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Garmin GPS V Deluxe

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TVNAV.com is advertising the deluxe version at $499 and the regular Garmin V with one unlock code for $360. Unfortunately they are "closed" this week. icon_mad.gif


I just ordered the regular Garmin V from Offroute.com (I don't think I'll travel enough outside of my own region to justify the extra $$$). They are out of stock right now for either version. Price there is $380, no info. on deluxe version.


So if you need a Garmin V ASAP, keep looking!

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TVNAV.com is advertising the deluxe version at $499 and the regular Garmin V with one unlock code for $360. Unfortunately they are "closed" this week. icon_mad.gif


I just ordered the regular Garmin V from Offroute.com (I don't think I'll travel enough outside of my own region to justify the extra $$$). They are out of stock right now for either version. Price there is $380, no info. on deluxe version.


So if you need a Garmin V ASAP, keep looking!

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Just remember...


You can buy the GPS V now and order the CS update from garmin. When it arrives, you get to unlock the same region of the update for free, BUT... at that time, you'll be offered an all-unlock of the CS update for $50.


I ordered a GPS V from tvnav.com last friday and received it yesterday (great folks at tvnav.com) and I figure it like this...


GPS V ($360) + CS update all unlock ($50) equals

a GPS V deluxe for $410.


The garmin website is a bit confusing about the upgrade. Their tables list the all unlock upgrade as $100, but if you read the hypothetical situations they've included (the single region one about "Bob"), the very last line states that the CS all unlock is $50. This sounded too good to be true, so I emailed garmin about it and was assured that when my update arrives and I go back to unlock my same free region on the update, I'll have the chance to buy an all unlock for $50. And I guess if you don't do it then, you'll pay more to do it later.




[This message was edited by xeman on June 05, 2002 at 06:30 PM.]

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I concur. I purchased a V on 12 May. I registered the unit and did the unlock thing for the one free region. I was advised at that time that for units purchased after April 22 I was entitled to the free upgrade of City Select shipping later in June. Furthermore, I should not do a total unlock now but wait until the new version shipped and at that time I should unlock the original free region plus do the total unlock thing if I so desire. Lot of BS I know. WE'll see what happens. By the way the URL for the FAQ section @ Garmin for mapping upgrades is..http://shop.garmin.com/cartography/mapsource/faq.asp

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Originally posted by rwinters:

Well, I just made the plunge and i will pay for the total unlock code when available. Now I just hope that Garmin doesn't surprise us with a New V that includes upgradeable memory card and a USB port.


Yeah, no kidding! I kept reading about all of the *really* cool stuff folks were doing with their MeriGolds and a 128mb card. I had just about convinced myself that MeriGold was the way to go, but then realized, after all, that I wanted automapping and so I took the GPS V plunge. After driving around town with it for the last two days, I'm glad I did. It's truly incredible (around here anyway).

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