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Is there any way to place cache locations onto a map on PDA?

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I have Microsoft Streets and Trips. Unfortunately it doesn't look like there's anyway to place cache locations onto maps on my PDA.


Anyone have any suggestions?


Let my heart be still a moment and this mystery explore


Well, I do know how to do it in S&T on a laptop but I have no experience with PDA's or the version of S&T for PDA's. I would think that you could do it since it can be done on a laptop. I guess that's about zero help for you other than to let you know it works on a laptop.


Originally posted by Faderaven:

I have Microsoft Streets and Trips. Unfortunately it doesn't look like there's anyway to place cache locations onto maps on my PDA.


GPSBabel can convert .loc, .gpx, and whatever format files to PocketStreets Pushpins for PocketStreets S2002/2003. There's a README on how it all works..


The other route is to import your geocaches into S&T and creating a PocketStreets map. The PocketStreets map export will create a PocketStreets Pushpin file for whatever pushpins are in the area of the map.


Hope this helps!




P.S. I think USA Photo Maps does Pushpins also. I'm not too sure.


There is also GPXview. It runs on your pocket PC 2002 device and exports MS Streets and Trips pushpins directly. The key is you can only get the raw GPX info you need by becomming a charter member here on Geocaching.com. You can then set up what search criteria you are after and the info is e-mailed directly to you! Just import to GPXview and you can review the complete cach info ( like the web page! ) and export all the caches in the file to a Pushpin for MS S & T.


GPXview can be found here.GPX View


Let me know if you need more help,




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