+Darkmoon Posted January 8, 2003 Posted January 8, 2003 The other day as i was in a section of town that has mostly deserted, empty and been for sale for years warehouses, i thought of an ideal stealthy way of hiding a micro cache or something maybe bigger! There is a building that is all run down a block from the popular night life in my town so it is a little off the main strip and i thought about using liquid nails and a lightweight outdoor electrical plug box with a hinge cover and gluing it to the wall on the side or such, even using a piece of conduit pipe to make it look real! Open the hinge cover and there is the 35mm cannister or other cache! If i had permission would that be acceptable! The box can always be taken down and it is not harming the building, it is already torn up from kids and such. I know some well say that that is being just as irresponsable but again it is just an idea! That is what makes this country great , the ability to be allowed to think outside the box! Darkmoon No, I am not lost...I am where I am suppose to be...At least I think so? Quote
+Criminal Posted January 8, 2003 Posted January 8, 2003 Do it. Make it a real cache. Don't ask. I was also going to do something similar. I think it would be a great cache. I would think "WOW, cool cache!" if I were to find it. Quote
+Planet Posted January 8, 2003 Posted January 8, 2003 Oh that kind of can of worms. If the legal owner of the property gives you permission then it should be just fine, if not I would think thrice on it. Post on the cache page if there is a time when one should not enter the property. If there is any sort of danger or risk in that neighborhood, make note of it for the squeamish. Rate it accordingly. Cache you later, Planet "To err is human, to forgive....$5.00" Quote
+Jennifer&Dean Posted January 8, 2003 Posted January 8, 2003 With permission, it sounds great! We'd definitely try for it... It's a good idea and we may have to borrow it for a cache if it works out for you. -Jennifer Nothing is really work unless you would rather be doing something else. (JM Barrie) Quote
+The Leprechauns Posted January 8, 2003 Posted January 8, 2003 I've logged a geocache that uses that same devious idea. An extra little box was mounted on top of a lot of other electric/utility type grey boxes inside a lovely little park along the river. I won't identify the cache because it's cool & why give away its secret. I'm the only one who has found it! But there's a difference.... the cache I'm describing took me to an urban park in the next county, that I've driven past countless times, but never knew it was there. A great location. Putting issues of permission aside, ask yourself if you really want to lead geocachers to the location you described. What's there to see? If you're only doing it because it'd be a challenging hunt, that's fine, too, but warn people about the surrounding neighborhood if you decide to post this. I'd hunt for it by myself, but wouldn't hunt it on a day when my daughter was tagging along. Good luck! x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x If there's no accounting for stupidity, then why do I need to file a tax return? Quote
+Centaur Posted January 8, 2003 Posted January 8, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Darkmoon:... it is not harming the building, it is already torn up from kids and such. Darkmoon I dont see a problem if you have permission. However, do we really want to associate geocaching with a building "torn up" by kids? Im not trashing the idea, I am just pondering the situation. True, Urban caches have a different flavor then rural caches, I just dont envision a torn up building as being much fun. I could be wrong. YMMV Quote
+Darkmoon Posted January 8, 2003 Author Posted January 8, 2003 Yes the location is just off the main street where all the food, coffee and little clicky shops are along the canal....the property isnt off limits or fenced in, it is along the block on the backside...not a bad neighborhood just has been standing there forever so the windows on some walls have been broken and boarded up...i was going to place the box on the side by a parking lot! Nobody would have to go into the building and the only danger i see is finding something in all the paper and trash that has collected from the wind! I am going to try tonight and track the owner down and see what i can do! Darkmoon No, I am not lost...I am where I am suppose to be...At least I think so? Quote
+Planet Posted January 8, 2003 Posted January 8, 2003 As long as they don't cart away the whole house. As far as tracking the owner at night it is much easier if you go during the day to the City Hall assessor's office and pull up the field card of that address and get the name of the owner. or ask the city clerk to get it for you. There might also be an address there. It is public record and anyone can look it up. There may be a 50cent or $1 charge if you want a copy. City/Town halls differ in this respect. Cache you later, Planet "To err is human, to forgive....$5.00" Quote
+Prime Suspect Posted January 8, 2003 Posted January 8, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Darkmoon: If i had permission would that be acceptable! Don't count on getting it. An owner of a piece of run-down property would have to be out of his or her mind to give permission, just based on the implied legal liabilities. Quote
garrettmaster1 Posted January 8, 2003 Posted January 8, 2003 just make sure they open up the right box... ::makes sound:: zzzzzzzrzzz heh Quote
+embra Posted January 8, 2003 Posted January 8, 2003 Another thing to keep in mind would be the surrounding area...would searchers risk going on to private property nearby in their efforts to locate the cache? Or (from another perspective) would searchers *feel* that they might inadvertantly straying where they might not be welcome in their efforts to locate the cache? I don't know if it would apply to this place or not, but I've seen mention of cachers passing up on a cache placed in a private yard even though permission was secured to search in the yard. The weren't confident enough of *which* yard was the right yard. Don't get even - get odd Quote
+Breaktrack Posted January 9, 2003 Posted January 9, 2003 As a police officer I'd be real curious about why someone was hanging around behind any business in my district, if you know what I mean. Since I'm familiar with most of the owners of those in my area I'd be much more likely to jack up folks back there that didn't appear to have any business back there, no pun intended. It would be much less likely to raise my suspicions if it was in the middle of the day, but there are quite a few of us that like to hunt these things at night, and you definitely do not want to be back there in the middle of the night, sorry, just the way it is. Another consideration is the character of the neighborhood. If it is a run down area, regardless of degree, you are simply taking more of a chance of running into people and situations that you really don't want any part of. I can't tell you how many times I've had to respond to calls involving people that were in an area they have absolutely no business being in and got themselves caught up in some kind of hinky business. I love our little sport, and I am big on innovative and challenging caches, but let's be careful out there.....lol. "Trade up, trade even, or don't trade!!!" My philosophy of life. Quote
+Renegade Knight Posted January 9, 2003 Posted January 9, 2003 I will be doing something similar and yet different to put a cache in an area where rock climbers do their thing in great numbers. It occured to me the only way to keep a cache out of their reach is to locate it out of their sight (obivouse I know) and the only way to keep it out of their sight is to put it hanging from the roof of a micro cave where you can't see it from that angle. You can reach it, but you can't crawl down in there to get it and futz around. Wherever you go there you are. Quote
+Darkmoon Posted January 9, 2003 Author Posted January 9, 2003 I love this forum and all the answers that you wonderful cachers have...like i said it was something of an idea that came to me...I too hunt at night and i have been to some places that i didn't like going to in the day light yet alone would not try at all at night( and that was in some public parks here too)! I was hoping to use it for people travelling that stays with in walking distance of the cache in all the business motels that are around...there is no gang problem or such and it is well patrolled on foot and bike with a police station 3 blocks away!It is in the entertainment district that is downtown ! Again, not all caches are for everyone and i just wanted to see what people thought of my idea! Thank you all for your great input and remember to keep safe in your geocaching! Darkmoon No, I am not lost...I am where I am suppose to be...At least I think so? Quote
+Team GPSaxophone Posted January 9, 2003 Posted January 9, 2003 If you post it, try to use a period at the end of at least every other sentence. Quote
+Darkmoon Posted January 9, 2003 Author Posted January 9, 2003 Okay , i had a bad day today so i shouldn't let this bother me but what does it matter how i use my punctuation marks. i spilt coke along time ago on my keyboard and the period gets stuck, so i use alot of them or the exclamation marks to make up for them. If this was a joke then okay but if this is attempt to rile me up Wahooooo you got the prize. Okay i am off my soap box now! Darkmoon No, I am not lost...I am where I am suppose to be...At least I think so? Quote
+jeff35080 Posted January 9, 2003 Posted January 9, 2003 I would think "that's a pretty cool cache" and would even talk to you about it.... but it would have to be while you were in the back of my car while I took you to jail on a vandalism warrant, unless you had the property owner's permission. I tend to agree that a responsible property owner wouldn't give permission due to the fact that property in disrepair can be dangerous. I do think it's a pretty creative idea though... Cheers! Jeff http://www.StarsFellOnAlabama.com http://www.NotAChance.com Quote
+Darkmoon Posted January 9, 2003 Author Posted January 9, 2003 i have many friends who are police and with the sherriffs department and i dont want to be in the back of any squad car ! LOL...Oh well, i just wanted to pass along my idea, i will post if i ever get permission and get it up! Thanks guys and gals Darkmoon No, I am not lost...I am where I am suppose to be...At least I think so? Quote
+jeff35080 Posted January 9, 2003 Posted January 9, 2003 Good luck with it Darkmoon! Please note that I said I would only take you if I had a warrant and that could only happen if the property owner went to the difficulty of obtaining one I think it's a great idea and one that could be modified to work in some other situations... hmmmm... Jeff http://www.StarsFellOnAlabama.com http://www.NotAChance.com Quote
+Breaktrack Posted January 10, 2003 Posted January 10, 2003 With some modification, perhaps you could describe it on the cache page very carefully and advise those hunting for it to try and do it during dayling, I don't think it would be bad at all. The idea for the hide is excellent as to method and being devious...lol. If you don't mind, I may use your idea to make a cache like it, but in an area I think is safe for those that cache like I do, with children in tow. Thanks all. "Trade up, trade even, or don't trade!!!" My philosophy of life. Quote
+JacobBarlow Posted January 10, 2003 Posted January 10, 2003 this cache is like that....GC473C it's really fun. http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?ID=18236 Quote
Northern-Lights Posted January 10, 2003 Posted January 10, 2003 If there is a police station that close...or a fire station.......maybe you could get permission to put it on those buildings!! Talk about security...all you need to do is convince the police your NOT crazy.....then the city manager...then your set.....lol....on second thought....maybe a public park would be better. Quote
+Jerry_cds.com Posted January 11, 2003 Posted January 11, 2003 I'd be pretty disappointed if the cache turned out to be some ugly old building in a bad neighborhood. To me half of caching is finding great new places to enjoy. Marking the bad parts of the world with a cache doesn't flip my trigger at all and walking around in a place were I'm not welcome sounds dangerous and unwise. As a commercial building owner myself I wouldn't want someone inviting people to poke around the electrical boxes on my building either. I totally fail to see the attraction of sending someone to such a poor cache location. Quote
+georgeandmary Posted January 11, 2003 Posted January 11, 2003 The cachers in my area would really get into a cache like that. But it'd have to be really well done and in a spot that wouldn't have you poking in real electral boxes. The key would be in making the items look like they've been there a long time. Weathered and dirty. A good hunt is always fun. george Pedal until your legs cramp up and then pedal some more. Quote
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