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Milestone Cache

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Wow, I just had my 99th find! Took me long enough. Anyway, I was wondering if any of you did anything special for your milestone finds (50th, 100th, 1000th whatever) or if they just came and went like all the rest. I was thinking Revenge on the King

would be appropriate. . . [p]What do you think?


King Pellinore


I'd say Revenge would be a good choice. A lot of people seem to save a particularly good hunt for their milestone caches and since this one was planted for you, what better way to celebrate #100.


"You can't make a man by standing a sheep on its hind legs, but by standing a flock of sheep in that position, you can make a crowd of men" -Max Beerbohm


I'll hit 40, 41, 42, and 43 tomorrow when I let Ttepee lead me up and over Breakneck Pass. Quite looking forward to it. I think that hill will be my milestone.


Cache you later,




I feel much more like I do now than when I first got here.


I'm not good at posting a link...but do a search for zip code 27357 and look at Centennial Celebration and Hell is just ahead.


El Diablo


Everything you do in life...will impact someone,for better or for worse.


Originally posted by King Pellinore:

Wow, I just had my 99th find! Took me long enough. Anyway, I was wondering if any of you did anything special for your milestone finds (50th, 100th, 1000th whatever) or if they just came and went like all the rest. I was thinking http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?ID=12557

would be appropriate. . . [p]What do you think?


King Pellinore


hail, good king! I happen to think Revenge would be a GREAT cache for #100, but I might be a wee bit biased here.............


Tae-Kwon-Leap is not a path to a door, but a road leading forever towards the horizon.


Originally posted by King Pellinore:

Wow, I just had my 99th find! Took me long enough. Anyway, I was wondering if any of you did anything special for your milestone finds (50th, 100th, 1000th whatever) or if they just came and went like all the rest. I was thinking "Revenge on the King" would be appropriate. . . What do you think?


King Pellinore


Yes, that's a fun one, KP ... or you could try Mary621's "NightVision," which is infrequently visited. (But a lot of fun.)


I celebrate each milestone with a frosty cream soda when I return home. icon_smile.gif


We met Ttepee today for finds (for me anyway) #40, 41, & 42. It was going to get dark so we saved the two on Breakneck Ridge for another day. The Moutain was definitely a milestone for me to climb! I'm pooped but feel great, except for all those new muscles I'm discovering. Ow, ow. ouch.


Cache you later,




I feel much more like I do now than when I first got here.


Originally posted by King Pellinore:

Wow, I just had my 99th find! Took me long enough. Anyway, I was wondering if any of you did anything special for your milestone finds (50th, 100th, 1000th whatever) or if they just came and went like all the rest. I was thinking http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?ID=12557

would be appropriate. . . [p]What do you think?


King Pellinore


Did you decide on one yet??????


Tae-Kwon-Leap is not a path to a door, but a road leading forever towards the horizon.


some great ideas. wow, over 1000 finds! i'll probably be 80 years old before that happens! I'm pretty sure it will be Revenge, after all how could it not? But I don't want to make any empirical statements incase my situation changes


King Pellinore


I usually reserve my centennial caches for a cache which needs special distinction or effort.

My 100th was at ''It takes a Village'' over in Arkansas.

My 200th was at a veteran war memorial cache off of I-24 on the Tenn/Ky border.

I haven't decided on where for my 300th yet, though it might be at the Southpaw KiloCacher Celebration.


This upcoming weekend I'm hiking with the scouts in Vicksburg MS, and am looking forward to hitting the dozen or so in the immediate area.


Wow, I just had my 99th find! Took me long enough. Anyway, I was wondering if any of you did anything special for your milestone finds (50th, 100th, 1000th whatever)


We've been caching about as long as you and value our anniversary caches very much. We originally planned to complete Markwell's Hard as Pi as #75 but were so into it that we made it #50. Then knowing that #100 was coming as well as a solo trip to Pacific Grove, California, we scrambled to complete our milestone before my departure. When possible, I cache with my young sons and really didn't want to do #100 without them. We chose Beverly, the oldest cache in Illinois. This picture has become part of our signature item that we started as we neared #100 (We used the picture from our first cache prior to the one from Beverly.)


Good luck with your centennial cache - looks like you've picked one to remember!




Originally posted by King Pellinore:


Wow, I just had my 99th find! Took me long enough. Anyway, I was wondering if any of you did anything special for your milestone finds

Congratulations on reaching #99! icon_cool.gif


This past weekend, I celebrated my one year caching anniversary with my hundredth cache find. icon_smile.gif I polled the Michigan Geocaching forum, and asked for advice on what caches would make good candidates as a fun and memorable way to celebrate my milestone. In the end, Bill & Gary's Excellent Adventure won out...and it turned into a regular caching party, with six of us teaming up, and celebrating with pizza afterward. All in all, it was a great time, and a memorable experience. icon_biggrin.gif



"I may be slow, but at least I'm sweet!" 196939_800.jpg


We celebrated #100 by making it a cache we previously couldn't find Rosedale Arch. That was supposed to be #101, but we couldn't find Can't buy a cup of Joe. We might get another crack at Joe in a week or so. icon_wink.gif


We for #200, we planned a trip to the Minneapolis/St. Paul Area. We also made sure #200 was in Iowa at Lime Creek. We celebrated this milestone with a GREAT steak dinner at Lindey's Steakhouse.


If everything works out, we should be able to celebrate #300 with another great Steak dinner.


We had been doing a lot of TNLNSL, but we left something at each milestone cache. We also still have the item we took from our first cache find.

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