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One of my caches was removed by the police....


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Originally posted by Jomarac5:

_For sure Vacman, get them developed!_

Renegade Knight wrote:

I'd get them developed.

Send that roll of film over to RK and let HIM take it into Walmart for developing. icon_smile.gif


Did you see the movie 'One Hour Photo' -- who knows, if you don't get called to the police station again, you just might make a new friend. icon_biggrin.gif


I think I'd give that roll a toss into a CITO bag.




Just dont' forget to include the tip for the hassle.


I've decided to take a chance aand get the photos developed. I will let everyone know.



Black holes are where God divided by zero.


"This brings up another issue..... do I get the film developed? He indicated that he took pictures of his....genitals..... If I develop these pics - well.. you see the quandry I'm in... "


With the LOG, his Arrest on record and the PICS, you can charge him with sexual assault. The PICS are already logged as evidence, and the PVPD may want them for their "scrapbook" on this guy.


Just a warning: just as the car driver is responsible for what others bring into his car, they can make a case that the pot installed in thatT CACHE WAS yours BY POSSESSION. This isn't the first incident recorded in these discussiions where pot was found in someone's cache


Just a thought, take the LOG and camera back to the PVPD, and LET THEM develop it, that maintains the "chain of Custody".




Trash-out, EVERYtime




Geo-cach-er, n. generally a highy technically competent person with lots of free time. (see also- Unemployed Computer administrator, aircraft tchnician- defense worker- dot-com executive- systems administrator, et.al)


Ok folks - just when you thought this story couldn't get any better..... Here we go with part #3 of the jailed cache.... I got the film developed and tru to his word the guy actually did take pictures of his genitals. While I can't show you those pictures, I can tell you that he is a white, circumcised male.


Here is the funny part :



Notice the cache sitting on the floor of the jail cell!



Black holes are where God divided by zero.


Originally posted by Vacman:

Ok folks - just when you thought this story couldn't get any better..... Here we go with part #3 of the jailed cache.... I got the film developed and tru to his word the guy actually did take pictures of his genitals. While I can't show you those pictures, I can tell you that he is a white, circumcised male.


Here is the funny part :



Notice the cache sitting on the floor of the jail cell!



You must rename the cache "Big House," and when you re-hide it you must put a metal file and a bail bond coupon in it. That way when the cops find it again, it can either post bail or break out of jail.




Originally posted by Vacman:

Ok folks - just when you thought this story couldn't get any better..... Here we go with part #3 of the jailed cache.... I got the film developed and tru to his word the guy actually did take pictures of his genitals. While I can't show you those pictures, I can tell you that he is a white, circumcised male.


Here is the funny part :



Notice the cache sitting on the floor of the jail cell!



Black holes are where God divided by zero.


This story just keeps getting better and better Vacman. What I don't understand is why the box is in the jail cell. Wasn't it evidence? Furthermore, why is the box in there all by itself? Who took the picture?


I think the further we go with this, the more unanswered questions we will have. Strange yet intriguing. Just when I think this story can't get any better, it does.




Originally posted by CoronaKid:

Originally posted by Vacman:

Ok folks - just when you thought this story couldn't get any better..... Here we go with part #3 of the jailed cache.... I got the film developed and tru to his word the guy actually did take pictures of his genitals. While I can't show you those pictures, I can tell you that he is a white, circumcised male.


Here is the funny part :



Notice the cache sitting on the floor of the jail cell!



Black holes are where God divided by zero.


This story just keeps getting better and better Vacman. What I don't understand is why the box is in the jail cell. Wasn't it evidence? Furthermore, why is the box in there all by itself? Who took the picture?


I think the further we go with this, the more unanswered questions we will have. Strange yet intriguing. Just when I think this story can't get any better, it does.




Hmmmm, you're telling me you don't know cops have a sense of humor, too??? An officer put the cache in the jail cell and used the camera from the cache to take the picture of the "incarcerated" cache. That is the new name I suggest for the cache when it's rehidden. The Incarcerated Cache. A pair of handcuffs or legirons on it somehow would have made it even better, or an improvised striped outfit...lol. Funny how I haven't seen much retraction of the "those terrible police officers and their facist tactics" talk since we've now learned they pretty much did the right thing by this cache and the circumstances, but then again, I didn't expect to....LOL.



"Trade up, trade even, or don't trade!!!" My philosophy of life.



Hmmmm, you're telling me you don't know cops have a sense of humor, too??? An officer put the cache in the jail cell and used the camera from the cache to take the picture of the "incarcerated" cache. That is the new name I suggest for the cache when it's rehidden. The Incarcerated Cache. A pair of handcuffs or legirons on it somehow would have made it even better, or an improvised striped outfit...lol. Funny how I haven't seen much retraction of the "those terrible police officers and their facist tactics" talk since we've now learned they pretty much did the right thing by this cache and the circumstances, but then again, I didn't expect to....LOL.


I guess it was so obvious that it didn't occur to me. I'll agree that they pretty much did the right thing in this case and they did display some common sense rather than throwing the book at Vacman. It even appears they have a sense of humor.


However, I do challenge their notion that caches are litter and that they have the right to tell Vacman not to place any more caches in the area.




Well Group..........

........You can also put caches anywhere in my jurisdiciton as well. (public location of course)


This is just an outstanding story. I think the PD needed to dispose of the evidence and took the only action available, call the owner.


As for me, being in the garbage...err... law enforcement business for some time now, I'd welcome some new and interesting stuff on my beat. It's obvious after speaking to the citizen-ry, that cachers are not felons...


....So take a moment and give the guy(cop) a chance. Hoping you'll be suprised at the friendly response.....not a promise the cop wont't be a butt-head, they show up in every business.


Just for the (off the) record, I get out of my crusier all the time and "foot patrol" some of our park areas....and I usually have my PDA/GPS with me....guess what I might be doing?

(By the way...our PD makes foot patrols mandatory....that metal box with the 4 tires makes for poor citizen intrercation.)


Your right....just checking the area. All clear dispatch....next call please.


Hope to see ya out there sometime (invitation extended to all)


Safe Caching,


Akron, Ohio


Well this has all been so much fun that I think I agree with everyone about putting this cache back into circulation. I was thinking of putting it right at the police station... or near enough to it so that you will need some info from a plaque or address, etc to finish it as a multi..? Any ideas here?


BTW: I put in a word with the sarg. there. I'm hoping he will be willing to divulge the real story.



Black holes are where God divided by zero.


man... you should rename it:


"i hope you like 'em"


near the police station sounds good. lemme know when it's in - this one is worth a visit! no good advice on what to do from me - i'm still new at placing... although there are great spots for micros in plain sight... i'm having fun with those downtown.




who's got the pig?


Originally posted by Breaktrack:

...Hmmmm, you're telling me you don't know cops have a sense of humor, too???...


Why can't they have that humor when they pull me over? Just once I'd like to hear "Oh, you are a geocacher and trying to be first time finder, I understand. Have a good day and Godspeed!"


Great story--this has the makings of a movie of the week. Can't wait to hear what unfolds next.


What ever you do, do not say any of the following as you deal with the local law enforcement reps:


- Hey, you must've been doing' about 125mph (200km/h) to keep up

with me! Good job!


- Sorry, Officer, I didn't realize my radar detector wasn't plugged



- I thought you had to be in relatively good physical condition to

be a Police Officer.


- Excuse me. Is "stick up" hyphenated?


- Hi Officer, Do you mind holding my beer while I find my driver's



- You know, I was going to be cop, but I decided to finish high

school instead.


- "Bad Cop! No Donut!"


- I was trying to keep up with traffic. Yes, I know there is no

other car around, that's how far I am behind the other cars.


- You're NOT gonna check the trunk, are you?


- Didn't I see you get your tail kicked on "COPS" last week on TV?


- Wow, You look just like the guy in the picture on my next to my

girlfriend's bed.


- I bet I could grab that gun before you finish writing my ticket.


- So, uh, you "on the take", or what?


- Gee, officer! That's terrific. The police officer yesterday only

gave me a warning too!


- Do you know why you pulled me over? Good, at least one of us does.


- So, are you still crabby because your mamma didn't let you play

with your gun when you were little?


- Hey is that a 9mm? That's nothing compared to this .44 magnum.


- Is it true that people become policemen because they are too dumb

to work at McDonald's?


Naturally folks--this is all in fun.


"I cache; therefore I am"


Ok now I found an easier way to find caches...I can even leave my GPS at home. I'll just take my dog. She's a drug trained German Shepard (She didn't make it in the Sherrif's dept cuz she didn't get big enough)....


I thought this was a family sport? What's with the drugs.


You have the right to remain clothed...any clothing removed can be held against you.

You have the right to a doobie. If you can not afford a doobie one will be cached for you.

You have a right to have a cache in your cell...

But not in Palos Verdes Estates...

You may sign a confession, and you may support that confession with lewd photos...

you are a candidate for "America's Dumbest Criminals...."


Someone ought to call them...




Trash-out, EVERYtime




Geo-cach-er, n. generally a highy technically competent person with lots of free time. (see also- "Unemployed", Computer administrator, aircraft technician- defense worker- dot-com executive- systems administrator, et.al)


Whew.........tuff crowd !!...


... I have a new cache for you guys. 1st, you need a properly clerked document, then a ride to the north of town, then an escort through the sally port, then.....well......you need an OJ suit, (Orange Jamies)....


.......BTW, if you don't find the cache, you can stay anyway........I mean you can't leave.....but free food and water..... and lots of outdoor work!!!!.....


B safe,



Some late suggestions :


The Jail House Cache

The Butcher-Pig Cache

The Stash Cache

The Toke-Poke Cache


Any others?



Black holes are where God divided by zero.


Originally posted by Vacman:

Some late suggestions :


The Jail House Cache

The Butcher-Pig Cache

The Stash Cache

The Toke-Poke Cache


Any others?


Out on Bail Cache

Code 11357 Cache

Parole Violation Cache

This Joint's in the Joint Cache


Maybe you could pick a few of your favorite suggestions and take a poll. icon_biggrin.gif You could even make the trade items all jail related. The possibilities are endless.




Originally posted by Renegade Knight:

Originally posted by Breaktrack:

...Hmmmm, you're telling me you don't know cops have a sense of humor, too???...


Why can't they have that humor when they pull me over? Just once I'd like to hear "Oh, you are a geocacher and trying to be first time finder, I understand. Have a good day and Godspeed!"


Hehehehe, hey, you just never got stopped by me!! I'm SURE that it would have gone exactly like that if you had.....ROFL!


Suuuurrrrre it would have.........



"Trade up, trade even, or don't trade!!!" My philosophy of life.


That pic is great--I'd feature the pic of the 'cache behind bars' on the page of the new placement..


You can write up the story and ask readers, 'so how are you going to get this one?'


It's awesome the police were so into it!


Cool.. I wish my cache camera would have such interesting features on it!




PS: Why don't you obscure or black out the 'privates' of said individual and go ahead and show us the culprit...


Take the camera to a professional photo developing service, or send it out to ofoto.com or similar.


Drug store types of photolabs will confiscate any nudity pictures, even naked baby bathrub pics (not the porn type). Professional labs won't do anything unless there are pictures of murder victims or something.


And if you tell them in advance that you're developing the pics from a known crime scene, they probably won't bother at all.


Originally posted by RJFerret:

That pic is great--I'd feature the pic of the 'cache behind bars' on the page of the new placement..


You can write up the story and ask readers, 'so how are you going to get this one?'


It's awesome the police were so into it!


Cool.. I wish my cache camera would have such interesting features on it!




PS: Why don't you obscure or black out the 'privates' of said individual and go ahead and show us the culprit...


Good idea on the picture inclusion. As far as the "privates" - there was nothing but the equipment in the 3 shots he took of himself....If I blurred it out - you wouldn't see much.... Speaking of not seeing much. This guy should have been too embarrassed to take a picture, much less three.... if you get my drift.



Black holes are where God divided by zero.


Originally posted by mortaine:

Take the camera to a professional photo developing service, or send it out to ofoto.com or similar.


Drug store types of photolabs will confiscate any nudity pictures, even naked baby bathrub pics (not the porn type). Professional labs won't do anything unless there are pictures of murder victims or something.


And if you tell them in advance that you're developing the pics from a known crime scene, they probably won't bother at all.


Well - you might have been posting from the first page and not realized that this thread had moved on to page two. I obviously have had the pic developed. icon_smile.gif



Black holes are where God divided by zero.


Well - you might have been posting from the first page and not realized that this thread had moved on to page two. I obviously have had the pic developed.


Yeah-- my bad.


VERY amusing, though. Much more so than my pathetic crack pipe cache find.


Congratulations Vacman. You have the only cache that has been detained for drug possession, incarcerated, had mug shots taken, and then released on its own recognizance to its guardian without any duty to return.


To be honest if this had happened to my cache, I'm just twisted enough that I would have played it for whatever I could. I probably would have edited the cache record to indicate the location had moved to the Palos Verdes Estates Police Department evidence room, and explain the way to access the cache is to enter the Police Department and ask for it. If they are wily enough to get the property clerk to bring it to them (unlikely), then kudos for them (take a picture of the cache as proof). If they are able to add to the log book, then they could be serious grifters if they had a mind to. If they are able to remove something from the box and add something else, then they should be considered super-geocachers. When done, they should tell the property clerk to return the cache to the evidence room so others can request it in the future.


On a serious note, I'd make sure that all traces of the so called offending substance are removed before re-hiding the cache. It doesn't take much in the way of smell for someone to get in trouble if the history of the cache is not known by local authorities.




The cache is scheduled to be re-released on parole Oct. 15th.



When everything is comming your way, you're in the wrong lane.


I almost didn't read this thread. Boy, am I glad I did icon_biggrin.gif Working all night left my mind devoid of clever commentary, so I'll just say thanks for making me pee my pants.


"We'd mount an expedition heading up into the bay,superstitious children playing Pirate for a Day."-Jimmy Buffett


Originally posted by Vacman:

Glad to provide the entertainment.



When everything is coming your way, you're in the wrong lane.


Some how I missed this thread earlier.


Having grown up in PVE (PVHS class of 71), I know all too well what the PVE Police Department is like. The first thing to remember is that although it is a very wealthy neighborhood, the City of PVE has very low revenue (those rich guys have all of the tax loopholes) and the City itself is relatively poor. The PVE Police Dept is just about the lowest paid in Southern California. Please read as: these guys can’t get a job anywhere else. I used to be on a first name basis with all of the uniformed and non-uniformed officers on the force and had the experience of spending the night in that cell or the one next to it.


The PVEPD has been busting partiers at the location of your cache for years and years. Although, I haven’t been to your cache, after studying the maps and photos, I know that I personally have partied hardy at the same spot. The PVEPD are going to do everything they can to discourage people from going to that spot. It is a great location, but you might be better off placing your caches in places that aren’t as obvious common party spots.


Unfortunately your cache had two strikes against it with the pervert and drugs. The fact that the PVEPD was involved doesn’t help matters. It’s a good thing that the PVEPD didn’t develop the pics, as it sure wouldn’t help your case to win approval. I don’t think they read the logbook either. Did you try responding to the email? It would be interesting to see if it came from the office that found the cache or from higher up that was investigating the find.


PVE has thousands of really great places to hide caches with spectacular views. It may be worthwhile to get permission from the PVE City Council. The same could be said of Rolling Hills Estates, and Rancho Palos Verdes. The problem is that PVE City Council may not want perverts, drug smokers, and worst of all flatlanders playing hide and seek in their city (of course they would never openly admit to the flatlanders part).


Finally, was the cache on PVE property or was it in Torrance as someone else suspected?


When in trouble, when in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout!


W5WAF de KM6FZ - icon_wink.gif hehe...


Trogdor! - The cache was in the city limits of Torrance, but you know how it is... pursuit of the crime and all.... I do have 1 other traditional and 2 multi caches on the "hill" here. I called the Sgt. back and talked to him at length (before I developed the pics), he was the A.O. on this one, but wouldn't give me any details beyond what I had already figured out. When I went to bail the cache out of jail, the girl there was completely clue-less and had no idea about anything. It was only later that we knew there had been some fun at my poor caches expense... icon_smile.gif



When everything is coming your way, you're in the wrong lane.


Originally posted by Breaktrack:

Originally posted by Renegade Knight:

Originally posted by Breaktrack:

...Hmmmm, you're telling me you don't know cops have a sense of humor, too???...


Why can't they have that humor when they pull me over? Just once I'd like to hear "Oh, you are a geocacher and trying to be first time finder, I understand. Have a good day and Godspeed!"


Hehehehe, hey, you just never got stopped by me!! I'm SURE that it would have gone exactly like that if you had.....ROFL!


Suuuurrrrre it would have.........



"Trade up, trade even, or don't trade!!!" My philosophy of life.


I think it would have gone something like this, "I'm a geocacher and trying to be FTF", to which Breaktrack would confiscate all materials, have the wagon called in to take the geocacher to jail, then go on to be the FTF.


Well you can add one more thing to your caches unique experiences. While reading the logs for the cache, I noticed that Electric Shavers did one of their Opps, I accidentally logged a find and oh yeah then I accidentally I logged a geocoin in and out of your cache, because the numbers o the coin were too small. Sorry for the inconvenience. These guys have been logging bogus finds all over the world. You can deny them the find by deleting it as the owner or maybe you could post a note highlighting the bogus find adding to the character of the cache.


There was a whole thread onElectric shavers bogus TBs and cache finds about a month ago


When in trouble, when in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout!


Trogdor! - Thanks for the clue about Electric Shavers. I deleted the find.... amazing! I didn't even notice that log.. I'm thinking that the logged it after I archived it... using an older date so I would NOT notice it.



When everything is coming your way, you're in the wrong lane.


The thing with the camera kind of reminds me of the "lineup" request in the movie "PORKY'S".



Most folks think of the police as some kind of boogey man. Well, most of them are guys and gals like the rest of us. The biggest problem I think I'd have around here if I were confronted by an officer is that within a few minutes, half the force would be around offering their advice. (Yeah, police and firemen have advice about everything)




[This message was edited by Bill-W5WAF on September 30, 2003 at 03:02 PM.]


OK - PART #4 on this story....


I was just received a call from the local newpaper and they want to do a story on Geocaching. It turns out that the reporter's wife is a cacher and she had found this cache shortly before all of this happened. I am going to do my darndest to try to influence the story so that geocaching comes out looking good, but with what has happened with this particular cache.... who knows... icon_smile.gif


The reporter wants to take me, and a photographer up the cache site for the photo-op for the article. I am going to do the rehide near the same area and will get everyone here the link or permission to post when the feature comes out.


In other words the Jail-House Cache (aka Butcher Hill) wll be released early from prison... released early because of good-behavior.



When everything is coming your way, you're in the wrong lane.


I was just interviewed by the reporter for the geocaching article. Vacman was kind enough to mention me as another cacher he could talk to. It was a very straightforward interview and focused mostly on my experience with geocaching. He did mention that the police confiscation angle was intriguing but I have a feeling he'll still put a positive spin on geocaching. We shall see!




Yeah - The reporter, photographer, and I went up and hid the new replacement cache this morning. They took some pictures, asked some more questions and we should see the story published this weekend. I also refered them to EScout as well. When the article comes out I will be sure to post the link to it here.



When everything is coming your way, you're in the wrong lane.


Thanks for the challenge Vacman! I stuck out on my first attempt but I'll be back shortly. I guess the fugitive cache is hiding out a little better this time. bad_boy_a.gif




As always... make sure you read the page carefully first...... icon_razz.gif



When everything is coming your way, you're in the wrong lane.

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