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what do you think works better Magellan or Garmin


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I have both a Magellan 315 and a Garmin Etrex

My opinion is the Magellan prodects tend to work much better I have tried 4 products of each company and feel Magellan takes it hands down

would love to hear back on other experiances

When it comes to customer care I also feel that magellan is there for the customer with Garmin all I got was rude people that pretty much tells you how you are wrong all the time . my personal opinon is that the customer is always right even when they are wrong with out us they would not be around icon_smile.gif


Originally posted by awskoa:

I have both a Magellan 315 and a Garmin Etrex

My opinion is the Magellan prodects tend to work much better I have tried 4 products of each company and feel Magellan takes it hands down

would love to hear back on other experiances

When it comes to customer care I also feel that magellan is there for the customer with Garmin all I got was rude people that pretty much tells you how you are wrong all the time . my personal opinon is that the customer is always right even when they are wrong with out us they would not be around icon_smile.gif


That's eight GPSrs to find three caches! dadgum, you're way overequipped.




yes I dont keep all gps I just try them and return them also I have found more then 3 caches just forget to log them on line . bought a note pad to keep a log of the caches so I can log them online


For years I would have said Garmin has the better customer service by far. Since Magellan changed hands though they've been working hard at improving the customer service. To me, it seems to work, and I would agree they have great customer service Now. I kind of like Garmins too, although they take way to long to answer the phone. They still seem better than most electronic companies to me.


As for which product is better, it pretty much depends to me. My two primary GPS units at the moment are a Legend and a sportrak map. They both have strengths in areas, weaknesses in others. Which I like better depends in a large part on how I'll be using it that day, my mood, whether or not I had eggs for breakfast etc.... In general though, I prefer the legend for handheld use and when taking directional guidance while on the move. I prefer the Sportrak for vehicle use or when taking fixed position readings.


For what it's worth




[This message was edited by Searching_ut on January 28, 2003 at 01:04 PM.]


I only have a Garmin Map76 and I think it's awesome. My buddy has a Magellan and it doesn't compare. To be honest though mine is a better model. You know apples and oranges. icon_wink.gif


Still looking!


I've heard that the Magellam Sportrak keeps its fix under trees, in valleys or even indoors much better than my GPSV. Is this true and is it also true of the Magellan Meridian which I quite fancy buying.


When I go into the wood with my Meridian Green and can keep a sat lock without a problem. I've had friends that the min the step under the smallest of folliage their Garmin starts beeping "poor sat covarage" I have upgraded and bought a Meridian Color now and love it icon_biggrin.gif

Now the uppper end Garmins like GPS V have a great antenna. My cacheing buddy has one and we both get good sat coverage just about anywhere. But I dislike the Etrex, ledgend and the other ones in that series. They all have poor antennas in my opinion. If you notice thats what people are trying to sell the most of when you look at the Garage sale forms.


My first GPS was a Magellan, I used it for a few years before it broke.. I then bought a Garmin. To tell you the truth, I cant tell the difference. They both seem equal to me, and when my Magellan broke, customer service offered to buy it back from me, even though it was at least 4 years old. I guess it comes down to what you want and are willing to spend.


I have a MeriGold and my son has an Etrex Vista. We go out together often and we can't help from comparing products. They both are great. I prefer mine because I can see the screen better but his has a higher resolution which looks good.


One thing that we both agree upon is that the MeriGold gets much better reception under the canopy of trees.


It's just like Fords and Chevys - personal opinion.


Ford or Chevy?


Toyota or Nissan?


I don't think its a brand thing so much as a specific model and its features/capabitlites...


Unless you are talking customer service...


That being said I like my Meridian Plat.


I first owned (actually still do) a Garmin 45XL. Worked pretty well, even when the old SA was still active. Have also used a Magellan ProMark X. That thing sucks the life out of the batteries like nobodys business. I now use a MeriGreen. It is the best. Use TOPO with it. Picked the Merigreen because of the map screen and Topo capability, plus the memory is not fixed like the Garmins.

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