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A suggestion to anyone placing a cache.

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Hello fellow Geocachers!


One of the things I have noticed while going on hunts is all of the trash that people leave in our parks and scenic places. It was suggested to me by one of the kids that we should put plastic grocery bags in caches so that people can follow the Geocaching motto of "Cache in and Trash out". On the last hunt we hauled out a bag full of odds and ends that were left behind by inconsiderate people. Mostly stuff like candy wrappers and kleenex, but trash is trash. Help keep our parks clean and happy geocaching!



"Be who you are and say how you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind" - Dr. Seuss

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Set up a cache in Fort Atkinson State Park in celebration of the bicentennial of Lewis and Clark who held their tribal council there. Left a trash bag in the cache. Hopefully it won't be needed, but its there to be used.


Good suggestion. Jeremy should consider adding this to the instruction sheet for hiding caches.


remybussi.gif By appointment to the Court of HRM Queen Mikki I. remybussi.gif

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Good deal BigRed. icon_smile.gif


Our plan is to start leaving a few bags in caches that we find. Of course, remember to actually BRING the bags is a whole different matter. icon_wink.gif But its a start. Hopefully if more people start doing this, Geocaching might become more acceptable with the National Park folks.



"Be who you are and say how you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind" - Dr. Seuss

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Can't remember which thread I read it in, but many of us are packing trash bags into 35mm film containers, and putting a "cache in, trash out" logo on the container. Leave these in caches as a bonus along with your trade item, and put a few in every cache you place. I also carry a few in my geo-vest. The nice thing about the film cans is they keep the bag compact instead of expanding to take up half the space in the cache container.



If there's no accounting for stupidity, then why do I need to file a tax return?

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I've seen several caches around here with trash bags in them and I used them at first (now I bring my own). Bigredmed, I haven't been paying enough attention to the Omaha area lately! I had thought of placing one at Ft. Atkinson and didn't know there was one there!!!! I'll have to go find it!



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It is always a good feeling for me to pick up trash when out caching...it surprises me how thoughtless and careless people are...you carried that beer bottle in with you, how hard is it to take it out with you ! Great idea and i am going to start doing that with the film canister, shoot, picking up a small bag of trash makes it a better world! now if i can only clean my truck out !!!


Darkmoon [}icon_smile.gif]


No, I am not lost...I am where I am suppose to be...At least I think so?

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For years the national parks and state parks have add in effect a "pack it in, pack it out" rule for more remote areas..... I always carry trash bag(s) in back pack so less responsible people do not clutter up my wilderness.....


Yes I pack their trash out ...





I'm Diagonally Parked, In A Parallel Universe.


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I trash extra out as needed. Some dont have litter. Some you need a flatbed and a dumpster. Everything I bring in goes out with me. Everything. Even the cigarettee butts. I smoked em so my pocket should smell like smoke and some bird doesnt use it in her nest. I remember when I was a young kid NJ (early 80's) really pushed it in there state parks. They still do, its a rule,but they used to have stations with garbage bags that had the trash in trash out logo. I dont see them anymore. But that is what got me started, free trash bags. While my dad was fishing I would go along as a young kid picking up trash along the river that other fishermen left. Finding all kinds of good stuff along the way, hooks, lures, bait, gear, you name it. I just cant tow Volkswagen Beetles out of the woods. I have to leave the refigerators behind too.


Plus, picking up litter is a better excuse then geocaching, its self explanitory, unlike geochahcing. I rouses less suspision. Gives you some cover.

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We always carry empty plastic bags for trashing out and quite often use them. I'm going to print a bunch of 'Cache in, trash out' stickers for photo capsules and place them in a few caches.


A bag in each cache would certainly be hint enough for those that may not participate in trashing out now (or may not be aware of the concept -- yes there are a few that I've met).


Any efforts to promote picking up litter along the trail is only good for the sport.


Mom told me -- "If you're going to have a party, clean the house real good first, that way people will respect it and won't be as inclined to leave a mess". Same goes for wilderness areas. And Mom is always right. icon_biggrin.gif



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I am glad to see others out there doing the same. icon_smile.gif It only takes one bad apple to give this sport a bad name. BTW, I love the idea with the film cannisters and stickers. My group will start taking a few of those along too. Excellent suggestion!


Happy hunting!


"Be who you are and say how you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind" - Dr. Seuss

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Originally posted by The Leprechauns:

Can't remember which thread I read it in, but many of us are packing trash bags into 35mm film containers, and putting a "cache in, trash out" logo on the container.


This was the thread in which this was discussed.


I think this is a great idea. I made up a couple of dozen of these and will begin to toss them in caches.


Whenever I feel blue, I start breathing again.

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Originally posted by roasteroo:

Plus, picking up litter is a better excuse then geocaching, its self explanitory, unlike geochahcing. I rouses less suspision. Gives you some cover.


And if you dress waay down and mumble to yourself while picking up trash and cigarette buts... anyone else around will quickly leave the area. Just make sure they don't see the GPSr or you'll look REALLY suspicious!


"There's no need to be afraid of strange noises in the night. Anything that intends you harm... will stalk you silently."

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Any good suggestions to carry out sharp chunks of broken glass? It seems to cut through baggies after a while, especially when jammed into a pack.


Anyone else ever pick up a bottle or can and have some big spider or centipede crawl out later into the backpack? I try to seal up carry out trash because of the critters.


"There's no need to be afraid of strange noises in the night. Anything that intends you harm... will stalk you silently."

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Regarding glass-


you could probably have a designated 'sharp objects' plastic container for when you hike. A wide-mouth nalganine/etc type water bottle should work well for longer hikes, and the gladware type containers should be fine for shorter trips.


I walk the Maze of Moments, but everywhere I turn to, begins a new beginning, but never finds a finish... -Enya, Anywhere Is

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