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Map 76s reception


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Originally posted by Fungirl:


Last weekend I walked side-by-side with an etrex user. He had 4 or 5 satellites the whole time...I had nothing.


Howdy, FG! Be aware that the Map76 series has a different type of antenna than the eTrex series. Whereas the eTrex's patch antenna needs to be orientated upward (holding the unit horizontally in front of you with the Garmin logo facing the overhead sky), the Map76's quad-helix antenna needs to be orientated vertically (holding the unit vertically in front of you with the Garmin logo staring you in the face). This will ensure proper reception. Also, holding the unit as high as you can and as far away from your body as possible will also aid reception, especially in dense woods.




In those cases where I need to set my Map76 down onto a flat surface (such as next to a benchmark for inclusion in a photo—see pic) I resort to attaching an active remote patch-style antenna, like the type that's used in the eTrex.


Hope this helps.


Cheers ...


~Rich in NEPA~


--- A man with a GPS receiver knows where he is; a man with two GPS receivers is never sure. ---

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I have used my GPS76 with etrex type units and the 76 usually has better reception. The orientation of the GPSR makes a difference (see Rich's post). But I would speculate that the etrex user allowed his GPS to operate for a while in the open, or had used the GPS just before the hike, and you had not. If you wait until you get into deep woods to turn on the unit, and you have not used it recently, it may have trouble downloading the almanac it needs to operate. Result ... no position. Having WAAS activated in such a situation may compound the problem with some units. Otherwise, I would say there is something wrong with your GPS76.




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I have nothing but great things to say about my 76S and reception is one of them. I constantly bring in 4 or 5 sats minimum and much more often I usually bring in more. I tested my 76S against our Trimble from work and I am happy to say that during my very un-scientific tests my 76S held coordinates that were within 1 meter of the Trimbles. Considering the const of the Trimble, I am very happy. icon_smile.gif

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I have a Vista and a 76S ... love them both .. but that whole use of compass vs orientation of the antenna is a major annoyance at times. Spent so much time with my Vista ... this might actually be the issue from a person point of referece ... but I almost wish I had an option on the side of the unit to attach a rotating antenna ... like the V. Much easier than my remote antenna like Rich shows in his photo. BY THE WAY HI RICH ... LONG TIME NO CHAT!!! icon_biggrin.gif



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