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Cache Logs?

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Logs when you FIND a cache should show up instantly. After you submit your log, you'll be taken to a page that lets you read it, with a link back to the cache page. If you don't see that, something went wrong (like taking more than the 45 minute limit to compose it).


When you HIDE a cache, the cache page needs to be reviewed. Depending on the day, and whether issues are presented by the cache, approval can happen in just a few hours, up to a day or two. You get an e-mail notice that confirms your cache submission was received. If you don't see that confirmation, something went wrong (again, there's a 45 minute rule).



I was formerly employed by the Department of Redundancy Department, but I don't work there anymore.

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Originally posted by The Foster Clan:

It was a find and it was a long post too! Maybe I took to long to type it all out... dadgum...



Jon, welcome to geocaching! Keep up those long posts! I hate reading those silly one line "found it! took something, left something. Thanks!" posts.

I find it easier to compose my logs in a test editor first, then just cut and paste it into the website. This way you can spell check it and everything with out adding all those "last edited on" msgs at the bottom.


Tae-Kwon-Leap is not a path to a door, but a road leading forever towards the horizon.

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Originally posted by Ozarktroutbum:

I've gotten in the habit of copying to the clipboard before I hit submit. The back button will take you back to a blank form...


When GPSr's are outlawed, only Outlaws will have GPSr's.


I tend to do this also. But I also use Word a lot. My spelling is ok, but my typo's are killer.


Wherever you go there you are.

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Mopar wrote:


I find it easier to compose my logs in a test editor first, then just cut and paste it into the website. This way you can spell check it and everything with out adding all those "last edited on" msgs at the bottom.


Yes, I do it that way too. I like writing long logs, and I like them to be *exactly* as I want them. So I spend ages on them, then go back and re-read them before posting them.




Edit: I've just noticed Mopar's typo in the quote. Perhaps we should use text editors for the forums too! icon_biggrin.gif

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