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One of my caches was removed by the police....


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Yes, I was interviewed by the reporter yesterday. He seems real positive on geocaching and I am eagerly awaiting the article this weekend. I plan to find this new cache tomorrow.


The article will appear in Monday's Daily Breeze.


Pezcachers got FTF



When everything is coming your way, you're in the wrong lane.


My wife was absolutely mortified upon seeing the story on the front page of the paper this morning.


I think I'm in the doghouse now.... hehe..



When everything is coming your way, you're in the wrong lane.


Wow, great article. I'll bet a whole bunch of new cachers are spawned from that one. They did a good job describing the the essence of caching. If I'd never heard of it before, I'd be saving for a GPS'r right now.


[This message was edited by Bloencustoms on March 32, 1999 at 25:60 PM]


Well - go to the first 2 pages on this thread to see the pictures (or the cache) "Jail House"


Also, my only real complaint about the article was the opening sentence. I've had several people tell me that I should demand a retraction/appology because the reporter makes it sound like I was the one involved in the sordid business up there. My wife wants to sue for def. of character..... <sigh> At this point, I just am tired... so tired..... icon_smile.gif



When everything is coming your way, you're in the wrong lane.


Originally posted by Vacman:

Also, my only real complaint about the article was the opening sentence. I've had several people tell me that I should demand a retraction/appology because the reporter makes it sound like I was the one involved in the sordid business up there. My wife wants to sue for def. of character..... <sigh> At this point, I just am tired... so tired..... icon_smile.gif


Really? I disagree. IMHO, the reporter was just trying to grab the reader's attention and never claimed that you did any wrongdoing. And the fact of the matter is that you WERE swept up in a lurid scheme involving sex, drugs, and crime. I'll admit he took a little liberty in adding the sex part, but the headline sentence of any article has to be enticing.


Besides, do you honestly think that anyone read that article and made the assumption that you did something wrong? I just think the reporter was doing what he does best, sell newspapers. No harm done.




This has been great to follow the "Life of a Cache".


Can we have more?!?!?!?!?!


The article was written well and being a hometown newspaper, what do you expect. No slam on local newspapers, but hindsight is 20/20.


A big thank you for keeping us updated on the drama of the cache.


See the happy moron

He doesn't give a da**

I wish I were a moron

My God, perhaps I am

Author Unknown


Just an update - the newly placed cache was stolen by thieves over this last weekend. Oh well, looks like the hill there isn't such a good place to hide stuff. I will re-release the cache in a different location but with data needed from the hill here.



When everything is coming your way, you're in the wrong lane.


Originally posted by Vacman:

Just an update - the newly placed cache was stolen by thieves over this last weekend. Oh well, looks like the hill there isn't such a good place to hide stuff. I will re-release the cache in a different location but with data needed from the hill here.


And of course I just placed a travel bug in the cache. Well, at least I get the distinction of being the last one to see the Jailhouse Cache before its untimely disappearance. For some reason, however, I don't think we've seen the last of this cache. It's defied the odds twice already! icon_smile.gif



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