klaw

All who wander are not lost.


[This message was edited by Team Og Rof A Klaw on September 15, 2003 at 03:09 PM.]


Sounds like a great idea but who is going to do your printing? Has anyone approached a printer to find out his/her requirements of a photo for reproduction?

Some photos look great on screen but don’t reproduce very well in printing.

Brightness range, colour and sharpness of the photo are what will determine a good reproduction.

If people are going to be in the photos you might want to look at model releases as well.

Is the calendar going to be just for America?


Originally posted by Gorak:

I don't have a specific charity in mind but, since Geocaching is an international game, might I suggest one that is international in nature rather than specific to the US? There are a lot of geocachers outside the USA (such as myself) who may not be inclined to donate to a charity that benefits Americans only.


I was thinking the same thing. I work for a great international charity (shameless plug) that is in nearly 250 countries. It is called the Ronald McDonald House The mission of the Ronald McDonald House is to provide a "home away from home" for patients and families being treated for serious life threating illnesses. With the mounting cost of medical bills many families cannot afford the "necessities" of hospital life (i.e. housing, food, ect.) I know at our Ronald McDonald House in Houston it is only $15 (and that doesn't cover the light bill!) a night compared to $150 a night at the Crown Plaza across the street. (And we just opened another house in Houston that is free to stay.)Contrary to popular belief, less than 1 % of our annual budget comes from the McDonald Corporation so we have to raise the rest of our funds by ourselves. There is a House in every major city in the U.S, Europe, Australia, Canada, South America, and many more are opening soon!





[This message was edited by Houston Muggles on September 15, 2003 at 03:37 PM.]


Maybe I missed it. Where do we submit the pictures?



Cache me out dammit, I'm in a hurry!


I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it.

-Thomas Jefferson


I believe this is the brainstorming stage, also the stage to see if anyone would have interest. I'm sure as this thread grows the process will progress.




Caching without a clue....

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