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Gripe about deliberate wrong coords on cache pages.

Mark 42

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Yesterday we went to one where the coords at the top were for the parking area, and the actual cache coords were down in the description. This makes all of the linkable maps way off, so that a person who is trying to find it with just a map & compass will be out of luck when he uses the maps he printed from the cache's links.


Please, post the actual Coords of the cache in the correct manner so that they end up in big bold print at the top of the page.


I think that the administrators would really enhance the site by allowing the system to accept 47° 24.ABC x 122° 33.XYZ as coordinates to be printed at the top for caches where the coords are part of a puzzle (like multi caches).


Fortunately, people have made it obvious most of the time by using 47° 24.000 x 122° 33.000 or putting the waypoint out in the water, or placing a large red lettered message stating that the coords given are not where the cache is.


Maybe a special way that the system treats them so that the Topo map prints w/ a target labeled "Park Here" or "Start Here", or no links to the Topo map, just a Yahoo map with the above (Park Here) label.


I hope that someday we will be able to put away

our fears and prejudices and just laugh at people.

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Originally posted by Mark 42:

this makes all of the linkable maps way off, so that a person who is trying to find it with just a map & compass will be out of luck when he uses the maps he printed from the cache's links.




Try using a GPS and it really won't matter. As time goes along and you get more experinced these little things won't bother you.


El Diablo


Everything you do in life...will impact someone,for better or for worse.


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I'm not thinking of myself... I have learned to read the whole page very carefully, but the Topo map being way off is not at all intuitive, and could give fits to a newcomer.


I now have a decent GPS, so I only search w/o it when I go jogging somewhere, and before I leave for my jog I see if the area has any caches (I like to go to places with forest service roads & mtn. bike trails to jog & scout for hashing trails to lay).


Making the website as user friendly as possible just makes it easier for beginners not to get discouraged, and also makes it less likely for a veteran to make a simple mistake that might lead to a lot of frustration.


I hope that someday we will be able to put away

our fears and prejudices and just laugh at people.

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I agree that if you are going to give parking coordinates and correct cache coordinates, that the parking coordinates should be in the text, and the cache coordinates should be in the Header, and if the actual cache coordinates aren't in the header for any reason, it should be noted in bold, large, or red lettering in the text.


In the case of the cache you went to, I don't see how it could have caused a problem, unless you didn't bring the cache description page with you (reading the description would solve any problem), as the cache was 1/2 mile from the parking coordinates. That's one of the reasons why I always bring the description sheet.


This is a game designed for people who have a GPSr, so if you use a compass and a map, you should take extra care to read the description, and supply your own map, (the MapQuest maps can be a bit misleading sometimes).


Anybody just starting this game/sport should be paying even more attention to the cache description, and maybe this will drive that lesson home.



If trees could scream, would we still cut them down?

Well, maybe if they screamed all the time, for no reason.

Click here for my Geocaching pictures and Here (newest)


[This message was edited by martmann on August 10, 2003 at 04:27 PM.]

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You shouldn't use the maps out of the links. The topo is off. The arial map may or may not be right on as far as datum but is sure isn't helpful to not have an "X" marking the spot.


Also there are caches that you really, really, really need people to park at a specific location.


You should always read the cache description or you will run into these problems. Actually if you don't read the cache page you should expect these problems.


Welcome to one of the nuances of the game.

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Originally posted by Mark 42:

I'm not thinking of myself... I have learned to read the whole page very carefully, but the Topo map being way off is not at all intuitive, and could give fits to a newcomer.




No offense...but you are a newcomer. The topic of your post was basically that people delibertly post wrong coordinates...thats not true. You just have to learn to read the entire page before you go high tailing it off to the cache.


El Diablo


Everything you do in life...will impact someone,for better or for worse.


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As prime suspect says if you can't read its your own fault. And that is just what happened when a cacher went for this Cache and had to hike up the hill again. And this -Cache- only tells you where the fun begins, you must decipher the clues. And I wouldn't use any maps from topo zone or others for a map and compass search. They just lack the necessary information to make a compass talk to the map. Use the NG Topo program for that.


Tahosa - Dweller of Mountain Tops.

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QUOTE: "...these little things won't bother you."--El Diablo



El Diablo, you really crack me up sometimes, with your matter of fact comments. You are definitely a sharp witted gentleman. icon_biggrin.gif


==============="If it feels good...do it"================


**(the other 9 out of 10 voices in my head say: "Don't do it.")**



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