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Does dropping the GPS affect it's accuracy?


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I got my eTrex Summit when they first came out a couple years ago. I forgot to remove the unit from top of my old truck when I left the Paddy Go Easy Pass trailhead. Twenty miles down the road...I realized hey where is my gps!? Then I realized...oh,****! Three cars had passed me by already. Drove back and found the unit on side fo the road just hundred yards away from TH. Just some small scuff marks on housing...unit has performed exceptionally well for me since then...close to 350 finds with this baby. They are built real tough.

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Well does dragged all over the house count? Was over at my mother in laws and had set my Garmin Legend on the coffee table. Curiousity got the best of the cat and he pulled it down and managed to get tangled in the lanyard. He must have thought it "attacked" him so he took off like his tail was on fire. Of course the GPS kept up with him bouncing off of the corners of "EVERYTHING" and finally came loose. Needless to say it was a suprise to find it not works, but there wasn't a scratch on it.

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I have noticed a problem with my Meriplat when I drop it off the car dashboard. It seems to upset the electronic compass badly. In fact it causes it to be 180 degrees out!!


Switching off and re-calibrating it puts it back as good as new though.




It is better to regret something you did, rather than to regret something you didn't do.

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Originally posted by wkendrvr:

Well does dragged all over the house count? Was over at my mother in laws and had set my Garmin Legend on the coffee table. Curiousity got the best of the cat and he pulled it down and managed to get tangled in the lanyard. He must have thought it "attacked" him so he took off like his tail was on fire. Of course the GPS kept up with him bouncing off of the corners of "EVERYTHING" and finally came loose. Needless to say it was a suprise to find it not works, but there wasn't a scratch on it.


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me you had your tracking on...that would be one interesting display. Maybe some of us cat owners could recreate it and see whos cat has the fastest top speed or if they all run in a genetically determined pattern of avoidance.


I'm already looking at how to adapt a 'RAM Mount' to fit a cat icon_eek.gificon_eek.gif...just a little more duct tape and I think I got it!!! icon_razz.gificon_razz.gificon_razz.gif


GPSr's...A step in the right direction!

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Originally posted by MedicP1:

Originally posted by wkendrvr:

Well does dragged all over the house count? Was over at my mother in laws and had set my Garmin Legend on the coffee table. Curiousity got the best of the cat and he pulled it down and managed to get tangled in the lanyard. He must have thought it "attacked" him so he took off like his tail was on fire. Of course the GPS kept up with him bouncing off of the corners of "EVERYTHING" and finally came loose. Needless to say it was a suprise to find it not works, but there wasn't a scratch on it.


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me you had your tracking on...that would be one interesting display. Maybe some of us cat owners could recreate it and see whos cat has the fastest top speed or if they all run in a genetically determined pattern of avoidance.


I'm already looking at how to adapt a 'RAM Mount' to fit a cat icon_eek.gificon_eek.gif...just a little more duct tape and I think I got it!!! icon_razz.gificon_razz.gificon_razz.gif


GPSr's...A step in the right direction!


That would have been neat! Unfortunately it was off, and in the house icon_rolleyes.gif


BTW, no cats were harmed in this post. (Just his ego icon_biggrin.gif )

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